Android NDK
* Native method implemented in C/C++
external fun computeFoo()
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Optimize your native code
Updated January 3, 2024
Android Studio includes a graphical front end to Simpleperf, documented in Inspect CPU activity with CPU Profiler. Most users will prefer to use that instead of using Simpleperf directly. If you prefer to use the command line, Simpleperf is a
Developing high performance games for Android (Google I/O '17)
Updated May 18, 2017
Mobile games have better graphics and deeper gameplay than ever before. This means that developers need to optimize their games to get the best experience on each device to meet the expectations of their users. In this session, you will see how
How to manage native C++ memory in Android (Google I/O '17)
Updated May 17, 2017
Android native applications typically use Java objects that "own" C++ objects. When the Java garbage collector detects that the Java object is no longer needed, the Java object either explicitly deallocates the C++ object, or decrements its reference