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Accomplishments During 116th Congress

The Energy and Commerce Committee is working to strengthen the economy, reduce costs for consumers, combat climate change and conduct robust oversight of the Trump Administration.

Here is a look at some of the action the Committee has taken in each of these areas in.

Strengthening the Economy

A growing economy provides more opportunity for more Americans. We're working to strengthen our economy and create more good-paying jobs by rebuilding America, leveling the playing field for small businesses, expanding diversity in key industries and investing in clean energy jobs.

Putting Consumers First

We're putting consumers first – fighting to lower health care, prescription drug and energy bills. We want to ensure all Americans have access to affordable and quality health care, safe drinking water, high-speed internet and a cleaner environment.

Combating Climate Change

It is long past time to seriously examine how climate change is affecting our communities, environment and economy, and take action to reduce its harmful effects. We are committed to combating climate change., and we will continue to fight Trump Administration efforts that only make it worse.

Conducting Robust Oversight

We're conducting vigorous oversight, so Washington works again for the people not the special interests. We're holding the Trump Administration accountable for the cost of its culture of corruption that hurts regular Americans and undermines critical health care, environmental and consumer protections.