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On the search of optimal reconstruction resolution

Published: 01 August 2012 Publication History


Highlights We search an optimal reconstruction resolution for given non-uniform point sets. We use a statistically-derived topology-controller to find the optimal resolution. The proposed topology-controller is derived from homology-based statistics. We can evaluate of the reconstruction process the need of visual inspection. We show qualitative comparisons and results of the proposed approach. In this paper we present a novel algorithm to optimize the reconstruction from non-uniform point sets. We introduce a statistically-derived topology-controller for selecting the reconstruction resolution of a given non-uniform point set. Deriving information from homology-based statistics, our topology-controller ensures a stable and sound basis for the analysis process. By analyzing our topology-controller, we select an optimal reconstruction resolution which ensures both low reconstruction errors and a topological stability of the underlying signal. Our approach offers a valuable method for the evaluation of the reconstruction process without the need of visual inspection of the reconstructed datasets. By means of qualitative results we show how our proposed topology statistics provides complementary information in the enhancement of existing reconstruction pipelines in visualization.


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Published In

cover image Pattern Recognition Letters
Pattern Recognition Letters  Volume 33, Issue 11
August, 2012
73 pages


Elsevier Science Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2012

Author Tags

  1. Homology
  2. Non-uniform representation
  3. Reconstruction
  4. Topology


  • Research-article


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