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Revisiting LP-NUCA Energy Consumption: Cache Access Policies and Adaptive Block Dropping

Published: 01 June 2014 Publication History


Cache working-set adaptation is key as embedded systems move to multiprocessor and Simultaneous Multithreaded Architectures (SMT) because interthread pollution harms system performance and battery life. Light-Power NUCA (LP-NUCA) is a working-set adaptive cache that depends on temporal-locality to save energy. This work identifies the sources of energy waste in LP-NUCAs: parallel access to the tag and data arrays of the tiles and low locality phases with useless block migration. To counteract both issues, we prove that switching to serial access reduces energy without harming performance and propose a machine learning Adaptive Drop Rate (ADR) controller that minimizes the amount of replacement and migration when locality is low.
This work demonstrates that these techniques efficiently adapt the cache drop and access policies to save energy. They reduce LP-NUCA consumption 22.7% for 1SMT. With interthread cache contention in 2SMT, the savings rise to 29%. Versus a conventional organization, energy--delay improves 20.8% and 25% for 1- and 2SMT benchmarks, and, in 65% of the 2SMT mixes, gains are larger than 20%.


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  1. Revisiting LP-NUCA Energy Consumption: Cache Access Policies and Adaptive Block Dropping



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    cover image ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization
    ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization  Volume 11, Issue 2
    June 2014
    210 pages
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    Association for Computing Machinery

    New York, NY, United States

    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2014
    Accepted: 01 March 2014
    Revised: 01 February 2014
    Received: 01 May 2013
    Published in TACO Volume 11, Issue 2


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    Author Tags

    1. NUCA
    2. embedded processors
    3. energy
    4. hill climbing
    5. locality of reference


    • Research-article
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    • Refereed

    Funding Sources

    • European Social Fund
    • (Spanish Gov. and European ERDF)
    • Consolider CSD2007-00050 (Spanish Gov.)
    • gaZ: T48 research group (Aragón Gov. and European ESF)


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