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10.1145/2781562.2781605acmotherconferencesArticle/Chapter ViewAbstractPublication PagesicecConference Proceedingsconference-collections

Connected IT Usage and Trade Show Effectiveness: Developing to Smart Trade Show

Published: 03 August 2015 Publication History


This study evaluates the salient factors of connected information technology (IT) usage (pre and on usage) in Trade Shows(TSs). The IT Usage of TSs has been actively developed by exhibitors and organizers in order to provide attendees with effectiveness and satisfaction. Due to the use of IT, these TSs operate somewhat effectively and cooperate with other transactions. TSs should consider effectiveness as a multidimensional circumstance, including pre and on usage of IT are adapted to managing effectiveness. Based on a literature review, the present article conceptualizes the `Smart Trade Show' and describes relationship within the construct, connected IT usage in TS context. The relationship between the connected IT usage and visitors' satisfaction also was measured. The article explores three factors of pre usage of IT from the DeLone and Mclean IS Success Model(Information Quality, System Quality, Service Quality) and four factors of on usage of IT from the Product Intelligence Theory(ability to cooperate, reactivity, humanlike interaction, personality). Little empirical research has been generated with respect to the relationships with connected IT usage and visitors' effectiveness and satisfaction. The article considers practical and theoretical implications and identifies future research directions.


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Index Terms

  1. Connected IT Usage and Trade Show Effectiveness: Developing to Smart Trade Show



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    ICEC '15: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Electronic Commerce 2015
    August 2015
    268 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

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    Published: 03 August 2015


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    Author Tags

    1. Connected IT Usage
    2. DeLone and Mclean IS Success Model (D&M IS Success Model)
    3. Product Intelligence Theory (PIT)
    4. Smart Trade Show
    5. Trade Show Effectiveness Model(TS-EM)


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