Cross-Modal Quantization for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
Pages 10251 - 10263
Learning proper representations for speech and gesture is essential for co-speech gesture generation. Existing approaches either utilize direct representations or independently encode the speech and gesture, which neglect the joint representation to highlight the interplay between these two modalities. In this work, we propose a novel Cross-modal Quantization (CMQ) to jointly learn the quantized codes for speech and gesture together. Such representation highlights the speech-gesture interaction before actually learning the complex mapping, and thus better suits the intricate mapping between speech and gesture. Specifically, the Cross-modal Quantizer jointly encodes speech and gesture as discrete codebooks, enabling better cross-modal interaction. Cross-modal Predictor subsequently utilizes the learned codebooks to autoregressively predict the next-step gesture. With cross-modal quantization, our approach yields much higher codebook usage and generates more realistic and diverse gestures in practice. Extensive experiments are conducted on both 3D and 2D datasets as well as the subjective user study, demonstrating a clear performance gain compared to several baseline models in terms of audio-visual alignment and gesture diversity. In particular, our method demonstrates a three-fold improvement in diversity compared to baseline models, while simultaneously maintaining high motion fidelity.
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- Cross-Modal Quantization for Co-Speech Gesture Generation
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Facilitating multiparty dialog with gaze, gesture, and speech
ICMI-MLMI '10: International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces and the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal InteractionWe study how synchronized gaze, gesture and speech rendered by an embodied conversational agent can influence the flow of conversations in multiparty settings. We begin by reviewing a computational framework for turn-taking that provides the foundation ...
Automatic inference of cross-modal nonverbal interactions in multiparty conversations: "who responds to whom, when, and how?" from gaze, head gestures, and utterances
ICMI '07: Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfacesA novel probabilistic framework is proposed for analyzing cross-modal nonverbal interactions in multiparty face-to-face conversations. The goal is to determine "who responds to whom, when, and how" from multimodal cues including gaze, head gestures, and ...
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