Regardless of the laws put into place at every level of government, one thing remains clear: People will continue to use drugs no matter what. So instead of putting our heads in the sand, the best thing we can do is try to understand as much as possible.
Redditor u/swampgay pulled state-specific data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health to see exactly where specific drugs are popular. Of course, the legality and wild popularity of marijuana would add a whole lot of complexity here, so it's just left out entirely.
Below, you'll see three of the color-coded maps made available on Reddit. Just keep in mind that the "favored" status of each drug is compared to the national average. So cocaine my technically be more popular than heroin in your state, but there is a larger gap in heroin use when measured against the baseline.
You'll quickly see we've got cocaine and heroin in the east, hallucinogens in the west while meth and pills are more popular in the middle. And overall usage? The west, Appalachia and Louisiana have the rest of us beat.
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Via u/swampgay.
[Image: Waskyria Miranda]