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Item Recommendation with Variational Autoencoders and Heterogeneous Priors

Published: 06 October 2018 Publication History


In recent years, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have been shown to be highly effective in both standard collaborative filtering applications and extensions such as incorporation of implicit feedback. We extend VAEs to collaborative filtering with side information, for instance when ratings are combined with explicit text feedback from the user. Instead of using a user-agnostic standard Gaussian prior, we incorporate user-dependent priors in the latent VAE space to encode users' preferences as functions of the review text. Taking into account both the rating and the text information to represent users in this multimodal latent space is promising to improve recommendation quality. Our proposed model is shown to outperform the existing VAE models for collaborative filtering (up to 29.41% relative improvement in ranking metric) along with other baselines that incorporate both user ratings and text for item recommendation.


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    DLRS 2018: Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
    October 2018
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    Published: 06 October 2018


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    1. Deep Learning
    2. Item Recommendation
    3. Probabilistic Modeling
    4. Text Mining
    5. Variational Autoencoders


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