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Learning with optimal interpolation norms

Published: 01 June 2019 Publication History


We analyze a class of norms defined via an optimal interpolation problem involving the composition of norms and a linear operator. This construction, known as infimal postcomposition in convex analysis, is shown to encompass various norms which have been used as regularizers in machine learning, signal processing, and statistics. In particular, these include the latent group lasso, the overlapping group lasso, and certain norms used for learning tensors. We establish basic properties of this class of norms and we provide dual norms. The extension to more general classes of convex functions is also discussed. A stochastic block-coordinate version of the Douglas-Rachford algorithm is devised to solve minimization problems involving these regularizers. A prominent feature of the algorithm is that it yields iterates that converge to a solution in the case of nonsmooth losses and random block updates. Finally, we present numerical experiments with problems employing the latent group lasso penalty.


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  1. Learning with optimal interpolation norms



    Information & Contributors


    Published In

    cover image Numerical Algorithms
    Numerical Algorithms  Volume 81, Issue 2
    June 2019
    357 pages



    Berlin, Heidelberg

    Publication History

    Published: 01 June 2019

    Author Tags

    1. Block-coordinate proximal algorithm
    2. Douglas-Rachford splitting
    3. Infimal postcomposition
    4. Latent group lasso
    5. Machine learning
    6. Optimal interpolation norm


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