Chrome Web Store API Reference

This reference describes the methods and resource representation available for the Chrome Web Store Publish API. Each resource type has one or more data representations and one or more methods.

See Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API for a guide on how to authenticate with and make requests to the API.


All endpoints are authenticated using OAuth 2.0.

Valid scopes:


API endpoints

For Item Resource details, see the resource representation.

All URIs are relative to

Operation HTTP request Description
get GET
Gets a Chrome Web Store item. Provide projection="DRAFT" in URL (case sensitive).
insert POST
Inserts a new item.
publish POST
Publishes an item.

The optional publishTarget query parameter specifies how the item will be published. Valid values are "trustedTesters" and "default".
update PUT


Updates an existing item.


Gets a Chrome Web Store item. Provide projection="DRAFT" (case sensitive) as a URL Parameter.

HTTP request



Parameter nameValueDescription
Path parameters
itemIdstringUnique identifier representing the Chrome App, Chrome Extension, or the Chrome Theme.
Required query parameters
projectionstringDetermines which subset of the item information to return.

Acceptable values are:
  • "DRAFT": Return information extracted from the current draft.


This request requires authorization with the following scope.

The above URL is used as the scope parameter when generating an access token. For more details on API authorization and authentication, consult the OAuth 2.0 documentation.

Request body

Don't supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns an Items resource in the response body.


Inserts a new item.

This method supports an upload URI and accepts uploaded media.

HTTP request



Parameter nameValueDescription
Required query parameters
uploadTypestringThe type of upload request to the /upload URI. The only accepted value is media: a simple upload of the media data.
Optional query parameters
publisherEmailstringThe email of the publisher who owns the items. Defaults to the caller's email address.


This request requires authorization with the following scope.

The above URL is used as the scope parameter when generating an access token. For more details on API authorization and authentication, consult the OAuth 2.0 documentation.

Request body

Don't supply a request body with this method.


If successful, this method returns an Items resource in the response body.


Publishes an item. The item will first be sent for review. If the item is already under review, calling publish will fail.

You can optionally provide a publishTarget in the URL (case sensitive), for example:

  • ?publishTarget="trustedTesters" to publish to trusted testers.
  • ?publishTarget="default"

HTTP request



Parameter name Value Description
Path parameters
itemId string The ID of the item to publish.
Optional query parameters
publishTarget string Provide defined publishTarget in URL (case sensitive): publishTarget="trustedTesters" or publishTarget="default". Defaults to publishTarget="default".
deployPercentage string Provide deployPercentage for percentage of users who will receive an update to this version. Valid values are non negative integers between 0 and 100. Regardless of value provided, 100% of new user installs receive the latest version. Once provided, this value can only be increased for any given release. Note that using this API endpoint always triggers review, even if only the deploy percentage has been changed.
reviewExemption boolean If set to true, attempts to use the expedited review process. If the draft does not qualify and this is set to true, the API call will fail.

Request body

In the request body, you can optionally supply data with the following structure:

  "target": string,
  "deployPercentage": string,
  "reviewExemption": boolean
Property nameValueDescription
targetstringThe publish target of this publish operation. This is the same as using publishTarget as a URL query parameter. The string value can either be target="trustedTesters" or target="default". The default value, if none is supplied, is target="default". Recommended usage is to use the URL query parameter to specify the value.
deployPercentagestringProvide deployPercentage for percentage of users who will receive an update to this version. Valid values are non negative integers between 0 and 100. Regardless of value provided, 100% of new user installs receive the latest version. Once provided, this value can only be increased for any given release. Changes to just the deploy percentage won't trigger an additional review.
reviewExemptionbooleanIf set to true, attempts to use the expedited review process. If the draft does not qualify and this is set to true, the API call will fail.


This request requires authorization with the following scope.

The above URL is used as the scope parameter when generating an access token. For more details on API authorization and authentication, consult the OAuth 2.0 documentation.


If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:

  "kind": "chromewebstore#item",
  "item_id": string,
  "status": [
  "statusDetail": [
Property nameValueDescription
kindstringStatic string value is always "chromewebstore#item".
item_idstringThe ID of this item.
status[]listThe status code of this publish operation. It may contain multiple elements from the following list: OK, NOT_AUTHORIZED, INVALID_DEVELOPER, DEVELOPER_NO_OWNERSHIP, DEVELOPER_SUSPENDED, ITEM_NOT_FOUND, ITEM_PENDING_REVIEW, ITEM_TAKEN_DOWN, PUBLISHER_SUSPENDED.
statusDetail[]listDetailed human-comprehensible explanation of the status code above.


Updates an existing item. The draft revision of the item will be updated but it won't be sent for review until you call publish.

This method supports an upload URI and accepts uploaded media.

HTTP request

This method provides media upload functionality through two separate URIs.

  • Upload URI, for media upload requests:

  • Metadata URI, for metadata-only requests:



Parameter nameValueDescription
Path parameters
itemIdstringThe ID of the item to upload.
Required query parameters
uploadTypestringThe type of upload request to the /upload URI. Acceptable values are: media - Simple upload. Upload the media only, without any metadata.

Request body

In the request body, supply an Items resource as the metadata.


This request requires authorization with the following scope.

The above URL is used as the scope parameter when generating an access token. For more details on API authorization and authentication, consult the OAuth 2.0 documentation.


If successful, this method returns an Items resource in the response body.

Item Resource

  "kind": "chromewebstore#item",
  "id": string,
  "publicKey": string,
  "uploadState": string,
  "itemError": [
Property nameValueDescription
idstringUnique ID of the item.
itemError[]listDetail human-readable status of the operation, in English only. Same error messages are displayed when you upload your app to the Chrome Web Store.
kindstringIdentifies this resource as an Item. Value: the fixed string "chromewebstore#item".
publicKeystringPublic key of this item.
uploadStatestringStatus of the most recent draft uploaded within the last 24 hours.

Acceptable values are:

NOT_FOUND indicates there has not been an upload in the last 24 hours.