[We reproduce here in its entirety T. Burrow's A Translation of the Kharosthi Documents from Chinese Turkestan (James G. Forlong Fund, Vol. XX) (London: The Royal Asiatic Society, 1940). The texts have been scanned and their formatting altered by conversion to HTML. Indications of the page breaks in the original have been added with the numbers in brackets. Transliteration has been simplified by the omission of diacriticals and notes have been numbered and relegated to a separate page linked to the texts (forthcoming). The notes will be of interest only to specialists, since most deal with possible variant interpretations of how to transcribe the words in the original texts or reiterate the fact that the meaning of many of the words which Burrow has not translated is not known. A few photographs have been added to provide a visual sense of the physical appearance of the documents. The material is Copyrighted � by The Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, all rights reserved. The Society has generously granted permission for the texts to be posted electronically on Silk Road Seattle for educational purposes. Permission for reproduction of any of the material must be obtained from the Society, not from Silk Road Seattle.

The documents are those discovered by Sir Aurel Stein, primarily at the Tarim Basin site of Niya. Their approximate date range, as established by Brough, is ca. 235-ca. 325 CE. The documents were written in the Kharosthi script in a version of the north Indian Prakrit language related to that used in Gandhara. Users of American English should be aware that Burrows' "corn" refers generically to grain, not to American maize. The writing material is wooden tablets, some rectangular in shape, some wedge-shaped, which had covers and were tied with string and sealed (see photographs below). Where Burrow designates "O" he is referring to the obverse (outside/top of the document, where there is often an inscription similar to an address). "R" is the reverse side.

Transcriptions of the originals and photographs of a number of the tablets were published by A. M. Boyer et al., Kharosthi Inscriptions Discovered by Sir Aurel Stein in Chinese Turkestan, Parts I-III (Oxford, 1920-1927). On the political and social context for the documents, which originated in the Shan-shan Kingdom, see John Brough, "Comments on Third- Century Shan-shan and the History of Buddhism," Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 28 (1965): 582-612 (available to those whose libraries subscribe to the JSTOR database at: http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0041-977X%281965%2928%3A3%3C582%3ACOTSAT%3E2.0.CO%3B2-O), and Christopher Atwood, "Life in Third-fourth Century Cadh'ota: A survey of information gathered from the Prakrit documents found north of Minfeng (Niya)," Central Asiatic Journal, 35/3-4 (1991): 161-199. A good overview of Niya's exploration, with some lovely photographs, is that of Christoph Baumer, Southern Silk Road: In the Footsteps of Sir Aurel Stein and Sven Hedin (Bangkok: Orchid Press, 2000), Ch. VIII, pp. 97-106. Stein's own well-illustrated account is in his Ruins of Desert Cathay: Personal Narrative of Explorations in Central Asia and Western Most China, 2 vols. (London, 1912), Vol. I, Chs. XXIII-XXV, pp. 269-299. For new perspectives in the analysis of the Niya and other Tarim Basin archaeological evidence, see Mariner Padwa, "Archaeological GIS and Oasis Geography in the Tarim Basin," The Silk Road (Newsletter of the Silkroad Foundation), 2/2 (December 2004): 26-29 (forthcoming). -- Daniel C. Waugh]

Niya Tablets in the Aurel Stein Collection, National Museum, New Delhi (Photographs � Daniel C. Waugh 2001)

dm_niya6.jpg (47100 bytes)

Niya tablets, exterior view
dm_niya7a.jpg (42300 bytes)

Niya tablet, exterior detail showing seal
dm_niya4.jpg (60400 bytes)

Rectangular Niya tablet,
text in Kharosthi script
dm_niya5.jpg (28200 bytes)

Niya wedge-tablet,
text in Kharoshthi script




A translation of the Kharosthi documents published at the present time must necessarily be far from perfect. Obscure passages remain to be cleared up; the meaning of many words is still unknown. Nevertheless it is time the attempt was made, since it is essential for further advance in the study of the many questions, philological and other, connected with the documents, that they should be made accessible to a wider circle of scholars than has hitherto been the case. This can only be done by a translation, literal, and as accurate as possible.

A great deal, of course, can be made out with certainty. In such cases the straightforward translation is given. In many cases where the meaning of a word is not known, the rest of the sentence is clear, and is translated with the unknown word in italics. Titles like cozbo, etc., whose meaning is known roughly are normally left in italics. Wherever there is doubt about the rendering of a particular passage, a question mark is added in brackets at the end. When nothing can be made of a passage, a space in brackets containing a question mark is inserted. Lacunae in the original are represented by a line of dots within square brackets. Set phrases that occur again and again are not translated after the first time, being indicated by etc. and a line of dots.

No extensive annotation is given. The basis of the interpretation is to be found in my Language of the Kharoshthi Documents from Chinese Turkestan, to which the reader is referred. Short notes are made (a) to correct the readings of the text, (b) wherever the information in the above work needs to be supplemented or corrected. At the end of the volume there is an index of the words thus discussed in the notes. An asterisk is placed before new words resulting from improved readings, a cross before those which should be deleted. A certain amount of other information on individual words is also incorporated there.

On the completion of the edition by Professor Rapson and his colleagues, the documents were divided between this country and India. The originals of Nos. 213-427 and 510-565 are now lodged in the British Museum, and the rest are in Delhi. Apart from photographs, therefore, I have only seen the originals of the numbers / [p. vi] mentioned above. Corrections in the notes in these documents are based on an examination of the originals. In the case of the rest, where photographs, as in the majority of cases, are not available, they are either based on alternatives suggested by the editors themselves or conjectural. The lack of access to the originals is a handicap in the first two hundred documents. Later, in the second and third volumes, when the editors were more sure of themselves it is not so serious.

Documents containing only lists of names, and those too fragmentary to translate, are omitted. /

[p. 1]



To be given to the cozbo Tamjaka.
His majesty the king writes, he instructs the cozbo Tamjaka as follows: Lyipeya makes a complaint here now that soldiers of Saca carried off two cows of his. One cow they sent back, one they ate. This dispute must be carefully investigated by you in person and a decision made according to law; if you are not clear about it there, they must be sent here in custody.


His majesty, etc......... Sugita informs us that he paid a price for a woman Sugisae. The price was forty-one rolls of silk. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith you must carefully inquire in person, whether she was really bought. A decision must be made according to law. Against the law officials must not take possession of that woman. If you are not clear about it there, there will be a decision when they appear in our presence at the royal court. (1)


His majesty, etc......... A letter of command with a full statement in writing went from here (ordering you) to send ten camels to Calmadana. If you have not sent the camels, then the camels must be quickly sent to Calmadana in the hand of Lyipeya.


His majesty, etc.........The son of this Lyipeya has gone as an envoy, and this Lyipeya is due to stay with the herds in the autumn. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, you must look carefully into the matter. Whoever has to stay (?) with the herds [ ........], must come here in the autumn. By no means must Lyipeya stay here with the herds in autumn. In the 26th year, 2nd month, 21st day to the royal court in the great city, Kusanasena was brought [........ ]. (2) / [p. 2]


His majesty, etc.........Lyipeya informs us that they were debtors for a camel here along with Socara. Now Socara is producing witnesses. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith a great oath is to be made, an oath is to be sworn by the witnesses of Socara and in that way a decision is to be made. If you are not clear there, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... The sothamga Lyipe informs us that three years ago two cows in calf were awarded him from Arsina. By the present day one of these calves is under a year old, and the other has not been born. Up till now you have not made any decision. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you this dispute is to be carefully examined by you in person, and according as was decided at the king's court, in such a manner a decision according to law is to be made. If you are not clear, etc.........


In the 11th year, 5th month, 8th day, at that time people brought a sealed wedge-tablet from the royal court (to the effect that) corn for subsistence was to be given to the magistrates. (3)


His majesty, etc......... Opgeya complains that Cadhi, Parsu, Alyaya, and Rasvara carried off a woman of his and beat her. She suffered a miscarriage. On the third day they let her go back. This dispute, etc......... (4)


His majesty, etc......... Lyipe informs us that he is a klasemci in Peta-avana by heredity and not an arivaga (guide). When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you (if ) this Lyipe is not an arivaga, he must be released (from the duty) according to law. (5) / [p. 3]


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya complains that he has a dispute about a child Apisae adopted from Kungeya. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith you must carefully inquire in person with oath and witness. According to the law of old recompense is paid for a child adopted, and thus a decision is to be made. If it is different, etc. . . . . . . . .

12 and 43

His majesty the king gives instructions to the cuvalayina Maltsuta as follows : The sothamga Sugita informs us here that his son Livarazma found in a gold sakasya (= ?) one kampo (= ?) and two golden staters, and that many people of Cadota and the mountains are witnesses. In that matter the tagastas are cheating (nikaremti) the owners. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, etc......... the tagastas are to be stopped from doing injustice to people. (6)


His majesty, etc......... Pugo informs us that in his pasture (kabhodhami) there are mares and horses. There the people go hunting and wound the mares and horses; also some ghee there has been lost. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... the people are to be prevented from going hunting again.
The people who went hunting there were Yitaka, Oga[ . . ], Sucamma, Vamto, Opgeya, and Cinama. (7)


His majesty, etc......... Sameka informs us that he went as an envoy to Khotan. From Calmadana they gave him a guard and he went as far as Saca. From Saca they gave him a guard and he went as far as Nina. From Nina to Khotan a guard should have been provided from Cadota. As far as Khotan [........]. When this / [p. 4] sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, the hire of a guard from Nina to Khotan is to be handed over according as it was formerly paid, along with an extra sum. A decision is to be made according to the law. (8)


. . . . . . . .] forthwith Kolyisa and Sugita are to be prevented from going hunting in the pasture. The dispute about the stolen ghee is to be carefully investigated with sworn testimony. Also as regards the samuta inquiry must be made, etc.........


His majesty, etc.......... Peta-avana has now been handed over by me the great king to the camkura Arjuna. Formerly from the kilmecis there [........] camels of over thirteen years old were not brought to [....]. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith [.........] careful instructions must be given that a camel sent as tax shall not be so many years old. (9)


His majesty, etc.......... Pugo and Lyipe inform us that Kreya and Sulyita had (some property) deposited in a hidden place. Dogs and foxes dug there and brought it out into the open. It was on account of a pothi (made of) skin which had been deposited that they dug there. Afterwards Masdhige and Pgeya took from that little by little, and they say that much has been lost there. They say that Masdhige and Pgeya have stolen it. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith an oath is to be sworn by Masdhige and Pgeya. However much they have, they must pay back. No payment is to be made which is too much (ajhi) or illegal. Also a law is established here that what is taken in time of war is regarded as cleared.


His majesty, etc......... Sugita informs us that Lyimo, Pugo, and Opge made a division of all their property. Now Opgeya has carried off the people. Along with Lyipeya he upsets the nukamja (= ?), and does not allow them to make cultivation. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, etc......... (10) / [p. 5]


His majesty, etc......... The woman Tamasyanae stayed here with the herds in place of Yitasena. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, you must investigate whether Tamasyanae really stayed with the herds in place of Yitasena, and according to the old law of the kingdom clothing, food, and wages must be given her. If there is any dispute there will be a decision in our presence.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya complains that Kolyisa broke the head of his woman Camoae and Augala wounded and struck his woman Paluvisae. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... (11)


His majesty, etc......... Kame makes a complaint that he owns a camel in common with Lyipamma. Two parts of this camel Lyipamma [gave ?] to his daughter Dhamasriae [........ when] this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, this dispute, etc......... If you are not clear about it a letter of information containing the sworn testimony of the witnesses is to be sent here in the hand of a letter carrier and there will be a decision in our presence.


His majesty, etc .......... From here Lyimsu [....] and Suvarnapala have to go on a mission to Khotan. The guide (arivaga) Rutraya must himself go. Lyimsu has two camels. These (people), Rutraya and Suvarnapala [. . . . must go, Lyimsu need (? )] not go. No delay is to be made. Just as formerly honorific gifts and provisions were provided for envoys from the state funds, so now these [....... (12)


. . . . . . . .] of the camels, a camel pamma has been kept back with Sarpe and Kake. These camel pamma must be sent here in the hand of the yatma Porkota. Here, in our presence, there will be a decision. (13) / [p. 6]


His majesty, etc......... Sugita reports that Caule is recovering a debt of a horse from his slave Sarpiga. They are willing to hand over this horse, but Caule does not want to take it. He wants to take as payment of Sarpiga's debt the house and land which was received by Sugita from the feet of his majesty. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, you must forthwith carefully investigate whether it is really so. Such is not the law, that the property of the master should be taken for the debt of the slave. According to the former law of the kingdom decision is to be made. If you are not clear, etc.........


To the vasu Lyipeya of pleasant aspect the kala Kunala sends good health, much, infinite, and thus I write. You must learn that in Peta-nagara there is corn for paying wages (to the extent of) milima [. .]. Further there is corn for the wages of the guard, milima 3, and corn for his food, milima 1 khi 10. When this Jamavam[na] arrives there, quickly 15 milima of corn is to be given to Jammavamna and Thuvaya; no obstruction must be made. They made a decision before Pgoco, [. .]kto and Pgita. It is to be given to Kuvineya as his ration [.........] is to be given. If the horse arrives in time [ksane], thus you must understand.


His majesty, etc......... Phumaseva and Lyimsu have complained about a man Lyimge. This Lyimge belonged to Lyimsu. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc.........(14)


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya reports that when the queen came there to Cadota, a camel of his six years old, Lyipta [........
. . . . . . . .] 1 mare in foal [.......
. . . . . . . .] will be [.........
. . . . . . . .] "give us the mare and four colts." The mare has not been given nor the four colts. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc........ (15) / [p. 7]


His majesty, etc......... When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, the kulola of the kala Purnabala called Kulbhu must be sent here in the hand of such a letter-carrier as will get here quickly. (16)


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya and Kolyisa complained about the broken head of a woman Samoae. Another woman of Lyipeya was wounded by Augala, brother of Kolyisa. Taking into account the fact that there were no witnesses here, it was inopportune to make a decision here. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... (17)


His majesty, etc......... Kanasaga of Khotan reports that Tusana did duty in the tsege in place of Apigo, and in his place Kanasaga of Khotan did duty. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... wages are to be sent her from Apigo to Tusana. (18)

31 and 764

(764) His majesty, etc......... Opgeya and Upasena make a representation here now. Opge reports: When my son Upasena was born Lyimo adopted him, and thus he (Lyimo) spoke: Whatever people there are depending on me, many or few, among these Upasena shall be as an eldest son. They shall live in dependence on him. That Lyimo died [........ ] slave people and the [........ ] people of the master upset the agreement. They do not obey (?) this Upasena. Considering this, of this family Opge [........
(31) ........ ] whatever Opge shall command the slaves concerning the household duties, they must act according to his word, they must not transgress. This Upasena is to be regarded as an adopted son in that family. Whatever law of the kingdom and what family (?) law the rest of the Cadotans observe, in such a way these people must act. Whoever have doubts whether there is any ruling / [p. 8] on -that point, shall complain here in our presence and there will be a decision. Also as regards the transaction between Lyimo and Pugo at the time the kingdom was tranquil, they are now making trouble about that here. When the kingdom shall (again) be tranquil, there will be a decision about this. (19)


His majesty, etc......... The vasu Lyipeya reports that Opave took Cinga; the daughter of Sagapeya of Peta avana, in marriage in Peta-avana. In return for her (taya lode), he was willing to give his sister Cinga in marriage to Sagapeya. He has given this sister to someone else, he has not given anything to Sagapeya. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... (20)


His majesty, etc......... The tax-collector (svathamgha) Lyipeya complains that in a troubled time Sugiya took three ambila and one horse from his slave Pataya. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... you must investigate whether it is true that Sugi has taken them. He shall give (back) this man's property. If it is otherwise, etc.........


To the feet of the master sothamgha Lyipeya [........ ] sends good health, much, infinite. Also Kreya and Camasriae with one another [........ ] again separation is to be made, so they say. When there [........ ] This girl will be an opportunity for you here. Also [........ ] a decision about everything has been made by me. Of you no more here [........ (21) / [p. 9]


Sugita is to be prevented. At present there are no merchants from China, so that the debt of silk is not to be investigated now. As regards the matter of the camel Tamcina is- to be pestered. When the merchants arrive from China, the debt of silk is to be investigated. If there is a dispute, there will be a decision in our presence in the royal court.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipe complains that Apge of Khotan and Kilyage, took some property from the farm of [....... ?]. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... (22)


His majesty, etc.........The sothamga Lyipeya reports that as regards their land, when there was a demonstration to the vasus about its boundary and that of Samluve, at that time [........] Pugo and Lyipe made a ditch. Now the people of [Yave-]avana are measuring out the district (pra[de]sa). When this sealed wedge tablet, etc......
About the ditch between the land of Lyipeya and the people of Yave-avana. (23)


His majesty, etc......... The ogu Bhimasena reports that Opge, father of Apemna, holds the office of koyimam there. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... according to the appropriate law [........


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya reports that their slave Cimikae, without asking their permission, gave her daughter to the slaves of Kapge as an adopted child. That adopted child was brought up by them. The payment for milk was not given. When, etc........ you must investigate whether really their slave gave an adopted child to the slaves of Kapge without asking their permission, and the payment for milk has not been given. (If so) a tirsa mare or a tirsa / [p. 10] horse is to be taken by Lyipeya from the slaves of Kapge and the adopted child will belong entirely to them. If, however, there is any dispute, etc......... (24)


His majesty, etc......... Whenever a camel of the royal herds becomes weak and is unable to travel it is to be looked after in that same province. If [........ ] it dies as a result of its load the keeper will owe for it. If on the other hand it dies a natural death its pamcare is to be delivered in that same province. (25)


His majesty, etc......... Just as formerly in Peta-avana there the year's tax was assessed, last year's tax was put into the hand of the sugnutas. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith the vasu Lyipeya is to be questioned about this tax, and it is to be quickly sent here all complete in the hand of the ageta Sa(m)gapeya. Just as formerly from Peta-avana there a camel was reckoned in the year's tax, and that camel should be neither old nor thin, this camel is to be sent here with the above-mentioned tax. If there are any arrears of tax, all must be sent here. The tax consisting of ghee is to be sent on quickly beforehand. (26)

(See 12.)


.... as] has been decided, so a decision is to be made.


His majesty, etc......... The vasu Lyipeya reports that the daughter of his slave woman Cimikae was adopted by Rutraya. Here at the royal court as-milk-payment one tirsa horse was awarded. / [p. 11] About this matter for the second and third time a sealed wedge-tablet has gone there, and up till to-day you have made no decision. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... as was decided at the royal court, in such manner is a settlement to be made. If there is any other dispute a decision is to be made according to the law, etc.........


His majesty, etc.........The vasu Lyipeya (?) reports that there the magistrates of the king's court examined a dispute. (They decided that) the woman Konuma belonged to Peta-avana. Later you are treating this dispute differently; you make the woman belong to Catisa-deviyae-avana. When this wedge-tablet, etc....... you must investigate. According to the previous decision of the royal court you must hand over the woman Konuma to the vasu Lyipeya. Whoever disputes this must be sent to the royal court and there will be a decision here. Also he reports that men of Peta-avana are not performing the public duties in the " hundred " of Konita and Masdhiga. The former custom has been that men perform the public duties in the hundred and that women do not perform the public duties of the district (kilmi). Of the women two korno (= ?) daughters must be handed over to the vasu Lyipeya. Whoever disagrees, at the king's court [........ About Konumae in Peta-avana. (27)


His majesty, etc.......... Lyipeya reports that his farm and living house were flooded with water by Apgeya. When this wedge-tablet, etc.........


His majesty, etc.........Tamcgeya complains that his slaves gave [........ ] to the cozbo Samasena, and he is trying to prove that it is his own property. On that matter they produce witnesses, Sugi, Platga, and Namdhaka (Namsuka). When this wedge-tablet, etc......... The statement is to be written down truthfully and sent here. (28) / [p. 12]


........] the rest of the wages he will give to Argi. (29)


........] if he shall go back on his oath a decision is to be made there according to law.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya reports that he dispatched a camel to me the great king according to the klasemna arrangements, and its load was stolen. I did not acquire by hire a camel (for carrying) a load. This Lyipeya has been favoured by me the great king and let off (paying) the hire. There you must think where the hire of that camel is to come from.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya reports that Kolyisa beat his woman Camoae and broke her head, while his brother Augala hit and wounded (Lyipeya's) woman Paluvisae. This dispute, etc.........(30)


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya complains that he has a dispute about the wages of a woman Suvisae (whom he got) from Kakeya. When this wedge-tablet, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... Fodder and water is to be given to these camels of the royal herds from city to city, and wherever (a camel) shall fall, it must be looked after in that same place.
Lyipeya, concerning the royal herds.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya complains that the apsu Uyage and Vapo took one cow of his without just cause. On the second occasion they took a sheep. Also Cimga (slave ?) of Sagapeya was beaten and taken without payment. This dispute, etc......... (31) / [p. 13]


His majesty, etc......... The year's tax has been assessed as before. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith the arrears and this year's tax must be sent along together. There the vasu [......... ? ...] must be given. As to this tax it must be made ready in its entirety. Nothing must be kept back.


........ ] that they have killed her. There is no further statement a second time. If she has not been seen or heard of and if [......] is not a witch, that woman is to be made recompense for to her full value and (this recompense) is to be taken by Pugo and Lyipeya. A decision is to be made according to law. The property they took from her Pugo and Lyipe are to receive along with her person. (32)


.....] has been sent there. There, inquiry and reckoning is to be made [..........] the tax has been written down and it is to be sent all complete in the hand of the yatma Jarge (?) and the agetas Angi and Tsomgo. As regards the tax of corn, the names of the people (paying it) have been written individually on an invoice, and each man's parcel is to be brought here separately. As regards the grain lent out, the payments due on that are to be sent here. (33)


His majesty, etc......... Opgeya reports that he has one horse (which he lent to Lyimimna). Lyimina died. His dependent (heir) Sigayita took it, and refuses to give back the horse to Opgeya. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... you must investigate. You must make a careful reckoning (of the value) of the farm and living-house which Lyimimna's heir received, and from that he must speedily give a horse to Opgeya.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya reports that they took out three witch-women. They killed only the woman belonging to him, / [p. 14] the remaining women they released. About this matter you received a command from Apgeya that recompense was to be made to Lyipeya for this woman. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... you must inquire, and according as you the cozbo received oral instructions here at the king's court, in such manner recompense must be made to Lyipeya for this woman. (34)


His majesty, etc......... The four express (amtagi) camels (provided for) the camkura Vajesa from here are to be sent back from Samarsa. From Samarsa four other camels are to be provided. They are to be sent back from Snuna, and from Snuna four other camels are to be provided. They are to be sent back from Pisali.

(Fragmentary list.) (35)


His majesty, etc......... Namdasena reports that Catmage and Kuamca ate one parcel of corn belonging to him. They have gone there and are now at Tsaga. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc......... you must inquire whether this is really the case. (If so) this corn along with an additional amount is to be taken by Opge and Lyipe. If it is otherwise, and if no decision is made about this dispute of theirs, they must be sent here to the king's court and there will be a decision here. Also of these people much pamke is to be made here in usasa (= ?). Certainly it must be sent here. If you do not make a decision there, and do not send it here, have a care. (36)


......] asks after the health of your divine body again and again, much, immeasurable, and speaks as follows: You sent the monk Cagusena here about the army people. It was inopportune for me to remove the people from Bhoti-nagara. For that reason I sent Larsu and Tamjaka there to see what news [............] / [p. 15] sent a man to say that the people were not to be removed from the city. (37)


His majesty, etc........ Just as formerly four years' tax was kept back in the possession of Maltsaya (so) four camels were kept back in the possession of Vugaca. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, this tax, however much has been kept back, is to be sent here in the hand of Dhaci. (38)


His majesty, etc......... Lyimsu informs us that a female camel belongs to them and Simasriae in common. A man called Sugika and her daughter Smagasae rode off on this camel from Simasriae's farm and fled away. He and his father went after them with the frontier-guards and brought this camel back. (As a result) two parts o� this camel belonged to these two, the father and son, and two parts to the guards (for their services). The two parts belonging to the frontier-guards, they gave to them. Simasriae is demanding her portion of it. This dispute, etc.........


.......] the wheat was two and three times watered. This is a register of it. (List follows.) (39)

(Fragmentary list dealing with camels.) (40)
/ [p. 16]


....] is to be sent. According to our word [...
.....] is to be sent here. Also [.........] care is to be exercised. Along with the hire [........] turned back a camel from [.........] to us. Instructions are to be given to him. [........] will make ready. We have sent betel.


On the seventh day of the sixth month, from the vimspa of Suguta, and the sata of Cimge, one camel with its keeper for tomgha Apemna, one camel with its keeper for Yapgu. (41)


To be opened by my dear brother-in-law, sothamgha Lyipeya.
To his dear brother-in-law sothamgha Lyipeya of pleasant aspect, beloved of men and gods, glorified by a good name Kupsimta pays respect and sends the health of his divine body, much, immeasurable, and thus (he says): [......... ] Campeya. Do not keep back there Natasrrmi and Asdhaya. Everything in your knowledge [....... ] instruction. With him Campeya must come here along with Namtasrrma. When you are going to travel down to the king's court, let me hear about the month and day. I must be informed. Also of us here at the king's court [....... ]. If you are going down to the king's court, take care (su[tha]) to let me hear (about it). If you are not going, let me hear too. You gave instructions about a horse. Campeya will bring the horse there later (paca). You have told him to hand it over here. Do not neglect to do this. The hire of the camel is one arnavaji eight hastas long. I have sent it there in the hand of Namtasrrma. The arnavaji is white. As regards the ploughing, barley, wheat, and adimni is to be carefully [. . . . .] looked after by you. Also Lyivrasma must by all means be zealous about it. We have sent a present. Sarpinae's present is one [... ? ...]. Also let Lyivrasma make a reckoning of how much grain they use there in sowing on the ploughed land. (42) / [p. 17]


(R) .... ] but you [do not do] rightly [...... ] instruction. I have sent a man of [..... ] there. I have kept back a man of Bhoti, a horseman. When this man arrives there, quickly a horse and a serviceable guard are to be sent here. (43)


To the caraga Sucamma and the cozbo Tgaca, dear to men and gods, respected and of pleasant aspect, the sothamga Lyipeya sends the health of their divine bodies, again and again, much, beyond measure, and thus (he says), namely: We have made a time (for you to come and) do the royal business. You do not want to come here. Certainly next morning the sadavidas and karsenavas and the (other) officials whose names are mentioned in the list must come here.

.... to dear brother sothamgha cozbo Lyipeya [......] pays respect, etc......... and thus (says) namely: From there you sent Casmina our agent [.......... ] to get the register, but I do not know which register is to be taken there [......]. There is every reason to fear (an attack) from the Supis. In the city here (we) will make a review of the people [........] we will go there. The Khotanese have come here. They are looking for Pamcina on account of (the matter of) the boundary. Certainly Pamcina must be sent here when the cock crows. (44) / [p. 18]


O .... ] to be opened by the cozbos Kranaya and Lyipeya.
R. ...... ] there is danger from the [Su]pis. You must not be slack. Other frontier-guards are to be quickly sent here. On the 12th month, 10th day.


In the 30th year, 5th month, 8th day, at that time the witnesses of Tamcge appeared concerning the land in Tsaga, Namatga and [..........]. Pamcama says that to Tamcgoya belong a vineyard and twelve kuthala in the misi-land. I have heard it from the mouth of kaya Sugiya. The tax-collector Kenika and the scribe Tgaca and Rutraya say, "We have heard from the mouth of Sugiya that beginning with (?) in a westerly direction [..............] from the east side belongs to the ogu Kusamgha." Again Namatga speaks thus [........ (45)


......] this is not possible to do (so) do not worry about this matter.


At the feet of his dear brother cozbo Tamjaka, the sothamgha Lyipeya pays respect, and thus with (bowed) head I inform you: As regards the women of the people of Cadota and Saca who were taken in marriage from each other, a decision was made. Now they want [to make] it different [........


In the 29th year, 1st month, 26th day, at that time corn belonging to Kusamta, Lyimsu, and Jayana was measured out to the extent of 10 khi; in Pgita's office corn was measured out to the extent of [. .] milima. The witness was Rutrasena.


To his dear brother cozbo Lyimsu, etc......... Kupsimta sends health, etc......... and thus (he says) namely: There is corn belonging to me there on loan. Of you Semniga and Sugiya [.............. ] I say. He says there are two instalments of / [p. 19] interest. There you must not take (an additional) year. That interest which there is consists of two instalments of interest. You know (?) about the corn of [..... ]na and Semniga. Also I have sent this Campe there. What corn [. . . .] is with [......... ] let it all be investigated. Again the corn from panimcana, that corn is in the hand of Samghasena. Samghasena says that that corn has not been written down on the receipt together with (the other items). By all means let Samghasena make a reckoning of this corn together with (the other). By all means he must be told to inquire into the corn from the [ma]rava[ra] Kungeya. Also whatever corn in your hand [?] in Samghasena's hand [?]. (46)

(List of names.) (47)

(List of payments.) (48)


To his dear son Lyipeya and Samgha, etc......... Lepata sends health, much, immeasurable, and (says) thus: I told you to send a camel in the meanwhile. From there you sent a camel of the sacis (= ?). Here it has wounded the hand of Campge and made it lame. He cannot do any work. You know what work was left undone when you went there; here day by day there is royal business. Also there are three people there. One of those, Sugita, is to be given two camels and sent here quickly. When this letter arrives there, on that very day Sugita is to be sent here quickly with two camels. Also you sold here a man Samghadharima to Sagana. That man complained before the magistrate; thus he says "Iam a man belonging to the king, Lyipeya is selling me without just reason." He is unwilling / [p. 20] to do the work of Sagana. What the exact state of affairs is about this man you must make out there. A letter from there is to be put in the hand of Sugita. Do not neglect to do this. Quickly Sugita must be sent with two camels. (49)


At the feet of the sothamga Lyipeya dear to men and gods, glorified with a good name, by whom the road to heaven is adorned, the cozbos Kolyisa and Kunala (pay) respect and ask after (his) good health, again and again, much, immeasurable, and thus they say: From there, from our farm you put a man to work here. He is now working here. But it is heard that the sude (= ?) officials claim him there again in the ayaga works. (50)


O. To be opened by (my) dear son Lyimsu.
R. ........] the sacrifice is to be made, so the sacrifice is to be made (when he) comes down to me here there will be a sealed wedge-tablet concerning the camels; I will send it there. A. letter is coming about the klasemcis in the autumn. Your camels are to be sent to the kingdom (province). Former letter-carriers have seen that the Supis are certainly coming here. Whatever letter-carriers shall come here provisions must be sent here. I have sent to mother and father an aridi each to Sugita sidha salt, to Sarvasriae one aridaga and one livasa along with alamgila (asamgila), to Samapriae one jewel and to Suvornapriae one jewel; so you need not be worried about presents. (51)


In the 23rd year, the 6th month, and the 6th day, concerning the women in Peta-avana.
Namsanae is Opimta's wife ........ etc., etc.


.......] told him to give it. This [............ ] there one old necklace and two arnavayi - of these he gave the price to me. / [p. 21] Certainly you must at once make a reckoning there. Since you are the grandson of Samgha (?), together [.......... ] the debtors will receive from [.. ? ........ (52)


......] The ogu Lyipeya did not give the girl. I gave her. Samgha can say nothing.


In the 7th year of his majesty the great king Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 6th month, on the 14th day, at.that time the pakes took place in Vrganicita.
(Short list.)


The cozbo Kunala asks after the health of his dear brothers the cozbos Kranaya and Lyipeya, etc......... and thus (writes): It is heard here now that the Supis are coming down on the people of Calmadana in the fourth month. You will send a frontier-guard riding on a horse here. So we merely make this fact known to you. But do not by any means [........


In the 3rd year, 4th month, 15th day, at this time, it was necessary to go to the sitga potge for the second time. All the work-people came to the bridge [........ ] the water was very muddy (kha[lu]sa). Owing to that fault the well-born people came to an agreement. We stopped and turned back the magistrates from the sitga potge. The well-born people who were there on account of the king's business were: Namarazma, the senior cozbo, Pamcimna, [Nam]masura, Tgaca, the apsu Apniya, Calmasa, and Kamciya, the ari Lyipana.


Namarasma gave one royal cow as a present (lasi di<ta> ) in Lominana.
In Pisalyi one cow was sold to Sotuge; the head of the samgha received the price, milimas [..] of corn. / [p. 22]
In Calmatana one cow was sold to Vanamkha, the price received [...
One large cow was lost at Parcona Bridge; these four cows Namarasma [.....


In the 30th year, 1st month, 7th day, at that time Kalyanadhama brought news of the army from Saca. On the same day we gave a horse to Yitaka to keep watch in Saca. Now it is the second day and he is unwilling to go to Saca. The sothamgha Lyipeya has been made witness, the tomgha Apemna, Kartsa, Lyipana, Ripti, Rutraya, Ap[..] Asena, and the ari Lyipeya.


His majesty, etc....... The cozbo Samasena and the vesu (= vasu) Lyipeya have complained concerning land in A[sta]sa. On the ground that there were no witnesses [no] decision was reached here. When this wedge, etc......... they are to be sent to the king's court. Again cozbo Samasena and Lyipeya have complained about ma[n ..]ka land. This is to be examined with sworn testimony. Whatever further disputes there may be about lands in Peta-avana, they are to be examined, etc. (53)


Sakha will look after the camels in place of Mogata. The ari Kutgeya is to be removed from the camels. The herd is to be fed. The ari Apemna has to ride out on a camel to the aco. Apemna has become sick. Later he must go as acovimna. Do not allow any slackness. If he does not bring any beast, his brothers and son are to be beaten. Also in the morning we will break open the water in Kolamte's tama. Now there is need of more water here. (54) / [p. 23]


Of their dear brothers of pleasant aspect, the cozbos Kranaya and Lyipeya, the tasuca Lapaya and the cozbo Patraya ask the health, etc....... and thus (write). As regards the frontier-guard Pago whom you sent here to come and hear about the Supis, at present the news of the Supis is that all is well.


O. To be opened at the feet of cozbo Lyipeya of pleasant aspect.
R. I give instructions to my dear brother cozbo Tgaca dear to men and gods. Without fail sulyagamdha is to be sent. (55)


To dear brother cozbo Lyipeya.
At the feet of his dear brother cozbo Lyipeya, dear to men and gods, of pleasant aspect, cozbo Tamjaka pays respect, and sends the health of his divine body, much, very much; and thus (he writes), namely: The cozbo Kolyisa and the sramana Sriguda have exchanged (?) men. Yogasena has become the property of cozbo Kolyisa, (but) with Sriguta there is no [? ?......... ] now it is heard that there [........... ] cultivation, Yogasena [.......... ] ? the man is not to be sold along with (it). Yogasena, the original debt (?) [........ ] is the property of [.... ]. You must act according to the law of the world (lokadharma). Also whatever work has been done by Tamcge must certainly be brought to my knowledge. Instructions must be given to Tamcge that he shall (?) the right quantity of wine. (56)


(1) Of Apniya and Rutraya the packed (corn) is three milima. Of Apniya there are three sheep and three khi of ghee. Of Rutraya there are three sheep and three khi of ghee.
(2) Of Apemna, three milima of packed (corn), two sheep, and three khi of ghee, etc., etc./ [p.24]


In the 30th year, 9th month, 5th day the masimna camels were written down. (Then follows a list.) (57)


O. At the feet of his dear father cozbo Lyipeya, etc.........Tgaca rubs his head, etc......... and thus (writes): From there you sent a horseman Kunasena to keep watch here. It is true that Ogaca, an acovimna, came here from Saca. He says that the Supis have come to Kogitasasa; with reference to this fact I have sent Kunasena there (so) another horseman is to be sent here quickly. There is no acovimna man from there in the mountains.
R. To his dear neighbour. Svaneya, cozbo Namarazma sends health. Whatever slaves of ours there are, must all be put in the city. (58)


His majesty, etc......... Lyimirna informs us that they have had charge of the royal cows. Now people are putting him in charge of the female camels. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you forthwith let this be thoroughly investigated. By no means abandon the law of the kingdom for the law of these people's mouth (edesa dzia dhamena).


His majesty, etc......... Now the cuvalayina Phuinaseva has had to go on a mission to Khotan. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, straightaway this Apita must go on the mission, and the cuvalayina Phumaseva must go with him to Khotan. As regards the two express camels of cuvalayina Phumaseva, they must be given (him), (likewise) the one camel of Apita must be given (him). Also a suitable man is to be given them as guide (arivaga), who will go in front of them. This guide must go on his own beast. Just as formerly you have provided fodder and water for envoys, so now they are to be given to these envoys.


His majesty, etc......... Now I the great king have handed over a fugitive man to Peta-avana. When this wedge, etc........ . forthwith whatever suitable fugitive man there may be, that suitable fugitive man is to be sent here in the hand of the couriers. / [p. 25]


To his dear brother, etc......... cozbo Tamjaka, etc......... I am pleased because I have heard from you that you are in good health; I also am well through your favour; and thus (I write): Now they bring grave tidings of danger from the Supis. You must yourself (apane) inspect the acovinas and a serviceable acovina is to be sent here with his beast.


To be opened at the feet of the master and mistress sothamga Lyipeya and Sarpinae.
Also there they are looking for gold. The gold [....... ]. I have sent Tolayana of The Mountain there. By you, Lyimsu, attention is to be paid to this matter and according to how much the price of gold is there, this is to be sold.
To the feet of the masters, dear to men and gods, respected, of pleasant aspect, whose life is a hundred years long of divine years suited to them, dear brother-in-law sothamgha Lyipeya, dear sister Sarpinae and Sugita and Lyimsu, Kupsimta pays respect and asks after their good health and divine body, again and again, much, immeasurable; and first of all I am pleased to hear that your divine body is in health; I also am well through your favour and thus I address you: In Lyimsu's hand there is some corn of mine on loan. As regards the previous (lot) of corn, the vasdhigaim (lot) which we received here, you know the reckoning of it. The second lot is from the ploughed field (and) you know the reckoning of it. It is in Samghasena's hand. The amount of that corn which has been used up or given to others, has been entered on a tablet. The amount of corn remaining from that is five milima ten khi. That corn is to be demanded of Samghasena along with interest. As regards the vasdhigaim corn, and the corn from the field, reckoning is to be made separately. The corn from panimcana is ten khi. A reckoning of that is to be made along with the interest. As regards the previous corn, reckoning is to be made in detail for each year individually. As regards last year's corn in Campe's hand, Kuteya knows how much came off the threshing floor. Also a reckoning is to be made of the corn Campe has. Also you know the reckoning of the wine which Kole has. Now there is room for some wine from him. I have sent a present as token of remembrance, for you a lespa, three sira for each of you, and one vatu for Sarpinae. (59) / [p. 26]


R. Lyipeya lent food (to. the extent of) one milima one khi. According as formerly they pay there double what they receive here by that arrangement the food is to be repaid to the sothamga Lyipeya.


His majesty the great king writes, he gives instructions to the sothamga Lyipeya; you must have knowledge of what I write [....... ]. Here the tasuca Phuinaseva says that he has a slave man called Moti[..]. That (man) is to be sent here in the hand of Apta, (?) is to be handed over to the tasuca Phumaseva.


His majesty, etc......... Lyipeya informs us that he has a slave called Kacana. Sagana beat him. As a result of that beating the man Kacana died on the eighth day. Here you, the cozbo Somjaka received an oral command that the witnesses had to swear an oath and that if Kacana had died as a result of Sogana's beating, a man was to be awarded as recompense. Even so you pay no attention to this matter, and up to the present day have made no decision. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith an oath is to be sworn by the witnesses, and if Kacana did no work after the beating [........ ] died, a man is to be awarded as recompense. If you are not clear [........ ] written in a letter.


Pamcaraimna corn is to be given to the royal herds.
(List.) / [p. 27]


In the 9th month, 5th day, at this date, the people who are masters of houses received tike.
They said that the kala Rutraya and the monk Jivamitra were ill. (60)


In the 9th year, 1st month, 28th day, the fugitive Masaga says The property taken from me consists of four roughly woven cloths, three woollen cloths, one silver ornament, 2,500 masa, two jackets, two somstamni, two belts, and three Chinese robes. (61)


Of the apsu Apniya, three gilamya sheep and three ghrita-sheep (or goats), etc., etc. (62)


U.O. To his dear brother sothamgha Lyipeya, etc......... the cozbo Nastimta pays respect, etc......... and thus (writes): (since) I went from there I have been in good health through your favour [............]. Now I have sent some royal camels there. Among them there is a three-year-old camel. This is to be again sent back to the kingdom. There is a sealed wedge-tablet dealing with that matter. This sealed wedge-tablet is to be read in the presence of Sagamoya and then given to Sagamoya to keep. By all means let these people of my district (kilme) be under your care. I sent this letter while on a journey, so do not worry about a gift. Also I have delivered these camels over to this Sumata. From now on (this) acovina (Sumata) is to be removed from the aco. Also there is said to be a sramana called Dharmapriya in Saluvaae's house. When this Sumata arrives there, orders must be given for handing over this sramana into the hands of Sumata. This sramana was a slave of Motge (son ?) of bhari Masdhige. A quarter of him was sold to me. We have made a decision about everything. This sramana shall now belong to you. / [p. 28]


(R.) ....] to be given. I have sent a horse there. He will bring one cow here. I have sent two presents. Certainly on the 20th day of this month Kumnaga shall come here.


(1) In the 29th year.
(2) Lyipeya's parcel was two milima and ten khi; (also) three khi of ghee.
A. (1) Namarasma's parcel was four milima ten khi, etc., etc. (63)


To be given to the cozbo Kranaya and the sothamga Lyipe.
In the 6th year, 5th month, 2nd day at the king's court in the great city. (64)


His majesty, etc......... There people are going hunting. They are wounding the horses and mares (so that they become) lame (and) cannot carry (their burdens). It is not right that the horses and mares should be wounded. They do not wound kisana and segani. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you they are to be stopped from that, so that they do not wound the mares and horses. (65)


To the masters, etc......... sothamgha Lyipeya pays respect, etc......... and thus (writes): My wife who was ill here is alive through your favour. Also I have heard that you have kept blocked up the water there, and am very pleased. Also you wrote here about some people. The people will be taken there. Also there has been a / [p. 29] sacrifice of a cow at the bridge to the god Bhatro. The ari Kungeya says: " I saw a dream; that sacrifice of a cow at the bridge was not accepted by the god." So the ari Kungeya says. In nanamciya Opimta's cow enclosure there is a vito cow. He asks for that vito cow to make a sacrifice to the god Bhatro; so says the ari Kungeya. This sacrifice is to be made at the farm of ekhara Motgeya. Let no slackness be allowed in the matter of this cow. The tasuca Lyimsu is to be quickly sent; along with the ari Calamma he will bring the cow. It is not to be withheld. Again the ari Kungeya saw a dream about a pursa sheep from the three apsus to make a sacrifice in Bumni and Samana (?). Quickly in that matter zeal is to be applied. (66)


...] is using up much. The tax is quickly to be sent here complete.


Also a letter of command has come here from the king's court, that from there, from Saca the ghee from the royal cows is to be unloaded from the Cadotan beasts and abandoned (?) when the Cadotan Kupsu arrives there [........
(R.) From there I hear nothing from you and the authorities. Considering this fact I have now sent two jars in the hand of the sadavida Kolyisa. One is to be delivered to Sacha and the other taken to Cadota. When he brings them there, immediately one jar is to be quickly sent to Cadota, and a document of account is to be quickly brought to my knowledge (telling) how much this year's ghee is. At whatever day of the month a letter of command goes there concerning the ghee, at that time the ghee is to be quickly sent here to the king's court. Do not allow any slackness here. This letter has been forwarded through a series of people, so do not mind about a present.


To dear brother cozbo Lyipeya, etc......... the tasuca Kunala and Sunaka, etc......... thus (write): From there you sent Catona / [p. 30] here concerning the water and seed, to do the cultivation. I have read the wedge-tablet here. In this wedge-tablet there is no mention of water and seed. The old people speak thus: The use of a farm was given to the cozbo Lyipeya in Saca, water and seed were not given. According as how the field was received from the feet of his majesty, in such wise it belongs to you. Whatever hand-(written) letter there may be there concerning water and seed, or if there is a letter of command with a detailed account, it is to be looked for and sent here. If there is no such (document) there, the price of the water and seed is to be sent from there and the cultivation will take place here. Also the old people say thus: When Sarpika was settled here he used to provide the land, the people of Saca provided the seed and water, and the katmas did the cultivation.


To the great cozbo Lyipeya, etc......... Kukita and Parpana, etc.......... thus (write): One man there, a fugitive, was granted to me by his majesty. Certainly to this (man) Canaga [........ ] you will do. Quickly what is right must be given him from you. This will be right for me. Also let this Canaga be by all means under your care; whatever his needs are, certainly you must pay attention to them. If you do this thing for me I can do something in return for you there. Whichever of your people comes here in the future I will look upon them as my own. He is to be sent here in the hand of available messengers. We have sent a small present as a token of thoughtfulness, from Kukita one chotaga, from Parpana one lastuga.


To the masters, etc.......... the cozbo Patraya, etc......... thus (writes): From there you sent Pgita here concerning the tax of the people of Peta-avana. Last year Lepata took sheep for three years (namely) eighteen. This year they have taken all the six sheep to the capital. We have sent three khi of ghee there. There are no arrears of last year's ghee or of that for the year before. What arrears there are, it is now the fifth year (since they were due). All has been collected and received. At that time a decision about arrears of tax was made by us. You commanded Sugita to go there -- (but) now there is no arrears of tax, (so) for that reason Sugita did not go there. (67) / [p. 31]


Lyimsu (?) says: Kobala Sugita made three camels varmi (= ?). The vasu Oga [....... ] in [Yirum]dhi[na]-avana. In Calmasa's district [............] at Lyimsu's boundary [..........] Namarazma, one nikrona camel from Lyimsu's hand [........... ] of Vasmana one amklatsa camel [........ (68)


To the masters, of pleasant aspect, honoured by men and gods, divinities in person, (namely) to his dear father cozbo Lyipeya and to his dear mother Sarpinae, and to Sugita, Sarvasrre, Sarvatrata, and the cutane Kude. Lyimsu pays respect at their feet and asks after the health of their divine bodies, again and again, many hundreds of thousands of crores (of times), infinitely; and first of all I am pleased at this, that I have heard that good health attends you along with the people round you; I am well here through your favour along with my beasts and my people; and thus I say: Let my cutana son Kude be expressly under the care of you, my father and mother. Also here there has been no decision about my business. Bearing this in mind I asked Layimmaka (?). As regards the business of my farm keenness is to be applied, the stock of beasts is to be properly looked after, and they are to be well supplied with food and drink. Also I have not received even a small amount of provisions from there. Without fail provisions are to be sent in the hand of letter-carriers. Also now here they are worrying (me) a great deal about the administration of the tax of the people of Peta-avana. Last year Pago did the pake tax. Also they are causing trouble concerning the tax of the kilyigamcis. If this letter arrives there, quickly the legal amount of tax is to be sent here. Also as regards the other tax from that province which they are asking me about -- the samarena, tsamghina and kvemamdhina tax, without fail it is to be quickly collected and sent here. Also without fail Pago is to be sent here. (69) / [p. 32]


To cozbo Kranaya and sothamgha Lyipeya of pleasant aspect, the ogu Kirtisama presents inquiries as to health, again and again, many, immeasurable, and thus (writes), namely: First of all I have sent from here a letter and a present in the hand of Magena and Pago; from that you must become acquainted (with the state of things). Also in Peta-avana the arrears of last year's tax and the tax of this year is to be sent here all complete with those same people (?). If you send it either earlier or later than then and it gets plundered on the way, you, sothamgha Lyipeya, will pay it from your own farm, parcel for parcel. Also with the corn newly (harvested) from the land, a large quantity of ghee is to be bought and sent here. The tax of the vega kilme women and corn newly harvested from the land is to be sent here complete. Also a tax camel is to be sent here along with it. Do not keep back the camel from the tomgas. Concerning that camel a detailed letter of instruction written with the king as witness went there. To you cozbo Kranaya I write. You must pay attention to this matter. This Lyipeya pays no attention to it. What affairs of yours there shall be in the future, I shall be able to do them for you. Whatever news there may be there of good or bad, a letter about it is to be sent here in the hand of a letter-carrier. What news there is here you will learn from Lyimsu. (70)


Also concerning the camel, zeal is to be displayed. If this camel does not exist, you must give a female camel to Lyimsu [........ (71) / [p. 33]


(1) Of Pitga one milima fifteen khi of wine as arrears; Rasena's arrears ten khi.
(2) In Svaya's hundred arrears of wine, fourteen khi; in Lustu's district arrears, sixteen khi.
(3) Caneya's arrears one milima two khi; Vua's arrears eight khi.

In Vugto's district [........


In the 26th year of His majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the 10th month, at this date, the people measured out the suki wine. (The rest of the document consists of a list.) (72)


In Sugiya's hundred one rug (kojava) is to be given. In Tgacas office thirteen khi of wine, etc., etc.


........] old wine to the king's court, one milima thirteen khi [............] the vasu Opgeya.
......] these people drink three khi of wine [....... (List.) (73)


Also let the little child be under your care. Also some gold has been left. When there is a suitable man there as messenger, it is to be sent here in his hand. Whatever news you have there, let me know about it here. He asks about the health of his dear brother Kunasena, many (times) beyond measure. Also I sent a small present earlier in the hand of [Salu ?]ve. (74) / [p. 34]


A. (1) In Lustu's district they received twenty meta.
(2) In Vuru's district they received ten meta; the (number of) meta in arrears is ten. (75)


In the 13th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri son of heaven in the [...] month, on the 26th day, at this date, an account was written out of the royal camels as a reckoning:
A. (1) With the vasu Amti nine female camels, one male camel, and one young one has been born.
(2) With Kunasena nine female camels, [one] male [......] offspring.
(3) With Kamci ten female camels.
(4) With vasu Opgeya six Khotanese female camels, another one female camel, four recent births.
(5) With [va]su Opgeya six Khotanese female camels, and four recent births from the female camels.
B. (1) In the [.....] year, etc.........
(2) With Varpe there are fourteen female camels alive, another two female camels have died, and two young ones have died.
(3) With vasu Opgeya two young camels at a fourth birth, and two others at a fifth.
(4) With vasu Opgeya there are eleven female camels alive; two camels have gone to the king's court; (also) six other female camels.
(5) With korara Rutraya eight female camels; one camel has gone to the king's court; another one female camel has died.
(6) With tomga Apemna three female camels.
(7) With Kamci two young camels that have been born are living; (also) ten female camels; another six camels have died.
(8) With [.... ] camels are alive ; another nine camels have died.


His majesty, etc......... Kamjaka informs us that he is a keeper of the royal camels. Formerly they used to provide from the state guards for the keepers of the royal camels; now they are not giving guards to those people. Formerly the royal camels used to be vudhim (= ?) on the fourth day. Now in your province [.... (76) / [p. 35]


At the time the Supis came to Cadota.


(R.) Thus the right amount of felt is to be sent. Now let there be instructions from the mouth of Bharu (Tsaru). Kuna[....... ]. Do not worry about a present. I have sent a small thing to put you in mind of me (namely) a lastu[ga] and [. . . . . . . .] should be under your care.


In the 7th year the cozbo [.............. ]. Ogaca and Sarviga sold land to Kuvaya. The price was received - one cow in calf. The land (had a capacity for seed) of thirty khi. The witnesses were (a man) called Pugisa, a karsenava and sramana called Buddhavarma and the accountant Mala[.... ]. They cut the string. (77)


In the 5th year, 7th month, 6th day of his majesty the great King Amguva[ka ..........], the gusura Viharavala, the [tuguja] Kapumca, the tasuca Rahulatga and the kitsa < i > tsa Kude (Kutre) [........]. Kuvaya, Mogata, Cimola, and Lyimimna - belonging to these there is a farm [........] and arable land and a vineyard inherited from their father and grandfather. So now they have made an equal division of it all (including) the detailed items of clothing, bedding, etc. A decision has therefore been reached. Also this younger brother Cimola has beaten Kuvaya and broken a bone. Now Cimola has been punished. Seventy blows have been given him, he is much cut up. The recompense has been made a man five distis high. So from now on the elder brother shall beat the younger brother, and the father shall beat the son - so is an end to be made to this matter. With reference (to this matter), this (letter) has been written to the kitsa < i > tsa Piteya. Whoever of these brothers injures another, they are to be stopped. Also the maravara Lepaya has a dispute with Kuvaya about a camel. Kuvaya shall come here. (78) / [p. 36]


...] will take out to the bridge [........] of three-year-old camels ten, and a second (? bi < ti >) ten. Certainly you must do this. That beast is to be sent to the keepers of the bridge (piropa[la]ye). I have sent a present [...... If ] you have any things to be done I will be able to do them for you.


His majesty, etc......... The vasu Opgeya makes a representation to the effect that the other keepers of camels do not provide attendants in Nina. Now they are asking for attendants from them (i.e. Opge and his colleagues) When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith you must make a careful personal inquiry into the matter, and just as the other keepers of camels do not provide attendants in Nina, likewise these people have not to provide them. But if the others do provide them ........ The vasu Opgeya, concerning attendants in Nina.


...] is to be shot with a bow. (If) he dies by that shot [..........


R. In the 11th year, 3rd month, 28th day in the new village of the Queen, the son of heaven himself gave a command.


In the 15th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mahiriya, son of heaven, in the month of the new year, on the 20th day, there are some people of Bhagasa, brothers (and sisters), (namely) - the vasu Opgeya, Sugiya, the apsu Vuru, Kuleya, Vuruvisaae and Kutaga; they have made a sacrifice. They have taken one amklatsa camel from the vasu Opgeya to the sacrifice. If this camel dies or is lost, or an armed band carries it off, these brothers shall restore one camel of equal value to Opgeya.


O. To be opened by the vasu Opgeya dear to men and gods.
R. With (him) quickly an ageta is to be sent here. Let no slackness be allowed on this point. / [p. 37]


His majesty, etc......... Kunasena makes a representation to the effect that formerly a camel, belonging to them was sent to (your) province to feed. Now again a second camel has to be sent to the province. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, immediately thereupon, the two camels which were sent from him [........] whichever one is fat, that is to be sent here in the autumn. That camel is to be handed over to the sothamga's (taxation officials), they will bring it here. (79)


To his dear neighbours, etc......... the secret agent Catgila sends health, etc......... and thus I write. Six milima of corn belonging to me was taken and deposited at your door. Now we have sent Koleta and Tami there concerning this corn. Tami's camel is to be loaded with three milima of corn, and my camel too is to be given a load of three milima. Also I have a claim (?) to ( ? ). Certainly you, Upasena, must send it. (80)


......] you have deposited [......
....] Saluveta complains from you. Now it has become necessary to go to the king's court. Your own deeds up till to-day [........


....] here the kala Pumnabala makes a representation [...


In the 7th year of the great King Jitugha Vasmana Devaputra in the 5th month, 12th day, at this date at the potge, the elder Tamjaka and Mitro had a penalty imposed on them (namely a fine of ) one sheep, and thirty blows.
The dasavita presi Sugita and Dhamasretha.
(The rest of the document consists of a list of names with a corrupt Buddhist verse in the middle.)


To his dear father sothamgha Opgeya, etc......... the sothamga Dhamapala, etc......... thus (writes): A letter went from / [p. 38] here (with instructions that) your son Apita was to bring the wine here along with Sujata. Sujata came here, but you kept this Apita back there; the wine and the rest of the tax you did not send here. They are causing Sujata a great deal of trouble here on account of Aputa. Also they wanted to search for this Aputa here. I made an appeal at the feet of his majesty. As a result he was allowed ( ? ). Now indeed it is to be made ready. The year's tax in Ayamatu Vasa is to be brought here by him. If it is kept back further in Ayamatu Vasa, let not ( ? ), do not blame me. (81)


O. The arrears of tax in Ajiyama-avana.
............] is to be sent to the feet of his majesty.
R. (2) Another parcel belonging to Kalyigeya 3 milima, [..]khi.
(3) Another twenty-six [.......] was in arrears. Pomegranates [.........] 1 sap.ga, 6 milima of ogana, 6 cloths, 1 cow, ghee [.......
(4) Another parcel belonging to Tsugelva is 2 milima of corn; by Kalyigeya [......
(5) The sum of the arrears is: The new and the old ghee 18 khi, 1 asamkharajiya (?), 6 rugs (kosava), 1 akisdha, 5 pieces of cloth, 16 kamumta, 3 sacks, 3 baskets, I sheep, 1 milima 5 khi of wine potgonena, 16 milima of corn, 1 cow. (82) / [p. 39]


Concerning wine from ramga (tamga) Sugiya, to be carefully preserved by sothamga Kuvaya.


In the 3rd year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, the Devaputra, the 1st month, 12th day, at that time, at this date, there is a man called Palge belonging to the kilme of the ogu Pumnyasa and Jayasa. He arose and they sold a woman called Argiyotgisaae to the rasuvamta Apta. Palge received as price of this woman a camel seven years old. They agreed on equal terms. They made a decision in front of witnesses. The penalty (for violating the agreement) is similar (for both parties). They cut the string. They gave the o[du]vaga of a kapala camel. On that point they agreed to a like penalty. Whoever should want to alter this agreement at a future time, they fixed a similar penalty (for each), (a fine of) one vito horse and seventy blows. The witnesses were the monk Priyosa, Panagara (?), and Kvinaga. They made a settlement. (83)


(A list of names with payments.) (84)


(2) ..... ] concerning [. . . . .] I am sending a letter. This letter there ? [....... ] you are appropriating the legal amount of tax from your own farm and you are not revealing (prag[ata] nikhalesi) the tax of the other people. You are the third high official there to whom I have had occasion to send a letter about tax this winter. You have not sent even a third part of the third part of the tax. If they do not quickly bring the whole of this tax here, before long you will come here yourself in the rainy season of this year. Now [.... if ?] they do not bring the tax of the vega kilme women, we will [......? ....]. Also the last year's tax [........... ] and in / [p. 40] the hand of Kunasena you sent interest due instead of the 5 khi of ghee. Here 2 khi of ghee was received; there are 2 khi of arrears. (85)


His majesty the great king writes, he gives instructions to the cozbo Somjaka. Now here Opgeya complains that Kake and Lyipe let loose some mares in his misi(-field) to pasture. The Supis carried them off from there. Now they are making a claim against him for these mares.


........] are not to be removed. So you have put the cozbo Samasena's horse in the charge of Samgila as an amtagi (express). When this wedge, etc......... you must inquire. Along with it the hire of the horse of Sadasuta is to be taken out on equal terms; the hire of the horse is to be given.


His majesty, etc......... Now I have sent the ogu Alyaya on a mission to Khotan. For the sake of the affairs of your province I have sent in the hand of the ogu Alyaya a horse as a present to the King of Khotan. Provisions for this horse are to be given from Saca and Cadota: from Saca 10 vacari of meal, 10 vacari of phalitaga, and lucerne in two sacks, as far as Remena; from Cadota 15 vacari of meal, 15 vacari of phalitaga, and lucerne in three sacks as far as Khema. (86)


In the 3rd year, at that time the apsu Apniya received three dead young animals.
In the 4th year the apsu Apniya received one dead young animal, Kimciya received one young animal. In the 5th year the three susaga / [p. 41] received one young animal each. Two young animals they do not wish to receive. (87)


The Khotani Presamdha fled from the hand of Amti and went away. Now Dhraka [...........] took there. He ( ? ) with Kilyagi concerning this man. Here we the great [king] have investigated the matter with sworn testimony. Lyipta and other people - the kala Mutreya and the [sada]vida Kungeya, have sworn an oath; thus they said. That man, Presamdha the Khotani [fled] from the farm of Amti; unjustly does Dhraka ( ? ) with Kilyagi. For that reason the master [...............] at the [king's] court, the gusuras and (other) high officials must consider the matter in full detail. (88)


R. ...] forthwith thereupon a fugitive man is to be quickly sent from there to the king's court here in the hand of a suitable man; one who is not an artisan and not a subject of dispute. Now if you [do not] send (him), be on your guard.


His majesty, etc......... Mogi makes a representation to the effect that he has a dispute with Camaka about a camel. When this wedge, etc.........


In the 22nd year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the first month and the 25th day, at this date the scribe Ramsotsa, Suguta, Sunamta, Kunita, and Casgeya arose and gave as a present to the cozbo Somjaka akri-land of an extent capable of receiving 2 khi of seed of adini, and some more land outside - the extent of both together was (such as to receive) 5 khi of adini. The cozbo Somjaka arose and gave as a gift to the scribe Ramsotsa and Suguta as a return for the land one rug (kojava) worth 10 muli. They / [p. 42] agreed on equal terms. From this day forth in that land the cozbo Somjaka has full power to sow, plough, give it in exchange and do whatever he pleases with it.


His majesty, etc......... Samghila submits that he is about to go on a mission to Khotan. One express horse was to be given him there from the state. You did not provide a horse from the state (but) Samghila received a horse for hire. The cost of hire ought to have been provided there from the state. The cozbo Samasena was security. When this sealed wedge-tablet reached you, forthwith thereupon you must carefully inquire with oath and witness, whether it is really so and however much the cost of hire was decided to be, (so much) must be collected by Larsu and sent here. A decision is to be made according to the Law of the kingdom, etc......... (89)


.....] people in the state service. Beginning with Sunamta and Bimna the people are written down. In such a way (the people) from Samasena's household are to be written down. If it is different a decision is to be made according to law. ,


O. (2) The sramana Samghaparana received 1 milima of corn.
(4) Another sowing (took place) in the land of [........
(5) From Sokota there was a sowing,[ ........
(6) I sowed the land of Ktesana; 2 milima of corn was received.
(7) There was sowing in the land of [.....]; from that 2 milima of corn was received, also 6 khi of wine.
(8) ....] 1 milima of corn was received, also two rolls of silk were received, also twenty-five sheep [.....
R. (1) ............] and of Budhaghosa. 3 khi of wine was received.
(2) The slave of Samgaparana entered into my house and ( ? ) three rolls of silk, (3, 4) also 2 sata racana, (5) and 1 vusparta (rasparta). There he was ( ? ). On this elevated ground there was sowing. / [p.43]
(6) Further aresa [... ] palasa [1].
(7) .... ] time here I received (pir.ci) 2 <milima (?)> of wine potga and 3 milima of wine samiyo for the sake of a woman.
(8) Further 3 khi of gimta was received. (90)


His majesty, etc.........The cozbo Samasena informs us that he has a dispute with various people (? jana janena) concerning a transaction concerning camels and horses. In the [....]th year they are to be waited for (while) in the charge of this man, after the fourth year they are to be handed over to this Samasena. When this sealed wedge-tablet arrives there, a decision is to be made thus.


....] is to be sent here; nothing is to be kept back and nothing is to be made short.


His majesty, etc......... The cozbo [............] the other camel keepers are to be sent here. At that time the people of the cozbo Samasena's household [..........] are not to be removed. When the people of Samasena's household shall again come here, at that time a camel [........
R. The cozbo Samasena, the old camel keepers. (91)


..... the matter] is to be carefully investigated, and according as the law has been fixed of old in your province, in that manner a decision is to be made. / [p. 44]


........] the son of one woman. In the Duki mountain (there are) the son and daughter of another woman. When we come there, at that time, so that there shall be chamni, let the man be chamni on behalf of the man, and let the woman be chamni on behalf of the woman. For the sake of good luck, a present of one arrow has been sent. (92)


His majesty, etc......... Kuunge's reports that Sugika (son ?) of Keniga is appropriating misi-land belonging to him without just reason. When this wedge, etc......... you must investigate whether that misi-land really belongs to him and Sugika is appropriating it without just cause. Just as formerly it was the property of Kuunge, (so now) it is to be handed over to him, and Sugika must not take possession of it without just cause and against the law. If you are not clear, etc. ........
His majesty, etc......... In this autumn the kuvana corn from Cadoda has to be loaded. From that I the great king have allowed half of the packed corn as a grant to the cozbo Samasena. The other half is to be brought. The half that has been relinquished is to be provisions for Larsu. In the 21st year, Ist month, 21st day, the - camkura Kulavardhana was witness.


........] should receive the price, the man is to be sent. If otherwise [you] do not quickly send this woman [........


His majesty, etc......... Larsu informs us that Cakvala gave a horse to his father the cozbo Samasena as a present. As a return for this two sheep and three hasta varse were handed over [.......]. The cozbo Samasena died. This horse Cakva [la..........] took. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, you must forthwith carefully inquire in person whether it is really true that a high official has given away as a present something legally belonging to the king. / [p. 45] 45


R. Also Kapgeya (son) of Cimola owes a camel to the arivaga Camaka. Let that Camaka be supplied (?) therefrom. Also Pgeca took three camels; by all means let them be under your care. Also orders are to be given that the wine which is on loan with (various) people, is to be delivered.


R. The householder Tsugiya, the householder Kuleya, Ponicga Pogana, Kunita, Kilyama, Suvaya, Lyipamma, Tameya: orders are to be given for all the people mentioned here to be taken out to the bridge. A letter of command has come from the king's court that all the people from Cadota and Calmadana are to be settled down here. With reference to this a letter (setting the matter out) in brief has been sent there. Do not worry about a present.


To the master, etc.......... and thus I inform you; all is in (the sphere) of your divine knowledge. My wine is to be received [....]. It is now the third year that you have not sent this wine here. My [................] a man promised a horse here. The wine in his possession is to be taken. The wine must now without fail be sent in the hand of the sadavita Sugata. It is to be sent under seal, it is to be sealed with this seal which is the seal of the cozbo. [............] in the hand of Priyasaya. Also [......] that is to be quickly sent here, and a letter in answer must be sent without fail.


.....] he gives instructions to the cozbo Somjaka, and so you must know [......... if] there is any news from Khema and Khotan, a letter of information must be sent to the foot of me the great king [........
(4) ........ as in other cases] there is punishment and restraining [of witches], so now punishment and restraining of witches is to be made. Also [............ ] the fugitives who are there are all to be sent here. The royal camels there [............ the suvesta Ma ?] rega has to go on a mission to Khotan about important state business [........
(7) ........ a to gammi] asked (ya[j]ita). They have been handed over to the sramana [B]udasena. Instead of him [............] / [p. 46] is to be collected in one lump. As regards the royal camels there [........ (93)

(Fragmentary.) (94)


His majesty the great king writes [........
..] The ambukaya Apmya went on an embassy to Khotan. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you [.........] is to be given (If) again now it should be necessary to go, an arivaga should. quickly be sent to Remena. (95)


Also corn is to be received by the sramana Samghapriya from Paruga. Sugita must inquire (into the matter). If he does not deliver the corn, ( ? ) is to be given. Also instructions must be given to these people not to do anything Sugita disapproves of. Also to the samuda raya meat for eating is to be given, they are to be marked.
R. (1) ........] let them not keep back any of these things [....
(2) ........] pomegranate, madder (rotam), Sugita, and Pugo [...
(3) .....] must come here with [....] by no means [........
(4) .... ] we will [.....] ; as a token of remembrance, a present. of a bow-string has been sent and ( ? ). (96) / [p. 47]


From those one arivaga (guide) is to be given to the cozbo Bhagasena [..........] and a keeper of the camel is to be provided as far as Khotan. (97)


His majesty the great king writes [........ Here the vase suvetha Bhimasena informs us that in Yave avana [............] there she was taken in marriage by people belonging to the district (kilme) of the ogu Asoga [...........] sold. One son of hers in Calmadana, of the ogu Kirti [.........


Suguta says that land in Tsaga belonging to the Chinaman Aryasa [............] I have heard from the mouth of this Chinaman Aryasa; thus he said: At this time there is no land to buy. Concerning the boundary of this land I desire [........
R....... ] son. Now the field [... ? ......
...... ] is the farm of Sugiya. (98)

256 and 260

.......] in the district of the kala Kacaka she was taken in marriage. By all means [....................] they made (an equal division) of all [the property they inherited], only Patraya remained common property. Rutraya and Pamcama had this Patraya / [p. 48] working for them for eight years. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry must be made into this matter, and just as Rutraya and Pamcama have had this Patraya working for them, so this Patraya is to be employed for eight years by the suvetha Bhimasena (260) and during these eight years Rutraya and Pamcama are not to take possession of this Patraya. When again Rutraya and Pamcama [............ ] then the cudo is again to be employed by them. If on the other hand there is any dispute, when they are present here at the king's court [........ (99)

(Too fragmentary to translate.) (100)


His majesty, etc......... Apge complains that Bhagarka killed a camel belonging to him. This is the second time that a sealed wedge-tablet goes to you concerning this matter, (telling you) to send him here under escort; (but) he does not come here. When, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... The monk Samgharachi reports that they are abandoning his portion for the sake of others in yamba (?). When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc.........(101)


To his dear brother, etc. . . . . . . . . Lyi[pe]ya sends health, much, infinite, and thus (writes): The people of my district (kilme-) who are in Cadota should be completely under your care. Now I have delivered these (other) people of my district into your care. They are to be / [p. 49] taken as your own. Also the son [of................ ] gave you a command ( ? ) villagers ( ? ) are to be taken. Certainly you must take notice of this point [..........] are to be taken. Where the ground is clear, in that district ( ? ), sandy land [.........]. (102)


His majesty the great king writes, he gives instructions to the cozbo Somjaka, and so you must know what I write, namely: When I have given a command to do with the affairs of the state, day and night you must display zeal in the business of the state, guard is to be kept (over the kingdom) with care, even at the expense of your life; when there is any news from Khema and Khotan, you must send a letter of information to the feet of me the great king. Also you sent from there a letter of information in the hand of the tomga Vukto; from that I the great king learnt about everything. Also it appears that (ityartha) since last year you have been in great danger from the Supis and you settled the people of the kingdom (province) inside the city. Now all the Supis have gone; where they were formerly settled, there they have settled. In your province there has come about a relaxation. Also there is peace and quiet from Khotan. Now the lautgaimci people are to be written down. Only the city is to be defended; the other people of the kingdom are to be left alone; they are not again to be harassed (by being crowded) in the city. Also last year the royal suka wine was collected there. Now it is heard that the tax-collectors and officials of wine department have used up all this wine. When this letter of instruction reaches you, quickly thereupon last year's suka-wine and this year's wine is to be collected all complete, and is to be poured together in one place. Also just as there the yatma Parkuta collected and deposited the kuvana, tsamghina, and koyimamdhina corn in all the offices of the city, even so now let the kuvana, tsamghina, and ko[yimamdhina ...........] corn be collected and [..... ] in the city. Also letter-carriers shall come here to the king's court on speedy business, let a beast be taken from whoever possesses one and the hire be paid from the state at a regular rate, so that the affairs of state shall not in any way become slack. Also let lucerne for fodder be collected in the town. Day and night camdri, kamamta, rotam (madder), and curoma are to be sent here quickly to the king's court. Also it is heard that the people of the kingdom there are harassing each other on account of old debts. / [p. 50] These well-to-do people are to be prevented from persecuting the debtor people. When there is peace and quiet from Khotan and the kingdom is stable, at that time they will pay. Also it is heard that there the serviceable well-born people are very much disobeying the cozbo Somjaka. They do not do right (to act) thus. I have put the kingdom into the hands of this man alone, (and) the state affairs are not to be run by everybody. From now on he must be no more disobeyed. The man who disobeys the cozbo Somjaka is to be sent here to the king's court, and he will receive punishment here. (103)


His majesty, etc......... Since formerly from there the year's tax in Ajiyama-avana was assessed, twenty years have gone by. You have appropriated this tax there. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith this tax - we have sent an account-document from here - with that account-document this tax is to be quickly sent here complete by Lepata, the yatma and the ageta; it is not to be kept back, it is not to be sent short.


(R.) Also we have put the cultivation under the care of Kurageya and Cuvalayina. Whatever food and drink is produced from it there is to be given to this Camja, and a document containing the reckoning sent to me. Also of Kusamta (?) in the land Lyipana and Parvata sowed [.......] has been put under your care. The corn from there is to be given to Camja. The reckoning is to be sent to me. If the kilmecis in Masina do not do his bidding, be on your guard.(104)

[p. 51]


His maj esty, etc......... The vaseSuvarnamasuga reports that Cakuvaae, sister of kala Acuni of the district of Yave avana, was taken in marriage by Pgena who belongs to the district of Ajiyama-avana. That woman's tote and [muke]si were not taken to Yave-avana. There, sons and daughters were born to her. Camca belonging to the district of Yave-avana took the daughter of Pgena in marriage. The rest (of Cakuvaae's children) have remained belonging to Ajiyama-avana. On behalf of her mother Sarpina is in Yave-avana as wife of Camca. Inasmuch as the father Pgena has given his daughter in exchange, with this claim, by the sons of Pgena [.............] (105).


. . . . . . . .] keenness is to be shown in the affairs of the kingdom, guard is to be kept with twofold, threefold care. If here is any news from Khema and Khotan [............... ] you sent a letter of report. From that I the great king have got to know about all the affairs. Also you inform us that on account of the beast(s) [.......... ] the collection of suka-(wine) is to be carefully deposited. Whatever now again [............ ] in the autumn another [............ ] the old enmity and suspicion that existed between them is to be forgotten. Those kidnapped people are to be set down gently and with food [............ ] they are to be treated with kindness like skilled people (? ), they are to be properly nourished with food, so that there [............ ] all the tax in the city has been sent. (106)


His majesty, etc......... Mogi complains that ( ? ). There, Kumdho, Platga, and Caru are witnesses. This dispute, etc. (107)


At the feet of the master, dear to men and gods, honoured by men and gods, the Bodhisattva in person, the great cozbo Somcaka, the cozbo Yili and Namilgaae pay respect and send the health of his divine [p. 52] body, much, immeasurable and such is our statement : It is a long time since we were able to send you a letter and a present. For that reason we earnestly beg your indulgence. Nothing should be unknown to your divine knowledge. This srdmanera Cakvala has been sent to you to convey (wishes of) good health to your divine body. Whatever communication he makes to you there, by all means his words must be listened to. Let this srdmanera be under your care. Let them do nothing in disregard of him.We have sent a small present so that you need not worry about a present. Later we will send a letter and present in the hand of Dharmapriya, which will be worthy of youfrom Yili one rope, and from Namilgaae one lastuga. To the feet of his dear brother the cozbo Budharaclii of unlimited merit, who abides in (my) heart, Dharmapriya sends health, much. (108)


............ (3) the people of the kingdom. If there is a document containing a register of these people, Seraka will bring it to you; (a document) in which these people [........


R. col. D.They swore an oath concerning Catroae and Somjasrryae. These people who have been consulted are to go away from Namarasma. (109)


His majesty, etc......... (3) Formerly from there (the tax) of kuvana corn was assessed at 350 milima. The yatma Porkota has been sent there on the understanding that they will bring one-(third) part of it into the capital. When this letter of command reaches you, forthwith that corn is quickly to be collected. Forty camels are to be given loads of three milima each (each load consisting) of two parts juthi and one part sahini. (The remaining) two-thirds are to be deposited at Pisali. Fifteen camels whichever are ready first are to be taken out to (transport) the wine. These camels are to be taken from the military people. (110) [p. 53]


...... gives instructions to the cozbo Somj aka ; (you) must be acquainted with what I write, namely when I have given a command concerning the affairs of the kingdom [.......... ] so a letter of information is to be sent to the feet of me the great king. Also from there in the hand of the letter-carrier Sug[............ ] has now been handed over to the cavalry. Also again you report that the kuvana corn has been collected, (so) you report, (to the extent of) 346 milima [............. ] the corn is to be collected. Also those people of Cadota who were carried off [......... ] have come there into their own territory to Alma Bhumi [............ ] are to be looked after as if they were your own. Also you report on the matter of the fugitives. Farmland and house must be given to those fugitives [............ ]. Also kharagi and seed is to be given to those fugitives, so that they can make copious and plentiful cultivation. (111)


. . . . . . . .] gives instructions to [....... ] and the kala Karamtsa. Now the cozbo Suryamitra complains that the monk [........ .]. Just as formerly the tax was a jar of pomegranates (containing) 1 khi, so now it is to be demanded. As regards the madder (rotamna) in Devi Catisae Avana, he has been excused from that, (so) do not ask for it. Again Suryamitra complains that a man Luthu in court, in the presence of the gusura and magistrates has contradicted (the fact that) he borrowed a girl Kuti from Suryamitra's farm. If this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith quickly the girl to him [........] (112)


His majesty, etc......... I the great king have granted to Mochakama in Vamtu-avana one man (called) Dham,akathiga from the Calmadana agricultural estate (misiyade). In his place now, by me the great king, a fugitive man has been given there in Vamtuavana. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, whatever isolated Khotanese fugitive there may be, he shall be handed over to the messengers from Vamtu-avana. [p. 54] In the 10th year, 2nd month, 4th day, in the great city at the king's court. In Vamtu-avana. (113)


A. (N., xv, 79)
His majesty, etc......... The vase camkura Cakvala reports that Tsugesila, a native there of Yirumdhina-avana is removing the hasgga. When this wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith the matter is to be carefully examined there with sworn testimony, whether it is really so. According to the former law the hasgga is to be sent here to the king's court. Yirumdhina Avana.

B. (N., xv, 121)
. . .] In that matter Pugo is a witness there. The ogu Purnasa seized two camels of Camaka. Thus the magistrates decided here at the king's court-that one camel from the cozbo Cimola and a second camel from the guards should be taken to Camaka. Up till to-day they have not taken them. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith you must make careful inquiries there in person and according to the decision at the king's court these two camels are to be delivered to Camaka. If again there should be any dispute, etc......... (114)


In the 17th year of his majesty the great king Jitumgha Mairiya son of heaven at this date in the 4th month, on the 17th day Caku, Moge, and Asena made a lawsuit. Caku took it upon him to do the farm work, (while) Asena and Moge undertake to make the complaint at the king's court. Those ploughed fields of the farm which have been ploughed are to be properly watered and looked after. Both the internal and external cultivation is to be properly looked after. (115) [p. 55]


(Fragmentary list.) (116)


The kala Kunala sends health to his dear brother, beloved of men and gods, the cozbo Somjaka, much, immeasurable. I am pleased that you are well ; you will be pleased to hear that I am well; and thus I (write) namely: You know all (about the fact that) the load of the ( ? ) beast(s) was to be taken from Cadota. The people of Calmatana loaded the corn from their own. Some took from it; others took from it again a second and third time. At that time the yatma Caule had to pack his load from that. He [loaded it] from his own [........] (117)


To be given to the tuguya Cimola ..... ]. From Saca one camel is to be given (and) it is to be sent back from Cadota. Now in the spring-time he is going on speedy business. An unserviceable beast must not be given him, everything serviceable must be given him. (118)


The son of the great king, the kala Kupsuda sends health, much, immeasurable to the great cozbo Somjaka, of pleasant aspect, whose life is a hundred divine years worthy of him, a divinity in person; and I am exceedingly pleased to hear from you that you are in good health. I too am well, you will be pleased to hear, and thus (I write), namely: Just as formerly people belonging to my district have been under your care, so let them now be altogether under your care. Whatever tax (there is) from there, let it be collected. Also what corn had to be bought by (a payment of) wine, so let it be bought. Particular instructions must be given to the yatma and ageta, that nothing must be short and also to the yatma and ayeta each of whom have to go in front. (119) [p. 56]


His maj esty, etc.........gamasena reports that he has a dispute with Cugapa about a man. On that point Namtiga and Cacuka are witnesses. When this wedge, etc......... If you are not clear there, only oath and testimony are to be written in a letter and a letter of report sent here.


His majesty, etc......... gives instructions to the cozbo Somjaka, as follows: The people who were in charge of the government there before you, at that time they used to bring here 150 milima of koyimamdhina corn. During the time you have been in charge of the province, since then the corn has not been brought. In winter there was a letter of command from here (saying that) that corn was to be brought to Calmadana. You have not sent it to Calmadana. When this wedge-tablet of command shall arrive there, forthwith this koyimamdhina [corn ............ ] is not, its equivalent in value (?) is to be purchased and sent here in.the hand of Lyipana. It must not be held back. (120)


His majesty, etc......... The treasurer Kuvineya reports that two men, fathers, belonging to him escaped and are there. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith these men are to be carefully searched for. The bridge is to be put into the charge of Cimaka and Sekla, so that they shall not escape to another kingdom. In the year before last there was a wedge-tablet concerning__ these men (sent) in the hand of Sugi, (but) up till to-day nothing has been heard. Again there was a letter of command in the hand of the secret agent Lyipta and again no decision was heard of. Again there was a letter of instruction with a detailed account concerning these men in the hand of Sugi. Now the matter has been carefully examined [p. 57] here. (We find that) for three years these men have been working there and you do not send them here. If suitable people shall come here, these men are to be sent here in their hands, so that they shall not again disappear from the road. (121)

(The " traces of three or four lines " on the reverse can be read as follows) :

(1) ede mamnusa .. .. patruga
(2) sa ca istri mamtritamti avi
(3) ede anada pruch davya ya . . gramammi (4) ya . . gothammi huamti

(1) avi cimaka sekla sa ca mamtritamti cadotammi asti j alpitamti
(2) sugiyasa hastammi eka vara ede mamnusana prace anadi kilamudra gida biti vara
(3) lyipta anadi lekha gida kapgeyasa hastammi a[na]ti lekha . . huati
(4) caturtha vara sothamga ........... The women said that these men are [........ ] and Patruga. They are to be carefully inquired after in whatever village and house they are. Also Cimaka and Sekla have spoken. They said that-they are in Cadota. One time a letter of command concerning these men was taken in the hand of Sugiya. A second time Lyipta took a letter of command. There was a letter of command in the hand of Kapgeya. A fourth time the sothamga [........] (122)


. . . . . . . . . . .] is to be sent here in the hand of [. . . . .].If he takes compassion (?) on my life, I will be able to do a good deed in return for that person of excellent virtues. As a present one hastavarsaga has been sent. (123)


His majesty, etc......... Jihmaya complains that the hire of a man Kamki was awarded to him from Catata and Aya, (and) a [p. 58] written document was made. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith you must carefully inquire in person whether it is really so. According to what was decided here at the king's court so you must make a decision there. You must not act differently from that. If you are not clear, etc..... (124)


(List dealing with pake.)
(Column C.) There is no mention of these people here (to the effect that you are employing them there). (125)


The cvavalayina Maltsuta sends health, etc......... A man Kolyisa [.......... ] took a camel there to fatten. They made witnesses the cvavalayina Maltsuta [........... ] Parneya Dhamasira and Capeya. These people (who are) witnesses there [.......


His majesty, etc......... The ogu Samasena reports that formerly from there tsamghina tax was paid and that (now) they are not bringing even a quarter of it (and) they owe a great deal here. There the tsamghinava's must swear (an oath) and Kolyisa is to be carefully interrogated. When this wedge, etc......... (Cov.-tablet, Rev.) A careful inquiry is to be made into the small cattle producing ghee and the cows. So much as there is must all be sent here.


To her dear sister Pumnalazaae, Cukapae sends health, much, immeasurable, and thus (reports) : I have sent you one pamzavamta made of prigha, you must certainly send me a coat. (126)


To the cozbo Somj aka of pleasant aspect, dear to men and gods, the cozbo Bhimasena [............ ] am well here. Whatever business there may be, there is no correct account of it with me the [p.59] great king. Also [............ ] also they are sending messengers. Even so you are unwilling, you do not allow [............ ] should be suitable. These people who administer the royal tax there [............ ]. The revenue which has been assessed from the town office there [............ ]. You write here on account of the reckoning. So in protsa kresa [............. ] time, so you must come here so that [........] (127)


This document concerning a theft by Kacano (slave) of Samgila is to be carefully kept by Larsu. This is the seal of the cozbos Imdrasena and Kirtisama. In the ninth year of his majesty the. great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, on the 19th day of the 3rd month, at this date the ogus Asuraga, Piteya, Rohana, Jayasa, Kirtisama, and Ldasa, the cozbo Takra, the camkura Purnadana and the cozbo Mitrapala heard (a case). Larsu reported, " property of mine was lost and was recovered from Kacano, slave of Samgila."(The property consisted of): One embroidered vidapa ; a j acket made of white silk ; a samimna ; a lgokmana of many colours ; a yellow-coloured kuvana-garment ; a jacket made of hempen cloth ; a kharavarna garment ; an embroidered lyokmana; a kremeru; a paliyarnaga garment; four golden dare; one varsaga; five pasta of woollen cloth; two blue-dyed kigi. These objects are valued at [........] all the property has been recovered. (128)


(Rev.)........ ] will be. Considering that there is no other man there who would pay (proper) attention to (my) cultivation, [p.60] I am writing, now that I have an opportunity, to you; and I request you to take thought concerning this Phuvasena and let him go, so that he can take in hand my ploughing and sowing. If even so you do not take compassion and let him go, there is another man there called Sarpiga who is suitable. But this pdyandtsa is to be written. By all means let Phuvasena be freed and let go, I request you particularly. I have brought this matter to your notice now that I have an opportunity, lest there be an absence of opportunity in the future. I have sent this letter of request and greeting from the rocakhora of the ogu Jeyasa, so you need not be angry about (the absence of) a gift. Since you went away from here your house and family are all well. (129)


This document concerning a man of Khotan is to be carefully preserved by Kilyagiya. In the 21st year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, on the 11th day of the 2nd month, at this date, Pugo and the secret agent Opgeya arose and gave a Khotanese man called Samngo to the society of monks at Cadota. Now again the society of monks at Cadota handed over this man to the vases Spirta and Kumnasena. This was written in front of the cozbos Yitaka and Vukto. Whoever in the future [makes a claim] against Kilyagiya, the Kala Purnabala, or the vases and agetas, shall have no claim to payment. (130)


(Rev.) .... ] news of peace. Another acovimna man is to be quickly sent here.


In the 4th year of his majesty the great King Mairi the son of heaven, on the 13th day of the 3rd month, at this date ( ? ) the Supis came to Calmadana ; they plundered the kingdom and carried off the inhabitants. The Supis seized a man called Samrpina, a slave of the vase Yonu and sent him as a present to Cinasgasi (the Chinaman Sgasi). Cinasgasi (provided) from here, as a recompense for the man, two golden staters and two drachmas. (Consequently) that man [p. 61] became the rightful property (?) of Sgasi. His own master, the vasu Yonu, did not wish to remove the man himself, and permission was given to Sgasi to sell him to others. Considering this Cinasgasi sold this man to Katge. As the price of the man [........ ] and one bow is right. Cinasgasi has sold well and Katge has bought well. From now on [........] (131)


(Rev. 4.) ... fifty blows, and all his beard (shall be) shaved off. Witnesses are [........]


This document concerning the house and farm of the people of Trasa Avana [.......... ] and the house and farm and land of Kamaya is to be carefully preserved by the cozbo Samasena. This is the seal of the ogus Pamcatva and Conakara and of the cozbo Bhimasena. (Rev.) ........ ] and Picga complained concerning the house and farm and land of Kamaya. The vasu Vugaca and the yatma Yipicga [.......... ] the farm and house and land of Kamaya belongs to Trasa Avana. On that point there were no witnesses. The cozbo Samasena made a representation (saying) : The farm and house of Kamaya is our inherited property. There many old people of Cadota came out as witnesses. Considering that the house and farm and land of Kamaya is the inherited property of the cozbo Samasena, we have decided that this house and farm' and land, along with everything on it belongs to the cozbo Samasena. There shall be no payments or receipts on the part of the people of Trasa Avana, the matter has been cleared, a decision has been made.


In the 23rd year, 2nd month, 4th day of his majesty the great king [............ ] it is at this date. A slave of care Lustu and Tsimava, called Asamna, sold thirteen kuthala in mini-land to Kolasi, slave of Acufiaya. The price was given, one cow (worth) ten (units) in price. Further, as atga price, one kojava (rug) was given of the price [p. 62] of five. The accumulated price was fifteen. Thus they agreed in front of the magistrates. The kitsayitsa Varpa and the kalas Kutreya and Karamtsa were witnesses. The cozbo Lustu was a witness [........] and Karamtsa and the sothamgha [........] (132)


This is the seal of the gusuras Ca[k]urata and Asoga. [. . . . . . . .] Katgaya shall have ownership over this man for all matters. Witnesses there (are) the opus Cakurata, Asoga, Cakuraya, and gamasena, and the kala Kunala. On the matter of ( ? ) his majesty must think. (This) has been written by me, Vutsava (?).


His majesty, etc......... (3) And now the business of the wine has come up at Calmadana. When this letter of command shall arrive there, forthwith wine (capable of being carried) by five camels is to be sent here in the hand o f this Caulgeya. The load of one camel is 1 milima 1 khi, so that he can measure out 1 milima complete in Calmadana. From there [............ ] together the wine is to be taken. This wine should be taken to Calmadana on the fifth day of the fourth month. By no means let there be any [............] of the wine. (133)


Concerning aklatsa camels from the Khotanese [........ ] and the sramana Pumna[. .]ma-to be kept by the cozbo Samasena. This is the seal of the vase Opge and the carapurusa Opge. [. . . . .] the kori Rutraya [............ ] the sothamgha Sucama [............ ] the scribes Vugeya and Budharacfii.


This document concerning a girl adopted from Priyapata is to be kept carefully by Kacana. This is the seal of the kala Pumnabala. In the 11th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mairi the son of heaven, in the 2nd month, on the 8th day, at this date, (there is) a man called Priyapata belonging to the district of the son of the great [p. 63] king, the kala Pumnabala. To him a daughter was born. They wanted to expose her on the ground. Kacana took her up from the ground. Kacana gave the " milk-fee " to Priyapata. It was settled as one horse. That girl is not to be sold by Kacana, nor mortgaged, nor removed from his-house, and she is not to be ill-treated in the house. She is to be regarded as his own daughter With reference to this girl in the future, a second (different) statement is not to be brought up by the man Priyavata or by her mother. (The document) has been written by me, the sramana Mochabudhi at the command of kala Pumnabala, son of the great king. It is authoritative in every district. (134)


His majesty, etc......... (3) (? ).(4) From now on, a borrowed (?) horse is not to be sent out by you, only that which [............ ] will send out. The fugitives from Khotan who have entered the bridge there, in this way [.............. ]. The [cu]roma is to be sent here in the hand of Lyipta. The horse(s) (employed in transporting) the wine [........] (135)


The daughter of Kamkuca, called Kamcgoae [? ........]. The daughter of the woman Ramotiyae was (taken in marriage) to Catisa deviyae avana, [........] The adopted daughter of Pleya Balavama [....... ] wife. The mother of [..... ka] is from Catisa deviyae avana [.......... ] by name is wife of Dhamakama. [......... ] taken in marriage to [. . . . .] avana, in Catisa deviyae avana. A woman [...... ] by name [.......... ] was taken to Catisa deviyae avana as wife of Mutrasra. The daughter of Kamkuca [.......... ] by name [........ ] the korara Cakvala [........


This letter from the Khotani gakha, concerning a camel is to be carefully preserved by Cugapa. [p. 64 ] [............ (2) and thus he says, namely : A long time has passed and we have not sent you from here a letter and present, nor have we heard anything from you there. For that reason very much [............ ] should be. Also corn of yours was received here. The rest of that corn has been paid over [............. ] the price of the corn must undoubtedly be sent from there [........... ] should be paid [............ ] we have sent; you should not worry about a present.


This letter from the scribe Rams[otsa] concerning land is to be carefully preserved by the cozbo Somj aka.


To be opened by (my) dear brother, the cozbo Somjaka. ........ ] will be carried off.There in ( ? ) you certainly send new vailiu. Of them such of the people of my kilme who do wrong against each other, (in their case) a decision is to be made according to the law. Also concerning the camel of Kua about which there is a dispute, a wedge-tablet has been made.Of them [........ ] is to be made. There will be a decision here: do not take counsel on the matter there. The arrangements for the exchange of wives (striyana mukesi) which have been made by the people of my kilme with outsiders (parasya mulade) Camaka knows. His counsel is to be taken. Such witnesses as there are-their evidence (7nam < tra >) is to be written down and sent here. One hastavarsaga is sent as a token of good will.


(To cozbo Somjaka.) His majesty, etc......... Sucamma complains that a camel has been awarded to him from Pgena. Even so (Pgena) does not give it. Further, Pgena bound (?) his father Kuunge hand and foot and beat him. When this wedge, etc......... concerning the camel a decision is to be made in accordance with the former award ; the beating [......] (136)


(To cozbo Kranaya and sothamga Lyipeya.) His majesty, etc......... The monk Samgarachi complains that now five years his [............ ] up till to-day, the hire [p. 65] [............ ]. When this wedge, etc......... you must ask how many months and days [............ ] the camel went away [............. ] is to be decided. If it is otherwise [...... ]a decision is to be made. (137)


His majesty, etc......... Also there the camels from the herds such as are three years old, and from that age up to eight years are to be sent here in the hand of the sothamga Kolyisa and Calmasa. On the tenth of the eleventh month, Pisali [............ ] (4) the camels are not to be sent. A letter of information is to be sent first from Pisali. When you have read these (letters) the letter is to be sent from Pisali.


In the eighth year of the great king Jitugha Vasmana son of Heaven, on the ninth day of the twelfth month, at this date the cozbo Larsu bought food for the order (samghabhata) for the price of a jacket. Received was muli 16, khi 15, and distributed. One muli remained over. (138)


(To cozbo Kranaya and sothamga Lyipe.) If he dies this one is to be taken back. A decision is to be made according to the former law of the kingdom. If you are not clear there, there will be a decision when they come before our presence at the royal court.


In the 9th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, 3rd month, 5th day, at this date, Larsu says : It is a fact that in Cadota the monk Anamdasena received 30 milima of corn on loan from Cugopa. Further he received 15 khi of wine on loan. In addition the slave of this monk Anamdasena, Budhagosa by name, he stole from the house of me (and) Cugopa 12 lengths of silk (pata) and also 3 urnavarande, 2 ropes (rasamna), 3 felt garments (namati), 4 sheep, 1 aresa amounting in all (sarvapimda-gamnanena) to the value of 100 muli. Concerning this matter Cugopa swore an oath. Thus the whole was to be paid over by the monk Anamdasena and received by Cugopa and Larsu. Further that monk was owing at the court (dvara[mmi]) a fine of one cow. [p. 66] Now again the monk Anamdasena made_ representations with Larsu and made efforts. So Larsu desirous of acquiring merit together with the monk Anamdasena, they came to an agreement with each other outside (the court). This monk gave the thief man Budhagosa to Larsu as equivalent to the value (namely) 110 muli of the corn Anamdasena received on loan and the twelve lengths of cloth (etc.) that were stolen. Also the cozbo Larsu abandoned his claims against the monk Anamdasena for this 110 muli. From this day forth Larsu shall have no claim against the monk Anamdasena concerning this 110 muli and the [thefts] of his slave.Neither shall the monk Anamdasena have any claim against Larsu concerning this thief man of his. Everything has been settled and a decision has been reached. If at a future time the monk Anamdasena or his son or grandson, or any kinsman of his or son of a kinsman should want to alter this, or should stir up a dispute about the decision, in such a case their renewal of action (muha cotamna) shall be without authority and they shall incur a penalty. They shall pay as a penalty into the royal funds ([ra]yakammi) , thirty lengths of cloth, and having paid all this penalty, without doubt it shall continue as is written above. Witnesses on this matter are the ogu Kirtisama, Ldasa, Takra, and the camkura Anugaya.

(In) the monastery (samgaramam) : Cugapa, 3 masusa and 10 milima of corn ; half has disappeared ; pasdha (_ ?) ; Priyasri, 1 milima of corn; Sammarya, 1 milima of corn; Sammapri, 1 milima of corn; Jepriya, 1 milima of corn; Capyana, 5 khi of corn; Dhammaramna, 10 khi of corn; Codistri (? ), 10 khi of corn; Narsita, 1 milima of corn; Cimaga, 1 milima of corn ; [. .]kha, 1 milima of corn ; Cimgse, 1 milima of corn ; girsa,15 khi of corn ; Tamcano, [. .] milima of corn ; Upateyu, 1 milima of corn; Nasova, 10 khi of corn; Saru, 10 khi of corn; Codiru (?) and Titsa (?), 10 khi of corn; Tsgatsi, 10 khi of corn ; Lakunagita, 1 vacarina ; Lgipava, 2 khi of mahuraga ; Manigi, 2 khi of mahuraga ; Capyana, 1 khi of mahuraga ; Lyipama, 1 sheep; Cugapa, 1 khi of mahuraga ; Priyasri, 1 khi of mahuraga ; Larsu, 1 khi of mahuraga ; Pepriya, 1 khi of mahuraga ; G. yamna, 1 khi of mahuraga. (139) [p. 67]


Men ([mane]sarupa) women ( ? ) ........


. . . . . (is) without water. When this wedge and seal arrive there, you must carefully inquire whether it is really so. At present the cozbo Samasena is speedily bringing a letter of command concerning the affairs of the potge. Caule must not bar his way nor take him into custody. At such time as they are in our presence at the king's court there will be a decision. (140)


To be carefully preserved by Kilyagi. This is the seal of Tsugesla. This document is dated in the 4th month, 21st day. At that time Tsugesla arose and sold a pot (kalasa). Kilyagi bought it and paid the price ( ?). Tsugesla received it and a decision was made. In future the one owes the other [nothing]. This has been written in the presence of the cozbo Samasena. It has been written by me the scribe Budharachi and has authority for 100 years. Whoever at a future time shall disturb this arrangement shall pay a penalty-all to the Samgha-of twelve lengths of cloth. (141)

His majesty, etc......... (3) Also there six camels of the royal herds [............ ] 78 milima of corn. Of this corn [............ ] this corn [............ ] is to be given. ( ?) also [..... ] counsel is not to be given. An estimation is to be made of the camels of the royal herds, and people are to be prevented from [..... ] the horses. [......... ] There the female camels of the herd [..........] wine, nor sadi wine is to be sent out. Also Cakuvala took two camels to kala Purnabala. These camels died. (In the case of) these two camels pamcara is to be given. This corn is to be collected. Of this corn another yatmi is to be made. [....... ] on the 24th day. [p. 68] Rev. [To be given] to Somjaka. Concerning herds and camels [......... ] brought. (142)


In the 4th year, 3rd month, 1st day, at this date the female camels of the queen have to be looked after by a man belonging to the cozbo Yitaka. Rev. (Fragmentary.)


His majesty, etc......... (3) And now many Supis have come to Navote. There they spoke thus [...... ] with retinue [.......... ] in Cadota they pass the time. Concerning (this matter) we have speedily sent a letter-carrier there. If this letter of command reaches you, immediately [........ ] so that no harm shall come from the kingdom.


If it is otherwise Kuge and Tsulga are to be sent under arrest here along with Kumsena (and) there will be a decision.


As a token of remembrance (I) have sent (you) 1 cinaveaa (Chinese turban).


. . . . . is to be sent here, with a letter of information and a present. On the eighteenth day of the ( ? ) month, a man is to be sent. If he does not come at that time this affair is not [........ ] shall be. As a token of remembrance one (portion of) ginger has been sent. (143)


His majesty, etc......... Now by me the great king one fugitive man has been granted to the kori Sujada. When this wedge and seal arrive there, forthwith (a man) such as is not a skilled craftsman, nor a subject of dispute, should be given (to him). There is to be no withholding of him. [p. 69]


His majesty, etc......... Budhasena informs us that he has a camel with Kolyisa. It died. When this wedge and seal shall arrive there, forthwith careful inquiry is to be made with oath and witness (and) a decision is to be made in accordance with the law. If it is otherwise, (or) you are not clear there, they are to be sent in custody here to the king's court, (and) there will be a decision. (144)


His majesty, etc......... (3) Also you have sent a letter of information in the hand of a letter-carrier, so we have become informed in detail. Also you inform us that people are harassing each other on account of old debts. They are to be stopped. When the kingdom is on its feet (again), then inquiry can be made. As regards payments of debts made since the plundering of the kingdom, inquiry must be made as to how they have settled such matters. Just as formerly you send from there tomgas and their attendants (vatayaga), at that (usual) time you must send them to the king's court. The tribute is to be sent under supervision to the treasury. Also a great quantity of curama is to be sent. Also rotamna to the treasury. Just as formerly, so now it is to be sent. Karci, kamude, and curama are to be sent to the treasury. Other than that, nothing. (145)


His majesty, etc......... (3) We have been informed of everything from the letter of information which you sent from there in the hand of the letter-carrier Cadhi. Also you inform us that two camels belonging to the kala Purnabala will not stay there but run away. These camels are to be properly looked after there. Let them become fat. They are not to be brought here in the autumn. Also you inform us that a man belonging to Camaka of kala Purnabala is doing work there, and not other people; (and that) there are neither written documents nor witnesses. That man is to be removed in the name of the kala Purnabala. If anyone disputes this, they may complain at the king's court. Also (with reference to your request to the effect that), " They [p. 70] who commit crimes here should die here," we sent (the culprits) to you. (Of these) it is heard that Viharavala is wasting and destroying the wine and meat of his own tenants (kilmeciyana). As daily sustenance there is to be given to Viharavala, along with his son(s) and retinue, from his own estate, flour (ata) and meal (sate) (to the extent of) 4 vacari. He is to be kept under the conditions (prescribed) for criminals (in such a way, namely that) he shall not be free either hand or foot and shall not be balasta. Also they have sent from here to Sudarsana two pots. These are to be allowed to be taken in to him. In the (abovementioned) manner food is to be given him from his own estate (kilme) and in the same way he is to be kept well guarded. Also there are two households there belonging to Sudarsana. These people are to be made swear an oath, and no mere scandal is to be talked from here or heard there. From time to time these people are to be allowed to go in to Sudarsana. Also many times a letter of command has gone from here, (telling you) to give a fugitive man to the sothamga Saluvi. Up to the present day you do not give (this). You play, the procrastinator. You are quickly to give him: if again you do not quickly give him, have a care. Sihadhama's son is promptly to be brought out himself as a novice ( ? ) the sramana is to be given to others as a slave. (146) [p. 71]


(To cozbo Somjaka.) ........ also he complains that of him there is a written document at the king's court (according to which) two camels were awarded to him from Pgina. Of these he (Pgina) gave one camel; the second camel he does not give. You must carefully inquire, and according as is written in the document, so you must now adjudicate in accordance with the law. You must not do otherwise there. Also he informs us that he received a camel on hire from Tsugesla, and paid all the hire. This camel Varpe brought. On the way it died. Now he makes a claim against him. On this point a decision is to be made. (147)


To be given to tuquya Cimola, sevena Kolyisa, the kala Kuna[la]' and the cozbos Kolyisa and Somjaka. (148) [p. 72]


[........ ] in the hand of [....... ] in former time [.......... ] of the deity Acokisgiya quickly here is to be sent in the hand of Vugaca [............ ] is to be sent here. From there you sent a letter. The maker of bows (dhamnukara) [............ ] you sought. He says, there is a withholding from me of ( ? ). To-day early you sent [........] (149)


His majesty, etc..... . . . . Also now the suvetha Khosa has been sent on an embassy to Khotan. He has taken the members of his family to settle them in Cadota there. These members of Khosa's family are not to be let go to Khotan. They are to be kept back in Cadota there.Let them be under the care of you the governor (rajadharaga). Let them not get the better (of you).If lack of anything (vekalya) affects them, they are to be properly looked after. (When) he comes back from Khotan, he will bring them here. (150)


To be given to kala Kunala.


(To cozbo Somjaka.) [........ ] Are quickly to be sent under custody to the king's court. They will make a complaint here in our presence, (and) there will be a decision. Let him (it) not be unlawfully taken from Camaka. Also Casgeya has worked a slave belonging to Camaka for twelve years [........ ] has brought. Again he demands the camel. This dispute is to be carefully examined in your presence with oath and witness. A decision is to be made according to the law. If you are not clear there, they are to be quickly sent here to the king's court under custody, and there will be a decision here in our presence. Also, they drag him round two cities in this dispute (?). As a result of that he died. (151) (Fragment) ..... ] There must be no withholding [........


(To cozbo Somjaka.) His majesty, etc......... The kala Pumfiabala informs us that there a man called Kungeya is ploughing lands in Navaga avana. And so he has taken from the farm. If this wedge and seal arrive there, forthwith careful investigation is to be made with oath and witness, (and) if it is really so, these lands are to be handed over to the people of Navaga avana as their property. As regards the [....... ] of Kungeya [........


(To cozbo Somjaka.) [.......] Now Puse is carrying the royal business. Two camels and a guard are to be given him from Saca. They will conduct him as far as the frontier. From Cadota a horse and a guard fit for action (athove) are to be given him as far as Khotan. If you withhold (them), or give a guard not fit for action, have a care.


His majesty, etc......... (3) (?) There is no water in the cultivated land, it has become waterless. Now the water is to be diverted into their province. It is not possible [............ ] the people are to be written down. The whole amount (pimda) is 100. Along with the are_sas they are to be taken on the fifteenth day of the seventh month to Saca in the hand of Camaka of gapuka. You the cozbo Somjaka [............ ] or (if) they go beyond the (stated) time, such affairs as are ruined in Saca, I the great king will demand (recompense) from you [........] (152)


This document is dated in the (?) year, 2nd month, 5th day. We will receive the count of the sheep-230. [p. 74]


(To cozbo Somjaka). To the beloved of men and gods, of pleasing, aspect, blessed with a good name, his dear brother the cozbo Somjaka, the ogu Alyaya writes asking after his health and well-being, again and again, much, immeasurable. And thus (he says), namely: I am your brother and kinsman [............ ] on your account. If his majesty [............ ] with feelings of love.Also the young son has been sent there who from the people [............ ] giving and taking. By all means let him be under the care of you the cozbo. Also we inform you thus : Some men of Kroraina have stayed in our house. They are debtors to us. Those people have fled there by night. By all means let this person be under your care. As a token of remembrance (I) have sent one hastavarsaga and five [ ? ]. (153)


(To cozbo Somjaka). [. . . . . . . .] Whatever instructions he gives to the people, they must quickly act according to his word. He who disobeys the cozbo Somjaka and does not act according to his word, I the great king will investigate (the conduct of) these people here. Also the dhamaka household-people from time to time disobey the cozbo Somjaka, and do not have any respect for him. One time we will again investigate their behaviour here, and they will receive punishment. (154)


(To cozbo Somjaka. ). Also he informs us that there are two households. In that place there are other people near. If you have the wish, you may get the tax from there; if going further, it is more plentiful than that, that is to be given. Also of this Casgeya they ( ? ) the head in your presence. These are honest people who come there for an opportunity to live. You must act in such a way that they are under your care. You must make them inviolate (anavarajhi = anaparddhya), and appease the [p. 75] hatred (that is felt against them). Afterwards we will make a letter and present. (156)


(To cozbo Somjaka.). His majesty, etc......... Formerly from there the year's tax in Masina was assessed by the tuguja Sudarsana and the yatma Aco, both from the people on private estates (kilmeciyana), and the tax assessed on the royal lands (rajade). When this wedge and seal reach there, forthwith this tax, complete, quickly [in the hand of] the yatma Aco [........ (157)


(To cozbo Vitaka and tomga Vugto. ). His majesty, etc......... Dmusvamta informs us that the household of the suvetha Cinasena was granted by me the great king to this Dmusvamta. From it Bagusaina took away five people. For that reason a letter of command went there with full details in writing (to the effect that) these people were to be handed over to Dmusvamta. And so you did hand them over. When this wedge and seal reach there, forthwith the matter must be carefully examined with oath and witness.


. . . . . . . .] you have not sent a letter of information. A second matter : the Khotanese made a cavalry attack in Remena, and carried off (ayasavida) Namarazma the son of Namata. You remain silent. A third matter: a letter with an ensign went (to you, telling you) to get ready the tsakemci people. You kept it quiet and did not get the people ready. Sugita took the letter of command to you. On the first day you read the letter, (and only) on the third day did you send the people out to the bridge. The porters (prthabhdrige) [.......... ] complain (that it is) used up. A fourth matter: [p.76] Formerly letter-carriers used to go each month, (but) you withhold the letter-carriers. Opgeya demanded a letter in reply. On your account a letter is to go. For that reason I prevented him. A letter of reply was not taken in hand. From this letter of mine you can become informed in detail. Having read this letter, you must act quickly. (158)


(To the kitsaitsa Varpa.) [. . . . . . . .] now the fourth [. . . . :] has been, (and) nothing has been seen. Of that camel [............ ] has been sent there ( ? ) Priyaniae [.... ] should be worthy. If [you] are in agreement (samovati) [........ ] should be sent. Here in the presence of the ogu I make a health-wishing letter for the sake of Priyaniae. [........ ] the camel is not to be sent abramo. So later that camel (?) is to be considered by you. Now it is the fourth year that this camel has not been seen. ( ?) Now this Togaja, along with Namtuje, went there in the (?) month. There by my command (?). He must not in future be treated as an authority. (159)


In the 6th year, at this date, Cugapa and Laza received thubadauna on loan. To his dear brother ~cozbo Samasena, of pleasant aspect and dear to men and gods, the cozbo Piteya pays his respects [........] (160)


This document concerning the girl Somjagrrae who was given as a present is to be carefully preserved. This is the seal of Namisyanae. [p. 77]


. . . . . . . .] the kilmeci(s). For just so long are men and beasts to be released from duty, until cozbo Dhamasena's [........


Yapgu's tax has been paid (consisting of) two felt garments (namata) and in place of the ghee, one felt garment. The hire has not been paid, nor the keep (pacavara). Of Pleya, one kojava has been given instead of his consignment. The hire has not been paid, nor the keep. Of korara Rutraya, the hire of the camel has been paid (to the extent of ) 1 muli.Left over are muli 2. Of Kamcaka, hire of the camel has been paid (in the form of) 1 posara. Left over are muli 2.


This document concerning the royal camels which are alive, concerning the female camels, and concerning the camels which are dead is to be carefully preserved by kala Cugapa and Larsu. This is the seal of the vase Kumsena. [........ ] putgetsa ; another camel a year old which is pursakaone.Her daughter, 1 put jetsa (camel). Another camel [........ ] another camel [........ ]. Another black camel, 1 noni.Her daughter, 1 putyetsa. Another camel [........ ] 1. Another camel 1 vaghu. Her daughter, 1 putyetsa. Another camel [........ ] 1 amklatsa. Another white (spetaya) camel 1. Another male camel, white (?) 1. Another camel [........ ]. Another black camel 1. Another two female camels were sacrificed. These camels [...... ] at that time seven young camels died. Then again through that fault three female camels wandered away. Again from there [...... ] died in Opimta's pond. Of that camel the apse Calmasa was security. At that time the kala Suj ata was keeper of the camels. This was written at the dictation of the vase Kumsena [........ ] witnesses of Kroraina [........ ] witness. At that time the vase Kumsena ( ? ) the royal camels. Another koro camel, one. (These camels have been entered.) (161) [p. 78]


This is a document of the cozbo Samasena concerning Capnuneya. (List of names.). An oath is to be sworn by these people. There stood as witnesses (List of names.) (162)


To the foot of the master, etc......... his dear father the great cozbo Somj aka, the scribe (divira) Namdasena sends his respects and greetings, much, immeasurable. I am pleased that you are well; I, too, am well here through your favour. This is what I have to say: All is in your divine knowledge. Whichever affairs you leave to me here, I receive them ( ? ). We are sending all the letter-carriers. Also by me there is to be received from the people there, from the monk Samgaratha one arnavayi, from Suyama (one) felt (namata), from caru Jimoya one namata, from the mararara Kuvineya one namata. By all means command must expressly be given to them, that they should send them here quickly. Also I inform you that rotamna (madder) is due (kicamaga) to me here. The rotamna should be sent here in the hand of the letter-carriers (leha[raga]na). (It will be) possible to do you a favour in return. (163)


(To cozbo Somj aka.). His majesty, etc......... [. . . . .] informs us that the monks Mochapri and Samgaratha [........ ] a man belonging to him, and worked him for a month. After that they let him go back. This dispute, etc......... Also the people of Cadota are to be prevented from doing injustice to the people of the mountains. [p. 79]


His majesty, etc.........(3) You sent a letter of information in the hand of Opgeya. From that I the great king have become informed about everything. Also you inform us that the kuvana corn and the sukha wine [............ ] should have received on loan. If they have received it, to such an extent (tatiyemi) the whole amount is to be requisitioned and collected [............ ]. This revenue is to be brought here to the king's court. No obstruction is to be made. Also formerly from there, the camels from the herd and the horses of the klasemcis here [............ ] the sulagas (?) are performing state duties. When this letter of command reaches you, forthwith quickly 1 milima 10 khi of rotamna is [to be] taken from the klasemcis [............ ]. Also in Samarena the revenue is to be quickly sent here complete to the king's court. Also when the tomgas andtheir attendants (upastaga) here [............ ]. Cimgasena has taken ten camels belonging to kala Purnabala there. If he has really brought them, these camels in equal numbers [........ ]. Last year you withheld the camels. If again you withhold these camels, from your own farm [............ ]. Now the samumta raya is not to be sent, only two felt garments are to be sent. Also a measure of thirty saga are to be sent [............ ] is to be sent here in the hand of the to7nghas.


........ ] gives instructions to the cozbo Somjaka to the effect that now his [............ ] in regular succession arivagas will have gone to Khotan [............ ] is not to be made.


At the feet of the great cozbo Samasena, beloved of men and gods, honoured by men and gods, blessed with a good name, who has set forth in the Mahayana, who is of infinitely pleasing aspect, the tasuca [..... ] makes obeisance, and sends the health of his divine body, much, immeasurable. And for that reason first I am pleased that [p. 80] [........ ] hearing that, you should be pleased. This is what I have to say : The tax there [........ ] Pideya came [............ ] called Suvamniya [.......... ] here again [........ ] this matter [����..]


To his dear brother cozbo Somjaka dear to men and gods, the cozbo Kolyisa pays his respects and sends the health of his divine body, much, very much. And thus (he says) : Now they have brought twenty royal camels from the king's court. [They are] very ill. We conducted the pracukamam nagara from this kingdom to the open lands (lathanami). They came here. ' (When) this letter reaches you, forthwith quickly you must send people. The pracukamam nagara are to be brought into the enclosed lands (kabhodhammi). Pgena went to the mountain. Kuuna brought the camels there. (165)


(To cozbo Somjaka.). His maj esty, etc......... The vasu kori Rutraya informs us, that there a man belonging to the estate (kilme) of the ogu Viharavala owes twenty mull in Trasa avana. When this wedge, etc.........


His maj esty, etc......... Cimaka and Sekla inform us that there the people in the state service disobey the cozbo Somjaka, they ( ? ), and do not act quickly at his bidding. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith there, the people in the state service are not to disobey the cozbo Somjaka, or transgress his commands.


His majesty, etc......... The cozbo Samasena informs us that water in the potge [............ ] you must inquire whether it is really so. Like the rest of the people the soldiers in the potge [......... ] in such manner the people are to be written down by the cozbo Samasena.


Of their dear brother cozbo Samasena, of pleasant aspect, dear to men and gods, whose life is a hundred divine years worthy of him, famed with a good name, a divinity in person, the ogu Cimnaphara and the cozbo Cinyasa ask the health and well-being, again and again, [p. 81] infinitely. For that reason we are pleased in the first place (namely) that we have heard you are well. We also are well ; hearing that, you should be pleased. This is what we have to say: You have sent a man Lyimgeya here about the crows (?). In such a manner we have learnt about everything. Certainly you do not do right if you make a quarrel. As regards the blame of you which Kakeya, Lyipeya, and Posarsa have been expressing as a result of their hatred, we do not believe it. At the same time you do not do right if you seek a quarrel as a result of that.(?) the untruths from which trouble results for you, in that case you have repeatedly besought us that we should prevent them from (doing) that. Here we have prevented them. We have made a letter of command from the royal office. A decision must be made from the written letter which is in the hand of Nimeya. If you do not agree, they are to be sent here to the king's court under custody. As regards the danger and alarm which (is reported) from the army, you must act in such a way that you do not come to any misfortune, as a result of which your ancestral name will be destroyed. You will become informed from the communication which Lyimgaya brings. To the great cozbo Yitaka, of pleasing aspect, honoured by men. and gods, famed with a good name, the kdla Kusanasena sends health, much, immeasurable. I am pleased that we have heard of good health of your body.I too am well; hearing that, you should be pleased. And thus I write, namely: Everything is in your mind. A camel is to be brought from you to me. You must not send a very old camel. For that reason this stovamna has been sent there to demand the camel. When this stovamna arrives there, having read the letter, forthwith the camel is to be sent in the hand of the stovamna. An old camel is not to be given. Let it be such a camel as will cause the Khotanese to admire us. If you do not send a camel as a result of this letter, then I will be annoyed (pariklesami). Again I have sent as a present one arrow (kdda). Of their dear friend cozbo Namtasena and Cataroyae, dear to men and gods, famed with a good name and of infinitely pleasing aspect, the monk Bamgusena and Pacgoyae, ask the health of their divine body, much, immeasurable. And now here I have heard the bad news that Anasena is dead. As a result of that news we have experienced [p. 82] the shafts of great sorrow and grief in our hearts. That is something beyond even the powers of a Buddha, or a Pratyekabuddha, or an Arhant or a Universal Monarch. All come to the same end. Care must be exercised how we go, virtuous acts performed and purity maintained. (166)


His majesty, etc......... Amtasena informs us that Cakasa carried off Cramaena a man belonging to him to Khotan and bound his hands behind his back. Afterwards Cakasa came (back) from Khotan, (but) did not bring his man Cramaena here. So he speaks, " I have not brought him." When this wedge, etc.........


In the 10th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 6th month, on the 10th day, at this date, there is a camel belonging to ari Kungeya with cozbo Larsu. Pleya, Casgeya, Yapgu, and Bhimasena took (it) on hire to the khani (mine, quarry ?) of the people of Yave avana.They did not bring the hire of this camel. They loaded it with make. A putgetsa (camel) is to be taken as the hire of this camel. It is to be taken to ari Kungeya. That hire is to be made ready for the ari Kungeya in the tenth month. This has been written in the presence of the gusura Kusanasena. There the witnesses are Kecana and Makasa. (167)


His majesty, etc......... Anamdasena informs us [that ....... ] sister called Cinasyaniyae. That woman [............ ] from [p. 83] Khotan that woman came here with her brother Sag" i[.... ]. Here they were handed over to Jeyaka as refugees. [............ ] took all the refugees. That refugee fled again from Jeyaka. In his place without just cause (amnahetu) he has been working the woman Cinasyaniyae up till the present day. Such is not the law of the kingdom. (When) these people come here on state business [........ ] should have given. When this wedge, etc......... [........ ] is to be handed over to Anamdasena and the fugitives [............ ] are to be sent here to the king's court. [There will be] a decision here.


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that of him with Ogaca one sheep [........


His majesty, etc......... [........ ] informs us that they [............ ] the load is to be packed according to the law of [............ ] .Of them Jimoya and Koneta [............ ] the magistrates spoke. Koneta and Jimoya [............ ]. Now the load is to be packed. Koneta and Jimoya [........


. . . . . . . .] is to be sent.If you still have to stay in Satre, so let there be nite (= ?) of us. Certainly you must act in such a way that [............ ]. The household-people have fallen ill [............. ] inquiry should be made. (He) should come here. Also you received a hand-written letter there [............ ] such man as shall be serviceable, in his hand [............ ].Also from there you sent two sacks and two ropes for the kotareyas [............ ] They brought one rope. They did not give it complete.......... ] The name of the [man] is to be written here. (168)


Concerning the son of Tsina, a novice, and an adopted child, to be carefully preserved by gim.ema. In the 7th year of his majesty Citughi Mahiriya the son of heaven, in the 3rd month, 5th day, at this date. When the Khotanese plundered the kingdom of Cadota, _ at that time three young men of Khotan carried off the woman Tsinae. They came and gave her as a present [p. 84] to the mother of cozbo Somjaka in the house of the kitsayitsa Luthu. They gave that woman Tsinae along with her sons and daughters. ( ? ) That woman Tsina gave her son, a novice, five distis high, as an adopted child to the man Kacana. As milk-payment a vito horse was given. This (transaction was made) in the presence of the cozbo Somjaka. Other witnesses know about it (namely) : the monk Parvati, the scribe Budharachida, the vase Kolyisa, the son of a• good family Lpatga, the monk Vyarivala, Priyavada, and Casgeya. This was written at the request of that woman Tsinae. It was written by me the scribe Lyipatga at the command of the magistrate. It has authority for a hundred years. (169)


[Cannot be translated, as it cannot be read with enough certainty. It consists chiefly of a list of objects exchanged. For thavitaya (2) read thavastaga. For pari[kraya] (4) read pratikara. For mocha ly. Ma (6) read mochakama.]


I the cozbo Kranaya have released the priest Budhapala from [..... ]. In the farm one [........] (170)


In the 36th year of his majesty Jitumgha Amgoka, son of heaven, in the 3rd month, 21st day, at this date, the priest Budhavama says that the priest gariputra received as an adopted child from Denuga Amto his daughter calledirsateyae. The priest gariputra gave this daughter to the priest Budhavama as his wife in lawful marriage. The daughter of that woman Sirsateyae, Pumfiavatiyae by name, was given as wife to the priest Jivalo Athama. This Athama died. Then this priest Budhavama, of that daughter Pumfiavatiyae [........] (171)


This document concerning a vineyard (bought) from Budhila and Budhaya is to be carefully preserved by [...... ] and Samgasri. This is the seal of the monks gamca, Sujata, and. Dhamila. In the 28th year, 11th month, 13th day in the reign of the great [p. 85] king Jitugha Amkvage, son of heaven, at this time Budhila and secondly Budhaya (two) of the sons of the sramamna Athamo arose. They sold a vineyard of four apcira, and another piece of letgga kuthala land in the misi-(land). The whole amount is five (pieces of land). Anamda bought it and paid the price, 1 golden stater and another 2 mull, and a later amount of 12 mull. They agreed on equal terms. It was well bought and well sold. This was written in the presence of the bhiksu-sangha at Cad'ota, at the request of Budhila and Budhaya . Witnesses were: the monk Budharacfii, elder of the sangha, the monk Yipiya [............ ] the monk, and dasavida Samca, the monk Dhamamitra [............ ] the monk Dhama[kama], the servant of the reverend Ridhasena, Cigita, and the monks Tsagirsta and Sanaga. This was written at the command of the bhiksu-sangha by me the scribe Apgeya, and at the command of Budhila and Budhaya. Its authority is for a thousand years, as long as life. Whoever at a future time shall bring up arguments (in an attempt) to alter it, he shall have no authority in front of the bhiksu-sangha. The fine (for such an attempt) is five pieces of cloth, and the punishment (dhamta = danda) fifty strokes.Thus carefully (its) authority (is fixed). There is no end. The monk Budhavama and the monk Bhatra are witnesses.


In the 27th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, the son of heaven, in the 1st month, 14th day, in this reign the korara Kamjaka owes one vyala camel to the ari Saraspa. At the time the ari Saraspa was about to die he left an injunction with his sister Sariyae to ask the camel of Kamjaka. Now Kamjaka arose, and handed over to Sariyae and Srivamma one camel aged four years. For that reason ( ?) Kamjaka took back one putyetsa and six arohaga mull. There the witnesses are Arisa, a woman Sevasrryae ;on a second occasion the witnesses are the kala Cugape, Samayamna, Larsu, and the vase Kunita. The thread was cut. From now on Sariya and . Suvamma [........] (172)


This document concerning a horse from the woman Suvisae is to be carefully preserved by [. . . .]. This is the seal of the cozbos Yitaka and Vukto. (173) [p. 86]


In the 3rd year, 7th month, 8th day of the great king, the king of kings [............ ], his majesty King Taj aka, the son of heaven -it is in his reign. There is a man called Kuvaya, son of the tasuca Ogiya, and a second called Argiceya and his brothers Metroma, Cipitga, and Mudhaiitsa ; they are all domiciled in Ajiyama avana. They arose, and Argiceya and his brothers sold land to Kuvaya. The capacity for seed of the land is two milimas cuthiye, two milimas. As price was taken from Kuvaya one agiltsa camel. They agreed on equal terms. There (the following) witnesses know of this.Of the Magistrates (mahatvana) the tasuca Calaya, the apse Vugina, the vasu Arcaka, the sothaga Kustanagga, the scribes Tamaspa and SicTnaya, the ageta Tagu, the ageta Sirzata, the ayeta Payina ( ? ). The thread was cut. The uyoga was Pigita by name. This hand-written document was written by me the scribe Mogeya, son of the sothaga Motega. Its authority is as long as life. (174)


........ ] you do. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith this matter is to be carefully inquired into in your presence. A decision is to be made according to law, the former law of the kingdom. If you are not clear there, at the time the. roads are secure, they are to be sent here in custody. There will be a decision here at the king's court. [p. 87]


This document concerning a transaction with the monk Jivamitra is to be carefully preserved by Cugapa. This is the seal of the monks girmitra and Jivamitra. In the 28th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the 4th month, 2nd day, in this reign, there is a monk Jivamitra by name. He made a transaction with the kala Cugapa [............ ] released (from obligation). Of these two, the monk Jivamitra along with Cugapa, there shall be no more giving or taking one from the other, or taking possession. Whoever at a future time wishes to make this otherwise and [stirs up] a dispute [............ ] his representations shall be without authority, and the punishment will be pim'atsa [............ ] themonks Sirmitra, Budharachi, gronasena, and .9ronaprema, [........ ]priya, Samghabudhi, on account of the woman Camtroae, the former cozbo Sa [............ ] a decision was made. A second time [...........] wrote a hand-written letter [............ ] on account of the woman Camtroae. There is no giving or taking [......... ] on account of the woman Camtroae. This food and drink one of another [............ ] afterwards the children of Jivamitra have no claim against Cugapa. For pimgamnka, read pimgatsa.


His majesty, etc......... Bimmasena informs us that he has received many offices there. From there you sent a letter of information concerning him. He is the yatma of the kvavana corn. He is to be let go and released from that office. (Someone is to be made yatma) who has formerly been yatma of the kvavana corn. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith this Bimmasena is to be released and someone else is to be made yatma who is puke. (175)


This document is written concerning the wine in Yave avana. The suki wine of the people of Yave avana for three years is to be separately measured out. Of the people of the apse 8dca, and of all the people of Yave avana, the original suki wine is 19 khi (each). It has been collected for two years. In the third year a letter came [p. 88] from the vasu suvesta Marega (to the effect that) this wine was all to be sold for clothing and bedding (astaramna vastaramnena). Of this wine Parsu brought the price, one horse five years old, and with that horse he received five khi of wine and two a jisdha. Another second horse the ag'eta Spaga took from here to there, and the suvesta Marega received it. With the horse was one ko)ava and one ayisdha. A third horse I send from the tomgha 9aj a. The suvesta Marega received it. (It is) four years old. Along with that horse one avale, two kolava, and also one ayisdha were sent there. The total is forty-four, (also) one white kolava. These objects were all packed there in the capital by the tomgha 9aja. In addition four kavaji made of felt and one raji. On another occasion the queen came here. She asked for one golden stater. There is no gold. Instead of it we gave carpet (tavastaga) thirteen hands long. Seraka took it. Many people here know this matter as witnesses. (Also) one artavasa. (176)


His majesty, etc......... Bimasena complains that he and Vanamto received arnavaji ( ? ) from Kuule. Balasena and Cangeya are unwilling to pay the price. When this wedge, etc......... (177)


[. . . . . . . .] The cozbo Somjaka examined this dispute. Likewise there is a dispute between Kutreya and Budhasena's people. A long time ago Budhasena's daughter was adopted by Kutreya. After that they complained that Kutreya was owing on account of the milk(payment).In the first year a [...... ] horse, in the second year a tirsa horse is to be handed over by Kutreya, and taken by Budhasena. (178)


His maj esty, etc......... Bhimasena informs us that they employed a camel belonging to him to carry a load of kuvana (-corn). It died on the way and did not bring its burden here. When this wedge and seal reach you, immediately careful inquiry is to be made. The traditional law of the land is that of whomsoever a man or beast [p. 89] dies while in state employment, it has to be reckoned (= paid out) from the administration. So you must take this law of the land into consideration. (179)


This document, concerning a dispute with Samasena of Saca, is to be carefully preserved by Masdhige. This is the seal of the cozbo Samasena. In the 19th year, 1st month, 25th day of his majesty the great king Mahiri, son of heaven, in this reign, at this time, there is a man, the sadavita Masdhige. Samasena of Saca and Karcika complained concerning a man Rutraya. They said that as he was going on his way he was bound by Masdhige. Masdhige swore an oath concerning that and went away cleared. Again they said that he had been sold in Nina. Masdhige swore an oath a second time. Again a third time Rutraya complained and lamented before the kitsayitsa Sayamma in Saca. On his account they again complained of kidnapping. The cozbo Samasena decided this dispute. From now on Samasena and Karcika have no claim on Rutraya against Masdhige. They are not to take possession. There is to be no giving or taking. Witnesses there are the noble people, the tomgha Vukto, Pamcina the magistrate in charge of the boundary (simici mahatva), Rage, Cakvala, Rutraya, Sagapeya, the tasuca Cigha, Kacana, and the scribes Sunamta and Socara. This was written by me, the scribe Vugeya at the command of the cozbo Samasena. (180)


This tablet (pati) concerning a girl Saganapaae (bought) from Sugi is to be carefully preserved by Masdhige. [This is the seal] of the cozbo Kapgeya and the kitsayitsa Luthu. In the 34th year of his majesty Jitugha Amgoka, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 12th day, in this reign, there is a man of Cadota, Kompala belonging to the kilme of the camkura Kapgeya and his [p. 90] son Sugi. These sold a girl five distis tall to the monk Budhasena and Masdhige. The value of that girl was reckoned at forty-five mull, and they made the agreement. So this Kompala and Sugi received one viyala camel worth 42 muli. The remaining 3 muli was kept back. Concerning this sum, these people, Sugi and Masdhige, have now complained in our presence. The camkura Kapgeya and the kitsayitsa Luthu examined (the dispute) and made a decision. So the camkura has given freedom with reference to that girl to sell her outright (musdya (?)) ; so now that girl Saganapaae has become the property of this Masdhige. Even so as a remnant of the first price was kept back, so now that price is to be received with one addition (eka ayogena). The sum (is now) five. (Payment of) anything else is prevented, and the total amount (mull pimda) is to be paid by Masdhige5 mull-and received by Sugi. From now on with respect to that girl Masdhige shall have authority to do what he likes with her. He shall be master over her in all matters. Whoever at a future time, whether he be brother of camkura Kapgeya, or brother's son, or grandson, or relative, or any other dependent (kilmeci), shall again bring the question up before the vasus and agetas concerning that girl, and shall desire to make it otherwise, his representations at the king's court shall be without authority, and he shall pay the penalty which ensues (namely, a fine of) one four-year-old gelding and fifty blows. All this penalty shall be paid, and this shall remain as is written above. This was written by me, the scribe Bhammeca at the command of the camkura.


His majesty, etc......... Bhimasena informs us that he is not a hereditary arivaga. He does not know properly the Khotanese mata. You make him an arivaga. He is not to be made an arivaga. (181)


His majesty, etc. . . . . . . . . Bhimasena informs us, that he has received the queen's cows; that he is keeper of the sheep in Yave avana and also yatma of the kuvana corn ;and that now you are handing over the king's cows to him., This is not lawful that one man should hold five or six offices. When this wedge and seal reach you, you must make careful inquiry whether he has really held so many offices. (If so) the king's cows are not any more to be handed over [p. 91] to him. The king's cows are to be handed over to a man who has not held (any other) offices. (182)


One ko)ava is to be bought by Kungeya with the royal corn. If you do not apply zeal in this matter, you will later receive dismissal (apanaya). The dasavida Ogaca and Kungeya : one kolava. Zeal is to be applied. (183)


Lyipana writes, he sends health to Kroae and Lugaya, much, immeasurable. And thus you must know what I write. In the spring there you must not take the opportunity of cultivating the land. It is now the fourth year that you cut off my tax. I have given permission for your house and land to be sold. You, along with your mother, wife, sons, and daughters must come here. The ploughing must be done here. (Of ) my tax only rotamna and cura4na is to be brought here. No other tax is due to me.


Obv. (List of names.). Rev. In the 5th month, 10th day, whoever does not come there, (there is) a fine of 10 khi of his rations (pake amna) and fifteen strokes.


His majesty, etc......... Whereas formerly from there the year's tax from the kilmecis in Yave avana was reckoned at a load of corn coming in all to 15 milima, (this time) they have not so brought it. The camel which was acquired by the kilmecis for hire, has been sold. It has come here for 100 milima of corn. The price of that camel is to be given by the kilmecis, it is to be taken from them. These kilmecis' are doing each other wrong. The powerful kilmecis do wrong to certain kilmecis [............ ]. However much the load, .little or big, is, in that manner, little or big [............ ] is. These people must not ask an excessive price (ajhi muli) [........ (184) [p. 92]


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that last year he took out a camel. You have made a reckoning this year. You have made a written document. This document has been brought here. (185)


[....... ] forthwith careful inquiry must be made in your presence there. The people whom they brought back, these people are to be settled there in the house of Kamguca. What the frontier guards took from these refugees, this is to be restored to those same Khotanese as their property. It is not right to take the property of refugees without a legal decision. It is not to be taken by the frontier-guards. Concerning this a document (silyoya) written in detail is to be sent to the king's court. These people in dispute are to be sent to the king's court under custody.


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that the monk Samgasira mortgaged a vineyard and ploughed field belonging to him. Careful inquiry must be made in your presence whether this has really been mortgaged. This ploughed field and vineyard, as his own property, is not to be abandoned by Yapgu. It is to be returned (to Yapgu) as his property by the man who mortgaged it. If it is otherwise, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... The suvetha Bhimasena makes a representation that the sister of Yapgu who is kilmeci in Yave avana was taken as wife by the sramamna Samgapala, kilmeci in Catisa devi avana. Neither mukesi nor lote have been taken. When this wedge and seal reach you, careful inquiry must be made. If she was taken in lawful wedlock, (the inheritance) is to be divided in equal portions between her sons and daughters. If, however, he has not made mukesi and lote, there will be a decision here. [p. 93]


To the beloved of men and gods, etc......... And thus I inform you. These people of my household should certainly by all means be under your care. As regards the camel brought here by patsemne Bhagusena, certainly instructions about this are to be given to Cinasa. This camel is to be properly looked after.


To the feet of their dear father Yapgu, etc......... And thus I write. We have all arrived here in health. The asa have not received their wages. (It is) 1 milima and 10 khi. (Also) the felt and cloth is to be sent. The sheep are to be sent. (186)


In the 9th year, 11th month, 3rd day before the cozbo Lyipe. This corn has to be collected by the elder Yapgu and given to the monk Mochasena. The dasavitas Jivadeya and Kalyanadhama, 2 milima 12 khi of corn. The dasavitas Yonu and Uvasena, 2 milima 2 khi of corn. The dasavitas Rutrapala and Rutrasena, 3 milima of corn. The elder Yapgu.


In the 10th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 6th month, 10th day, in this reign, the army people came from the capital-the gusura Kusanasena, Caruveta, the spetha Vidhura, the cvalayimna Pumnavamta, the cozbo Namtipala, and Palugeya. Corn for maintenance (amna visa ja) was disbursed among these-for the gusura Kusanasena 4 milima and 10 khi of corn for one month and three sheep; for the cozbo Namtipala 4 milima 10 khi of corn and three sheep for one month.


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that Sruthe received tarvardha from him. When this wedge and seal reach you, the witnesses, his friends, are to be immediately examined in your presence, whether [p. 94] it is really so. If gruthe has received tarvardha from them, by whom the house of gruthe has been received, from him tarvardha is to be taken by them.If there is any dispute, etc......... (187)


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that he in royal business [............ ]. He makes a claim against him. This dispute is to be fully examined. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith this dispute is to be carefully examined in your presence. Just as formerly the dispute was investigated, so now a decision is to be made. If formerly the dispute has not been investigated, a decision is to be made according to law, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that his sister Sugnumae is the mother of Dhamapri and Sumadata. Loti and mukesi have not been given. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith you must make careful investigation. Whatever are the veya kilme obligations of Sugnumae, this tag is to be provided in Yave avana by the sons of Sugnumae. If there is any dispute, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... gaka complains that Molyina has received land in his estate (kilmeyammi). The sadavidas and karsenavas encroach on it and do not allow him to cultivate. They cut the trees off it and sell them. It is not right for people to cut down other people's property. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith you must make careful investigation with oath and witness, whether it is really so. The sadavidas and karsenavas are to be stopped from that (so that) they do not encroach on gaka. The former legal arrangement is that whoever cuts down trees with the roots is to be prevented (as regards) the trees (still) existing, and the penalty is (a fine of ) a horse. If he cuts off the boughs (lada) of a tree, he is to be punished by the fine of a cow. A decision is to be made according to law, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... Yapgu informs us that he has one military camel. A letter-carrier came here by it. When this wedge [p. 95] and seal reach you, forthwith careful investigation must be made in your presence whether he really has one military camel. This year [............ ] is not to be harassed. If he has many military camels [............ ]. If you are not clear there, there will be a decision at such time as they are at the king's court. There [........ ] there is not the name of Yapgu.


Regulations for the community of monks [............ ] to be carefully kept. This seal [........] In the 10th year of his majesty the great king, Jitugha Mahagiri, son of heaven, in the 12th month, 10th day [............ ] the community of monks in the capital laid down regulations for the community of monks in Cadota. It is heard that the novices do not pay attention to an elder, they disobey the old monks. Concerning this these regulations have been laid down by his majesty in front of the order of monks. The elders Silaprabha and Pumfiasena (are to be) in charge of the monastery (viharavala). They have to administer all the activities of the community. (Disputes) are to be examined in accordance with the law. All the activities of the community of monks are to be administered by them [....... ] so that the community of monks shall be content in mind (atanamna). Whichever monk does not partake in the activities of the community of monks shall pay a fine of one roll of silk. Whichever monk does not take part in the posatha ceremony, his penalty is (a fine of) one roll of silk. Whichever monk at the invitations to the posatha ceremony enters in householder's dress, shall pay a fine of one roll of silk. Whichever monk strikes another monk, (in the case of ) a light (blow the fine is) five rolls of silk, (in the case of ) a moderate (blow) ten rolls of silk, (in the case of ) an excessive (blow) fifteen rolls of silk. Whichever householder to a monk [........] His majesty, etc......... ' Samgaratha complains that the Supis carried off a slave of his called Budhasra. From there he fled and came back. Of that same Samgaratha [............ ]. From now on no one else has authority over this slave. He belongs to Samgaratha. [p. 96]


His majesty, etc......... The monk Mochasena informs us that Samajha pledged a woman of theirs, Camavati, with Yonge. Samajha died [.......... ] they produce a written document. It is not lawful to sell the property of a master without asking his permission. (The question) must be examined with oath and witness according to the king's law. If you are not clear there, only the testimony and oath are to be written in a letter and the document is to be sent here in the hand (of a suitable person). Such is not the law (that) a document is to be written without the master (?). (188)


His majesty, etc......... They have now brought here a letter of information from you there (saying) that Pagina is now trying to recover a debt of gold from Mochapriya (lent) before the plundering of the kingdom. The established law here is that what has been given or received before the plundering of the kingdom by the Khotanese, cannot be the object of a legal dispute. When this wedge and seal reach you, forthwith- careful investigation must be' made in your presence. The debt (incurred) before the plundering of the kingdom which Pagina is trying to recover from Mochapriya, concerning this, Pagina has no right to receive anything from Mochapriya, he must not take possession. Whatever other dispute there is, there will be a decision in our presence at the king's court. In the 8th year, 5th month, 16th day, in Deviae Peta avana, at the command of the ogus [........]


In the 8th year of his maj esty the great king Pepiya ........ son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 24th day, in this reign, there is a man resident (kilmeci) in Yave avana called Apcula. He arose and sold land. Kalyigeya bought it. In that land [the capacity for seed] is 1 milima 10 khi. The price was given, one horse three years old (worth) 30 muli, and was received. They agreed on equal terms in front of the magistrates, the tasuca Cateya, and the kitsaitsa Piteya. There witnesses know this-the kitsaitsa Amto [............] Karamtsa, the kala [........] [p. 97]


In the 4th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 12th month, 30th day, in this reign: As Lyipeya has received in Cadota, in Catisa devi avana ( ?) kurora land (with a capacity of seed) of 4 milima adjoining (anusamti) land in Vamtu avana, so the vase and ogu [............ ] made an agreement. When Lyipeya shall plough that land, at that time 2 khi of ghee is to be sent here as rent (vaka). It is not to- be stopped by the vases and agetas in Cadota. (189)


At the feet of the cozbo Kranaya, etc......... Balasura pays his respects, etc......... And thus I inform you. Actually my arable land there has not been given to anybody to plough. Therefore I have now received rent (vaka) from Lyipeya here. So the arable land (is at the disposal) of Lyipeya to plough. It is to be ploughed by him. Of any other man that land [........


At the feet of his dear brother Kalyanakarimitra, etc......... Sevasena, etc......... and thus (I write). As regards the letter and present which I sent from here in the hand of Purnasena, son of Ramaka, it is not to be known whether he has brought it there or has not brought it. If, however, he has brought it, you must certainly get acquainted with the facts from it. And to such effect you must let me know [........


In the 17th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mahiri, son of heaven, in this reign, at that time, there is a man of Nina called Narasaka. He arose, and received 2,800 mdsa from the monk Mochapriya. They fixed the time. In the ninth month [........


[This is a literary piece. But it is too imperfectly legible, and apparently too corrupt in the first place to make much of.] [p. 98]


His majesty, etc......... The monk Mo6hapriya informs us that water was borrowed by Apniya. He gave to others from this water. When this wedge and seal reach you, careful investigation must be made (to find out) if this water was borrowed by Apniya and (water) from this water was given to others. (If) on the other hand an outlet (apanaya) was not provided, there is no claim against Apniya. If it is otherwise [........


[. . . . . . . .] possession is [not] to be taken from Govadara. (If) there are suitable or reliable witnesses concerning the land, a decision according to law is to be made with witness and oath, etc.........


His majesty, etc......... For those people formerly a sealed wedge-tablet was made. The monks Pakusena, Mochasena, and grananaprema were excused from the investigation (that took place in) the city. That sealed wedge-tablet was the authority. Even so these people are now to be excused.


In the ninth year, 4th month, 10th day, in this reign, the tsegecis are in the capital. The tse jes are the ekhara Mogiya and Tsugesla. He hired a camel for the sum of thirteen. Tsugenamma received provisions (consisting of ) 2 milima 15 khi of meal, and 5 khi of maka, and one vest (kavasi). The total of provisions (is) three, of clothes (chataga) one ; also one knife (katari)-this Tsugenamma received. Now Tsugenamma has no claim to possession against the ekhara Mogiya. Tsugesla received one karoma. A second karoma Tsugenamma received in the capital.


In the 31st year of his majesty the great king ,Jituga Amgoka, son of heaven, in the first month, 10th day, in this reign, the ogu Varunasama, the suvetha Spalyaya, the jenavida camkura Kuvineya, the tasuca Ponigana, and the cozbo Jivasama examined this dispute. The monk Tatiga took the monk Bhatra from the monk gamca. Along with him he came here to the capital. On account of the monk Bhatra Tatiga provided a slave called grasdha to work for Samca. [p. 99] And thus they made the agreement. That slave Srasdha was not to be left in the house. He was to be worked by Samca until the return of Tatiga and Bhatra. Even now these monks have not returned from the capital. Srasdha took another slave called Sanamma belonging to Tatiga and handed him over to Samca to work for him. This Srasdha along with a slave of Samca fled to Khema. The monk Samca made a statement (to this effect) : The people of Tatiga's house gave food and clothing to that Srasdha. He stole my slave and fled away. The monk Sujata (also) made a statement. The community of monks in Cadota examined the dispute and decided it. Tatiga had to swear an oath. Tatiga swore along with five people of his household. This Srasdha was to be looked for by Samca. They brought (him) to hand (him) over to Tatiga. Concerning (this) the monks Samca [and ........] (190)


The cozbo Somj aka and the detective Opgeya made a decision. Witnesses there were the noble (people), the cozbo Yitaka, Namarazma, Lyimsu, the vasu Kakeya, the arivaga Rutraya, the frontier-guard tasuca Cimgha and Sekra. It was written by me the scribe Vugaca, son of the sothamgha Luthu, at the command of the authorities, and at the request of Pgisa and Suguta. It has authority in all places.


His majesty, etc......... Casge informs us that he is the royal sruva tomga. He put these mares under the care of Suvaya to look after. He gave him keep and wages. From them Suvaya gave one mare for hunting stags. As a result of that the mare died. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful investigation must be made in your presence (as to whether) it is really so. It is not right that he gives away people's property for other people to ride on. This dispute, etc......... (191) [p. 100]


Whoever performs the bathing of the Ganottama becomes pure in the eyes, bright, pure in the limbs, tender and of good complexion. Whoever performs the bathing of the Ganottama does not have boils and pimples, elephantiasis, (?), or the itch. Pure, he acquires a sweet-smelling body. Whoever performs the bathing of the Ganottama becomes big-eyed and bright, golden-limbed and of pleasing aspect, and sets off (?). A gift in this matter is the best, the most excellent of gifts. In the works connected with baths it is an example of action. Let there be honour to the Jinas, the Tathagatas who take delight in the good of beings, and vision of supreme truth. Let there also be honour to those who exist in themselves, the pratyeka buddhas who have sought solitude, who take delight alone in the mountain caves, devoted to their own aims, delighted in continence and virtue. Also let the disciples, those dear to the Jina who have passed by in this interval of time, be honoured, of whom he from the Kodinya family was first and Subhadra the last. Let those (who make) gifts on this point enjoy (the reward even) when the chief king of Ganas, the Elders, the middle, and younger monks have not arrived, and when they have arrived, let them be perpetually enlightened. May the monks who are assembled in this gathering, who bathe in the jamdaka-baths and honour and love their teachers, be pure in their current duties, with minds free from hatred (or fault). In this (matter of) baths let both he who provides material for removing dirt, he who provides oil for rubbing, and he who provides a dry bath, be free from fault and impurity. I am devoted to the Vihara, to the law of the Tathagata and his excellent virtue ; as a result of removing dirt, let their minds be calm, and let them undertake the lawful protection of men. All creatures that exist from the bottom of Hell up to the summit of being, on entering the doctrine of the Tathagatas, make an end of birth and death. Let there always be good begging and plenty; let Indra the [p. 101] lord of sacrifice rain increase ; let the crops come up and the king (go forth) to victory. May he long abide in the law of the Blessed One. (192)


Thousands of jars of ghee and hundreds of jars of oil are not worth a sixteenth of one piece of meat in my opinion. (If) he is liked by women, nothing pleasant results from that. Women are like the edge of razor. Who would speak praise of them. (Rev. ) This earth is no burden to me, nor Sumeru and the mountains. An ungrateful man is a burden to me, one who has no gratitude. I have a desire for knowledge of grammar, music, the happenings on earth and in the air, astronomy, the writing of poetry, dancing (?), and painting, to which the world is attached. (193)


To his dear brothers the cozbos Kranaya and Lyipeya, honoured by men and gods and of pleasing aspect, thecozbo Kranaya sends the health of their divine bodies, again and again, much, very much. And thus (I report) namely :Even now they say that there is reason to fear and be alarmed of the Supi. Other frontier-guards are quickly to be sent here.


His majesty, etc... Sunamda complains that at the time there was trouble with the Khotanese there in Cadota, at that time Catisae the mother of Sunamda received a camel on hire from Kamjaka. From here the monk Patraya took it to deliver it to Kamjaka. He did not deliver it. This camel Sunamda handed over to Kamjaka. Up till the present day [����. . ]


[p. 102] The cvalayimna Pumnavamta and thecozbo Lyipeya write, they give instructions to thetasuca Casgeya. What you must know is that the people are not here which you (?) [����. . ] (List. ) If you bring these people here falling short of that number, you will receive the penalty that (is to be given) to those people. These people are to be all brought together. The vamnamte Balasena has been taken by Opge.


His majesty, etc... The ogu Cinapliara reports that they are making Opimta, a native of Nina, a frontier-guard in place of others. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry is to be made in your presence. This Opimta is not to be made a frontier-guard. Whoever disputes this, there will be a decision at the king's court.


To his dear brothers, etc... Cinasena, etc... and thus I write. I have sent a letter five or six times concerning sheep, but have not heard anything from there. It is now the third year since I came there and handed over to you, Casgeya, and Pgu eight sheep with lamb and six males to dispatch here. After that the vulutsukla brought ten items of small livestock here. They were all goats. That left four over. The other wretched animals you kept back there. These animals along with those belonging to the kilme are to be brought here to Calmadana attended by Sucama. I am writing expressly. I will be able to do something for you. Goats are not to be sent again. Also your father Suguta promised, in your presence, a camel and a horse. Let it not be forgotten. Also there are many people there [����] (194)


His majesty, etc... Sugiya complains that he is a tax-gatherer (sothamga), also a scribe (divira) in the royal administration, and that again he is performing the duty of frontier-guard (spasevamna) along with Salve. Salve does not hold any other offices. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith you must make careful [p. 103] inquiry in person whether he really holds two offices and on top of that is performing the duty of frontier-guard (spasavamna). A decision is to be made in accordance with the law of the land.


(Rev. ) 1. Just as a man traveling on a journey rests here and there when overcome with fatigue, so a man's possessions from time to time, having rested, come back again. First a man prospers, then he languishes ; first he is praised, then blamed ; first he grieves, then rejoices ; first he gives, and afterwards he begs. When a man neither gives away (his wealth) through stinginess, nor enjoys it properly, the pleasures that are thus lost torment his mind, just like heaps of corn belonging to an avaricious man stored away in a granary, when they are(accidentally) burnt in time of scarcity. Alas the life of the poor; and again alas the life of those rich people who have not the sense to enjoy or distribute (their riches). (195)


His majesty, etc... The sothamgaSucamma and Sunamta have lodged a complaint. Thesothamga Sucamma reports that ; " I have heard from Sriste who said : ` It is a fact that my masters were the royal surva tomgas. They however reaped a regular harvest out of the royal mares. They sold them here and there. The father of Sunamta arose and fed royal fodder to them. The fodder was (?). Through that cause the mares died 'so he says. The kala Karamtsa arose and made an award of three mares against Suguta. " There is a hand-letter, " he says. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith thereupon inquiry is to be made. If there is a hand-letter, in such manner a decision is to be made. As regards what Sriste said about the mares dying and the royal survatomgas [p. 104] selling them here and there, if there are witnesses on this point, they are to be questioned on oath. A decision is to be made according to law. If there are no other witnesses, then a letter of information is to be sent here, and there will be a decision here. (196)


You Sotaya must come here quickly. Koleta's hand-letter is to be sought by the asgara Lyimsu, and the ari Aptatgi by the tasuca Casgeya, and brought here. By the apsu Opgeya Vurdhiya, Ucadhina and Peco are to be brought here. The monk Piteca, the trepe Jivamitra, thepulaya Sunamta, and the ari Salveta--these people are to be brought here by you Casgeya when the cockcrows. (197)


His majesty, etc... Suguta reports thatkalu Kuvaya received corn from him in the capital for a putgetsacamel. This camel [...] you send. Suguta came here. Dhapaya did not come. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc...


In the 16th year, 12th month, 20th day, at that time Suguta and Svaka brought an action concerning 12 hands (length) of carpet and 6 milima of corn. With reference to that, an oath was to be sworn by Svaka. Suguta arose and in front of thecozbo Tamjaka stopped him from (making) the oath. For that reason Svaka relinquished the 12 hands (length) of carpet, and 6 milima of corn are to be paid over by Suguta and received by Svaka. At present 3 milima of corn are to be given, and (the other) 3 milima of corn in the autumn. Concerning these 12 hands (length) of carpet, there is no payment to be made by either Suguta or Svaka.


His majesty, etc... Sunamda reports that hisgrandmother (?) Ramomtiae by name adopted a woman called Ramasri. The people of Salve's household are taking all the sons, daughters, slaves, and dependents of Ramasriae, and employing them. The [p. 105] arrangement made by the mother was that equal division was to be made of the children and dependants of Ramasriae. Now (however) these (others) receive nothing. This dispute, etc... (198)


His majesty, etc... Sugnuta reports that Kuvaya received corn from him here in the capital (to the extent of) threemilima. They agreed on a putgetsa camel as the price. From that time many years have elapsed and he has not given (the camel). When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry is to be made in your presence. If its really so, a camel is to be given after making allowance for the years that have passed, or else the corn is to be given (back) along with interest. A decision, etc� (199)


His majesty, etc... The vase suvethaBhimasena reports that a man called Vusmeka who is a member of the kilme(district) of Yave avana, has moved out to Yave avana by mother right (because his mother was native there). On his father's side (?) he is of Cadota. He fled from Cadota and they have him working there (i. e. in Yave avana). (Only) people who belong to Yave avana on their father's side are to be employed in Yave avana. Because they have been employing this man there, for that reason they pay sikhi corn as hire. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry must be made. Wherever this man Vusmeka has been employed, he is tube handed over to Casgeya along with the hire, along with the monks. Whoever dispute this, are to be sent here. (200)


Things deposited by me : 3 gumoca, 1 pucliama,4 pasamvamta made of cloth, 1 kayavatra, 1 [. . . . va]ca, a bow and arrows, [p. 106] 4 vase, 2 krataga, pothi, on one occasion 8, 1 rug (kojava), 1 carpet, 1felt-garment, 5 ropes, 4 kaspiya. (201)


From Samghuti one milima of corn, etc. , etc. . (Rev. ) Kamcgeya, Kungeya, and asgara niMogecika, these eleven people sowed the kuthalabelonging to Yirumdhina (avana) in this land. (202)


[�����. ] reaches you, the sworn testimony of the witnesses is to be written in the letter, and a letter of information sent here. These people in dispute are to be sent here in custody. There will be a decision here in our presence.


His majesty, etc... Suguta reports that a woman Ramasriae was adopted by his mother Ramotiyae. The people of Salve's household are taking all the sons, daughters, slaves, and dependants of Ramasriae, and employing them. The arrangement of the mother was that they were to receive equal shares of the sons, daughters, slaves, and dependants of Ramasriyae. Now (however) these (others) receive nothing. This dispute, etc... (203)


[����]pgeya and Ap[e]na received 8 khiof wine, 3 milima of corn, and 1 sheep. [...] in autumn 4 khiof wine was received, and a second 4 khi was interest on the wine. The interest on the corn is [...] 2 khi and 3 milima of corn. [...] The whole amount of the price is 19. In autumn, in the tenth month [����. . ][p. 107]


His majesty, etc Sunamta reports that without (good) cause Kacana arose and beat Sunamta, seized him by the testicles, and shaved off his hair In the meanwhile Kacana has fled from the king's court, from the dispute, and has gone there. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, etc...


To the feet of the great cozbo Tamjaka, etc the sothamgha

Lyipeya sends his respects, etc and thus with(bowed) head I report. I have sent a scout from here to keep watch against the Supis. Whatever news there is there, I must be informed of it. (204)


His majesty, etc... Sugnuta reports that their mother was called Ramatiae. She adopted a girl called Ramasriae. Saluviya alone took all the sons and daughters of that woman. He gave nothing to them. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc are to be sent here. Also he reports that concerning the woman Kaciyae, concerning the giving of the hasg'a, they are making a claim against them, and have taken this woman into their hands. He comes here for the second time, (up till) today these (others) do not come here. There with oath and testimony, etc... (205)


His majesty, etc... Sugiya reports that thecozbo Kamci took a horse of his. In that matter Yitaka was(involved). No price was given in return for this. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry must be made in your presence. If it is true that thecozbo Kamci has taken his horse and given no price in return [...] the horse is to be handed over to Sugiya as his property by Yitaka. Whatever dispute there is, a decision is to be made according to the law. If you are not clear there, they are to be sent to the king's court under custody and there will be a decision here. Also he reports that Vusmeya took his bow, and has kept it from him up till the present day. Careful inquiry is to be made there in your presence. (If) it is true that he has taken the bow, that bow, [p. 108] along with the hire of it is to be received by Sugiya as his property. Whatever dispute there is, a decision is to be made according to the law. (206)


To his dear friend of pleasant aspect, Casgeya, the monk Dhamapriya sends health, again and again, much, immeasurable, and thus (I write), namely : Two camels of mine, one a vyalyi are to be taken from the people of Vugeya's household. I received here in Calmadana a female camel from the son of Vugeya. You were surety for it. I left the female camel in your hand. Now I have sent there from here a man Yilaga concerning this female camel. Certainly you must demand the camel from Pleya there. It is to be handed over to the man Yilaga in presence of the magistrates. That camel is to be taken there by the yatma Kolgeya. No obstacles are to be made. No slackness should be allowed. As regards Pleya's dispute, (when) he comes here, we will complain in front of theogu vasu Bhimmasena, and there will be a decision. Also I have given this camel in exchange to Kolgeya. A hand-letter (containing) the decision has been written. I have taken one three years old male camel from Kolgeya, and handed it over to the ogu Bhimmasena. By no means let it be withheld from Kolgeya there. (207)


(List. ). The kori Rutraya writes, he gives instructions to the monk Sotaya (who) must become acquainted with what I write, namely: Concerning the bundles in Calmadana, I will come thereon the fourth day. I have sent (?) along with Asena. I do not know whether you have brought the corn or not. It is heard that that corn is to be collected in one place. The people have taken the corn each to his own house. (?) Asena will collect (it) here in the town. There it is to be collected by you Sotaya and Suguta. (208)


[���. ] a decision is to be made. If you are not clear there, they are to be sent here under custody at a time when there is peace and safety on the road.


[p. 109] This deed is (dated) in the 4th month, 7th day. Mogata and Manigeya in the village of the great king Tomgraka [���. . ], these brothers arose and sold to the monk Samghabudhi land with a capacity for seed of 1 milima 10 khi. Manigeyaand Mogata received as price 1 Khotanese alena rug and5 milima of corn. The price was reckoned at 15. They made an agreement on equal terms. Whoever at a future time disputes this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. Concerning this land Samghabudhi has ownership to sow, to plough, and to give away to others. Witnesses to this are the kitsaitsa[�. ] and the apsus [��. . ] and Karamtsa.


His majesty, etc... The cozbo Bhimasena reports that he has a slave called Opuge who is employed in the village of Kalncaga this is the tenth year. Concerning him he has sent instructions two or three times but he does not come. (209)


[����. ] the girl was taken out as his property. This girl Pgisa gave in exchange to Bhasdha. Bhasdha sold this girl to Sugnuta. Pgisa and Bhasdha made an agreement. Bhasdha says "I did not sell this girl". [��. . ] This dispute, etc... (210)


At the feet of the sothamgha Lyipeya, etc... Tgaca rubs his head, etc... and thus (writes) namely: You the master have handed over to me people (to be sent) to the city (?). The women do not wish to go to the city with the tasucaTsmaya. The tasuca Tsmaya does not take them by force. However, the women do not want to go. (211) [p. 110]


His majesty, etc... Sugiya reports that he has adopted a boy called Patraya from the priest Budhamitra. All the milk-payment has been given. Now (however) you are handing over this adopted child to Budhamitra as his own. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc...


The cozbos Kranaya and Lyipeya write, they give instructions to the apsu Opgeya, the tasucaCasgeya, and the monk Bharsavadhi. From there, from Pumni, all the officials, householders, monks, brahmans, andvurcugas, these people are to be quickly brought here by you today. If you do not bring these people here to-day, fifty strokes (is the penalty).


[���. . ] with Kopemna there is a woman called Koparsaniae. If the mukesi of these women has not been given, if they have not agreed with these women of their own free will, in that manner a decision is to be made according to law. If, however, they have been taken in lawful wedlock, in that manner the question is to be judged according to law. If you are not clear there, at a time the road is safe they are to be sent here under escort. The sworn testimony of the witnesses is tube written in a letter and a letter of information to be sent here. There will be a decision here in our presence.


[����] forthwith careful inquiry is to be made. Since according to the agreement there is food and drink for thetsegeci, Lyimsu must make a decision quickly. If there's any dispute on their part they are quickly to be sent to the king's court and there will be a decision here incur presence.


His majesty, etc... Sunamda reports that concerning a theft, a dispute was judged by the kitsayitsa Luthuand the cozbo Kamci. An amklatsa (camel), aputgetsa (camel), and an odara (camel) were to betaken from the slave of Jimoya. A written document was made. The putgetsa and odara (camels) were kept back there. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry [p. 111] is to be made there. Just as the dispute was judged by the kitsayitsa Luthu and the cozbo Kamci, in that manner a decision is to be made according to law. If there's any other dispute, they are to be sent to the king's court.


His majesty, etc... Kuunge an 0gana areklasemcis for four armies and you, further, make them keepers of the royal camels. They are doing a job in the state service which added to their army (work) makes five. (Inacting) thus, you do not do right, you do differently from the command of me the great king. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith, whatever suitable people there are, the camels are to be handed over to them from Kuunge. Kuunge and0gana have to perform their original duties of klasemna [�. ] in addition to that no state duties are to be performed. (212)


The first naksatra is called the Mouse. On its day he should do all things, and it will be successful. In the naksatra Cow the head is to be washed (?), and having eaten and drunk, one should enjoy oneself with music. In the naksatra Tiger battle is to be undertaken. In the naksatra Hare one should run away and he who disappears is difficult to find. In the naksatra Dragon endurance (?), everything is to be endured. In the naksatra Serpent he is to be kept from all business. In the naksatra Horse journeys are tube undertaken in an eastern and western direction. In the naksatra Sheep, the head is to be washed (?). In the naksatra Cock clothes and bedding are to be cut and sewn. (In the naksatra) Monkey everything is easy. In the naksatra Dog going and coming quickly (is suitable). In the naksatra Pig ploughing, sowing, and the tilling of vineyards (are suitable). There will be success and increase. (213) [p. 112]


His majesty, etc... Kupsuta and Tilutamaae inform us that they have lost seven strings of pearls (mutilata),one mirror, a lastuga made of many coloured silk, anda su 1i ear ornament. The tsamghina Mosdhaya, when apprehended before the magistrates spoke thus : It is true that I stole these objects from Kupsuta and Tilutamaae. I sold them to Konumae. I have received no payment. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc (214)


His majesty, etc... Sugiya informs usthat he has been a tax-gatherer (sothamga) for four years. Much has been wasted in his house. Here in the wine-office a reckoning has-been made. The sothamga Sugiya and Pgisa owe wine to the extent of 150 milima. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, immediately careful inquiry must be made. If this Sugiya has wasted it in his house, he is to be removed from his office of tax-gatherer. Someone else is to be made tax-gatherer. The wine, the royal wine which they owe to the wine department, this wine Sugiya and Pgisa must pay, and the old wine is to be collected (by them). As regards the new wine, Sugiya has nothing to do with it. It is to be collected by the other tax-gatherers.


Concerning sheep from Kapgeya, to be kept by Suguta. This is the seal of the cozbo Somjaka. In the 11th year of the great king Jituga Mairi, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 9th day, in this reign. Suguta and Kapge made an agreement outside (the court). I Kapgeya give ten sheep to Suguta as his property. Suguta shall have ownership over the sheep, to do what he likes with them. Whoever at a future time raises the question (again) of these sheep [he shall be without] authority, and a penalty will be incurred. Witnesses to this are the tomga Vugato, the vasuOpgeya. (It was written) at the request of Kapgeya. Its authority is as long as life. [p. 113]


This document concerning Samamnera adopted from the woman Tsinaae is to be well kept by Kunita. This is the seal of the cozbo Somjaka. In the 13th year of his majesty the great king Jitumgha Mahiriya, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 10th day, in this reign, there is a woman called Tsimnaae. (Her) young son Samamnera by name was adopted by Kunita. The woman Tsimnaae arose and took Samamnera away from Kunita. Now they have lodged a complaint. Thecozbo Somjaka and the detective Lyipta examined this dispute. Samamnera belongs to Kunita as an adopted child. The whole milk-payment has been given. They have made a decision. As milk-payment one amklatsa camel has been given. Witnesses to this are the vasus Opgeya, Kakeya, and Saluveya, the arivaga Camaga, the sadavidaKapgeya, Kamcgeya of Parvata, the vuryaga Vuru, the girl Cagu, and the iadavida Caneya. This Samamnera who has been adopted is not to be made a slave, nor sold nor pledged. He is to be treated as an adopted person. This was written by me the scribe Tgaca, son of the sothamga Luthu, at the command of the magistrates, and at the request of Kunita, the woman Tsimnaae, and the monk Budhila. Its authority is a hundred years. (215)


This document concerning a female camel fromgarasena is to be kept by Suguta and Sugi. This is the seal of the ogus Dhapaya andgamasena. In the 11th year, 2nd month, 1st day, in the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mairi, son of heaven, theogus Dhapaya and Samasena, the kori Togaja, and the 'cozbo Bimmasena examined this dispute. Suguta and Sugi complained concerning one camel, as follows. It happened that Kupsuta arose and took one camel from garasena by force. He handed over the camel to Suguta and Sugi on account of a debt. That camel was two years with Suguta and Sugi. After that garasena arose and took the camel from Sugutaand Sugi. He caused its death in the desert. We have decided that in place of the pregnant female camel a kirsosafemale camel of the same age is to be handed over by Sarasenaand taken by Suguta and Sugi. Any complaintsgarasena has to make he must bring up with Kupsuta. That female camel three years old is to be given. [p. 114]


This receipt (pravamnaga) concerningmisi received from Konaya is to be carefully kept by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 15th year of the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Amguvaka, son of heaven, in the 12th month, 8th day, there is a man called Konaya. He sold misiya-land along with trees to the scribe Ramsotsa. The price taken was one camel two years old priced at fifty. Konaya received it. Other atyamull (supplementary payment) received was ten khi of wine. Konaya received in all a price of sixty from Ramsotsa. In that land the capacity for seed is three milimas juthi. They agreed on equal terms. In that misi-land Ramsotsa has ownership to plough, to sow, to give to another as a present, to exchange, to do anything he likes with it. Whoever at a future time shall bring the matter up before the vasesand agetas, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. So they agreed in front of the magistrates. Witnesses to this are thekitsaitsa Varpa, the kala Karamtsa, thekuhaneci cozbo Kuvifieya, the vases Acuniya, Cadhiya, and 'Gapika, the apses Samca and Pitga, the torngha Karamtsa, Tamcgo, the agetasLyipatga, Kuuna, and Kuvifieya, and the yatma Kuvifieya. Whoever shall bring up the matter a second time shall receive a fine of one gelding and seventy strokes. This receipt has been written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a hundred years, as long as life. It was written at the request of Konaya. The tomgha Samca by name cut the string.


This letter concerning kuthala received from Signayais to be carefully kept by Kunita. In the 21st year, 6th month, 13th day in the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Amgoka, son of heaven, there is a man, the scribe Signaya. He arose and gave to his neighbour Kunita ten kuthala for growing barley (?) in misi-land. (The transaction) was in the presence of the magistrateskitsaitsa Varpa and kala Karamtsa. The witnesses were the tomgha Kuvaya, Kamjiya, the sothamghaKlemjiya, Sugnuta, and the apse gamca. From now on Kunita has ownership in that kuthala to sow, plough, and do whatever he likes with it. Whoever at a future time shall bring the matter up again, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. [p. 115]

This was written by me the scribe Mogata at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is as long as life. Those kuthala are in Yasala straight from Suryada(?). As given, it has been well given. Kunita has received and received well.


In the 7th year of his majesty the great king Citumghi Mahiriya, son of heaven, in the 11th month, 20th day in this reign, there is a man of Saca called Senimma. He and Aralyi gave the daughter (of Aralyi) to Casgeya. The mother of this Aralyi was taken in marriage from Ajiyama avana. So they brought that girl Mumtritsae there in exchange for (? musdhasi) his mother. Further on behalf of that girl Mutritsae Cateya and Cataraka took as price one camel and one horse. The camel was three years old and the horse was tirsa(? three years old). Therefore we have sent away that girl Mutritsae who belonged to us. Now I Senima, Aralyi, and Ogacahave given Mutritsae to Ogaca as his wife. We ask asyimila (= ?) present nothing, not even a hair. So from now on whatever relation or son of ours there is, they are not to take possession of her. (This transaction was completed)with witnesses in the presence of the magistrate cozboSomjaka. Witnesses to it are the kala cuvalayimna vaseKolyisa and Sucamma. This tablet (pati) was written by the scribe Lyipatga and its authority is a hundred years. (216)


Concerning food and drink (produced on) ploughed land and a vineyard belonging to the kori Muldeya, to be carefully kept by Ramsotsa. This is the seal of the ogu Dhafhapala, thekori Muldeya, and the kitsatsa Lustu. In the 34th year of his majesty the great king Jitumgha Amgoka, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 24th day, in this reign, the kori Muldeya and Ramsotsa made an agreement. Ramsotsa bought land from the slaves of Muldeya. This land was returned by Ramsotsa and the price was to be sent back, (namely) one milima of wine potgoiiena and onevito horse. (This) was to be handed over by Muldeya and received by Ramsotsa. Concerning this the kori Muldeyahas now given permission to Ramsotsa for this year to dig up the vineyard and plough the land. However much food and drink is produced in [p. 116] that land in the autumn (?) it shall be produced for Ramsotsa. (The price of) one milima of winepotgonena and one vito horse--by that Ramsotsa is to be paid off. From that land neither is corn as rent to be demanded of Ramsotsa by the kori Muldeya, nor is Ramsotsa to ask of the kori Muldeya (the price consisting of) one milima of wine potgonena and one vito horse. In the autumn they will make an agreement with each other and there will be a decision. If they do not agree on the price, the rathi trees and the pamni are to be taken from the vineyard by Ramsotsaas his property, and his own land is to be taken by thekori Muldeya, just as formerly it was kurora. Witnesses to this are the ogu Dhamapala, the koriMuldeya, and the kitsatsa Lustu. (217)


This document concerning a payment from Lyipeya is to be carefully kept by Suguda. This is the seal of the cozbo Tamjaka. In the 17th year of his majesty the great king Mayiri, son of heaven, in the first month, 22nd day, in this reign, it happened that the cozbo Cakvala brought a man called Cmaga from Cacrota. This man Cmaga the cozbo Kolyisa took. He sold him to Lyipeya. Lyipeya arose and sold that man Cmaga to Suguta of Cadota. The price received was one camel three years old, five milima of corn, one kosava,one namata, and one avalika. After that the master of that man Cmaga, Kuvayici of Parvata came forth. They brought an action at the king's court. That man Cmaga was the property of Kuvayici. The price (paid for him) was to be received (back) by Lyipeya from the cozbo Cakvala, and by Suguda from Lyipeya. From Lyipeya (the amount paid back) was a camel three years old, 5 milima of corn, 1 kosava, 1 namata, 1 avalika. As regards other additional (?orovaga) payment, on account of this Lyipe gave to Suguta one camel seven years old. They made a decision. From now on the question of this payment is not to be brought up a second time with Suguta and Sunamda, or Lyipe and Lipatga. Witnesses to this are the magistrate in charge of the province, the cozbo Tamjaka, the ogu Alyaya, (his) son Ardharasa, and the sothamgha Ugra. It was written by me the state scribe (raja divira) the monk Dhalnapriya. It has authority in all places. [p. 117]


This document concerning twenty muli and nine sheep (received) from the caru Ciniga and Platga is to be carefully kept by the scribe Sunamta and Casgeya. This is the seal of the cozbos Yitaka and Vukto. In the 21st year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the 12th month, 23rd day, in this reign, the caru Ciniga and Platga had a dispute with the scribe Sunamta and Casgeya. An oath was to be sworn by Suguta, the scribe Sunamta, Kuiiita, and Casgeya. Ciniga and Platga stopped them from taking the oath. They voluntarily admitted their debt. They placed a sum of twenty in the hand of thecaru Kungeya and 0gala. In addition nine sheep are to be paid by Ciniga and Platga and received by Casgeya. Witnesses to this are (of the) nobles, the cozbo Namarasma, thesothamgha Keniga, the attendant on the King, Lyimsu and the sothamgha Lyipeya. It was written at the command of the cozbos Yitaka and Vukto by me the scribe Socara. It has authority in all places.


This document concerning two camels from Raspara, and concerning one horse and a beating and whatever else has been falsely (? muss = mrsa) taken from one another is to be carefully kept by the scribe Suguta and Sugamta. This is the seal of the cozboSamasena. In the 20th year of his majesty the great king JitughaMayiri, son of heaven, in the 10th month, 3rd day in this reign, the cozbo Samasena examined a dispute. Rasparaand the scribe Suguta and Sunamta brought an action on a question of payment. We decided that Suguta, Sunamta, the woman Sahiroae, and Kuiiita should swear an oath (lit. " eat an oath"). Raspara arose and stopped (this). He made a statement(samnati) and did not allow them to swear the oath. From now on concerning the two camels and the horse and whatever else has falsely been taken from each other, and concerning the beating, neither shall be entitled to any payment from the other. Witnesses to this are the apse Vugto, thevasu Mogiya, the sothamgha Cakola, thekorara Sugita, the ekhara Motgeya, theageta Sugiya, and the ari garaspa. This was written by me the scribe Socara at the command of thecozbo Samasena. Its authority is as long as life. [p. 118]


(U. O. 1). In the 11th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 2nd day, in this reign, the ogus Dajapala, Phapaya, Samasena, and Ldasa, the cozbo Jayatrada and the cozbosBimbhasena and Somjaka examined this dispute. Suguta and Priyavaga brought the action concerning a girl and a camel. (Its alleged) that Suguta gave a camel to Priyavaga to break in (dhamanaye). While with him it died. Therefore Priyavagagave a woman called Koloae to Suguta. In return for the woman Suguta gave to Priyavaga a present of carpet eight hands (in length). Considering this we have decided that henceforth Priyavaga has no claim to payment from Suguta on account of the woman, nor has Suguta any claim against Priyavaga on account of the camel. There is every reason to fear from the Supis. You must not be slack. Watch is to be maintained in Saca continually. Whatever news comes from Khotan, you must let me know. Whatever news comes from the king's court or from the Supis, you will be informed. Also you have investigated the goldsmiths of the people of Parvata there. One katari karnana. He is appropriating without just cause. (He is) appropriating much. (It is) hereditary property.


This receipt concerning land of Mogata is to be carefully preserved by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 9th year of the reign of the great king, the king of kings, the great, the victorious, the just, abiding in the true law, his majesty the great king Amkvaga, son of heaven, !in the6th month, 15th day, there is a man the secret agent Mogata byname. He arose and sold akri land to the scribe Ramsotsawith a capacity for seed of one milima ten khi ofa limni. The price received was thirteen hands of carpet valued at twelve. So the scribe Ramsotsa has ownership over this land, to sow, to plough, to give as a present to another, to enjoy in all ways whatever is wanted to be done. They made this buying and selling in front of the magistrates. Witnesses to it are the royal administrator, the kitsaitsa Piteya, the kola Karamtsa, the apsus [p. 119] Apsiya, and Samca ; others beside (are)the togha Kuvaya, the roasu Cadhi, theapsu Karamtsa, the cozbo Lustu, thevuryaga Pgeta, the tsaghinava Kapota, and Sirasathe attendant of the kori Spa]yaya. Whoever at a future time informs or disputes bout this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This receipt was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a thousand years, as long as life. The attendant of the kitsaitsa, Sronga, and the karsenava Sodinga cut the string.


This document concerning misiya-land of Sagima is to be carefully preserved by the sothamgha Ramsotsa. In the 19th year, 10th month, 6th day of the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Amgoka, son of heaven, there is a man called Sagima. He arose and sold to the sothamghaRamsotsa misiya land with a capacity for seed of akhi in excess of (one) milima (?). There was also some akri-land adjoining that (with a capacity for seed)of one milima. He sold both those pieces of land. And so Sagima received as price of the land from the sothamghaRamsotsa, one horse four years old valued at forty. This was received by Sagima. Further as atya swla price was received one milima ten khi of corn. They agreed on equal terms in front of the magistrates kitsaitsa Varpa and kala Karamtsa. Witnesses are thesothamghas Vekumjiya and Kurageya, the sadavidasPakuvaya and Kuluca, the sadavidas Vapika and Purzavara, the scribe Apgeya, the sotira tasucaCatata, and Kamjiya, son of the kala Karamtsa. Therefore in that misiya land and also in the akriya-land, from now on the sothamgha Ramsotsa has ownership, to plough, to sow, to give to another as a present, to exchange, to enjoy in all ways whatever is wanted to be done. Whoever at a future time informs, disputes, or disagrees about this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. We the magistrates have seen both those lands. That land is north of Seni. For that reason we the magistrates have issued a command, we have written a letter of command and a receipt. Who-ever a second time shall bring up the question of the land again, they shall impose a penalty on him, (namely a fine of) a horse and seventy strokes. This document was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority [p. 120] is a hundred years, as long as life. It was written at the request of Sagima. The ageta Koiiaya cut the string. (218)


This hand-letter concerning a vineyard of Dhamaja is to be carefully preserved by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 6th year of the reign of the great king, etc Amkvaga, son of heaven, in the 4thmonth, 14th day, there is a man called Dhamasa, and a second, the scribe Ramsotsa. They made a buying and selling in a time of drought, a time of famine. These are both natives(kilmeci) of Yave avana. So this Phamaja arose and sold to the scribe Ramsotsa a vineyard consisting in all of sevenavacira. The price given was carpet (tavastaga) six hands long, one kavaji, two sheep, and onemilima of corn. They agreed on equal terms in front of the magistrates kitsaitsa Piteya and kalaKaramtsa. Witnesses are the cozbo Varpa, thekarsenava Salueya, the yatma Cato, and the attendant Arispa. In this vineyard the scribe Ramsotsa has ownership to present it to others, to exchange it, and to enjoy it in every way whatever is wanted to be done. Whoever at a future time informs, disputes, or disagrees (about this matter), his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This hand-letter was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa. Its authority is a thousand years, as long as life. The yatma Molyina by name cut the string.


This receipt concerning land of the monk Yipiya is to be carefully kept by the sothamga Ramsotsa. This is the seal of the ogu Jeyabhatra, thecamkura [...] and the cozbo Somjaka. In the 20th year, 4th month, 22nd day of the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Amgoka, son of heaven, there is a monk called Yipiya resident in Cadota. He arose and sold land to the sothamgha Ramsotsa (consisting of) twenty-fivekuthala in the misiland. Formerly this land was misi but after that this land fell akri. From the sothamgha Ramsotsa the monk Yipiya received as price [p. 121] of the land three horses (?) valued at fifteen. This was received by Yipiya. They agreed on equal terms. From now on in that land Ramsotsa has ownership, to sow, to plough, to give as a gift to another, to exchange, to do whatever he likes with it. Witnesses to this are the community of monks at Cadota, the magistrates administering the kingdomkitsaitsa Varpa and kola Karamtsa, the vasus Acuniya and Cadhi, the cozbo of Calmadana Suryamitra, Kurageya, and Vukimna. Whoever at a future time informs, disputes, or disagrees about this land, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This document was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is as long as life. It was written at the request of the monk Yipiya. The vasu Cadhi cut the string. (Postscript. ) In the 4th year, 2nd month, 28th day in the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mahiriya, son of heaven, the ogu Jeyabhatra, the camkuraCataraga, the cuvalaina Tirapiiara, and thecozbos Somjaka and Vanamta examined a dispute (on this matter) in Cadota. This field was sown by an act of force. Now the Vasu Vugica and the scribe Ramastso have brought an action. This written tablet (sulga lihidaga) was the authority. A quarter of the seed is to be taken as his own by Vugica, the rest of the corn and the land is to be taken by Ramastso. (219)


Concerning royal camels, to be kept by Ramsotsa and Lyipatga. In the 33rd year, 7th month, 25th day of the reign of his majesty the great king Jituga Amgoka, son of heaven, the cozboKamjiya judged a dispute. Ramsotsa, the ageta Kuuna and Cato have a dispute about royal camels. Now they have given here from Ramsotsa and Lyipatga kajaha vamnaga two hands long, carpet(tavastagga) four hands long. Further Lyipatga gave one Khotanese koyavaand carpet six hands long. What Ramsotsa and Lyipatga gave is settled (and[p. 122] what) Kuritga received is settled. Whoever at a future time (disputes this), there shall be no payment due. (220)


This document is to be carefully kept by Kutreya and Ramsotsa. This is the seal of the gusura Jebhatra, thecamkura Caraga and the cozbo Somjaka. In the 4th year, 2nd month, 28th day of the reign of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mahiriya, son of heaven, thegusura Jebhatra, the camkura Cataraga, thecuvalayina Dirpara, and the cozbo Somjaka examined a dispute. Ramsotsa, Kutreya, and Cinika brought an action concerning sheep. When Kutreya was asga, at that time they took a gift of honour to Ramsotsa. They gave him four sheep. Vuginga gave them, Suguta took them. After that Kutreya, Vuginga, and Cinika carried off twenty sheep from Ramsotsa. This case was put off. Vuginga died. Suguta is in Khotan. When Suguta comes back from Khotan, at that time the matter is to betaken in hand. It is to be carefully examined with oath and witness. (221)


To be opened by the great cozbo Somjaka of pleasant aspect. One horn of a deer and one chowrie, cut with a weapon, cut with a taravaca. At the feet of the cozbo Somjaka, etc Kulavardhana pays his respects, etc... and this is his communication. By [p. 123] all means let the people of our district(kilmeci) be under your care. They are to be looked upon as your own. Also there was a slave man belonging to our district there called Amtgiya. He arose and gave as ransom(lote) for his own life a man called Cimgeya and six sheep. These were twelve sheep. This affair does not please me. The man is alive. Now I have commanded this Amtgiya to be brought here. The proper ransom has not been given. If there he gives the proper ransom (loteya) and mukesi,Kalyotsa will make a written decision there. Considering that wine was due to us there, we have paid two milima tenkhi of wine into the royal account. Certainly instructions must be given there. No obstacles are to be put in the way of the wine (being sent). Certainly they are to be commanded to give it. As a token of remembrance onelastugga has been sent. Certainly let them be under your care. They are to be looked upon as your own. Nowhere in Cadota instead of him a man [�. ] considering this he announces at the feet of the master [��] on account of that matter certainly in your divine knowledge [�. . ] is to be settled. Dhampriya [��. ] to the master, dear to men and gods, the great cozbo [�. . ] (222)


This receipt concerning a vineyard of Dhamasa is to be carefully kept by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 16th year of the reign of his majesty the great king Amkvaga, son of heaven, in the 6th month, 1st day, there is a man called Dhamasa. He arose and sold to the scribe Ramsotsa a vineyard along with the trees consisting of fifteensujada. The price given was one horse. They agreed and made a decision. In that vineyard from now on the scribe Ramsotsa has ownership, to prop, to knock down, to cut the grapes, drink (the wine), to exchange, to sell, to do whatever he likes with. They made a decision in front of the magistrates kitsaitsa Varpa and kala Karamtsa. Witnesses are Acuiiiya, the vasu Cadhiya, thesothamgha Kurageya, the sadavita Pakvaya, thekarsenava Tsaroka, the sadavita Mogata, theageta Tamjika, the yatma gronga, thesadavida Pursavara, and the vurya4a Ratgeya. Whoever at a future time informs, disputes, or disagrees, his bringing up again of [p. 124] the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This receipt was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a hundred years, as long as life. They made a decision here in the parampula of Cacl'ota. This was written at the request of Phamaja. Thepasu Cadhiya by name cut the string. (223)


This deed concerning land sold by Lyipta is to be carefully kept by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 21st year of the reign of his majesty the great kingJitugha Amkvaga, son of heaven, there is a man Lyipta belonging to Mangeya, and Samca. They arose and sold to the scribe Ramsotsa ciraimta land with a capacity forsahini seed of seven khi. They agreed on equal terms in front of the magistrates. From now on in that land the sothamgha Ramsotsa has ownership, to sow, to plough, to exchange, to sell, to mortgage, to do whatever he likes within. They agreed in front of the magistrates kitsaitsaVarpa and kola Karamtsa. Witnesses are the vasuAcuiiiya, the tomgha Samca, the a4etaKuuna, the sadavida Mogata, the sothamgha Argiya, Arispa, and the yatma Cato. Whoever at a future time shall bring up this matter again before the vasus andagetas, their bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This deed was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a hundred years, as long as life. Lyipta has sold and sold well, the sothamgha Ramsotsa has bought and bought well. This was written at the request of Lyipta and Samca. As price of that land six khi of wine and tenkhi of corn was given in front of those witnesses. The price given for that land was ten muli.


This document concerning property received from Pitga is tube carefully preserved by the scribe Sunamta. This is the seal of the iasu Mogi and Pitga. In the20th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the [p. 125] 10th month, 17th day, in this reign, there is a man Pitga. He has a claim against the scribe Sunamta. Now Pitga and the scribe Sugamta have made a settlement; they have agreed. The scribe Sunamta has paid the whole debt ; Pitga has received it. From now on Pitga has no claim for payment from Sunamta, and is not to take possession. Witnesses there are the noble people (namely), the vasu Mogiya, the vasu Kakeya and Jeyaka, the tasuca Catugeya, the monk Samgharaclii, Pleya, and Dhameca. (224)


This deed concerning a girl Smitsae is to be carefully kept by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 11th year of the reign of his' majesty the great king Amguvaka, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 12th day, there is a woman called Lyipimtsaae and her son called Pgita. They arose and sold to the scribe Ramsotsa in time of famine a girl called Smitsae. The price given was one camel one year old valued at forty. Lyipimtsae and Pgita received it. As price of the head (?) four sheep were given. So the scribe Ramsotsa has ownership over that girl Smitsae, to do what he likes with her. They agreed in front of the magistrates kitsaitsa Piteya andkala Karamtsa. Witnesses are the vasu Cadhiya, the togha amca, the sothamgha Kurageya, Apgeya, Capuga, Mogata, Mangeya, Lyipta, the monk Dhaffiadara, and theyatma Cato. This deed was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a hundred years, as long as life. The tomgha Samca cut the string. That girl Smitsae is four distis high. Lyipimtsaae received half of the price, and the masina yatma Cigitoya received half.


This deed concerning a woman Lyipaae is to be kept by the scribe Ramsotsa. In the 17th year of the reign of his majesty the great kingJitugha Amguvaka, son of heaven, in the 4th month, 28th day, there is a man called Samca. He arose and sold a woman called Lyipaae to the scribe Ramsotsa. Samca received the price of the woman Lyipaae from the scribe Ramsotsa. He received one viyala camel valued at forty, and a second amkla < tsa > camel valued at thirty, one carpet twelve hands long, and a second carpet eleven hands long. Also received were eight sutra muli. The total price is ninety-eight. So [p. 126] they agreed on equal terms. From now on the scribe Ramsotsa has ownership of that woman, to beat her, to bind her, to sell her, to give her to others as a present, to exchange her, to pledge her, to do whatever he likes with her. Witnesses to this are thekitsaitsa Varpa and the kola Karamtsa, thetomgha Kuvaya and Capuga, the apsu Pitga and thevasu Vapika, the a4eta Kuuna, the yatmaCato and Sapuga, the karsenava Vuginga, thesadavida Pursavara, and the karsenava Ricikga. Whoever at a future time informs or disagrees about this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This deed was written by me the scribe Mogata, son of the scribe Tamaspa, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a hundred years as long as life. This was written at the request of Samca. The Yatma Cato by name cut the string. (225)


This document concerning a man Prusdhaya is to be carefully kept by Lyipeya. This is the seal of the Lila Rokitsi. In the 15th year of his majesty the great king Jetugha Mayiri, son of heaven, in the first month, 11th day, in this reign, Lyipeya and Bo§arsa bought a man called Prusdhaya from the kala Rokitsi. The kolaRokitsi received as price one camel five years old and one horse five years old, and further twenty-fiveatya. They agreed on equal terms. From now on Lyipeya has ownership of that man, to sell him, to pledge him, to exchange him, to give him to others as a present, to do whatever he likes with him. Whoever at a future time informs or disputes about this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. Whoever at a future time stirs up a dispute and wishes to make it otherwise, shall receive a penalty (muyesa) of (a fine of) one castrated horse, and fifty blows. Witnesses to this are Tsmaya, brother of the cozbo, and the vasu Saluveya. This was written by me Sugamta, son of the scribe Ramsotsa, at the request of the kala Rokitsi.


Concerning the woman Lyimisoae, to be kept by the scribe Ramsotsa. This is the seal of the cozbo Kamciya. [p. 127] In the 32nd year, 12th month, 20th day of his majesty the great king Jitugha Amguvaka, son of heaven, there is a man called Palnamto. He arose (and sold) to the scribe Ramsotsa a girl Lyimisoae four distis high. The price given was oneamklatsa camel valued at thirty. Pulnamto received it and in addition as atya muli one Khotanesekojava. So they agreed. From now on Ramsotsa has ownership of the woman Lyimisoae, to beat her, to bind her, to sell her, to exchange her, to pledge her, to do whatever he likes with her. This was written in front of the magistrates. Witnesses are the cozbo Kamciya, the vasuAcuiiiya, the sothamgha Kuvaya, Sarivara, Kumtsena, Kusamta, Lyimo, the a4eta Cato, the vasu Vapika, the monks Dhamila and Silaprava and the a4eta Opgeya. Whoever at a future time informs, disputes, or disagrees about this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. This was written by me the scribe Mogata at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is as long as life. The apsu Vusdhaya cut the string.


This document concerning a three years old female camel from Balasemna and Kupsuta is to be well kept by Suguta. This is the seal of the cozbos Samasena and Pgo. In the 17th year of his majesty the great kingJitugha Mahiriya, son of heaven, in the 6th month, 20th day, in this reign, there is a man of Parvata (called) Kupsuta. He received a three years old pregnant female camel from Sarsena and gave it to Suguta. Sarsena arose and took it from Suguta. Now here Suguta, Kupsuta, Sarsena's son Balasemna, and his slave Srustinga have brought an action concerning (this) three years old female camel. This dispute was examined by the magistrates the cozbos Samasena and Pgo and the secret agent Opgeya. A decision was made. Now Kupsuta, Suguta, Balasemna, and gusting have no claim to payment from each other. Witnesses to this are the noble people, the cozbo Dhalnena, Sugi, Kuleya, thevasu Varpeya, the apsu Vua, the sothamghaKutaga, the arivaga Rutraya, Sugita (?) and Sugiya.


[���. . ] is to be sent here in the hand of the attendants. Also in spring he spoke to you on the matter of the camels. Certainly now [����. ][p. 128]


[���. . ] along with the extra is to be paid in the autumn, ten milima five khi.


This hand-letter was written by me the scribe Mogiya, son of the scribe Motega, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is as long as life. Khara cut the string. They brought the price. They received the price, fifteen. This Khara (?) went. The son of the scribe Mogiya, Karamtsa by name, cut the string. Its authority is as long as life.


[���. . ] is to be delivered here. On the fifteenth day of the twelfth month [...] the land of the new people and the ploughing [�����]


In the 21st year of his majesty the great king JitughaMayiri, son of heaven, in the 6th month, 20th day, in this reign the woman Laroae took a mare in exchange from the royal (stables). Now there has been a review of the mares in the king's court. Laroae took one mare, and delivered over two. The daughter of that mare [�. ] two, (and) three mothers. All have been handed over to the royal (stables). A decision (has been reached).


In the 7th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 6th month, 25th day, in this reign Sakhusa Sakha broke the seal. The seal was in Camu Prete. Water was provided. Witnesses there are the asgaraLyimsu and the monk Sevasena. When Casgeya brought somgha (=?) to the side of Ramaka, at that time the sothamghaLyipeya broke the seal. At that time Sevasena borrowed water. Balasena cut off this water by force [...]. By Tamcgo the seal was broken [...] Lyimsu is witness.


His majesty, etc... The monk Ayila informs us that a woman called Cadisaae burnt his yellow robe (kasara). When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, careful inquiry is to be made, and a decision is to be made according to law. If it is otherwise, or you [p. 129] are not clear there, these disputants are to be taken into custody and sent here to the king's court, (where) there will be a decision. (226)


To the feet of his dear brother and virtuous friend Budhamitra of pleasing aspect, Sevasena sends the health of his divine body, much, immeasurable, and thus (he says) : When this letter reaches you, you must quickly return to me.


In the 5th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 1st month, 26th day, at that time, the arrears of pomegranates in the house of Jivamitra were written down. Of Batra the arrears of pomegranates were two vacari, etc


His majesty, etc� Sagamovi complains to this effect. He is a native of Yave Avana. There is a potter (kulala)called Camca and this Sagamovi is his son. A member of thekilme of the ogu Moka, he used to dwell when young next door to Cato. At that time Cato took to wife the daughter of the sramana Sundara, called Supriya. After that this Sagamovi and Supriyae fled from the house of Cato to the kingdom of Kuci. They stayed a long time in the kingdom of Kuci. Then they came back again to their own country through the influence of me the great king [...]. Whatever this Sagamovi had in the way of wives, sons, daughters, and slaves, this Sagamovi abandoned all claim to them. Now thesramana Sundara and Lyipana are causing trouble in Yave Avana about the woman Supriyae. They are demanding a ransom(lode). When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith careful inquiry is to be made, whether it is true that the sramana Sundara and Lyipana are causing trouble to this Sagamovi about a ransom for Supriyae. They are to be stopped. They are not to make claims to Supriyae against Sagamovi. (227)


The son of the great king kala Purnnyabala writes ands ends health to the vasu Sagimoya, (who) is to become acquainted with what I write. The wine which is on loan there is to be quickly collected. [p. 130] This wine is to be taken to the mountain and vasdhiga is to be made. Also four female camels and such male camels as there are, these camels are to be brought here with the tomghas and their attendants under your direction. Also the tax is to be brought here by you along with them. Also three carpets are to be bought with the corn and brought here. Also the full amount ofciroma is to be brought here. Also here Khotanese refugees [...] I have sent there [����. ]


[���. . ] is to be sent to Patraya. As regards the letter and present, he will bring it. Where Patraya [...] the camel is to be sent there. Also I have heard that you gave a camel to Cakla as price for land. Also the camel was brought and the land[...]. If a camel is owing to Cakla, Cakla must take possession of the land. If the land [...] the camel itself is to be brought [����. ]


[���. ] The cozbo Kolyina was in charge of the province [�. ]. A child called Caneya was sent to Saca in the hand of Camaka. The Khotanese carried off that child from the house of Lyimina. At the time you the cozbo Somjaka were in charge of the province, at that time the vasu Sagamoya and Lyimimna brought an action concerning that child Caneya. You decided it. Lyimimna delivered and Sagamoya took a female camel eight years old. They made a decision about everything. At that time witnesses were [���. . ]


[���. ] is not to take possession. As regards the debt he contracted with people when he was a fugitive in Kuci, concerning this debt these people are not to claim possession from him. In the 4th year, 6th month, 2nd day in Deviyae Ogu Anugayani Avana.


His majesty, etc... The kala Pumnabala has made a representation at the feet of me the great king. He asked forvacliu people. I the great king considered and granted fifteen people as vacliu to the kala Pumnabala from three uryagas. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith fifteen people are to be given to thekala Pumnabala from three uryagas, five each year. [p. 131]


His majesty, etc... Zagimoya informs us that it happened that he fled with his wife to the kingdom of Kuci. Through love of me the great king they came back here. I the great king considered (the matter). This husband and wife were settled there in Ca[dota]. They became attached to the kilme(district) of Yave Avana. Also it was considered that the house which formerly belonged to them [


[���.] you do not sell. Priyavata and Sukmana have to go to the mountain with Kyutseya. There kolava, carpet, and ghee are to be bought. Careful attention is to be paid to that matter. If again you allow things to be slack, have a care. Also goats (hedi pasava) are certainly to be bought, and what you get are to be written down individually by name on a receipt and sent here. Also there is a jar of wine with Priyavata belonging to the year before last. He says that this jar is broken. These two jars are to be paid off by Priyavata. If you receive many goats they are to be brought here with Sukmana.


The son of the great king kala Pumnyabala writes. He gives instructions to the vase Sagamoya, (who) must become acquainted with what I write. I have sent a letter two or three times (telling you) that you had to come here, and up to the present day you have not come. You are a man of little merit, a procrastinator. [�. ] took [�. . ]. Now I have sent Cgito and Cakuvala there. You have to provide six milima of wine. Cgito and Cakuvala have to go with you to the mountain to makevasdhiga. Also the beasts of burden, the manaya,the clothing (? chataga), and vusma which (are needed) there, are to be provided by you. If you do not pay attention to this matter have a care. When you return from the mountain with Cgito, you must come here with him. Of these Cgito Cakuvala, and Meghima [��. . ] (228)


[���] is to be bought and sent here. If you do not get much from there, more is to be bought from the mountain. Certainly much ghee and meat is to be dispatched here. Also you[p. 132] Sagamoya must go to the mountain along with Multeya. A decision is to be made carefully about the corn. If you do not do this carefully now, you will later have to pay this corn outfox your own. Also in the mountain yoga is certainly tube bought. (229)


His majesty, etc... Sugita informs us that he has illegally been made [�]. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc...


In the 11th year of his majesty the great king Jituga Mayiri, son of heaven, on the first day of the sixth month, at the time the queen made a journey to Khotan, at that time the kala Kirteya came here to Cadota and made vasdhika in the mountain, in the time of the cozbo Somjaka. At that time (the following) expenditure was incurred : Wine potgonena in the mountain 1milima 4 khi ; further, dirpira corn 2 milima10 khi, and flour (ata) 1 milima 5 khi ;further, as provisions in the mountains 1 milima 10khi. Further, the kala fell ill and at that time the expenditure of corn was 1 milima 10 khi in acona, and of wine 3 khi in acomena. Further, the kola Kirteya returned from the mountain, and at that time the expenditure of wine in Caclota, in thevasdhika, was 7 khi. Further, at the time of his departure for the capital, wine for the journey, 4 khipotgorzena, and again provisions for his attendants 1milima 10 khi. Further, when thekit-la Kirteya was gone on an embassy to Khotan, at that time the expenditure of corn for their provisions was 12 milima, in all, and in addition they took 4 sheep along with 4 milima of corn. Further, (when) the kola Kirteya returned from Khotan, Katila was sent from Nina and took 4 khi of wine potgonena. Further, from there a letter of command came from the feet of the kala, (saying that) a present of wine was to be sent to the tasuca Dhapgeya. Further, we took a present of 3khi of wine potgonena to the sadavidaTsugesla. Further, the kc7la granted 1 milima of corn to Yitaya. Further, from the feet of the kala, somgha was granted each year to the administrators of the province. Further, when the kc7la Pumfiabala made a journey to the mountains, at that time the expenditure of wine was 1 milima 4 khi, potgofiena. Further, Sagamoya, Priyavata, and Lyipeya took 12 khi of winepotgonena to the Sacas. Further, 2 milima of corn was granted from the feet [p. 133] of the kala to the keepers of the camels. The camels went out to the sacrifices. Further, Cikimto, the vasu Sagamoya, Tumpala, and Cakolatook 4 milima of wine samiyena to the mountains. Further, from a letter of presentation, 5 khi went out to Patraya, 5 khi to the secret agent Piteya, 5khi to the tasuca Dhapgeya, and 5 khi to Mogeci. (230)


His majesty, etc... Sucamma informs us that formerly he had one urina, and now they ask of him twourina. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc... you must make inquiry. Just as formerly he had one urina, so now one urina is to be asked of him. He is considered as a newly established householder. The law of the kingdom is not to be administered in an unlawful manner.


His majesty, etc... The ogu Azuraka informs us that there the Cadotans belonging to the kilme of theogu Azuraka go from here. You occupy the road and keep them back a long time. If they go on their own initiative, they demand a cow from them as recompense (for using) the bridge. This is not the previously existing law that the road ofasmati people should be occupied. When a letter ofcommand comes to you from here (saying) that the road is to be blocked and the bridge seized, at that time it is to be blocked and the bridge is to be seized. As long, however, as a letterof command (to that effect) does not come from here, the road is to be left open in peace to the Cadotans. The cow (demanded as) recompense for (using) the bridge is not to be relinquished.


This document concerning land from the office of Lyipatga, from the royal (property), is to be carefully preserved by Lustu. [��. ] Witnesses are the kitsaitsa Varpa, thekala Karamtsa, etc...


In the 11th month, 6th day, at that time Sugita took thecvalayina Pumiiavamta's corn for subsistence (nisa4aamna), three khi. [p. 134]


His majesty, etc... Apemna informs us that (?) dragged him out from his house at night and beat his face with hands and feet. This dispute, etc...


(R. ) [�. ] is to be taken from [�. ] of us will come there, he will ask, when (?) he pays. To his dear neighbour Vemasena, etc... Pitseya, etc... And thus I inform you. Last year but one [�. ] a camel was under your care. Last year we brought this camel here. That camel ran away to you and is (again) in your care. Certainly orders must be given for it to be looked for, and likewise a return letter is to be sent.


To his dear brother Vammasula, etc the monk Sarmgarachiya, etc... and thus (he writes). There is a hand-letter in the possession of Motage, son of Moteka. Vammasula is to try and find out what return there shall be for that letter. We are able (?) to take. Certainly you should send that hand-letter here in the hand of Yitgo. Certainly that must be looked for again, so that we can come there alive. Certainly you must send your advice here so that no one shall hear it. At the time we come there [�] (231)


Hearing that, the leader goes away: "O Jivaka, endless are thy virtues. Listen with contented mind to the kind of result (achieved) by performing such ablutions. "


In the 8th year of his majesty the great king, the king of kings, the great, the victorious, the just king Pepiya, son of heaven, it is in this reign that has come about in the succession of kings. There is a man called Tameya, and (another) called Parsuge. They (and) their fathers arose and sold land to Vumeya. The price, one horse, was taken. It is said to be vito. In that land the capacity for seed is one milima. They agreed on equal terms in front of the magistrates [p. 135] tasuca Cateya and kitsaitsaPiteya. Witnesses to it are the kitsaitsa Amto, thesothamgha Sigayita, and the sadavidas Napugi and Samogata. The deed was written by me the scribe Apgeya at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is as long as life. (232)


Concerning land of Dhamalada, to be kept by Lyipatga. In the 34th year of his majesty the great king Amgoka, son of heaven, in the 2nd month, 13th day, in this reign, there is a monk called Dhamaladha. He sold land (with a capacity) of onemilima to the scribe Lyipatga. He received as price ten khi of wine and three agisdha. The matter was settled. From now on in that land Lyipatga has ownership in all respects. This agreement was written by me Dhameca before thekitsatsa Luthu at the request of Dhamaladha and Lyipatga. Its authority is as long as life. (233)


In the 8th year, 8th month, 21st day of the reign of his majesty the great king Amgoka, son of heaven, there is a man [�] called Micorca. He arose and sold agri land to Mogata (with a capacity) of three milima. Micorca received as price onevito horse. They agreed on equal terms. In that land Mogata has ownership, to clear (?), to sow, to plough, to give to another as a present, to do whatever he likes with. Whoever at a future time finds fault with this, his bringing up again of the matter shall be without authority at the king's court. Witnesses to this are the kitsaitsa Piteya, the kala Kararntsa, the gusura Acuiiiya, the apsu [�] Samca, the to(m)gha Kuvaya, the sadavida Mogata [�] the scribe Mogata, the scribe Apgaya, and the aryaga Piteya. This deed was written by the scribe Ramsotsa son of the scribe Signaya, at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a thousand years.


In the 3rd year of his majesty, etc... Pepiya in the 2nd month, 21st day, this deed is (dated) in this reign. The monk [p. 136] called Buddhasira and his son called Budhosa arose and sold misi-(land) to the monk kutajadaga Budhapliarma. In that land the capacity for seed is onemilima five khi. Also a vineyard. There thirteenapacira of vines are planted. [�] In another apcira, six veda (reda). The price received was a four years old camel. [�. ] also rail (and) two amila. The total price was ninety [�. . ] witnesses are] the kitsaitsa Pite [�] Pakuva and Acuniya. [...] has ownership of this land and vineyard, to plough, to sow, to exchange, to sell, [...] to do whatever he likes with it. This deed was written by me the scribe [Ta]maspa [�] at the command of the magistrates. Its authority is a thousand years. [�. ] by name cut the string.


In the 5th year, 8th month, 26th day of his majesty, etc... Pepiya there is a man Cimola by name. He arose and gave from his own property a present to Tamcga [...]. There the capacity for seed is two khi. Tamcga to his father Cimola [...] a return [...] in front of the magistrates (including) kitsaitsa Piteya. Witnesses to this are [...] the apsu Karamtsa, the sothamgha Tamcga, [...]son of the sadavida Yapgu, [...] Tamcga has ownership[...] whatever he likes to do [...] at the command of the magistrates. Its authority [���]


This letter of greeting. The ekhara Dhamasa and Suguta, Acuni, and Kurage (?) Dhamasa and Suguta [...] Acuni and Kurage received two milima. They agreed on equal terms.


Again after the time of his return from the capital 2paindura (?) rolls of silk were paid out. From Pusgari they sent 1 roll of royal silk. Cetrakirti took1 sanapru. Rathapala took 1 palaga varna. Daruge took 1 roll of silk. Micgae bought a new palaga varna. Kapotae took 1bound palaga varna. Pumiiasena took 7 rolls of silk. [p. 137] Of Mogaya they bought 1 new bamdhaga kremeru. The mountaineers took 2 rolls of silk. Namilgaae took 1 roll of sanapru silk.


On the 18th day of the 10th month of the 3rd year, at this time in the reign of the king of Khotan, the king of kings, Hinaza Deva Vijitasimha, at that time there is a man of the city called Khvarnarse. He speaks thus : There is a camel belonging to me. That camel carries a distinguishing mark, a mark branded on it, like this-- VA SO. Now I am selling this camel for a price of 8, 000 masa to the suligaVagiti Vadhaga. On behalf of that camel Vagiti Vadhaga paid the whole price in masa and Khvarnarse received it. The matter has been settled. From now on this camel has become the property of Vagiti Vadhaga, to do as he likes with it, to do everything he likes. Whoever at a future time complains, informs, or raises a dispute about this camel, for that he shall so pay the penalty as the law of the kingdom demands. By me Bahudhiva this document (?) was written at the request of Khvarnarse. (234)


[�. . ] We also are well here. [�] and thus I report. According to your instructions from there, that whatever news should come from the capital, I should keep you informed, there has now come a wedge-tablet dealing with wine from the capital. It gives instructions as follows. [�] wedge-tablet. This is the wedge-tablet of the ninth month. On the fifth a wedge-tablet from the capital [�]


Maltsigeya and the kitsaitsa Kalyi greet the feet of Sujada, and send health to him, much, infinite. We are pleased that you are well. We too are alive through your favour. And thus (we report). Your slave Sarngarama [����. . ] [p. 138]


[�] concerning land of Rutra [...] received(it). And now [...] came. They say he has one camel. [�] I am taking a letter and present. Considering this, varaga has not been allowed [���. ]


O. [���. ] Those keepers are to receive provisions for three years. (R. ) To be given to the cozbo Rutraya and thekitsaitsas Cauleya and Signaya.


His majesty the great king writes [...] a man of the mountains called Ratuka. He is a fugitive from the Supis[�] will come. No one is the owner of this man. [�] There there is no master [�. . ] (235)


This document concerning a cow eaten by thieves is to be carefully kept by Tsimaya. This is the seal of the kori Pultsaya and thetasuca Dhagiya. In the 38th year, 12th month, 2nd day of his majesty the great king [...] the kori Pultsaya and thetasucas Naramasena and Dhagiya judged a dispute. Tsimaya, Portsaya Varpeya, Tameca, Racge, and Tsordhoe brought the action. They (i. e. Portsaya, etc. ) stole and ate a six year old cow belonging to Tsimaya. The skin and flesh (?). Considering this matter we have decided on a recompense three times the amount. A quarter of this recompense, (namely) one six year old cow with calf is to be delivered by Portsaya, Tameca, and Varpeya. The (other) three-quarters, (namely) a three year old cow with calf, is to be delivered by Racgeya and Tsordhoe. (These) are to be delivered by these thieves and taken by Tsimaya. We have given them fifty blows: A decision [�]


In the [...] year of his majesty the great king Amgoka, son of heaven, in the 7th month, 6th day, in this reign, the woman Kosenaya bought land from Sigayita by giving (land) in exchange(namanaga muliyena). (?) gave a present of land to Kosenaya. The total land [p. 139] (carries) three milima of seed jhuthi. This land has become the property of the woman Kosenaya. She is to exercise authority over it in all matters. That land has neither seni nor niciri tax (harga). [�. . ] of Kosenae, we have made. Her sons do not properly approve of the reckoning. [�� her] sons have no claim to possession in that land. This Kosenaya has ownership of the land to plough, to sow [�] to give as a present [�]. Witnesses there [�] and Sudraneya. This was written by me the royal scribe, the monk [...] at the command of [�] and at the request of the woman Kosenaya. Its authority is a hundred years. (236)


In the [...] year of his majesty the great king [�]. There is a man of Kroraina called Camaka domiciled in Calmadana. This Cimaka sold to Yapgu kurora land with a capacity (for seed) of three milima (situated) on the south side (dachina sitiyammi) of the great city. The document (containing) the price which was received has been stolen (?). (?) Camaka sold well, Yapgu bought well. From now on in that land the sons of Yapgu, Lampurta, Pumfiadeva, Dhamnila, and Dhamnapala have ownership [�] to mortgage, to sell, to give to others as a present [����]


A sheep of Kreya went away to Tryaehi, etc., etc. (237)


A .
[�] went away.
A cow of [...] went away to the Chinese of Opimta.
A cow of [...] went away to the messengers from Khotan.
A cow of [...] went away to the Chinese of Calmadana. [p. 140]
Lama took the cow of [...].
A cow of [...] went away to Tryaclii (Dryaehi). Kayamdaga's cow went away to Tryaehi.
A cow of [...] went away to Tryaehi.
A cow of [...] went away to the Chinese in Niya (?).

Tagaca's cow went away to the Chinese.
Onaka's cow went away to the cozbo Kunita.
Cinga took Smagamta's cow.
Kuuna's cow went away to Tryaehi.
Kumpara's cow went away to Pakhi.
The sothamga Pgena's cow went away to the Chinese. (238)


Of dear son-in-law Pumtsoya, etc� Budhanamti asks the health, etc� We are pleased to bear that you are well. We too are well through your favour. And thus (we report). Other relations have received small presents. We have been ignored. We have heard from others that from you [�] (239)


[�] here I write. Whatever news there is of Darova, that you must learn from the previous letter-carrier. Now I hear (that) there [�]


Vasudeva pays his respects at the feet of the master, his dear father the great gusura Bhatiga, and asks after the health of his divine body, again and again, many hundreds of thousands of crores of times. My report is as follows. I came here from Krorayina and brought the rete camels. Up till today there has been no buying and selling. This I make known at your feet. I wish to return to Krorayina. Whatever news there is of you there, you should send me a letter. I will bring it to my father the gusura in Krorayina, at the time you have to go. Also the royal dues (harga) from this village were granted to us from the feet of his majesty. Now the authorities are causing much pain to the slaves. For that reason, along with the gusura Pumnasa [p. 141] [...] is to be made. This is the third time that I have sent a letter of information to the feet of the gusura. I have heard nothing from there. To my dear elder brother Bhatisama [...]


In the 20th year, 5th month, 21st day, (?) the people guarding the potge were written down. (Then follows a list of names. )


To the feet of the gusura Lesvamna, etc... the cuva layina and Atamsiyae send their respects, etc... And thus we report. Atamsiyae here has survived the pains of child birth in safety and good health. A son has been born. You must all be pleased. So it will not be long before we (again) send (?) health to your feet. Also what from there in the hand of Ponigana [�] 1 dhane, 3 dhane of pepper (marica), 1 drakhma of ginger, 2drakhma of pepper (pipali), 1 dhane of tvaca, 1dhane of small cardamoms (susmela), 4 sadera of sugar. (240)


R. Also Ponigana informs us: There is no juthi seed of mine with my mother. A milima of corn is to be given to Saru. He will do the sowing. Also there is no juthi seed here. The land has been watered. Millet seed is to be sent from there, two or three milima. Also Kari informs us: Corn there has been given by me to the community of monks, milima five achaniya. If this Sutasa comes there, this corn is to be collected and handed over to Samgosa, (to the extent of) five milima two khi, samiyena. Also Ponigana and Kaci point out that the monk Anamdasena has made (?) to go there. If he comes there, by all means care is to be exercised in the maintenance of his body, to live (civanae) and as far as there is security for life, not to die. The samiyena corn is to be given to Samghosa.


His majesty, etc... By me the great king in Kroraina, the household of Caraka was granted to thiskamjakara Kalasdha. From that household of Caraka there is a woman called[...]. [p. 142] That woman has settled in the house of Kapgeya's vase. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith that woman is to be taken from the house of Kapgeya and delivered into the hand of Kalasdha's brother Acila.


In the (24th) year of his majesty the great king Jitumga Amgoka, son of heaven, in the first month, on the 10th day, at this date, his majesty heard this dispute himself. Theogus Purvayana, Rutraya, and Cinasena, thesuvethas Athama, pa13iaya, and Lasa, the cozboDadavala, the kori Rutra, the cuvalayina Onugi, the tasuca Bhugta, and the cozbos Alyaya and[Ji]vasaru na judged it. Moge, Cimaka, Opge, and Kalu brought the action, concerning a man Pgi. (It was alleged) that Pgiya, a slave of Moge and Cimaka, had a fight (kalihari) with Ropgeya the father of Opge. They struck each other. Afterwards that Pgiya, slave of Mogeya and Cimaka, fled. He is not alive, nor has he been seen dead. After that Opgeya's father Ropgeya[...] they gave a boy to Moge and Cimaga, a man called Bhiyaga. Now this man Bhiyaga [has fled ] at a later time no one was able to say anything about the man Bhiyaga. After that this Pgi turned out to be in Khema. Mogeya and Cimaga got him from therewith a price paid out of their own property. He died with them. On account of him there is no quarrel. There is a quarrel concerning camels. There has been a decision about everything. These people have no claim to payment from one another.


To the sothamgha Lyipeya the cozboTagira, etc And thus I inform you. Now they have performed here an unprecedented action, unseen before. This unprecedented action has resulted in everything being decided. The warriors (?) have taken everything. What with the people they have slain in battle and those they have captured alive, everything has been decided. Only to hear this you will be exceedingly pleased. Also I make known to you that there in Ajiyama Avana, there are too many lands. Here again thekilmemciye inform us that the vasu Kamcaga does not receive what is right. He gives useless lands to others. I am providing the maka and ogana (due as) tax from each of my own farms. This is not the law that others should plough the lands of the village (avana) and that I should provide our maka and ogana from my own farm, Now of me [...] [p. 143]


The cozbo Takra sends health to the vasuOpgeya and Tgaca, etc... I have sent this Tsugeta there concerning the state of the taxation in Ajiyama Avana. Just as formerly the tax was assessed in Ajiyama Avana (as follows, namely) : ghee, sheep, kosava, arnavaji, carpet (thavastae), raji, felt(narnmatae), camdri, and kammamta ; in addition, malca, ogana, and croma (?), and all the rest of the tax ; so now it is quickly to be sent here all complete in the hand of the ageta Lyipeya and Tsugeta. The tax of the '6e 4a kilme women is to be demanded all complete. Also in the rainy season (varsavasammi) you vasus, agetas, and yatmas must come herein the fourth month from the exterior provinces and the central kingdom (?). There is an investigation into the conditions of taxation. He who really does provide his tax (well and good); he who does not is to be removed. Also you have a yearly deficit in your tax returns. If you again send the tax short, you will certainly pay from your own establishment. Just as formerly provisions were given to messengers so now they are tube taken by Tsugeta. You have cut off the tax from your own farm year by year.


In the 24th year, 11th month, 25th day of the reign of his majesty the great king Amgvaka, son of heaven, there are two men, a father and son, arrow makers, Mogata Cimola and Mogeya Mocha. They arose [...] and sold misiya-land with a capacity for seed of three milima. Mogeta Cimola and Mogeya Mocha received as price one nine years old camel. They agreed on equal terms before the magistrates. In that land thesadavita Ricilkga has ownership, to sow, to plough, to give to another as a present, to do whatever he likes with it. Whoever at a future time finds fault with this before thevasus and agetas at the king's court, shall be without authority. Witnesses to this are the kitsaitsaVarpa, the kala Karamtsa, the kala Acuniya, theageta Kuuna, the yatma Cato, the karsenavaVukimtga, Tamcgo, the trigha Cakvala, the vuryagaRatgeya, and the karsenava Sapuga. This hand-written deed was written by the scribe Ramsotsa, son of the scribe Signaya, at the command of the magistrates. Also the arrow makers Mogata and Mogeya [�]


His majesty, etc... Lyimimna complains that without just cause Sagapeya and Pgo take from him a vesi woman called [p. 144] Camtamnoae, and also have intercourse with herby force. Two or three times a sealed wedge-tablet has gone from here about that matter. Up till now you have made no decision. This certainly is not right. When this sealed wedge-tablet, etc... that woman Camtamnoae is to be handed over to Lyimimna as his own property. Whatever he owes to Sagapeya and Pgo is to be asked of him. If it is otherwise, etc... (241)


Of the sothamga Opgeya of pleasant aspect, theogu Pamcama, and suvetha Piteya ask the health, much, infinitely. We are pleased to hear that you are well. We too are well here. Hearing that, you should be pleased. And thus we write. From former times we have been united in a bond of friendship, and even so we are still united in a bond of friendship. You must not forget this. We have sent this Danutreya there to inspect the stock of draught animals. By all means let him be under your care. Whatever affairs you have are in like manner under our care. The ogu Pamcama has sent one prasta of mepoga; the suvetha Piteya has sent betel (drimpura) in a bag (prasevagami).


To be opened at the feet of dear apru Kunasena. (?) A coat is quickly to be made. It will be complete when you come here. At the feet of the master dear to men and gods, honoured, of pleasant aspect dear apru Kunasena, and of Visaliae, Kumnaga, 5riyavamtiae, Svarnabala, Svarasena, Suhavati, and Pumnavati pay their respects and send the health of their divine body, much, infinitely. And thus (we write). There the adina has been burned up (through drought). By all means let the adina be under your care. Water is to be provided. At present Svarnabala is to come there. News has come from Calmadana that there is danger from the Supi. Also a letter of command has come and the soldiers have to go. However many are in the army will be written down. After that Svarnabala will come there. Also I Svarnabala have an express request. Tamjaka there gave a bow to Caipnaga. By all means this bow is to be sent here. Also [p. 145] ten arrows are to be sent, (and) certainlydhipu is to be sent. By all means the bow is to be sent. At the feet of dear sveta Kamcaga, etc...the secret agent Camtgala pays his respects, etc... I have come in safety and health from Khamni. Also of you Visaliae [�]


[�] Express instructions are to be given to thevasu Opgeya. This tax is to be sent here in the hand of the agitaKuumta and Sarpiga. Also a careful inquiry and reckoning of the tax is to be made by the kamzavalis. It is to be sent here complete. Cows and sheep are to be taken by the royal cowherds and shepherds, the woman Kroae, etc.... Having read this, it is to be given to the vasu Opgeya.


[��. ] that there is hand-written tablet there. In that manner a decision is to be made. Let them not administer the law of the kingdom in an illegal manner. If it is otherwise, etc ����.


[��. ] Also concerning their having had sexual relations. A decision is to be made in accordance with the law.


[����] 2nd month, 28th day of his majesty the great king Mahiriya, son of heaven, the ogu Jeyabhatra, thecamkura Cataraga, the cuvalayimna Tiraphara, thecozbo Somjaka, Lyipta, and Phaklu judged a dispute of the cozbo Smati concerning a man who was sent. The decision was examined. Claim for payment one from another [����]


[����. . ] is to be handed over. Seed and food is to be returned. Whoever disputes this, a decision is to be made there according to law. If you are not clear there, they are to be sent to the king's court in custody. As regards the field there belonging to the tenants (kilmeci) of the ogu Bhimasena which Rutraya and Pamcama claim as their own, a decision according to law is to be made there with oath and witness. If you are not clear there they are to be sent here in custody. [p. 146]


[����. ] a man was put under the care of Opgeya. NOW the people of Sugita's household demand a man from Opgeya. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, whether really with Asi, of the Khotanese [...] (?) a fugitive has been received by Sugita. From there specifically a fugitive is not to be given to Opgeya. A fugitive is quickly to be given to Opgeya from among the other fugitives which there are. Opgeya will hand (him) over to Sugita. In the 4th year, 2nd month, 7th day. (242)


The ogu Bhimasena reports that in Sorkotsa, land belonging to Yave Avana [...] the land [...] ploughs the land by force [���. ]


[���. . ] milk-payment has not been given [�. ] inquiry is to be made [...] a decision is to be made, etc...���


His majesty, etc� Opgeya complains that Namata and Pugo, concerning a woman [...] went. Now Cakle is causing trouble. When this sealed wedge-tablet [��. ]


His majesty, etc. Opgeya has sent one camel from the herds. Again in spring according to the klasemna regulations a camel from the herds is to be released. When this sealed wedge-tablet reaches you, forthwith [...] likewise an amtagi animal is to be provided by the klasemcis. Just as formerly an amtagi animal was provided by the klasentcis, so now it is to be provided. If it has not been provided formerly it is not to be provided now.


His majesty, etc. Puumta reports that formerly he made a complaint to the vases in Pagina-avana. He did not take part (?) in the dispute of the cozbo Lyipeya, nor make a complaint. [...] came here. He, in the dispute [...] I have no claim against Kuumta [...] he beats (him) and seizes him by the face. [p. 147]


His majesty, etc... Kuumta complains that they, along with Pgiya and Sugiya are taking out hasga. If this sealed wedge-tablet, etc... [����. ]


In the 11th year of his majesty the great king Jitugha Vasmana, son of heaven, in the 7th month, at this date, people went far from the kingdom. Before that Tsugesla, Ramatsoga and [Suthu] were (?). The witnesses are Upasena [...]

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