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On the performance of the Bayesian optimization algorithm with combined scenarios of search algorithms and scoring metrics

Published: 01 June 2022 Publication History


The Bayesian Optimization Algorithm (BOA) is one of the most prominent Estimation of Distribution Algorithms. It can detect the correlation between multiple variables and extract knowledge on regular patterns in solutions. Bayesian Networks (BNs) are used in BOA to represent the probability distributions of the best individuals. The BN’s construction is challenging since there is a trade-off between acuity and computational cost to generate it. This trade-off is determined by combining a search algorithm (SA) and a scoring metric (SM). The SA is responsible for generating a promising BN and the SM assesses the quality of such networks. Some studies have already analyzed how this relationship affects the learning process of a BN. However, such investigation had not yet been performed to determine the bond linking the selection of SA and SM and the BOA’s output quality. Acting on this research gap, a detailed comparative analysis involving two constructive heuristics and four scoring metrics is presented in this work. The classic version of BOA was applied to discrete and continuous optimization problems using binary and floating-point representations. The scenarios were compared through graphical analyses, statistical metrics, and difference detection tests. The results showed that the selection of SA and SM affects the quality of the BOA results since scoring metrics that penalize complex BN models perform better than metrics that do not consider the complexity of the networks. This study contributes to a discussion on this metaheuristic’s practical use, assisting users with implementation decisions.


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  • (2022)An Intelligent Recognition and Diagnosis System for English in Radio Land-Air Calls Based on Optimization AlgorithmProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cyber Security and Information Engineering10.1145/3558819.3563735(154-159)Online publication date: 23-Sep-2022

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  1. On the performance of the Bayesian optimization algorithm with combined scenarios of search algorithms and scoring metrics
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          Information & Contributors


          Published In

          cover image Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
          Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines  Volume 23, Issue 2
          Jun 2022
          143 pages


          Kluwer Academic Publishers

          United States

          Publication History

          Published: 01 June 2022
          Accepted: 07 March 2022
          Revision received: 24 February 2022
          Received: 21 July 2020

          Author Tags

          1. Algorithm design and analysis
          2. Bayesian Network models
          3. Bayesian Optimization Algorithm
          4. Metaheuristics
          5. Probabilistic model


          • Research-article


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          • (2022)An Intelligent Recognition and Diagnosis System for English in Radio Land-Air Calls Based on Optimization AlgorithmProceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cyber Security and Information Engineering10.1145/3558819.3563735(154-159)Online publication date: 23-Sep-2022

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