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Physical hypermedia: augmenting physical material with hypermedia structures

Published: 01 January 2003 Publication History


This paper introduces the notion of physical hypermedia, addressing the problem of organizing material in mixed digital and physical environments. Based on empirical studies, we propose concepts for collectional actions and meta-data actions, and present prototypes combining principles from augmented reality and hypermedia to support organization of mixtures of digital and physical materials. Our prototype of a physical hypermedia system is running on an augmented architect's desk and digital walls utilizing Radio Frequency Identifier (RFID) tags as well as visual tags tracked by cameras. It allows users to tag physical materials, and have these tracked by readers (antennas) that may become pervasive in our work environments. In the physical hypermedia system, we work with three categories of RFID tags: simple object tags, collectional tags, and <i>tooltags</i> invoking operations such as grouping and linking of physical material. In addition, we utilize visual ARToolKit tags for linking and navigating 3D models on a physical desk. Our primary application domain is architecture and design, and so we discuss the use of augmented collectional artifacts primarily for this domain.


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Published In

cover image Hypermedia
Hypermedia  Volume 9, Issue 1
January 2003
154 pages


Taylor Graham Publishing

United Kingdom

Publication History

Published: 01 January 2003

Author Tags

  1. augmented reality
  2. collections
  3. physical material
  4. spatial hypermedia
  5. tagging
  6. ubiquitous hypermedia


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