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Multiple share creation based visual cryptographic scheme using diffusion method with a combination of chaotic maps for multimedia applications

Published: 01 July 2019 Publication History


In the modern years, multimedia security has become a prime agenda for secure transmission over unsecured channels due to the increase in digitalization of media. Cryptography is one of the techniques, which can be used for security of exchanged data. The visual cryptographic scheme generates numerous unreasonable shares of the image with specific information. The secret information hidden in the image can be retrieved by accumulating all the shares. The basic idea behind this cryptographic scheme is the encryption of image which hides the secret into m several image shares. By this process, it turns to be complex for the hackers to retrieve the original data of the image. Furthermore, to increase the confidentiality and privacy of the original image, there is in demand to make use of the efficient encryption algorithm. According to this, a new image encryption and decryption is developed using diffusion method with a combination of chaotic maps. Overall, the proposed visual cryptographic method is divided into three phases namely, i) Separation of color bands, ii) Generation of several shares and iii) Encryption & Decryption. Firstly, the color image is divided into three bands (R, G and B) and then various shares of the image are generated based on the pixel measures. After that, the encryption and decryption are done by using diffusion process associated with chaotic map. Experimental results of various analysis and computer simulation confirm that the new algorithm offers high security and is suitable for practical image encryption.


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  1. Multiple share creation based visual cryptographic scheme using diffusion method with a combination of chaotic maps for multimedia applications



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Multimedia Tools and Applications
        Multimedia Tools and Applications  Volume 78, Issue 13
        Jul 2019
        1595 pages


        Kluwer Academic Publishers

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 July 2019

        Author Tags

        1. Correlation coefficient
        2. Diffusion
        3. Logistic map
        4. Mean square error
        5. Multimedia
        6. Peak signal noise ratio
        7. Visual cryptography
        8. encryption and decryption


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