thyssenkrupp Aerospace

thyssenkrupp Aerospace

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt


Customized global supply chain solutions for the aerospace industry.

Herstellung von Bauteilen für die Luft- und Raumfahrt
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von thyssenkrupp Aerospace


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    On September 7, 1822, Brazil declared its independence from Portugal with the powerful cry of "Independência ou Morte!" by Dom Pedro I, the founder and first ruler of Brazil who was also known as "the Liberator". Since then, this day has marked the birth of Brazil as an independent, sovereign state. 💚#BrazilIndependenceDay is celebrated with great pride and joy across the country, with Brazilians coming together to watch and participate in vibrant parades, military displays, and cultural events that showcase the country’s rich history and diverse culture. The highlight is the grand parade in Brasília, featuring the Brazilian Armed Forces, traditional dances, and festive music, all symbolizing the strength and unity of the country. 💛 thyssenkrupp Aerospace is proud to count on thyssenkrupp Autômata in Sao Paolo as part of our network of more than 30 sites in 20 countries. It is their local expertise that means we can work in close cooperation with customers and their subcontractors in South America and get an in-depth appreciation of individual needs. 💙 To all our colleagues, associates and friends in Brazil, we hope you have a wonderful, vibrant day.

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    Operational excellence is not static; it requires continuous iteration and improvement. To stay focused and adaptable, businesses need processes that support ongoing change. At thyssenkrupp Aerospace, we focus our efforts across two key strategic initiatives.  ➡️ Kaizen and traditional lean methodologies  Kaizen is a business philosophy centred around identifying, understanding, and eliminating waste within business processes. Through continuous iteration and in-depth sessions, we unite our team to address specific pain points and deliver improvements at every stage of the value stream.   Additionally, we employ methods like 6S+, which focuses on organizing and standardizing the work environment while maintaining safety standards and ensuring sustainable resource use, alongside shop floor management to enhance workforce engagement. ➡️ Digital productivity We leverage the latest technologies on our shop floors, providing end-to-end order visibility through screens and mobile terminals. These applications simplify routine tasks, such as conducting app-led Gemba walks, recording daily safety rituals, and performing pre-use machine inspections. In our pursuit for #operationalexcellence, our ongoing goal remains to deliver better— better safety, better quality, and better performance. 

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    The strength and wellbeing of any nation is built on the backs of the hardworking women and men who live there. Nowhere is this truer than in the USA, which celebrates its workforce each year on #LaborDay, the first Monday in September. It is a national holiday celebrated through picnics, sports events, and street parades. As a measure of just how important Labor Day is, it’s around this time of year when the American football season begins! 🏈 Labor Day has its roots in the international labor movement and its efforts to improve the lives of workers. This is something we should never take for granted. On this particular day it is workers in the USA that we single out for special consideration and appreciation, but throughout the year we at #thyssenkruppAerospace are committed to the health and wellbeing of the women and men who work for us, from the shopfloor to C-level suites. Nothing is more important and we make every effort to give them a fair, safe, and secure place to work. So thank you to all the people who work for us or are associated with us in the USA. We wish you all a great Labor Day.

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    We have all experienced the frustration of being misunderstood over the phone, most commonly while spelling out our name or address. While this might be just a minor inconvenience in our daily lives, in the world of #aviation, clear communication is non-negotiable. ✈️  Following the invention of radio communication, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) began developing the International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet, also known as the aviation alphabet. This standardized collection of words aimed to ensure clear, concise communication.    While these words may appear arbitrary at first glance, they all underwent a rigorous selection criterion, where the top three considerations included:   ✅ Being a 'live' word currently in use with a similar spelling in English, French, and Spanish.   ✅ Easy pronunciation and clarity over the radio.   ✅ Complete absence of any association with objectionable meanings.  After years of development and comprehension assessments across multiple nationalities, the final version of this alphabet was implemented on March 1st, 1956. Since then, it has significantly aided pilots, air traffic controllers, and numerous other professionals in carrying out their duties effectively.     How many of these words were you already familiar with? Let us know in the comments 👇

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    Aerospace supply chains are facing significant challenges due to their hyper-complex global set up, geopolitical changes, and the need to meet increasing demand while ensuring resilience. 🔎Visibility is critical for companies to manage their supply chains effectively; however, this is particularly challenging given the intricate nature of aerospace supply chains. The average US aerospace company depends on roughly 200 first-tier suppliers, while the second and third tiers involve over 12,000 companies. ❗But many global supply chain leaders have very little transparency into their supply chain. 10% even said they have no tier transparency at all. At thyssenkrupp Aerospace, we believe that resilience starts with full transparency into the supply chain from A to Z. With our global control tower, an integreated end-to-end supply chain management solution, we handle complex supply chain ecosystems on behalf of our customers. With our very own IT solutions, we make data actionable and bring maximum transparency and responsiveness into our customer's supply chains. Therefore, the world's leading aerospace companies rely on us to manage their global supply chains. Want to learn more about how we reduce complexity and increase resilience and transparency for our customers? ➡ Visit our website and reach out to one of our experts directly.

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    Europeans are taking to the skies this summer! ✈️☀️ A recent report by the European Travel Commission revealed that 75% of Europeans are planning trips in the coming months, marking a 6% increase since 2023. Summer is the favored season, with 45% planning trips in June and July, and 39% in August and September.    ➡While driving is the second most popular choice, favored by 28%, flying remains the number one preferred mode of transport, with 54% planning to book flights— a 5% increase from last year. Why is air travel becoming more popular? It’s all thanks to fully restored air connectivity and the availability of low-cost flights to a diverse range of destinations across Europe. 🌍 These trends highlight the steady recovery of the #aviation industry and a growing desire to travel in a post-pandemic world, shaping new travel trends. Where are you headed for your next vacation? Let us know in the comments below ⬇️ 

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    85 years of re-shaping the world ✈ When Orville and Wilbur Wright took to the sky for just 12 seconds in what is widely accepted as the first controlled, sustained flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft, they could have had no conception of the massive, world-changing industry that would follow in their wake. The #aviationindustry has, arguably, had a greater impact on the world than any other. How many other industries have a US national holiday in their honor?     It was American President Franklin Delano Roosevelt who recognized just how important the aviation industry was to America and the world, and in 1939 he decreed that it should have its own national holiday. Fittingly, he chose 19 August, Orville Wright’s birthday, to mark #NationalAviationDay.   We at thyssenkrupp Aerospace hope all our American colleagues from our sites across the USA enjoy this special occasion and celebrate the 85th anniversary of National Aviation Day.  

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    The design and functionality of helicopters has moved on a lot since they were first introduced in the middle of the 20th century as aerial cranes and a novel solution to moving heavy goods into awkward spots. 🚁With the introduction of lightweight, composite materials and new technology that allows them to be used safely and reliably, #helicopters play a vital role in our ability to search, rescue, explore and move people and goods into places that would otherwise be tricky to reach.      Today, the power of vertical lift off and landing ushered in by helicopters has inspired the development of exciting electric and hybrid VTOL (#eVTOL) aircraft that could kickstart a new era of aerial mobility.   At thyssenkrupp Aerospace, we believe that the helicopter is one of the wonders of the modern #aerospace and #defense sector, which is exactly why it deserves its own special day, #WorldHelicopterDay, to celebrate what it has already done and will continue to do for humanity. 

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    Happy Independence Day India! We would like to wish all our Indian colleagues, business contacts and friends a happy #IndependenceDayIndia. This hugely important day is one of only three national holidays in the country and commemorates  the end of British rule on 15 August 1947 and India’s independence.     Based in Bengaluru, #thyssenkruppAerospaceIndia provides important services to India’s aviation business, one of the fastest growing sectors in the country. It is also an important link in our chain of over 30 sites in 20 countries that enables us to provide truly global #supplychainmanagement and #MaterialsasaService expertise to the #aerospace and #defense sector. Just a few weeks back, our colleagues secured a major contract with Dynamatic Technologies Limited, reinforcing the strategic collaboration between the two companies.

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    Every company aims to optimize processes, reduce waste, and enhance the quality of its operations. This pursuit, known as operational excellence (OPX), is integral to almost every aspect of our business at thyssenkrupp Aerospace ✈️. Achieving #excellence across all business functions requires prioritization. We emphasize high-priority topics such as safety and quality and ensure that operational excellence is at the core of all our processes. A key feature of #OPX is its iterative nature, driving continuous improvement across the company 📈. This includes everything from warehouse and processing center operations to administrative and central departmental functions. Through strategic initiatives and technology, we engage with our teams to create solutions together. By being present in operations, capturing various ideas, implementing training, and celebrating results, both big and small, we design initiatives with real impact. Stay tuned for more information on the strategies we implement to achieve and maintain operational excellence ✅. 

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