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🇯🇵 Internationale Kooperationen stärken beim 🤝 "Meeting Science Exchange" zwischen der Universität Tokio und der TU Braunschweig mit dem Institut für Arbeits-/Organisations- und Sozialpsychologie. Der Besuch am Mittwoch den 19. Juni in Braunschweig ergänzte die bereits bestehende Kooperation und erweiterte den Umfang um ein neues Forschungsthema - "Meeting Science". Wir freuen uns sehr über diese positive Entwicklung und bedanken uns für das Engagement des AOS. #AOS #Tokio #MeetingScience #Austausch #Kooperationen #International Technische Universität Braunschweig, NFF - Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik

Profil von Simone Kauffeld anzeigen, Grafik

Professorin für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie an der TU Braunschweig | 40 führenden HR-Köpfe | Gründerin | Herausgeberin | Beirätin

🌍 Bridging Borders: TU Braunschweig Hosts University of Tokyo for Meeting Science Exchange! On Wednesday, we were honored to host a delegation from the Universität Tokio at the AOS (Industrial/Organizational and Social psychology) Technische Universität Braunschweig for an engaging discusson on #Meeting #Science. This collaboration adds to the existing collaborations between the University of Tokyo and the OHLF - Open Hybrid LabFactory and NFF - Niedersächsisches Forschungszentrum Fahrzeugtechnik and widens their scope to the new research topic of Meeting Science. This meeting was crossing boundaries in many ways: Alongside the international exchange, we also bridged disciplinary gaps. The team of Prof. Taro Kanno of the University of Tokyo brought their insights on meetings from a human factors and cognitive systems engineering perspective, while our team from TU Braunschweig contributed insights from industrial and organizational psychology. We presented new developments of our respective research teams and talked about technological advances in meeting science, such as AI-supported analysis techniques of nonverbal behavior, as well as new intervention strategies, such as serious games to support problem-solving and MeetingHacks to advance Meeting Crafting. We also discussed methodological advances in Meeting Science to research problem-solving and creativity in face-to-face and virtual meetings. Of course, there was also opportunity for some cultural exchange over “Kaffee & Kuchen” (coffee and cake). Through our discussions, we identified numerous exciting possibilities for future collaborations that promise to advance our research and further the study of meetings internationally. A huge thank you to our colleagues from the University of Tokyo for their invaluable insights and enthusiasm. We can't wait for future collaborations and look forward to returning the visit soon! Yingting Chen, Ph.D | Taro KANNO | Chu Wang | Darien Tartler | Maischa Weber | Johanna Gäbe | Dr. Marie Ritter #InternationalCollaboration #InterdisciplinaryResearch #Research #Innovation #MeetingScience #CognitiveSystemsEngineering #IndustrialOrganizationalPsychology #UniversityOfTokyo #TUBraunschweig #AcademicExcellence

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