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Deterministic and stochastic state model of right generalized cylinder (RGC-sm): application in computer phantoms synthesis

Published: 01 November 2003 Publication History


RGC-sm is a state model proposed to describe complex-shaped objects within the family of right generalized cylinders (RGCs). A continuous deformation of a planar curve (contour) along the object's axis describes its surface. The contour, locally orthogonal to the axis, is modeled by a finite Fourier series (FS). The zero-order FS harmonics (contour centers) define the axis. The object is divided into sections of variable length where the variation rule of the shape remains unchanged. Very concise description of a RGC family having the same statistical properties is obtained by applying an auto-regressive stochastic model to state variables. RGC-sm gives access to morphological parameters such as curvature and torsion of the axis, area of cross-sections, and volume of a cylinder segment. Its usefulness is illustrated in synthesis of vascular phantoms and in segmentation/quantification of real vascular images. It can also be used in other fields such as classification and pattern recognition.


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Published In

cover image Graphical Models
Graphical Models  Volume 65, Issue 6
November 2003
82 pages


Academic Press Professional, Inc.

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 November 2003

Author Tags

  1. 3D image analysis
  2. blood vessel
  3. generalized cylinder
  4. phantom synthesis
  5. segmentation
  6. state model


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