Release a New Version of a Published App

To update a published app, you need to release a new version in the App Dashboard. While some changes require a review by Wix, others can be self-published.

In this article you will learn about:

  • The different ways changes are published
  • The types of changes that can be self-published versus those that need approval
  • How to submit or publish those changes

Ways changes are published


This feature is Beta and still in development. If you want to implement this feature then please submit a request.

  • Self-Publish (Quick Save): These changes can be self-published and appear immediately to users once you click Save in the App Dashboard.
  • Self- Publish: These changes need to be saved, then self-published in the side menu widget. You can make multiple changes and publish them all at once. Please note that some changes can take time to be active for users.
  • Submit to Wix: These changes need to be submitted to and approved by the Wix team.

See table below for a breakdown of the change scenarios.

Important: Only App Owners can self-publish changes to the app.

Summary of change scenarios

Publish: Doesn’t need App Market approval

No Version

  • Changes to OAuth endpoints (if using Advanced OAuth)
  • Adding or removing webhooks (that don’t require new permissions)
  • Adding or removing app team members
  • Changes to app contact info

Minor Version

  • Changes to market listing details
  • Changes to translations
  • Changes to app company info
  • Changes to Wix Blocks apps, per dev discretion
  • Changes to CLI apps, per dev discretion
  • Adding or changes to extensions
  • Removing Permissions

Major Version

  • Changes to Wix Blocks apps, per dev discretion
  • Changes to Wix CLI apps, per dev discretion

Submit: Needs App Market approval

Minor Version

  • Removing an extension
  • Changes to pre-installed automations
  • Changes to pricing

Major Version

How to release a new version

  1. Go to Publish App/Submit App at the bottom of the side menu of your app's dashboard.
  2. The App Dashboard has an actions required checklist that shows any Blockers or Recommendation:
    • Blockers: These items are critical and must be fixed before you submit or publish your app.
    • Recommendations: These items are highly recommended to support your app's success, but won't prevent you from submitting or publishing your app.
  3. Once you make changes to your app, the widget in the sidebar will allow you to either:
    • Submit App: The changes you’ve made require review by Wix. Once approved, your changes will be published to users.
    • Publish App: You can self-publish the changes you’ve made. They will immediately go live to users once you click ‘Publish App’.

Note: Major updates are not pushed automatically and require user action. Users receive notifications about available updates in the Manage Apps page and must click the Update button to accept the new version update.

See also

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