SciND: a new triplet-based dataset for scientific novelty detection via knowledge graphs
Index Terms
- SciND: a new triplet-based dataset for scientific novelty detection via knowledge graphs
Multilingual novelty detection
Novelty detection aims at reducing redundant information from a chronologically ordered list of documents or sentences. Other studies of novelty detection have been conducted on the English language, but few papers have addressed the problem of ...
Sentence-Level Novelty Detection in English and Malay
PAKDD '09: Proceedings of the 13th Pacific-Asia Conference on Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data MiningNovelty detection (ND) is a process for identifying information from an incoming stream of documents. Although there are many studies of ND on English language documents, however, to the best of our knowledge, none has been reported on Malay documents. ...
An experimental evaluation of novelty detection methods
Novelty detection is especially important for monitoring safety-critical systems in which novel conditions rarely occur and knowledge about novelty in that system is often limited or unavailable. There are a large number of studies in the area of ...
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Berlin, Heidelberg
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- Research-article
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