
Let's accelerate green transformation together! 🌱


Wenn Tausende innovativer Köpfe zusammenkommen, um sich mit den drängendsten Problemen der Welt zu befassen und die neuesten nachhaltige Ideen auszutauschen, werden die Möglichkeiten unendlich - und das IMPACT FESTIVAL ist der Ort, an dem alles beginnt.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt am Main
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Forum, Community, Sustainability, Innovation und Transformation


Beschäftigte von IMPACT FESTIVAL


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    Have you ever wondered what lies beneath the surface of our offshore drilling sites? A new study from the University of Essex has revealed some startling truths. Pollution levels around North Sea oil and gas rigs have skyrocketed by a staggering 10,000% within just 500 meters. And that's not all—the variety of marine life in these areas has dropped by nearly 30%. 🔬 What’s Going On? Teaming up with the Natural History Museum and Cefas, researchers examined pollution through the lens of hydrocarbons and heavy metals like lead and copper. The results are eye-opening: pollution near extraction sites far surpasses levels at untouched locations. This isn’t just a tiny bump in the road; it’s a significant environmental crisis. 🦑 Impact on Marine Life The ripple effects of this pollution are dramatic. Essential marine invertebrates, which play a vital role in the food chain, are in trouble. We’re shifting from a rich, diverse ecosystem to a simpler, less resilient one, where large predators vanish, and hardy creatures like worms take over. This transformation could have serious implications for the health and productivity of our oceans. 🌍 Why It Matters With many platforms nearing their end, now’s the time to act. The upcoming decommissioning process offers a critical opportunity to apply scientific findings to mitigate further damage and support marine recovery. It's not a task for one, but a responsibility we all share. Collaboration between industry leaders and policymakers will be crucial to improving this situation. Let’s use this wake-up call to drive real change. The time for action is now, and with our collective efforts, we can make a significant difference in the health of our oceans. Source: Oil and gas platforms degrade benthic invertebrate diversity and food web structure, Science of The Total Environment Tom C Cameron | Elena Couce | Clement Garcia | Natalie Hicks | Gareth Thomas PhD MRSB | Murray Thompson | Corinne Whitby

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    ⚖️ Welche regulatorischen Anforderungen kommen auf Unternehmen und ihre Lieferketten zu? 🌍 Was steckt hinter der Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)? Dem Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)? Und der EU-Verordnung zur Bekämpfung der Entwaldung (EUDR)? 🎙️Heute taucht Mara gemeinsam mit Klaus Wiesen - Head of Sustainable Supply Chain bei VERSO GmbH - tief in die Lieferkette von Unternehmen ein. ▶︎ Jetzt die Folge anhören/ansehen Spotify: Apple Podcasts: YouTube:

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    🚀 Startups aufgepasst: Pitch. Win. Grow. Gewinne bis zu 5.000 € Preisgeld und vernetze dich mit Investor:innen, sowie Entscheidungsträger:innen aus Mittelstand & Corporate beim Zukunftswiesen Summit - Tradition trifft Innovation! Deine Vorteile: 🎤 PITCH: Präsentiere dein Startup im Pitchwettbewerb, erhalte wertvolles Feedback und hab die Chance auf ein Preisgeld von 5000€, 2 Heilbronn Slush'D Start Up Tickets inkl. Fast-Track Teilnahme bei der Heilbronn Slush’D Pitch Competition und exklusive Sachpreise! 💼 DEALS: Stelle dein Startup vor Top-Entscheidungsträger:innen vor und finde Investor:innen, Pilotkund:innen sowie Geschäftspartner:innen, um dein Unternehmen voranzutreiben. 💰 MONEY: Vernetze dich mit Investor:innen und Acceleratoren, um dein Funding zu sichern und Umsätze zu steigern. 🤝 NETWORK: Knüpfe Kontakte zu anderen Gründer:innen, erfolgreichen Startups und potenziellen Teammitgliedern, und tausche dich mit erfahrenen Unternehmer:innen aus. 🌟 Sichere dir jetzt dein Ticket und sende dein Ticket für einen Platz im Pitch Wettbewerb an: [email protected] oder lade es hier hoch: 🎟️ Jetzt Ticket sichern:

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    Unlock a wealth of knowledge with our 30+ masterclasses and deep-dives 📚 This year, in addition to our Masterclass formats, we're excited to introduce a brand new, extended format: Deep Dive. These sessions allow you to explore topics in greater detail and depth over 1.5 hours. 💡Here are 5 must-attend masterclasses and deep-dives at this year's FESTIVAL that you won't want to miss: - Future-Proof Leadership: Developing Youth Advisory Boards & Beyond with Agata Meysner, Generation Climate Europe (GCE) - Deep Dive into Regenerative Economics, with Stephan Hankammer & Axel Rungweber (Institut für Regeneratives Wirtschaften (REGWI)) - Nachhaltigkeitsmaßnahmen, mit denen ihr alle im Unternehmen begeistert, with Susanna Mur and Alina Friedrichs (guud - benefits for a better future) - Walking the delicate line between Greenwashing and Greenhushing, with Anja Schröder (4L Impact Strategies GmbH) - Energy in Transition: the Role of Digitalization in the Green Transition, Rafail Kasapis, aenergi - powered by Apollo Green Solutions 🎟️ Wait no longer and grab your ticket now:

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    🧃 Are our packaging choices as green as we believe? At the University of Massachusetts Amherst, new research has revealed some unexpected truths about the sustainability of different beverage packages, such as plastic bottles, aluminium cans, and tetra packs. These findings might shake up our usual thinking about packaging in various industries. Before sharing these insights, we want to run a quick survey to see how they match our community's thoughts. Take a look at the options and vote with your reaction. Nomzamo N Dlamini | Alissa Nolden | Patty Shillington | Emily Eklund Mayhew

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    🌍 Are you ready to be the next sustainability game-changer? The world is in the midst of unprecedented environmental challenges, and traditional business models are struggling to keep up. Urgent and innovative solutions are needed to drive sustainable change in the mobility, agriculture, energy, and finance industries. Startups with groundbreaking ideas often find it challenging to connect with corporations that can help scale their solutions. At the same time, industry leaders are eager for fresh perspectives and understand that startups can provide them. This mutual need is the key to driving sustainable change. The IMPACT CHALLENGE, hosted by TechQuartier and IMPACT FESTIVAL, is a unique and exclusive platform that provides startups and corporations with a rare opportunity to connect and collaborate. - Collaborate directly with industry-leading companies - Showcase your innovation on the Impact Festival stage - Gain invaluable exposure and networking opportunities For startups (pre-seed to series A) with a validated MVP, this is your moment to shine. For corporates, it's your opportunity to shape the future of sustainability. 📝 Application period ends on 9 September.

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    ☕️ Ever wondered if your morning coffee might soon be brewed from a different bean? With climate change brewing trouble for Arabica coffee, scientists are eyeing Robusta as a potential hero. Globally, we sip over 2.2 billion cups of coffee daily. Most of those beans come from Arabica, known for its rich flavour. However, the impact of climate change on Arabica coffee is severe. By 2050, climate change is projected to slash Arabica production by 80%. That's where Robusta steps in. Recent studies have revealed that Robusta is not just surviving but thriving. With its robust nature and adaptability, Robusta could be the silver lining in the cloud of climate change. It flourishes in high altitudes, offers a delightful flavour, and requires fewer resources. Essentially, it's a resilient option in a world heating up. Researchers are currently conducting tests on Robusta's potential in Florida. Their efforts could diversify coffee production and ensure that our morning brews continue to grace our tables, provided Robusta can withstand the local conditions. Source: Robust and smart: Inference on phenotypic plasticity of Coffea canephora reveals adaptation to alternative environments. Crop Science, 2024; University of Florida | Felipe Ferrão | Christophe Montagnon

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    🦸♀️🌍 Are you a woman pioneering sustainable change? Are you a woman leading the charge toward a more sustainable world? Or do you know someone who is? At IMPACT FESTIVAL 2024, we want to celebrate the women who aren’t just dreaming of a better future but are actively creating it. In a time when our planet faces significant challenges, sustainable solutions are more crucial than ever. Despite the vital role women play in this transformation, their stories often don’t receive the recognition they deserve. This is where you come in! We’re seeking inspiring women who are driving the sustainable transformation of our society and economy through their projects, ideas, or personal journeys. Whether you’re one of these pioneers or know a woman who deserves recognition, we want to hear and share these stories. Join our exhibition and become part of a community of women shaping the future. Your story can inspire others and spark the change our world so urgently needs. 👉 Nominate yourself or an inspiring woman you know, and be part of our special IMPACT WOMEN exhibition: Stefanie Pietsch | Tina Müller | Dr. Katharina Reuter | Sarah Needham | Laurent-Frederic Lohmann | Alma Spribille | Tim Schumacher | Anne Decker | Tina Dreimann | Svenja Lassen | Leonie Moos | Xavier Sarras | Stephan Hankammer | Alexander S. Wolf | Dr. Andreas M. Rickert | Isabelle Canu | Clover Hogan

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    Are you ready to combine exercise and nature conservation? The MOORATHON 2024 is just around the corner, and we'll be there! 🏃♀️ What is the MOORATHON? A 42-day digital marathon where every movement counts! Whether running, cycling or swimming - every activity contributes to the renaturation of our moors. Participate alone or with your team no matter where you are or how you move! 🌍 Why take part? With every kilometer you run, cycle, or swim, you trigger donations that Mission to Marsh gGmbH can use for peatland protection in Germany. 🎁 Advantages All participants receive a 20% discount on their ticket for the IMPACT FESTIVAL 2024 on 30 and 31 October in Frankfurt. The first 3 winners will even receive free tickets for the IMPACT FESTIVAL! 📲 How to take part? Register now and join the IMPACT FESTIVAL TEAM in the Summitree app:

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    🚀 Hey SME Managers: Is your business on a mission to boost sustainability and make a real difference? At the IMPACT FESTIVAL, we celebrate those companies shaking up their business models for a better world. By applying for the IMPACT AWARD, powered by neosfer, you get a chance to shine and gain valuable recognition and exposure for your business. Ready to showcase your incredible journey? The application process is simple and straightforward. Apply now and be part of the movement for positive change. The deadline for applications is 22 September. 🏆 IMPACT AWARD application submission:

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