
In HubSpot, a pipeline is where deal stages or ticket statuses are tracked. For sales, pipelines can be used to predict revenue and identify roadblocks. For service, pipelines can be used to manage ticket statuses and analyze blockers. 

Each stage in a pipeline is identified by a unique internal ID, meaning it can only be a member of one pipeline. Each pipeline always has at least one stage, and each account has at least one pipeline.

Default pipelines

Every account initially contains a default pipeline with the pipelineId “default.” On accounts with a single pipeline, the pipeline property for any object will automatically be set to “default” as well. On accounts with multiple pipelines, if you're setting a stage that isn’t in the default pipeline, you'll also need to set the corresponding pipeline property.

Multiple pipelines

Only Sales Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise accounts can create multiple deal pipelines and only accounts with a Service Hub Starter, Professional, or Enterprise subscription can create multiple ticket pipelines

For example, when working with deals, an account might have one pipeline for “New Sales" and another for “Contract Renewals." For tickets, you might have a main support queue and a separate one for escalations. Each of those queues would be a separate ticket pipeline. The pipelines endpoints can be used to sync one pipeline or another to an external CRM.

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