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Deterministic Broadcast and Gossiping Algorithms for Ad hoc Networks

Published: 01 August 2006 Publication History


We present in this paper three deterministic broadcast and a gossiping algorithm suitable for ad hoc networks where topology changes range from infrequent to very frequent. The proposed algorithms are designed to work in networks where the mobile nodes possessing collision detection capabilities. Our first broadcast algorithm accomplishes broadcast in O ( n log n ) for networks where topology changes are infrequent. We also present an O ( n log n ) worst case time broadcast algorithms that is resilient to mobility. For networks where topology changes are frequent, we present a third algorithm that accomplishes broadcast in O ( · n log n + n ·| M |) in the worst case scenario, where | M | is the length of the message to be broadcasted and the maximum node degree. We then extend one of our broadcast algorithms to develop an O ( Dn log n + D 2 ) algorithm for gossiping in the same network model.


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Wei Yen

Broadcasting is an important function in ad hoc and sensor networks. This paper introduces three broadcast algorithms and one gossiping algorithm for ad hoc networks with collision detection capability. Two of the three broadcast algorithms are realizations based on the depth-first and breadth-first traversal algorithms; the remaining one is tailored for ad hoc networks of high mobility. In principle, during a phase of this mobility-resilient algorithm, any node yet to receive the message is required to signal its neighbors. This technique accommodates high mobility and makes deterministic broadcast possible. The gossip algorithm allows nodes to broadcast messages to one another using the same breadth-first search (BFS) tree of the root. The paper exhibits a solid presentation structure. Each algorithm is explained conceptually first. Then, succinct pseudocode is provided for the sake of clarity, followed immediately by the proof of correctness and complexity analysis. However, there are more examples for one algorithm than for the others. Fortunately, the descriptions are often sufficient to understand the material. This paper realizes well-known algorithms in the specific networking environment, and contributes efficient algorithms to cope with high mobility at a manageable cost. The paper will be quite accessible to graduate-level students, and should appeal to researchers in the mobile networking area. Online Computing Reviews Service

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cover image The Journal of Supercomputing
The Journal of Supercomputing  Volume 37, Issue 2
August 2006
107 pages


Kluwer Academic Publishers

United States

Publication History

Published: 01 August 2006


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