Spannende Einblicke von unserem CEO André Klahold. Erfahrt mehr über die Rolle von KI im Content-Management, aktuelle Branchentrends und seine Vision für die Zukunft von InterRed:
Dropping our latest Q&A session! #ExtraMile by KnowledgeNile is excited to host Andre Klahold, Chief Executive Officer of InterRed GmbH, a pioneer in content management, editorial systems, and multi-channel publishing. InterRed has transformed content management strategies with AI implementation. With multiple years of experience in computer science, Klahold has been a remarkable contributor to the company's progression. Let's explore his career and his wisdom on AI-based content management tactics. Click here now: #interviewseries #AI #contentmanagement #software #CMS #InterRedGmbH #KnowledgeNile #expertinsight #industryleader