


Copenhagen, Copenhagen 5.030 følgere

Impactful, low-cost renewable electricity for companies.

Om os

Reel is the next-generation electricity supplier for climate-conscious companies. Reel matches your company with renewable electricity to reduce your emissions and electricity costs. How we work: With Reel as your electricity supplier, your company will sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). This agreement builds a new solar or wind park to match your company’s electricity consumption. In return, your company reduces its emissions and receives electricity at an attractive, fixed price. Who we are: Reel’s team of electricity specialists and sustainability experts is driven by a single purpose: to empower all companies to accelerate the renewable energy transition. Start your journey at

11-50 medarbejdere
Copenhagen, Copenhagen


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    Overgaden Neden Vandet 17

    Copenhagen, Copenhagen 1414, DK

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    DRIVEN BY CLIMATE IMPACT Meet Justine Beaulé, our Marketing and Sustainability Strategist at Reel. When Justine joined Reel, her goal was clear: to align her career with her passion for climate impact. Originally from Ottawa, Canada, Justine moved to Copenhagen 5 years ago 🇨🇦. Since joining Reel last year, Justine has ensured that Reel is seen and heard where it matters most - whether in the news, on LinkedIn, or beyond. She’s also spearheading key sustainability projects at Reel, including our sustainability reporting and biodiversity strategy for energy developers, so every project we enable benefits nature too. We interviewed Justine and here’s what she had to say: 👀 Why Reel? “Like most, I am concerned about our future on this planet - and excited about the opportunity the climate crisis presents to build a better future. Reel and its talented team exemplify this better future by driving the development of new renewable energy alongside Denmark’s most ambitious companies - joining this journey was a no brainer” 🌟 What has been a highlight of your time at Reel so far? “Engaging with our customers on sustainability has been one of the most rewarding aspects of my role so far. It’s been inspiring to connect with passionate individuals across diverse industries and witness their commitment to sustainability in action. Together, we are making progress on the energy transition every day!” 💭 What is one thing that you always wanted to do, but haven’t yet? ”One day I want to rent a camper van, pack up my dog, and go for a month long hiking trip across Norway! Ideally with a sprinkle of whale watching and northern lights.” We're grateful to have you Justine! We look forward to all the exciting, impact-driven work we have planned together 🚀 .

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.030 følgere

    Incorporating additionality into your company’s electricity strategy is the best way to avoid greenwashing. Why? Additionality is all about ensuring that your actions make a real difference in the world and that this difference would not have occurred without that action. As a company, you typically have two choices when purchasing renewable energy ⚡: 1. Buy certificates: These certificates represent energy from an existing solar or wind park. This option is less additional because the solar/wind energy will be produced whether you buy the certificates or not. 2. Sign a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): This involves buying energy directly from a renewable energy developer. The developer will build a new solar or wind park only if you commit to buying its energy. This option is highly additional because your purchase enables the new park to be built, leading to more renewable energy being produced. Companies that rely on the first choice, for example, like Amazon does, often face accusations of greenwashing. That’s because without additionality, it is far more difficult to prove that your decisions as a company - and associated claims - make a real difference in the world. Give our additionality blogpost a 5 minute read to understand how to drive real environmental impact and avoid greenwashing:

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.030 følgere

    Vi skyder august i gang med en fantastisk nyhed 🔋 ☀ Reel har modtaget millionstøtte fra Elforsk til at udvikle fundamentet for nye fleksible solcelleanlæg, der skal bidrage til at nedbringe CO2-udledninger fra elproduktion og være med til at styrke uafhængighed af fossile energikilder. Fossilfri energiforsyning kræver nemlig ikke bare mere vedvarende energi, det kræver også at den vedvarende energi i højere grad bliver tilgængelig, når vi skal bruge den. Herhjemme er vedvarende energi primært tilgængelig, når vinden blæser og solen skinner - men hvis vi skal afkoble vores energiforbrug fra fossile brændsler skal vi blive bedre til at lagre energien og bruge solcelleanlæggene til at stabilisere elnettet under spidsbelastninger. Med projekt HELIOS udvikler vi en løsning, hvor vi integrerer forecasting, optimering og styring af solcelleanlæg med energilagring i én samlet, digitaliseret løsning. På den måde kan vi sikre en optimal brug af solcelleanlæggene - for både klimaet, elnettet og energiproducenter og forbrugere. Projektet udføres i et strategisk samarbejde med ECNergy A/S, Energicenter Nord og Læs mere: Pressekontakt og henvendelser vedr. at indgå som testvirksomhed: Maria Flora Middelboe Andersen, Chef for Partnerskaber: [email protected]

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    Se profil for Anders Engtoft Meldgaard, grafik

    Co-founder & CCO @ Reel I Rethinking Electricity I We're hiring!

    Den her er interessant! I Juni annoncerede Amazon at de havde nået målet om 100% vedvarende energi syv år før tid 🚩🚩🚩 En gruppe af Amazon's egne medarbejdere hævder dog at det faktisk tal er nærmere 20%, da en stor del af Amazon's grønne el-indkøb kommer fra certifikater fra vedvarende energi anlæg, der allerede er opført og leverer strøm til elnettet. Det vigtige her er at Amazon's tilgang og rapportering er helt inde for lovgivningen og gældende standarder, men kritikken - fra egne, og mange andre, rækker - viser at legitimiteten omkring grønne certifikater daler dag for dag. Der er ingen* virksomheder i verden der "kører på 100% grøn strøm", kun dem der køber certifikater som dækker deres elforbrug 100% - det er ikke det samme, selvom CO2-standarder og dum lovgivning får det til at virke sådan :-) Læs mere nedenfor i kommentarfeltet. *kun dem der bor i Island og Norge, og et par andre lande :-)

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    Reel takes over the globe! 🌎 We’re back from our summer holidays and excited to share some postcards of team Reel travelling the world and spending time with family. From sailboats to beautiful views of Napoli, Italy, our team took some well-deserved time off to explore the beautiful planet we are dedicated to preserving by accelerating the energy transition. Since last summer, our team has almost doubled in size, boosting our impact, and bringing even more international perspectives to the office. We’re excited to get back to work and provide even more electricity contracts that build new renewable energy for companies of every size. ⚡ Curious to learn more? Watch our latest webinar to discover how your company can purchase electricity from a new solar park:

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.030 følgere

    ⚡ A first of its kind renewable energy project for Hungary! ⚡ Reel is proud to have supported our partner Faerch Group in entering a landmark Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) in Hungary with GoldenPeaks Capital and supported by LevelTen Energy. This PPA is one of the largest ever signed in Hungary. This innovative electricity contract will ensure the construction of a new solar park to match Faerch’s energy consumption. The new park will generate 15GWh of carbon-free energy per year, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of approximately 3,409 Hungarians. Our CCO and co-founder Anders Engtoft Meldgaard says the following of the new PPA: “We’re proud to have supported Faerch in closing a first of its kind PPA in Hungary. This deal aligns perfectly with Reel’s mission to create new ways for companies to buy electricity that accelerates the renewable energy transition.” This is an exciting time for Reel as we see our work and value expand beyond our Danish home and reach more markets. Here’s to many more PPAs! Read Level10's press release here:

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    Se profil for Anders Engtoft Meldgaard, grafik

    Co-founder & CCO @ Reel I Rethinking Electricity I We're hiring!

    "How do you define additionality?" This is one of the most common questions we are asked when talking with customers and developers about PPAs. It's a good question, because the concept of additionality is increasingly being blurred and thrown around in renewable energy circles, often leaving the word without little meaning. ‘Additionality’ refers to the idea that, to make a difference, an action needs to result in a sustainable project that would not have occurred without that action. This is especially important for companies purchasing renewable energy⚡ For Reel - we analyse and screen each project and PPA for the level of additionality it offers. The main questions we ask ourselves are: ❓What is the consequence for the developer (and their underlying finance partner) of entering this PPA'? ❓Does the PPA - directly or indirectly - help ensure that new renewable energy is being build? To answer these questions, we need to understand how advanced the project is, how it will be financed, the capital structure of the developer, and many more elements. In the strongest form, the developer is unable to move forward with the project without the PPA - the PPA is a requirement for the project to be build and financed. In other instances, the PPA has more indirect value - helping to ensure better financing terms and unlocking more capital for renewable energy projects at large. Importantly, just because a project is "new", it doesn't mean that the associated PPA is necessarily additional For transparancy, we always ask to have additionality defined in our PPAs, so it's fully transparent what the context and additionality of the specific PPA is. It's essential that PPA buyers ask these questions, to help strengthen the procurement system around renewable energy. I'll plan to write a longer blog post on this topic over the summer, so stay tuned for more insights.

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.030 følgere

    Globale temperaturer stiger hvert år, og klimakrisen har nået et omfang som kræver en enorm fælles indsats. Heldigvis går vi en tid i møde, hvor CO2-rapporteringskrav bliver skærpet markant. Men vores viden om, hvilke løsninger, der faktisk gør en forskel, udvikler sig hurtigere end CO2-rapporteringsstandarderne gør. Jon Sigvert fortæller her om de greenwashing udfordringer, der er knyttet til en almindelig “grøn” elaftale. Take aways: 👉 Størstedelen af de elaftaler, der markedsføres som ‘grønne’ leder ikke til reelle CO2-reduktioner. 👉 Derfor skal man være meget opmærksom på, hvordan man kommunikerer omkring sine elindkøb. 👉 Nøgleordet er additionalitet - tilføjer din elaftale mere vedvarende energi til elnettet? 👉 I Reel har vi specialiseret i at lave elaftaler, der gør en forskel. Vores kunder køber strøm igennem os, for at sikre at deres klimaambitioner bliver fulgt helt til dørs. Se med og lær hvordan du kan fremtidssikre din virksomheds el-indkøb og undgå beskyldninger om greenwashing. Find linket til vores 30-minutters webinar i kommentarfeltet👇

  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

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    Introducing Denis Drobny, our software engineer at Reel⚡️ We don’t know if he learned it on the football field or from his impressive background in computer science (maybe a mix), but Denis knows how to spot the winning paths that help us reach our tech goals. Diving into his professional background, Denis has made contributions to IBM, Movinn, and Motorola Solutions. Now at Reel, he’s focused on developing our platform and infrastructure to drive real impact. We asked Denis four questions and here’s what he had to say: 👀 Why Reel? "It’s the perfect opportunity to use my skills to help solve a problem I deeply care about - tackling the climate crisis. I also love working with people who share the same values as I do." 🌟 What has been a highlight of your time at Reel so far? "I appreciate that even though we’re a growth-oriented, VC-funded company, we’ve managed to maintain and even improve the culture while scaling up the team. We keep exploring new areas and products, so there's always something new to learn." 🏙️ Describe your perfect post-work evening in Copenhagen "Winning a football match and having a locker room beer with my boys." 🦜 One fun fact about you "I'm a beginner bird watcher." We're grateful to have you, Denis! 🙏 We look forward to continuing to tackle the climate crisis together and hope you get to spot all the birds you wish for!

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  • Se organisationssiden for Reel, grafik

    5.030 følgere

    When companies purchase green power, it’s with the good intention of contributing to the energy transition. However, doing this right isn’t obvious: most ‘green’ energy purchases do not create new renewable energy, and the most effective solution has historically only been available to the largest companies. The most common way companies purchase green power is to buy Guarantees of Origin (GOs). The logic goes that by purchasing these renewable energy certificates, renewable energy producers receive extra income, creating a stronger incentive for the development of new renewable energy. In reality, these certificates do not create new renewable energy. One reason is that GOs are issued for every MWh of renewable energy - whether it comes from a wind farm built 15 years ago or a brand new solar park. No preference is created for newer parks. Another reason is that GOs are priced too low to send strong price signals that might otherwise stimulate new renewable electricity supply. Fortunately, there is an effective alternative to GOs: special electricity contracts known as a Power Purchase Agreements (PPA). These contracts ensure that a company’s electricity purchase leads to the creation of new renewable energy. Give our new blogpost a 5 minute read and learn more about why PPAs are the most effective green power solution for businesses:

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