
The Tax Calculation service plugin (formerly SPI) allows you to integrate a custom tax calculation service with Wix.

Use the Tax Calculation service plugin together with the Tax Groups API and the Tax Regions API to customize your tax calculations.

Learn more:

To add a service plugin

  1. Add the plugin to your site.
  2. Update the getConfig() function in the -config.js file that is added to your site during step 1.
  3. Update the calculateTax() function in the .js file that is added to your site during step 1.


  • Tax Group: A category of products that share the same tax treatment. Tax is calculated based on the tax group and the tax region associated with a line item. See the Tax Groups API.
  • Tax Region: A location, defined by country and subdivision with a specific tax treatment. Tax is calculated based on the tax region and the tax group associated with a line item. See the Tax Regions API.
  • Tax Calculator: An app that is used under the hood to calculate tax for a Wix site. The app calculates tax based on the tax group of the product and the tax region of the sale. Use the Tax Calculation service plugin to become a tax calculator.
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