

Technologie, Information und Internet

Berlin, BE 3.251 Follower:innen

Xayn is pioneering next genAI for lawyers.


Xayn is pioneering next genAI for lawyers. We build secure, sovereign, and sustainable AI systems that leverage the power of language models at scale. Trustworthy AI "Made In Germany". Imprint: http://xayn.com/imprint Privacy: http://xayn.com/privacy-policy

Technologie, Information und Internet
11–50 Beschäftigte
Berlin, BE
Artificial Intelligence, Privacy, Private, AI, LLM, Language Models, Efficiency und Secure


Beschäftigte von Xayn


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    AI needs data — but individual companies usually don’t have enough of it. So data needs to be shared which comes with its own challenges such as complying with legal requirements. 💡 That’s why we’re working with MISSION KI in building an AI-based verification system to ensure regulatory compliance and data sovereignty while catalysing data exchange. 👌 The goal: We want to strengthen the data economy in Germany by creating trust in #data exchange, paving the way for data-driven innovation in Germany! 💻 What we’re doing: 🛡️ Automated compliance check in accordance with GDPR, Data Act and sector-specific regulations ⏱️ Real-time verification of the legal compliance of data records 🔐 Support for trustworthy data exchange between companies 🧩 Integration into existing data room architectures 🤼 Collaboration with the #Alliance for Test Data 👉 More info in the Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI: https://lnkd.in/dGVE2Qe3 🏛️ Supported by the Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr

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    Daten: Ein Schlüssel zur KI-Innovation - aber wie teilen wir sie sicher? KI-Technologien brauchen große Mengen an Daten, aber oft haben einzelne Unternehmen nicht genug davon. Daten müssen also geteilt werden. Das bringt jedoch viele Herausforderungen mit sich: von der Sicherstellung der Datensouveränität bis zur Einhaltung rechtlicher Anforderungen. Diese Hürden erschweren auch die Entwicklung von KI-Innovationen.    Unser Projekt mit Xayn setzt genau hier an und stärkt Datenräume als souveräne Lösung für den Datenaustausch. Ziel ist es, mit einem KI-basierten Prüfsystem regulatorische Compliance und Datensouveränität zu gewährleisten, und gleichzeitig den Datenaustausch zu katalysieren. Kernfunktionen unserer KI-Lösung: 🛡️ Automatisierte Compliance-Prüfung gemäß DSGVO, Data Act und sektorspezifischen Regularien ⏱️ Echtzeit-Verifizierung der Rechtskonformität von Datensätzen 🔐 Unterstützung für vertrauensvollen Datenaustausch zwischen Unternehmen 🧩 Einbindung in bestehende Datenraum-Architekturen 🤼 Zusammenarbeit mit der Allianz für Testdaten   Unser Ziel: Vertrauen in den #Datenaustausch schaffen und so den Weg für datengetriebene Innovationen in Deutschland ebnen!     👉 Mehr Details im Tagesspiegel Background: https://lnkd.in/dGVE2Qe3 🏛️ Gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr

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    Welcome home again Michael Huth! 💡 Our Co-Founder and Visiting Professor at Imperial College London is returning to Germany taking over the role of Founding President at the University of Technology Nuremberg, Germany’s first university with a clear focus on AI. 🧠 Learn more about his plans for the UTN and how he wants to foster AI innovations in this portrait by Lisa Oder from Tagesspiegel Background Digitalisierung & KI 💻 https://lnkd.in/eeVH3GNf

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  • Unternehmensseite von Xayn anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are thrilled to announce our collaboration with MISSION KI, an initiative funded by the German Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport (BMDV). With our combined expertise, we’ll strengthen the German AI ecosystem by developing an AI-based review system for secure data exchange between companies. 🤝 What’s it all about: 💡 Companies often face uncertainties when it comes to sharing and using data. This AI solution developed by Xayn for Mission KI will automatically alert data space users if there are compliance violations or cybersecurity risks during the data exchange process, significantly improving security and data quality. The insurance group Allianz supports the initiative by providing extensive datasets for testing and contributes its compliance and security expertise to the project. The goal: 🎯 By building trust in data exchange, we are laying the groundwork for data-driven innovations and the competitiveness of Germany as an AI hub. What we’re saying about this: 📢 “By collaborating with MISSION KI and partners like Allianz, we can ensure that our technology is developed with practical relevance and creates real added value for companies and the entire data economy.” Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD To learn more read our official press release: https://lnkd.in/ePva2HHs 🌎 acatech – Deutsche Akademie der Technikwissenschaften Peyman Khodabakhsh Martina Müller Manfred Rauhmeier Ralf Schneider Ruth Rothmaler 😃 #AI #Innovation #DataSecurity #MISSIONKI #Xayn #Allianz #BMDV

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    Congrats to our Co-Founder Michael Huth! As of today, he is the new President of the University of Technology Nuremberg (UTN), Germany’s first university focused primarily on #AI! 🚀 Coming from one of the world’s leading universities and being an internationally renowned AI and cybersecurity expert, he is an incredible win for the #German AI ecosystem. And he combines this in-depth scientific knowledge with practical business experience: As Co-Founder of #Xayn he helped build the AI company from the ground up — and we’re very happy he is still closely connected to us as Senior Researcher. 📝 So: Congrats to the German AI ecosystem for this incredible win and all the best to you, Michael, for this exciting new role in building Germany’s first university with a primary focus on AI! 🧠 https://lnkd.in/ecXjf7X7

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    Shoutout to the dream team of Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD and Nathalia Schomerus who showcased Noxtua at today’s #AIDAQ summit by Bitkom / Bitkom Events 😃 Key takeaways were: 🔑 Lawyers always gathered documents they just didn’t know it was data. 🔑 For AI to be useful in law, AI Model will have to learn how lawyers think. 🔑 We can‘t stress it enough: Legal AI needs really high standards in privacy and security protection. Markus Kaulartz, Charleen Roloff, Marvin Pawelczyk 🤝

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  • Unternehmensseite von Xayn anzeigen, Grafik

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    Food for thought from our CEO Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD in his latest interview with Handelsblatt and journalist Larissa Holzki 👍 „I think OpenAI's approach leads to worse and worse results over time.“ Instead, the power lies in specialized AI — an approach that could also turn into a success model for European AI. 🌎 What do you think? 😉

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    KI-Team Handelsblatt (Ltg.) | Autorin „Inside KI“ | KI-Briefing > 160.000 Follower | Panel- und Eventmoderation

    Große KI-Modelle werden immer besser. Oder doch nicht? Ein Berliner Gründer hat dazu eine bemerkenswerte These 👇 Obwohl etwa die Modelle des ChatGPT-Entwicklers OpenAI bei Wissens-, Mathe- und Logiktests immer besser abschneiden, sagt Xayn-Chef Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD: „Ich denke, OpenAIs Ansatz führt mit der Zeit zu immer schlechteren Ergebnissen.“ Dazu muss man wissen: Lundbaek interessiert sich nicht für allgemeine Fähigkeiten, sondern für konkrete Anwendungsfälle in Anwaltskanzleien und Rechtsabteilungen. Da beobachtet er auch bei OpenAIs Wettbewerbern: „Je neuer die Modelle, desto schlechter erledigen sie juristische Aufgaben.“ Für Xayn ergibt sich dadurch eine Chance. Das Start-up trainiert mit juristischen Lehrbüchern, Gesetzen und Urteilen eigene, spezialisierte KI-Modelle. Meine Kollegin Luisa Bomke und ich aber wollten wissen: Tritt das Phänomen auch in anderen Bereichen auf? Und sind die scheinbar mächtigen und unfassbar teuren Riesenmodelle damit für viele Einsatzfälle gar nicht geeignet? 3 Takeaways aus der Recherche: 👉Je mehr Sprachmodelle lernen, desto wahrscheinlicher kennen sie auf jede Frage die Antwort. Aber: Es wird auch schwieriger, sie auf einen Teil ihres Wissens zu fokussieren. 👉 Weitere Leistungssprünge bei großen Modellen werden immer unwahrscheinlicher. Denn Forscher brauchen ca. das 10-fache an Daten, um die Leistung eines multimodalen KI-Modells um nur 5 % zu steigern. Und schon jetzt fehlt nicht mehr viel, bis die Menge der eingespeisten Daten dem gesamten Textkorpus im Internet entspricht. 👉 Dabei haben selbst die großen Technologiekonzerne nur begrenzten Zugang zu industrierelevanten Daten. Ein Beispiel: In Deutschland sind weniger als 1 % der Gerichtsurteile öffentlich. Ist die weitere, Milliarden teure und energieintensive Entwicklung großer Sprachmodelle völliger Irrsinn? Und liegt in der Entwicklung von Spezialmodellen speziell für europäische Unternehmen womöglich eine Chance? Was denken Sie dazu? Die Handelsblatt-Analyse verlinke ich in den Kommentaren. Darin lesen Sie auch, worauf bei der Auswahl kleiner Modelle zu achten ist. Optik: Michel Becker mir Dall-E.

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    Excited to announce that #Xayn has been awarded the official KAIND TECHNOLOGY legal-tech software certification by TRANSFORMING.LEGAL for Europe’s first sovereign Legal AI #Noxtua 😎 The Noxtua Legal Copilot has successfully completed the rigorous testing conducted by TRANSFORMING.LEGAL’s L.I.O.N. Lab software validation (gen AI Co-Pilot segment). This first-of-its-kind certification mark for legal technology software demonstrates that software is vetted by a qualified intermediary, reducing extensive proof of concept and accelerating the adoption of legal technology. 💡 This achievement serves as further evidence to our current and future clients that our software is reliable, thoroughly vetted, and trustworthy. 🙏 #LegalTech #LegalAI #AI

    Profil von Thomas Pfennig anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder & CEO Transforming.Legal | Former SVP, Global Head of Compliance, Data Privacy & Digital Legal & Compliance Services Platform BAYER AG

    TRANSFORMING.LEGAL (TFL) is proud to announce NOXTUA being the first legaltech product in the world to earn the KAIND TECHNOLOGY® software certification. Xayn AG, the maker of NOXTUA, is an innovative generative AI company that originated from research at Oxford University and Imperial College. The Berlin-based software company developed Europe’s first sovereign Legal AI. It successfully passed the test criteria of TFL´s Legaltech Inter-Operability Network (L.I.O.N.) Lab software validation in the gen AI Co-Pilot segment. NOXTUA´s certification reflects that the software has been thoroughly validated by a skilled intermediary, reducing the need for extensive proof-of-concepts and speeding up the adoption of legal technology. Among the product features of NOXTUA tested to confirm user-centricity and reliability were: ✅ Precision and speed in its responses to complex legal questions. ✅ Processing large sets of (German) legal documents of diverse types accurately deriving answers across the documents. ✅ High security and compliance with GDPR and European regulations. Congratulations, Xayn AG and NOXTUA on receiving the KAIND TECHNOLOGY® certification! Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD-Nissen Lundbaeck, CEO of Xayn AG: “Going through TRANSFORMING.LEGAL`S L.I.O.N. Lab software validation was an extensive process. The criteria are rigorous and the testing robust, which makes us proud to have earned the KAIND TECHNOLOGY® Seal of Trust. This is further evidence to our existing and future customers that our software is reliable, thoroughly vetted, and trustworthy.” For more information go to: https://lnkd.in/eKYDcPps #LegalTech #LegalAI #AI #aicertification #softwaretesting #aitechnology #copilot

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  • Unternehmensseite von Xayn anzeigen, Grafik

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    A very special highlight in Germany’s tech calendar: Bitkom/Bitkom Events’s #AIDAQ Big Data & AI Summit. 😉 Our CEO Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD will be there to present together with Nathalia Schomerus (CMS) in their keynote and the following Open Panel #Noxtua as Europe’s first sovereign. 👨💻 👩💻 WHEN: 25. September, Talk at 1.40 pm Open Panel at 2.20 pm WHERE: KOSMOS Berlin Make sure to be there! 👍 https://lnkd.in/eRQhEzJY https://lnkd.in/e5W7Q-DT

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    Well, we’ve been busy — and launched last week our newest AI model. Welcome to our new legal search model Noxtua Voyage Embed. 🌬 Xayn developed this new embedding model in an international collaboration with the Stanford spin-off Voyage AI and dejure.org, one of Germany’s largest legal databases - and we’re proud to say that it outperforms OpenAI’s most powerful search model on average by a factor of 2 on legal text benchmarks. ⏯ The search model is trained on an exclusive dataset, which comprises around 20 billion tokens of legal texts from dejure.org and Europe’s first sovereign Legal AI Noxtua, developed by Xayn with legal expertise from the international law firm CMS. 🧠 This specialized model can be utilized to create custom AI search solutions centered around legal topics, as it has been trained on high-quality legal documents and is thus highly adept in the legal domain. 📰 Noxtua Voyage Embed can be used to build custom AI search solutions. 😎 To learn more check out our official press release: https://lnkd.in/eHGG7bYC To learn more about our proprietary AI models that we’ve trained with exclusive legal datasets labeled by experts, check out https://lnkd.in/eXG4Tf8f Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD, Ruth Rothmaler, Dr. Clara Herdeanu, CMS Germany, Markus Kaulartz, Nathalia Schomerus, Tengyu Ma, Oliver García 😀

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    This week started as last week ended — with a brilliant highlight. ✨ Our CEO Leif-Nissen Lundbæk, PhD elaborated in the Handelsblatt on the power of specialized, sovereign #AI. 🧠 Our legal AI #Noxtua is a sovereign AI specializing in the legal domain by being trained with legal texts labeled by experts. We’ve created it as Europe’s first sovereign Legal AI by building a Legal Copilot on top of our proprietary legal language models — the latest being our new legal search model Noxtua Voyage Embed. ⚡ Thanks for the reporting to Larissa Holzki, Luisa Bomke Ruth Rothmaler, Dr. Clara Herdeanu, CMS Germany, Markus Kaulartz, Nathalia Schomerus, Tim Rehder, Earlybird Venture Capital 🌎 #LegalAI #Noxtua #LegalTech #EuropesFirstSovereignLegalAI 💻

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