Note: This video and its steps are based on a Wix Editor site. You can adapt the steps for a Wix Studio site by using the equivalent Wix Studio features.
Wix Logs lets you gather information about logs, HTTP functions, and web module functions. View logs in real time, or connect Wix Logs to external monitoring tools to generate metrics and analyze errors.
Wix Logs displays logs, with each log represented as a JSON object. For a detailed description of the JSON structure of a log, refer to the LogEntry documentation.
You can investigate your logs in the following ways:
Wix can record logs for the following: )
You can use Wix Logs together with your Site History and the Release Manager to compare, debug, and analyze different revisions of your site. Each time you manually save or publish your site following a change, a new revision is created. The revisions are stored in Site History, and you can create a test site for a revision in the Release Manager.
You can get the site revision ID for each site revision using the wix-site-frontend revision
API. Then you can use the labels.revision
field in a logs JSON representation to identify for which revision a log occurred. This allows you to compare metrics for different revisions of your site or debug errors in new revisions.