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※ 本文轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-07 18:40:13
看板 C_Chat
作者 MoonMan0319 (永遠支持茅野愛衣)
標題 Re: [新聞] 氣炸!按讚蔡英文遭中國人轟 日女聲優火
時間 Fri Aug  7 18:10:27 2020





Miss Yuu Asakawa, I'm a big fan of you. The reason I edit this message for
you is that I saw you liked 蔡英文's tweet. I'm Chinese, in our eyes, 李登辉
is a very very bad people, he has been undermining China's unity. So this
tweet contained politically sensitive information.

我是中國人,在我們眼中,李登輝是very very bad的人,他破壞了中國的統一,因此

Miss Yuu Asakawa, I'm a big fan of you. The reason I edit this message for you is that I saw you liked 蔡英文's tweet. I'm Chinese, in our eyes, 李登辉 is a very very bad people, he has been undermining China's unity. So this tweet contained politically sensitive information.



I’ve never mentioned anything about political things. Even if I like some
tweets, that’s not always mean I support that tweet. I sometime like them to
study Eng. Sorry to say this but I follow who I follow. I give likes what I



So, that's what you think, I respect that, I don't criticize your faith,
whoever you support. I hope you think the same way.


Yuu Asakawa ⛓ ⚔️ 💜 🐍
I’ve never mentioned anything about political things. Even if I like some tweets, that’s not always mean I support that tweet. I sometime like them to study Eng. Sorry to say this but I follow who I follow. I give likes what I like.https://twitter.com/caramia20674696/status/1289037767939252225 …
Miss Yuu Asakawa, I'm a big fan of you. The reason I edit this message for you is that I saw you liked 蔡英文's tweet. I'm Chinese, in our eyes, 李登辉 is a very very bad people, he has been undermining China's unity. So this tweet contained politically sensitive information.


It depends maybe? But I think to love your country is a wonderful thing but
criticizing other country/people/faith or pushing your thought/ideology to
them doesn't show any of your love to your country. It just shows your narrow
perspective. I hope we can Just Be friends!

(視情況嗎? 我認為妳愛妳的國家是一件很好的事情,但批評他人的國家/人民/信仰,或

Yuu Asakawa ⛓ ⚔️ 💜 🐍
It depends maybe? But I think to love your country is a wonderful thing but criticizing other country/people/faith or pushing your thought/ideology to them doesn't show any of your love to your country. It just shows your narrow perspective. I hope we can Just Be friends!

對了,Just be friend是浅川喜歡唱的歌www
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19zl2rshHJo )


I’m glad that you are trying to protect me and I really appreciate it. but
WHATEVER THE REASON/POSITION, no one can have a slanging match, using
discriminatory words on my tweet. I’ll hide and report  the reply or block
the account when I find it.



Those who pick a fight or put up a fight always say, “I’m your big fan.”
That’s not an excuse or a reason.


Yuu Asakawa ⛓ ⚔️ 💜 🐍
I’m glad that you are trying to protect me and I really appreciate it. but WHATEVER THE REASON/POSITION, no one can have a slanging match, using discriminatory words on my tweet. I’ll hide and report  the reply or block the account when I find it.



浅川真的是很有趣的人。 \R姐最高/



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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VBIYV9f (C_Chat)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/C_Chat/M.1596795039.A.269.html
tim1112: 推淺川1F 08/07 18:13
tim1112: 浅打不出來QQ
leion237: 推個整理,淺川回的也很理性,但對NMSLese不能用常理去3F 08/07 18:13
serenitymice: 那個中國人也是好笑,對一個日本人說親日的李很壞是4F 08/07 18:13
serenitymice: 哪招
leion237: 應對6F 08/07 18:13
TED781120: 光看到英文回那麼流利我就囧了。7F 08/07 18:14
darkyoyo: R姊~我一定會去看最終章的8F 08/07 18:14
Vulpix: 「舉報」  人必自警察而人警察之SEGA9F 08/07 18:14
ryanmulee: 理性說明10F 08/07 18:15
greatloser: 推"我是你的粉絲不是理由"那一句11F 08/07 18:15
y1896547: 應對滿好的12F 08/07 18:16
white123123: 完美戳破支那邏輯13F 08/07 18:16
Aotearoa: 水 這不簡單14F 08/07 18:17
Nuey: 舉報==  現代人都不用檢舉了嗎  還是舉報的意思比檢舉更完整15F 08/07 18:18

forsakesheep: 好強16F 08/07 18:19
CjackC: 就柯黑一定要說自己是柯粉一樣可憐17F 08/07 18:20
gungriffon: R姐之前開台實況都日英雙語的 真的流利18F 08/07 18:21
※ 編輯: MoonMan0319 ( 臺灣), 08/07/2020 18:22:19
eva05s: 淺川英文練很久了,他丈夫不知道哪國人來著...19F 08/07 18:22
woody78963: 剛剛才看完她推特,馬上追蹤了英文真的很好20F 08/07 18:22
Kenqr: 推高EQ21F 08/07 18:22
woody78963: 但比起英文能力更佩服她的EQ22F 08/07 18:22
sky449521: 舉報感覺比較諷刺23F 08/07 18:23
speed7022: 不過硬要說的話舉報應該是檢舉+報告,比較接近report24F 08/07 18:23
a2334436: 下次又有藝人被中國人亂 這篇幾乎可以複製貼上當範本了25F 08/07 18:23
speed7022: 但在支國舉報=台灣檢舉就是了27F 08/07 18:23
chewie: 立場很堅定28F 08/07 18:24
a2334436: 台灣人講檢舉是因為依循法規 中國人舉報是往上報告 因29F 08/07 18:24
a2334436: 為是領導說的算
MoonSkyFish: 原來淺川是這麼有個性的人31F 08/07 18:27
siro0207: 真正的粉絲應該是偶像喜歡什麼 自己就喜歡什麼才對32F 08/07 18:28
siro0207: 這種想強加自己的想法給偶像的 哪叫什麼粉絲
skyofme: 那個是腦粉吧34F 08/07 18:28
excia: 噁心的韭菜35F 08/07 18:28
siro0207: 跟蹤狂還差不多36F 08/07 18:29
laigeorge89: 整個被圈粉欸37F 08/07 18:29
whe84311: 哇這只差沒明說不爽不要看了38F 08/07 18:29
sundazlas: very very bad people39F 08/07 18:30
Valter: 這不是R姐而是大姐了吧XD 那種不留情的講話方式40F 08/07 18:30
jackie1115: 希望事後不會被事務所施壓道歉41F 08/07 18:30

※ 看板: ACG 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 314 
※ 本文也出現在看板: seiyuu
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