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WiIRE: the web interactive information retrieval experimentation system prototype

Published: 01 May 2004 Publication History


We introduce WiIRE, a prototype system for conducting: interactive information retrieval (IIR) experiments via the Internet. We conceived WiIRE to increase validity while streamlining procedures and adding efficiencies to the conduct of IIR experiments. The system incorporates password-controlled access, online questionnaires, study instructions and tutorials, conditional interface assignment, and conditional query assignment as well as provision for data collection. As an initial evaluation, we used WiIRE inhouse to conduct a Web-based IIR experiment using an external search engine with customized search interfaces and the TREC 11 Interactive Track search queries. Our evaluation of the prototype indicated significant cost efficiencies in the conduct of IIR studies, and additionally had some novel findings about the human perspective: about half participants would have preferred some personal contact with the researcher, and participants spent a significantly decreasing amount of time on tasks over the course of a session.


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cover image Information Processing and Management: an International Journal
Information Processing and Management: an International Journal  Volume 40, Issue 4
May 2004
136 pages


Pergamon Press, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 May 2004

Author Tags

  1. interactive information retrieval
  2. web-based experimentation


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