PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 genopslog dette
Der er stadig ledige pladser på vores PhD kursus i Scoping review Tilmeld dig her:
Graduate PhD programme under the Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen. We offer research training through courses, seminars, and other academic activities. • Different groups - same program Head of program: Professor Thomas Bandholm Program PhD coordinator: Associate Professor Mette Merete Pedersen
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Copenhagen , DK
PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 genopslog dette
Der er stadig ledige pladser på vores PhD kursus i Scoping review Tilmeld dig her:
🚌 is leaving. Hurry up!
Associate Professor and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Copenhagen University Hospital Hvidovre & Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin Head of Trauma Orthopaedic Research Copenhagen Hvidovre (TORCH)
Last chance to register for the Tour of the Big 4. On January 31st, we invite all PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 students and young musculoskeletal researchers based in the Copenhagen area to go on a bus tour with us. You will get to know the 4 biggest institutions in Copenhagen that dedicate their research to the musculoskeletal system. You will be able to expand your network and hear about options to cooperate. Following the tour we will have drinks and snacks together at ÅBEN brewery. Please sign up here: Thomas Bandholm Tue Leth Nielsen Mette Merete Pedersen Lea Parmark Rigshospitalet Bispebjerg Hospital University of Copenhagen (Københavns Universitet) Amager og Hvidovre Hospital
Be sure to check out our upcoming activities and courses. Some are #MUSKOS-only and some are open for everyone 👇 More info: "Different groups - same programme: #MUSKOS" Abigail Mackey, Lina Holm Ingelsrud, Stine Jacobsen, Mette Merete Pedersen, Lea Parmark, Kristian Thorborg, Tue Leth Nielsen, PD Dr. med. Tazio Maleitzke, Thomas Bandholm, Jakob Agergaard, Mike Young, Christine Møller, Maria Swennergren Hansen, Greater Copenhagen Health Science Partners, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH, CAG SHIFT, ROAD CAG
PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 genopslog dette
Læge søges til fuld finansieret Ph.d.-stilling med fokus på kræft, fysisk træning og cancer-kakeksi! Vi søger en læge til en 3-årig Ph.d.-stilling i TrygFondens Center for Aktiv Sundhed (CFAS) på Rigshospitalet - et internationalt forskningscenter ledet af Professor Bente Klarlund Pedersen, hvor vi forsker i fysisk træning som behandling for patienter med kroniske sygdomme. I ph.d.-projektet skal vi undersøge, om patienter med dissemineret kolorektal cancer kan øge deres tolerance over for kræftbehandling og opretholde livskvaliteten ved at forblive fysisk aktive under behandlingen. Det undersøger vi i et multicenter randomiseret kontrolleret studie (RCT) hvor deltagerne kan deltage fra deres eget hjem. Projektet udføres i samarbejde med de onkologiske afdelinger på Roskilde Sygehus, Nordsjællands Hospital og Herlev og Gentofte Hospital. Vi søger en læge med B-autorisation (”Selvstændigt virke”), gode samarbejdsevner og stærk i interessenthåndtering. Det er en fordel, hvis du har erfaring indenfor ét eller flere medicinske specialer relateret til træning (f.eks. endokrinologi eller kardiologi) eller behandling af kræft (f.eks. onkologi, kirurgi, patologi eller klinisk fysiologi) og erfaring med at kommunikere med alvorligt syge mennesker. Udover eget forskningsprojekt vil kandidaten blive involveret i de øvrige kliniske studier i CFAS’ cancergruppe og fungere som dagligt ansvarlig læge. Der er tale om en stilling, hvor man i høj grad selv kan tilrettelægge sin hverdag. Ansøgningsfrist: 14. februar 2025 Læs mere og søg: For yderligere information om stillingen og CFAS kontakt: Gruppeleder Casper Simonsen på e-mail: [email protected] eller telefon 60116888 Simon Nørskov Thomsen Louise Lang Lehrskov
PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 genopslog dette
PhD-studerende søges til projekt om knæartrose Parker Instituttet søger en ph.d.-studerende til et stort nationalt forskningsprojekt, der har som mål at udvikle nye og omkostningseffektive behandlingstilbud for patienter med knæartrose.
This is a great opportunity if you are interested in skeletal muscle function and cardiorespiratory fitness 👇
Elevate Your Expertise: Measuring Muscle- and Aerobic Capacity Happy to once again host the PhD course, "Skeletal Muscle Performance in Basic and Applied Exercise Studies – in Health, Aging, and Disease." This course includes lectures and practical hands-on experience with methods to measure muscle mass, muscle strength, muscle function, and aerobic capacity. It is designed for clinicians, human physiologists, and anyone seeking insight into factors that affect functional ability and knowledge of how to measure physical capacity. PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 Morten Tange Kristensen, Mette Aadahl, Michael Kjaer, Andreas Breenfeldt Andersen, Lars L. Andersen, Rikke Høffner, Mikkel Thunestvedt Hansen, Theresa Bieler, Christian Dall, Anne-Sofie Agergaard, Kenneth Mertz, Anne Theil Gates, Monika Bayer
MUSKOS product placement. We 👍
Thank you Center for Klinisk Forskning og Forebyggelse for your interest in ELIS and for inviting us to Frederiksberg Hospital to discuss research culture and #ELIS4us. More info on ELIS and how to get involved here: Mette Aadahl, Julie Midtgaard, Michael Skovdal Rathleff, Thomas Bandholm, Janne Petersen, Peter Bentsen, Allan Linneberg, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Research - Copenhagen (PMR-C), Centre for Applied Research in Mental Health Care (CARMEN), Center for Almen Medicin ved Aalborg Universitet, Fysio- og Ergoterapien Amager og Hvidovre Hospital, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH, Greater Copenhagen Health Science Partners
#MUSKOS and Bevægelse&Co podcast-collaboration: Listen here if you did not attend the 2024 #MUSKOS Snekkersten Research Retreat Opening keynote lecturer Professor Mikael Boesen was recently interviewed by Jonathan Bjerre-Bastos, MD., PhD on his podcast Bevægelse&Co. MUSKOS has started a collaboration with the Bevægelse&Co podcast to experiment with selected topics from Snekkersten to be made available to a wider audience and for MUSKOS affiliates who could not make it to Snekkersten. Listen to the first episode here: Tue Leth Nielsen, PD Dr. med. Tazio Maleitzke, Abigail Mackey, Bente Appel Esbensen, Mette Merete Pedersen, Kristian Thorborg, Stine Jacobsen, Greater Copenhagen Health Science Partners, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, UCPH, Rikke Buhl
PhD Programme #MUSKOS 🎓 genopslog dette
💹 Interested in learning how to work with questionnaires in clinical and public health research? The annual PhD course "Questionnaires in Clinical and Public Health Research" has been running for more than 25 years. This year the announcement was delayed and there are still vacant seats! If you're a PhD student at KU's Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences, sign up here: ⏰ New deadline is Monday 13 January!
Still seats in the bus if you want to join 👇
Get to know #MUSKOS and the MSK research environment: Sign up for "Tour of the BIG 4 January 31st, 2025 📝 We invite you to take a bus tour with us to the Big 4 institutions (BBH, HVH, RH, Panum) affiliated to MUSKOS. Here you will get an introduction to the institution‘s research programs and get a first impression of how you could benefit from collaborations and exchanges during your PhD. A structured onboarding process is vital for our PhD students to better understand MUSKOS's mission and how the Graduate PhD Programme can support them in navigating a successful PhD journey. MUSKOS PhD students have previously emphasized the importance of an onboarding experience that includes an introduction to the MUSKOS research environment, opportunities for research collaboration, and mentoring options—even beyond the PhD. To address this, we are organizing a MUSKOS onboarding bus tour on January 31st, 2025. The Tour of the Big 4 is designed to help you as a MUSKOS PhD-student explore the broader MUSKOS research environment, discover collaboration opportunities, and learn about mentoring options that extend beyond your PhD journey. We invite you to join this unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the MUSKOS research community through a guided bus tour, culminating in a social dinner and drinks event. During the tour, you will visit key departments and groups that comprise MUSKOS, meet inspiring individuals, and learn about cutting-edge research. The day will conclude at Åben Brewhouse in Kødbyen, where all MUSKOS affiliates are invited to network over drinks. Our motto, “Different Groups – Same Programme: #MUSKOS,” underscores the idea that, while we belong to diverse research groups, we share a common passion for musculoskeletal health and disease. Building connections from the very beginning is the core goal of our new MUSKOS onboarding initiative. We hope you’ll join us for what promises to be an engaging and inspiring day. Registration: The BIG 4 organizers: Mette Merete Pedersen, PD Dr. med. Tazio Maleitzke, and Tue Leth Nielsen