Sunday, July 31, 2016

Give A Nurse A Break

If you've been a nurse for a while, it's likely no surprise that many nurses fail to eat, drink, go to the bathroom, or otherwise take care of themselves while at work (especially in acute care settings). In fact, you may yourself be one of those nurses who's suffered a UTI or other negative sequela as a consequence of poor self care.

So, in light of the fact that we focus so much on patient satisfaction these days, what would it take to focus just a little bit on nurse and employee satisfaction? What would it take to (literally) give nurses a break?

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Four Ways That Nurses Can Say Yes

In my work as a career coach for nurses and healthcare professionals, I hear a lot of stories; I also hear that nurses are frequently saying no in ways that may be negatively impacting their nursing careers. While we definitely want more nurses saying no to mandatory overtime, a lack of time for self-care while on duty, and the scourge of nurse-on-nurse bullying, there are certainly places for nurses to say yes more often. What do you say yes and no to on a regular basis?

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

LinkedIn, Microsoft, Nursing, and Nurses' Careers

For those nurses who've been resistant to acknowledging that LinkedIn is salient to nursing career development and professional networking, your resistance is officially futile. With Microsoft's recent $26 billion purchase of LinkedIn, professionals around the world---including those in healthcare---are likely to see the crucial presence and necessity of LinkedIn increasing over time.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Orlando, Gun Violence, LGBTQ Rights, and Nurse Advocacy

The mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Florida on June 12th, 2016 was a stark reminder that we are still struggling with issues related to violence, hatred, guns, homophobia, and the potential for terrorism in the United States. As nurses, we bear a variety of responsibilities to the public when it comes to public health, safety, and wellness, and how we respond collectively and individually to such events says a great deal about the nursing profession and the nurses who comprise it.

I stand in solidarity with the worldwide LGBTQI community

Monday, May 30, 2016

Avoid Three Common Nursing Resume Mistakes

In 2016, resumes are still very important for nurses, whether you're just out of school or a fully seasoned nursing professional. Resumes aren't rocket science, but many a nurse feels confused and baffled by how to make their resume work. Why not avoid some common mistakes that will weaken your resume from the start?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's Nurses Week Every Week

We nurses are the backbone, the lifeblood, and the connective tissue of healthcare around the world. We serve in myriad capacities, and it's our clinical skill, compassion, and broad scope of knowledge that make us such an intrinsic part of the fabric of society. Sure, we may be the heart of healthcare, but we're a good portion of the brains, as well.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Ken Burns Misses The (Nursing) Boat

Most people have probably heard of Ken Burns, the famous filmmaker; and many people who know about Ken Burns have heard of his four-part cancer series, "Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies."

Having just finished watching this six-hour cinematic expose on the history, research, treatment, diagnosis, and future of cancer, I found myself feeling let down; and why was I feeling let down? Because, in six hours of "edutainment," Burns failed to feature or pay attention to a single nurse throughout the entire program. Once again, the mainstream media gives nurses the cold shoulder, pushing them summarily into a dark, quiet corner where their opinions, actions, and life-saving skills and knowledge are basically ignored.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Nurse Change Agents Can Mix It Up

Nurses, when you're at work, do you feel like there are things that need to change? Are there processes, policies, or nursing procedures that everyone follows but seem woefully inefficient or old school? Are people at work stuck doing things the same old way just because no one has taken the initiative to pivot and alter the pattern? That can be frustrating, especially if you're a natural born nurse change agent.

Friday, April 01, 2016

Nurse Keith's April Fools' Day Instagram Roundup

Hello, friends! In honor of April Fools' Day and the end of an intense week of nursing, coaching, writing, and running a small business as a nurse entrepreneur, I thought I'd share some fun images that are up on my Instagram feed. I've been having loads of fun on Instagram, checking out what nurses are up to on that image-driven platform; I wanted to share some of the fun here on Digital Doorway with those of you who may not yet be playing over there on IG. Enjoy, and happy April Fools' Day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Playing Big in Your Nursing Career

Have you ever played small in your life or nursing career? Have you taken the path of least resistance or otherwise ignored the inner voice that's pushing you to greater heights or bigger risks---as a nurse or as a human being? Have you played small when you really wanted to play it big? You're not alone!

Tuesday, February 09, 2016

What's Nurse Career Coaching, Anyway?

When I encounter nurses online, or at meetings and nursing conferences, they often want to know what career coaching for nurses is really about and if it can truly help them. I generally reply that, yes, career coaching can be a powerful resource for most nurses, and I describe what I actually do in my role as a coach.

Monday, January 18, 2016

11 Years of Digital Doorway

Today, on the historic occasion of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, I'm also celebrating 11 years of publishing this blog, Digital Doorway. It's an exciting and inspiring day in my world and the world at large. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Med-Surg Nursing, Dr. Renee Thompson, and San Diego

For those of you deep in the heart of medical-surgical nursing, you know that skill and knowledge go hand in hand. While I have not myself spent time in the med-surg milieu, I know that nurses caring for patients in acute care med-surg environments are both specialists and generalists. For this reason, I am partnering with Renee Thompson by speaking at her upcoming 2nd Annual Medical-Surgical Nursing Symposium in beautiful San Diego.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Growing Your Nursing Career in the New Year

As the New Year dawns with the turn of a calendar page, are you envisioning how you'd like to turn a new leaf and grow your nursing career in novel and exciting ways? Although the New Year can seem contrived, there's nothing artificial about wanting to move your career forward. In fact, desiring change is natural.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Nurse Keith's LinkedIn Roundup!

Most readers of Digital Doorway know that I provide holistic career coaching for savvy 21st-century nurses and healthcare professionals. And some of you may know that I'm the only LinkedIn expert on the Internet (that I can find, anyway) who is also a nurse and nurse entrepreneur. Some readers have requested a one stop shop for the podcasts, articles, and posts that I've published this year on the subject of the savvy use of LinkedIn; so, here's a little end-of-2015 LinkedIn roundup just for you!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Direct The Film of Your Nursing Career!

There's something to say about being in control, isn't there? And when you think about your nursing career, do you feel like you're in control, or are you allowing yourself to be a bit actor when you should actually be the star? It's up to you to seize the Director's chair and begin directing the film of your career. Are you ready?

Friday, November 27, 2015

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I extend deep gratitude to both Carol Gino and The Nursing Site Blog for nominating Digital Doorway for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. This is an award given by bloggers to fellow bloggers who inspire them and who are motivated to maintain the blogosphere as a beautiful place.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Nurses, Mentors, and Leaders, Oh My!

Last week, I had the distinct pleasure of attending and participating in the Nurse Mentoring Institute's third annual conference. It was altogether inspiring and uplifting to be among so many nurses who embrace the notion of mentoring as an important aspect of our profession, especially when the practices used are evidence-based and supported by rigorous research.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Nurse Keith on!

The latest news in the nurse blogging world is that I have officially replaced Donna Cardillo as the expert nurse career blogger at! This is a humbling honor, and although it's no small task to fill the shoes of the world's consummate nursing career guru, I'm now posting over at twice per week, and the response has been overwhelmingly positive! 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Nurse As Defiant Optimist

Let's face it, folks; there's a lot of negativity out there, whether it's inside of nursing and healthcare, or out in the big old scary world. From the backlash against Joy Behar and "The View" to the bad news on your television screen, there's apparently no end to the violence and vitriol. Having said that, are you prepared to be a nurse who lives his or her life as a defiant optimist?

Saturday, September 26, 2015

"Savvy Networking For Nurses" Is Here!

I'm thrilled to announce that my first book, "Savvy Networking For Nurses: Getting Connected and Staying Connected in the 21st Century," is now available on Amazon for your reading pleasure and professional development. Networking could not be more important for 21st-century nurses and healthcare professionals. This useful and concise volume will give you much food for thought, as well as savvy and forward-thinking actions to take in service to your career and the development of a powerful professional network of like-minded professionals.

"Savvy Networking For Nurses" Is Here!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

“The View” and Joy Behar Expose Ubiquitous Myths About Nursing

The month of September, 2015 may very well go down in nursing history as the time when nurses banded together in a massive collective effort to counteract negative media coverage that cast the profession in a less than optimal light.

In a moment of sincerity and admirable authenticity, a contestant in the Miss America Pageant decided to eschew the usual dancing and singing, choosing instead to perform a monologue about her deep emotional experience of being a nurse.

Kelley Johnson spoke eloquently and emotionally about her connection with a patient living with Alzheimer’s disease. While her contribution to the talent portion of the pageant was seen as considerably outside the norm, Johnson nonetheless ended up as the second runner up to the contest’s winner.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nurses Embracing Change

For those of you who've been wondering where Nurse Keith has been since mid-August, I have been in a state of change and flux. As John Lennon once said, "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans," and we nurses know all too well that our profession can frequently prepare us for being ready for anything that the Universe throws at us.

From a previously stable patient who begins to go south and code, to a fickle workplace manager who schedules us for a double on Christmas Day, nurses have to go with the flow or perish.

Have you been facing change in your life?

Nurses Embracing Change

Thursday, August 06, 2015

Kissing Nursing Job Frogs

Does searching for a nursing job sometimes feel like dating? Is it like kissing far too many frogs in order to find your prince or princess? Is wasting your time on all of those frogs getting you down?

Kissing Nursing Job Frogs

Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Nurse on Overdrive

Have you ever felt like you're a nurse on overdrive? Whether it's your professional life, your personal life, or a combination of the two, a nurse's life can sometimes feel out of control. 
Nurse on Overdrive