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Generalized Multiway Branch Unit for VLIW Microprocessors

Published: 01 August 1995 Publication History


VLIW processors use multiway branch instructions to achieve high-speed, parallel evaluation of control structures. This paper introduces a new multiway branch mechanism that allows constant-time branch-target resolution based on an arbitrary condition tree. The unique feature of this mechanism is its target selection unit, which yields a branch-target based on a set of condition bit values and a condition tree description. A representation of condition trees that results in a compact target selection unit is described, and the logic diagram of a target selection unit that provides a four-way branching is shown. Our experimental results on nontrivial integer benchmarks indicate that the proposed multiway branch unit can improve the performance of VLIW machines substantially (i.e., as much as a geometric mean of 35%), compared to using the conventional two-way branching.


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cover image IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems  Volume 6, Issue 8
August 1995
129 pages


IEEE Press

Publication History

Published: 01 August 1995

Author Tags

  1. Instruction-level parallelism
  2. VLIW compiler
  3. VLIW microprocessor
  4. condition tree
  5. generalized multiway branching
  6. mirror normalization
  7. superscalar microprocessor.


  • Research-article


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