Porsche Consulting

Porsche Consulting


Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg 131.077 Follower:innen

Strategic Vision. Smart Implementation.


As a leading consultancy for putting strategies into practice, we have a clear mission: we generate competitive advantage on the basis of measurable results. We think strategically and act pragmatically. We always focus on people—out of principle. This is because success comes from working together with our clients and their employees. We can only reach our aim if we trigger enthusiasm for necessary changes in everyone involved. As consultants we take a sporting approach to every project. We place a premium on fair play. And we are never satisfied with what we achieve. We always seek to do a little better. Our independence is helpful here, for it gives us the liberty to find uncommon solutions. Headquartered in Stuttgart, Porsche Consulting GmbH is a subsidiary of the sports car manufacturer Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG. Founded in 1994 with a team of four, it currently employs more than 800 people. An internationally active company with five international subsidiaries of its own in Milan, São Paulo, Atlanta and Palo Alto, Shanghai and Beijing, and Paris, it is one of Germany’s leading management consultancies. Following the principle of “strategic vision, smart implementation,” its experts advise large corporations and medium-sized companies worldwide in the automotive, aviation and aerospace, and mechanical and plant engineering industries. Clients also come from the life sciences, financial services, consumer goods, retail, and construction sectors. Legal notice: https://www.porsche-consulting.com/international/en/legal-notice Data privacy: https://porsche.click/Datenschutzerklaerung

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Stuttgart, Baden-Württemberg
Corporate development, Development and innovation, Procurement and quality, Production and logistics, Sales and service, Automotive industry, Aviation and aerospace, Industrial goods, Construction industry, Consumer goods and retail, Services und Life Sciences


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    Batteries are undeniably one of the most critical technologies for the future. But where does Europe stand in terms of technological sovereignty? 🔋   Germany’s industrial strength is anchored in robust clusters, with the automotive sector being a prime example. Seamless collaboration across the value chain – from materials to suppliers and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) – closely tied to the machinery and equipment industry, has fueled innovation and sustained Germany's competitive edge. The emerging battery value chain is following a similar trajectory, from materials to suppliers, OEMs, and machinery. However, a significant difference exists: Today, this cluster is dominated by Asian players, who hold over 90% of the market, leaving European and American companies trailing.   ➡ How can European companies create the right conditions to compete in this China-dominated market?   An orchestrated and collaborative approach is essential for Europe to compete effectively. Discover what it will take for a second cluster outside Asia to emerge, ensuring technological sovereignty in this critical future industry, in the Porsche Consulting Strategy Paper: “Battery Manufacturing 2030: Collaborating at Warp Speed”: https://lnkd.in/eSjSbTM5   #Battery #BatteryManufacturing #Automotive #ValueChain #Collaboration

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    Imagine a rail travel experience where every step of your journey can be personalized in just a few clicks. 🚆✨ Today’s travelers seek more than just transportation, revealing a substantial untapped market for new services they are eager to use or pay for. Meeting these needs can be a a differentiator for gaining a competitive edge. Porsche Consulting has identified key steps for shaping effective customer experience solutions aimed at reducing acquisition costs and enhancing customer lifetime value: ➡ Customer-Centric Service Design: Address real customer pain points for distinct groups by leveraging deep industry insights and advanced data analytics to derive innovative service designs that seamlessly blend customization with universal appeal.  ➡ Ecosystem Strategy: Map the ecosystem to uncover market dynamics, competitor landscapes, and customer needs. Shape a target vision and ecosystem strategy with an effective governance model (enablers, realizers, orchestrators) to streamline service-to-service journeys and bundle offers on a single platform. ➡ Sustainable Rewards Program: Attract more travelers to train travel and on-demand services by offering eco-friendly rewards and discounts (‘pull-effect’) through a software-driven green loyalty program, while encouraging companies to promote sustainable practices and cost-saving behaviors among their employees (‘push-effect’).  ➡ Customer Excitement Score: Evaluate overall satisfaction and measure customer engagement to gain actionable insights for feature improvements, enhancing the customer experience and deriving targeted retention strategies.    Embark on a premium rail travel experience where personalized service, convenience, and eco-friendliness define the new standard.    #FutureofRails #TransformingTravelExperience #CustomerServiceStrategy #Convenience 

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    By 2030, regulatory constraints will make traditional parcel delivery less common in cities, leading to a projected 30% delivery capacity gap. 🚚🔋 With stricter city regulations and soaring parcel volumes, the quest for sustainable and efficient delivery solutions has never been more critical. To address the capacity gap, a last mile strategy is required to better utilize logistics assets, push boundaries by integrating new transportation modes, and change consumer behavior and last mile pricing. Find out more about an innovative approach to the last mile of the future and nine solutions tailored to carriers, cities and consumers in the Porsche Consulting Strategy Paper “Last Mile Delivery 2030”: https://lnkd.in/e5TCrPYA #UrbanLogistics #LastMile #Ecommerce #CustomerServices #FutureOfDelivery

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    “By shifting to customer centricity, quality managers act as customer advocates whose job is to ensure that requirements are met or even exceeded by products and services,” states Roman Baecker, Associate Partner at Porsche Consulting.   As customer behavioral patterns change and levels of competitive pressure rise, companies are placing an ever greater focus on customer´s demands. Exceeding the expectations of the customer is a decisive factor in the success of both companies and their quality management (QM) organizations. For this to work, quality managers have to position themselves as the voice of customers in their companies. This approach lets quality personnel distance themselves from a “policing function” and enables them instead to act as customer advocates and internal advisors for.   Find out more about ways of shaping quality management for tomorrow in the Porsche Consulting Study “Quality of the Future”: https://lnkd.in/e7GJZNJR   #Quality #QualityManagement #Transformation #DataQuality

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    Lifelong learning: how HR leaders can provide smart, highly flexible training options to ensure that employees develop the joy of learning, thus contributing to the company's success. ⭐🏢 Regular and structured learning on the job is becoming ever more important. Highly qualified personnel who command the latest knowledge are a crucial factor in competitive success. Companies need to adapt their business models, integrate new technologies, and develop additional skills to meet these expectations. For a company’s own training programs to succeed, they need to be developed and run by people with educational expertise. One important factor here is the relevance of program content to actual practice. Ever more companies are opting to recruit instructors from their own ranks and provide them with extensive training for education tasks, as they already have an authenticity bonus. Information about these programs should be compiled on a central learning platform that is accessible to all employees. Deutsche Bank is setting a good example. The company has made learning a core element of its HR strategy. Its approach builds on an attractive, personalized, and diverse range of learning opportunities. “LearningHub” is the name of Deutsche Bank’s platform that uses smart technologies to suggest individualized learning content to all employees. Users can increase their skills in precisely the areas they wish to develop. They can recommend content to their colleagues, join groups, work together, and leverage expertise. In 2023 alone, Deutsche Bank employees made use of nearly one million learning opportunities. The bank’s philosophy is that learning consists not only of acquiring new knowledge, but also of both personal and professional growth to keep pace with the rate of change. Find out more about the learning organization in the latest article in Porsche Consulting Magazine, written by Ninjo Lenz, Partner at Porsche Consulting: https://lnkd.in/eNC-wGSb #LearningOrganization #ProfessionalGrowth #HRDevelopment #Training #Qualification

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    "The complex supply chain challenges in the electrics and electronics industry make the supply chain organization a critical success factor that must be prioritized at the C-level,” states Philipp Hannes, Partner at Porsche Consulting.   Electrics and electronics companies face the complexity of simultaneously serving multiple value chains such as industrial automation, automotive, machinery or utilities. At the same time, their supply base is diverse and globally spread. From low-cost polymer casings to precious metals and semiconductors, replenishment times vary from a few days to a few months. The supply chain organization faces the challenges of managing fluctuating demand forecasts, raw material bottlenecks, short innovation cycles, a complex global footprint, product customization, and increasing geopolitical risks at the same time. All these challenges define the speed, flexibility, reliability, resilience, costs and quality of the business, thus making the supply chain organization a key stakeholder for ensuring profitability. Porsche Consulting advocates elevating the development of a robust supply chain organization to a C-level priority:   ➡ Create transparency about supply chain restrictions for every product group, such as customer needs, replenishment times, lead times, and technical limitations.   ➡ Define supply chain targets and balance the factors of flexibility, costs, quality, and speed.   ➡ Define a flexibility and resilience concept that considers horizontal and vertical synchronization between functions and processes.   ➡ Map all required decisions and milestones along the planning horizon and build the respective governance.   ➡ Build up a suitable supply chain organization and define interfaces to other functions.   #SupplyChain #SupplyChainManagement #ElectronicsIndustry #IndustrialAutomation

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    Within the Volkswagen Group, a new era of transparent and efficient cooperation is enabled with standardized, vehicle- and system-oriented budget planning and controlling.   Volkswagen has embarked on a comprehensive initiative to enhance budget and capacity planning across the organization. This initiative aims to create a more cohesive and efficient planning structure that aligns with the Group’s strategic objectives and was implemented in collaboration with GFT Technologies. By developing and implementing a standardized approach, Volkswagen Group is setting the stage for improved cooperation and performance across all brands. The project at a glance:   ➡ Defined uniform brand planning structures and objects ➡ Developed and released a Group object catalog as a uniform standard ➡ Created transparency and comparability of development costs among Group brands   By leveraging these strategic insights, Volkswagen Group is poised to unlock significant value from its budget and capacity planning initiatives.   #Automotive #BudgetPlanning #Transparency #Efficiency #DigitalTransformation

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    We’ve just wrapped up an incredible Training Week, filled with new learnings, fresh ideas, and valuable insights. 🚀   This summer, 630 colleagues from France, Italy, Brazil and Germany came together for a week of varied training courses on AI, innovation, (self-)leadership, communication, and more. Highlights included networking, fitness, racing bike tours and yoga sessions.   For continuous and personal development, we empower all our employees to engage in a one-week training program tailored to individual needs twice a year. The training week not only strengthened the expertise of our employees, but also fostered team spirit and collaboration.   We would like to thank all the speakers for sharing their expertise in the inspiring training sessions, as well as the employees who helped to make this training week special and a great success.   #TrainingWeek #Learning #Development #TeamSpirit

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  • Unternehmensseite von Porsche Consulting anzeigen, Grafik

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    How can companies fully leverage the advantages of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI)?   GenAI offers a lot of opportunities for democratizing AI by providing immediately easy-to-use solutions to people without the need for specific development. Philippe Rambach, Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer at Schneider Electric, shares his expertise on leveraging AI for organizational success:   ➡ Opportunities in GenAI: Tools such as ChatGPT and Claude ai enhance man-machine interactions and knowledge access. However, a careful assessment before using GenAI is always key.   ➡ Aligning AI with business strategy: Start with the business need, not the technology. Ensure continuous alignment from strategy to execution for effective AI integration.   ➡ Preparing for the future: Educate and demystify AI for your team. Understanding AI's capabilities and limitations can relieve concerns and manage expectations.   Find out more and read the full interview on how organizations can make effective use of GenAI: https://lnkd.in/eKz_W7rV   #AI #Innovation #Strategy #GenAI #FutureReady

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    How can you successfully balance a consulting career and parenthood?🔄   As part of our Training Week, we hosted a special community event: our parents’ breakfast. This gathering provided an opportunity for the parents on our team, future parents or anyone interested, to connect and exchange insights on combining the passion for consulting work with the joys and challenges of parenthood.   In a supportive and open environment, our colleagues shared experiences, offered advice, and discussed strategies for successfully navigating the dual responsibilities of career and family.   We recognize the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and are committed to supporting our team members in the best way possible so that they can thrive both professionally and personally.   #TrainingWeek #TeamSpirit #WorkLifeBalance

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