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Dimension reduction for finite trees in l1

Published: 17 January 2012 Publication History


We show that every n-point tree metric admits a (1 + ε)-embedding into l1C(ε) log n, for every ε > 0, where C(ε) ≤ O ((1/ε)4 log 1/ε)). This matches the natural volume lower bound up to a factor depending only on ε. Previously, it was unknown whether even complete binary trees on n nodes could be embedded in l1O(log n) with O(1) distortion. For complete d-ary trees, our construction achieves C(ε) ≤ O (½ε2).


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SODA '12: Proceedings of the twenty-third annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms
January 2012
1764 pages


  • Kyoto University: Kyoto University



Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics

United States

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Published: 17 January 2012

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SODA '12
  • Kyoto University

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