


Randers, Østjylland 386 følgere

Shaping the Future of Association Management & KYC Compliance

Om os

Unioo originated from a desire to transform the way we manage organizations and volunteer work. With deep respect for the many unpaid and dedicated individuals, we develop tools that not only make managing associations easier but also more enjoyable. Unioo has also created a compliance tool that assists financial institutions in gaining an overview and collecting the necessary legally required information from their association clients. This intuitive tool simplifies the process for association clients, paving the way for a more seamless future. Furthermore, Unioo's board management tool is made available through financial institutions, further easing the work of association clients in management and administration. Our goal is to lift the burden from both associations and financial institutions, and together we are creating a more efficient and enjoyable future for association life. #Unioo #AssociationLife #DigitalTool

11-50 medarbejdere
Randers, Østjylland
Associations, NGOs, Financial institutions, Compliance, KYC, AML, Banks, Board Tool, Software, Volunteer Associations, Ticket sales og Online Subscriptions


Medarbejdere hos Unioo


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    386 følgere

    Our CEO, Martin Have, is always busy, but he never misses an opportunity like MoneyLIVE in Copenhagen this week. Events like these often spark magic in the form of new, valuable relationships and insightful industry knowledge.

    Se profil for Martin Have, grafik

    Co-Founder & CEO at unioo.io

    Over the past few days, I attended my last conference of the year. It’s always important to stay updated on industry developments and to connect with new, inspiring people. The diverse perspectives and insights from these events provides me with valuable input and help drive fresh ideas. Looking forward to more opportunities in the coming year 💪 Thank you for a great MoneyLIVE event, and thanks to Christian Sondrup Bøegh from Lunar - Birgitte Worm Due from Bankdata and Kim Østergaard from Spar Nord and others for an engaging conversation and valuable sparring 🙏

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  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    Great and insightful days at Nordic Fintech Week 2024! Our CEO, Martin Have, reconnects with many of our existing clients, meets new partners, and explores exciting trends shaping the future of the financial world. 🚀 From innovations in fintech and digital transformation to tackling issues like money laundering, the event showcases the latest developments driving change in the industry. We’re thrilled to be part of this vibrant community leading the way forward. #nfw24 #Fintech #Innovation #Networking #FutureOfFinance

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  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    I sidste uge var vi til Karrieredag 2024 i Randers. Her mødte vi en masse fantastiske mennesker, der var klar på nye udfordringer. Det var spændende og inspirerende at snakke med alle - og hold da op, hvor vi fik snakket! Noget sådan et event kan for os som virksomhed, er at åbne vores øjne for den slags kandidater, som vi måske ikke selv var kommet i tanker om, at vi havde brug for. Disse kandidater vil vi tænke på nu og fremover i vores søgning efter talenter. Dagen har inspireret til mere åbne jobopslag, hvor titel og arbejdsopgaver måske ikke er så fastlåste, som de desværre ofte er. Vi håber, at alle dem, vi har snakket med, vil holde øje med os i fremtiden til når vi mangler dygtige folk som dem. Og så vil vi sige tak til alle jer, der har vist os interesse allerede og fulgt op på samtalerne! :) Og til jer, der ikke har sendt os en mail endnu - send til [email protected]. Tak! #Karrieredag2024 #randerskommune Tak til: Randers Kommune Center for Virksomhedsservice og Rekruttering Business Park Randers Aktiviteter

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  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    At Unioo, we optimize processes for financial institutions, focusing on the small details that lead to big savings. Even a few extra seconds per customer interaction can make a significant difference. In our latest article, we show how reducing inefficiencies boosts productivity and enhances the bottom line. Discover how Unioo helps make every second matter. 👇 Read more about turning seconds into savings with Unioo. #ProcessOptimization #FinTech #OperationalExcellence #Unioo

    Optimizing Financial Processes: Every Second Counts

    Optimizing Financial Processes: Every Second Counts

    Unioo på LinkedIn

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    386 følgere

    Tak til TechBBQ 2024! Vi er lige kommet tilbage fra TechBBQ i København og er mættede af fantastiske oplevelser! Vores CEO Martin Have, CTO Mads Carstensen og vores fantastiske investorer Ugly Duckling Ventures deltog i begivenheden og fik mulighed for at netværke med nogle af de mest inspirerende skabere og tech-aktører i branchen. Tak til TechBBQ for at samle os alle og skabe en platform for nye idéer og samarbejder! Vi ser frem til at bygge videre på de mange spændende samtaler og muligheder, der venter forude. Alt sammen naturligvis med vores allestedsnærværende mål om at hjælpe frivillige foreninger! #TechBBQ2024 #Innovation #Netværk #TechEvent #StartupLife

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  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    Tak til Sail Event Aarhus og Lars Hede for en fantastisk tur på skibet Helene, hvor vi fik lov at se skønne Aarhus fra havet. Det vil vi her hos Unioo klart anbefale alle virksomheder i Aarhus og omegn, når der skal være personalehygge og man har lyst til at prøve noget anderledes. Lars gav os kyndig guidet tour med små sjove historier om de ting og bygninger, som vi sejlede forbi. Vi blev beværtet med lækre drikkevarer og nød den friske luft og hinandens skønne selskab. Der er intet, der kan få en til at sænke skuldrene og tænke "nu er weekenden startet" som en tur på vandet.

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    386 følgere

    GREAT NEWS: We are thrilled to have Compounding Capital on board for the next phase of our growth journey. Their experience and track record with similar investments in their portfolio make them an ideal partner for us. We are also proud that our existing investor, Ugly Duckling Ventures, have decided to double down on their investment in Unioo, and that Rune Hven-Jensen will continue as Chair of the board. This collaboration will not only provide us with financial resources but also with strategic and operational support to drive growth across new and existing markets. Thank you, Kasper Grundtvig Knokgaard, for believing in our project. We look forward to working with you! Read more here: https://lnkd.in/dCyr8QW2

    Se organisationssiden for KapitalWatch, grafik

    6.066 følgere

    Det danske fintechselskab Unioo har afsluttet en investeringsrunde på seks mio. kr., der er ligeligt fordelt mellem den eksisterende investor i selskabet, venturefonden Ugly Duckling Ventures, og familiekontoret Compounding Capital med den tidligere EQT-partner Kasper Grundtvig Knokgaard som ny i ejerkredsen. Ifølge Rune Hven-Jensen, partner i Ugly Duckling Ventures, er ”drømmescenariet” en stor serie A-runde inden for halvandet år i Unioo, der også har tidligere Nordea-chef Cecilia Hultén og Nicolaj Højer Nielsen, medstifter af Penneo A/S, der udbyder en tjeneste til digitale underskrifter, i ejerkredsen. Unioo har udviklet et værktøj, der hjælper foreninger med at indsamle alle de lovpligtige dokumenter til deres bank, som er nødvendige for, at bankerne lever op til hvidvaskreglerne, og værktøjet skal både gøre arbejdet mindre tidskrævende for foreningerne og lette bankernes administration.

    Dansk fintechselskab får mere kapital: Tidligere EQT-partner er ny investor

    Dansk fintechselskab får mere kapital: Tidligere EQT-partner er ny investor


  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    What is de-risking and why should you avoid it? De-risking occurs when a financial institution denies or limits bank accounts for associations to avoid the compliance risks related to them. 15% of NPOs (Non-Profit Organizations) report experiencing these issues. De-risking involves: Account closures Account refusals Fee increases Unusual documentation requests Delays in transers 42% of NPOs report that they carry cash due to de-risking risks. What are the consequences of de-risking? As 45% of all NPOs engage in humanitarian relief work, lives are at stake when money cannot be transferred in time to areas facing humanitarian crises, such as starvation, disease, and war. When groups of people organize to do good in the world, many harmful things can happen when obstacles stand in their way. This is one of the many reasons why we are dedicated to helping financial institutions overcome the challenges and significant workloads related to compliance. We have developed software that saves financial institutions more than 73% of resources. Joined, we can limit de-risking and help charities move forward instead of hindering them in their important work AND do our best to stop criminals using the cover of an association to launder money or finance terrorism. Read more about de-risking here: https://lnkd.in/e6yq9tf5

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  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    We love volunteering!

    Se profil for Martin Have, grafik

    Co-Founder & CEO at unioo.io

    Everything falls into place for me when I can spend my free time volunteering while professionally developing software that supports associations. Recently, I had the privilege of being the driving force behind our local town festival, which I help organize every year. Working with fellow volunteers to make things happen is truly rewarding. I love the collaboration, the amazing ideas that come to the table, and most importantly, seeing the joy on people's faces from the events we organize. Volunteering brings a unique fulfillment, and I highly recommend it to everyone. It's an incredible way to give back, connect with others, and make a real difference in the community. Bonus: It’s also great fun to rock out with the band at the town festival!

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      + 3
  • Se organisationssiden for Unioo, grafik

    386 følgere

    Why should banks and other financial institutions care about financial crime compliance? First and foremost, the fines for not having the right procedures in place are exceedingly high. In 2023 alone, the banking sector was fined over $835 million. One multinational bank faced a $186 million penalty for weaknesses in its controls. More importantly, we all have a role to play in combating money laundering and terrorist financing. Imagine an organization disguising itself as a nonprofit charity or sports club to launder money or fund violence. At Unioo, we are wholeheartedly committed to helping financial institutions automate compliance processes securely and alleviate the resource-draining burden from their shoulders. Read more about AML fines here: https://lnkd.in/dUBAQKnv

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875.624,00 US$

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