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Investigating the impact of multiple dependency structures on software defects

Published: 25 May 2019 Publication History


Over the past decades, numerous approaches were proposed to help practitioner to predict or locate defective files. These techniques often use syntactic dependency, history co-change relation, or semantic similarity. The problem is that, it remains unclear whether these different dependency relations will present similar accuracy in terms of defect prediction and localization. In this paper, we present our systematic investigation of this question from the perspective of software architecture. Considering files involved in each dependency type as an individual design space, we model such a design space using one DRSpace. We derived 3 DRSpaces for each of the 117 Apache open source projects, with 643,079 revision commits and 101,364 bug reports in total, and calculated their interactions with defective files. The experiment results are surprising: the three dependency types present significantly different architectural views, and their interactions with defective files are also drastically different. Intuitively, they play completely different roles when used for defect prediction/localization. The good news is that the combination of these structures has the potential to improve the accuracy of defect prediction/localization. In summary, our work provides a new perspective regarding to which type(s) of relations should be used for the task of defect prediction/localization. These quantitative and qualitative results also advance our knowledge of the relationship between software quality and architectural views formed using different dependency types.


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cover image ACM Conferences
ICSE '19: Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Software Engineering
May 2019
1318 pages



IEEE Press

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Published: 25 May 2019

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  1. software maintenance
  2. software quality
  3. software structure


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