Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe

Hannover, Lower Saxony 554.892 Follower:innen

We’re adventure seekers. Smile givers. Impact makers. #LetsTUIit


Die TUI Group ist der weltweit führende Touristikkonzern und in mehr als 100 Ländern der Erde aktiv. Sitz des Konzerns ist Deutschland. Die Aktie der TUI notiert im FTSE 250 sowie im Freiverkehr in Deutschland. Die TUI Group verzeichnete im Geschäftsjahr 2019 einen Umsatz von rund 19 Milliarden Euro und ein operatives Ergebnis von 893 Millionen Euro. Der Konzern beschäftigt weltweit mehr als 70.000 Mitarbeiter. TUI bietet für seine 28 Millionen Kunden, davon 21 Millionen in den europäischen Landesgesellschaften, integrierte Services aus einer Hand und bildet die gesamte touristische Wertschöpfungskette unter einem Dach ab. Dazu gehören über 400 Hotels und Resorts mit Premium-Marken wie RIU, TUI Blue und Robinson und 18 Kreuzfahrtschiffe, von der MS Europa und der MS Europa 2 in der Luxusklasse und Expeditionsschiffen bis zur Mein Schiff-Flotte der TUI Cruises und Kreuzfahrtschiffen bei Marella Cruises in England. Zum Konzern zählen außerdem europaweit führende Veranstaltermarken, fünf Fluggesellschaften mit 150 modernen Mittel- und Langstrecken-Flugzeugen und 1.600 Reisebüros. Neben dem Ausbau des Kerngeschäfts mit Hotels, Kreuzfahrten und Aktivitäten in den Urlaubsdestinationen investiert die TUI verstärkt in digitale Plattformen. Der Konzern wandelt sich zu einem Digitalunternehmen. Die globale Verantwortung für nachhaltiges wirtschaftliches, ökologisches und soziales Handeln ist Kern unserer Unternehmenskultur. Die von TUI initiierte TUI Care Foundation setzt mit Projekten in 25 Ländern auf die positiven Effekte des Tourismus, auf Bildung und Ausbildung sowie die Stärkung von Umwelt- und Sozial-Standards. Sie unterstützt so Urlaubsdestinationen in ihrer Entwicklung. Die weltweit tätige TUI Care Foundation initiiert Projekte, die neue Chancen für die kommende Generation schaffen.

Hotel- und Gaststättengewerbe
10.001+ Beschäftigte
Hannover, Lower Saxony
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
TUI Cruises,, Hapag Lloyd Cruises, TUI Care Foundation ,,, TUI BLUE, ROBINSON Club, TUI MAGIC LIFE, TUI Cars, TUI SENSATORI, TUI Foundation, TUI policyLOUNGE, TUI Musement, Hotels & Resort, Airlines und Cruises


Beschäftigte von TUI


  • Unternehmensseite von TUI anzeigen, Grafik

    554.892 Follower:innen

    🛳 Naming ceremony of the new #MeinSchiffRelax in Málaga with Robbie Williams 🎸✨   Mein Schiff Relax, the first new build in the InTUItion-ship class, will be officially named in #Málaga on April 9, 2025. A special event highlight is an open-air concert by music icon Robbie Williams, who will play some of his greatest hits in front of 15,000 guests in the port of Málaga. 🎤   And: For the first time, two more ships from the feel-good fleet, #MeinSchiff5 and #MeinSchiff7, will accompany the event as godmothers. 💙   What do you like best about the unforgettable ceremony? Let us know in the comments. 👇

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  • Unternehmensseite von TUI anzeigen, Grafik

    554.892 Follower:innen

    💻 Insight into TUI's technology teams 🔍   More than 3000 colleagues work in TUI's global technology organisation. Here are some figures that provide an insight into the work of our technical teams over the last year. 👏   2024 will go down in history as the year in which artificial intelligence “really” arrived in companies (a topic that TUI has been working on since 2016). This progress is reflected in the figures, as is the important work of our cyber security and colleague computing teams. ⚠   What do you consider to be the greatest technological support at work? Let us know in the comments. 👇

  • Unternehmensseite von TUI anzeigen, Grafik

    554.892 Follower:innen

    This is the new episode of The Mallorcans, a fascinating video series about #Mallorca, the nature and the local people. 🌿🐐👩🌾   In this episode: Documentary filmmaker and photographer Agustí Torres explains why sharks are not as bad as their reputation and there's no need to panic. TV journalist Sibylle Tiessen takes us on a captivating journey into a world full of exciting projects, cultural diversity and authentic stories on Mallorca. Supported by TUI, the TUI Care Foundation and #MallorcaMagazin, you will learn more about the island from inspiring stories of locals. 

  • Unternehmensseite von TUI anzeigen, Grafik

    554.892 Follower:innen

    🥼 TUI supports research on condensation trails ✈    Contrails, the white streaks behind airplanes, could have a significant impact on global warming when they persist. TUI is contributing to research by undertaking flight trials. During these trial flights, our pilots like Tony Schweigert circumvented areas where persistent contrails are most likely to form and flight data is collected and analysed. The goal: gain insights to reduce non CO2 emissions in the long-term. 〽    🛫 Scientists are still debating the exact impact of contrails on the climate, however, these projects aim to find out if and how long-lasting contrails can be avoided. 🛫 Predicting areas where persisting contrails are likely to form is tricky—they can only be identified a few hours before a flight. That’s why experts at TUI's Group Operations Centre in Hanover meet every morning to decide which flights should avoid these areas. Comfort and safety on the plane remain unaffected. 📝     🛫 Over the past few months, TUI has rerouted more than 65 flights in an effort to reduce long-lasting contrails. The data collected will help develop new technologies, to make it easier to avoid persistent contrails in the future. TUI demonstrates how economic efficiency and responsibility can go hand in hand. ✅    TUI is partnering up with Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt - DLR, Breakthrough Energies, Lufthansa, Condor Flugdienst GmbH, and DHL/EA. for major research projects. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von TUI anzeigen, Grafik

    554.892 Follower:innen

    The new year 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣ is now 6 days old... how many of you have New Year's resolutions? 🤔  And the most important question: are they still valid? 😂 

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  • Unternehmensseite von TUI anzeigen, Grafik

    554.892 Follower:innen

    “The energy displayed by our people is tremendous. That welds us together and generates a lot of strength” – Sebastian Ebel, CEO TUI Group 🤝   In his interview, our boss provides an exclusive insight into TUI's successful financial year 2024. Click through the interview and find out how TUI is transforming itself into a marketplace for holiday and leisure experiences and what is planned for the coming months. ✨   What question would you like to ask Sebastian? We look forward to your ideas in the comments. 😉

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