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A Novel Approach to Optimize Fault-Tolerant Hybrid Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures

Published: 15 March 2016 Publication History


Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) architectures have emerged as a promising interconnection infrastructure to address the performance limitations of traditional wire-based multihop NOCs. Nevertheless, the WNoC systems encounter high failure rates due to problems pertaining to integration and manufacturing of wireless interconnection in nano-domain technology. As a result, the permanent failures may lead to the formation of any shape of faulty regions in the interconnection network, which can break down the whole system. This issue is not investigated in previous studies on WNoC architectures. Our solution advocates the adoption of communication structures with both node and link on disjoint paths. On the other hand, the imposed costs of WNoC design must be reasonable. Hence, a novel approach to design an optimized fault-tolerant hybrid hierarchical WNoC architecture for enhancing performance as well as minimizing system costs is proposed. The experimental results indicate that the robustness of this newly proposed design is significantly enhanced in comparison with its the fault-tolerant wire-based counterparts in the presence of various faulty regions under both synthetic and application-specific traffic patterns.


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  1. A Novel Approach to Optimize Fault-Tolerant Hybrid Wireless Network-on-Chip Architectures



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    cover image ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems
    ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems  Volume 12, Issue 4
    Regular Papers
    July 2016
    394 pages
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    Published: 15 March 2016
    Accepted: 01 August 2015
    Revised: 01 June 2015
    Received: 01 December 2014
    Published in JETC Volume 12, Issue 4


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    1. Multicore systems
    2. fault-tolerance
    3. multi-objective optimization
    4. network-on-chip
    5. permanent fault
    6. wireless interconnection


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