Deutsche Messe AG

Deutsche Messe AG


Hannover, Niedersachsen 15.043 Follower:innen

Event your business.


Wir bieten die passende Bühne - Vom Präsidenten bis zum Stormtrooper! Wir sorgen dafür, dass alle teilnehmenden Unternehmen und Besucher*innen sich bei uns wohlfühlen. Sei es auf unseren international führenden Technologie-Ereignissen und B2B-Events oder bei Special Community Festivals. #TeamDMAG zählt zu den führenden Messegesellschaften weltweit. Mit rund 650 Kolleginnen und Kollegen veranstalten wir jährlich rund 150 Messen und Events im In- und Ausland. Wir bringen Menschen aller Nationen zusammen, die mit ihren Lösungen und durch ihre Zusammenarbeit Innovationsgeschwindigkeit, Nachhaltigkeit und Wohlstand vorantreiben. Wir sind Teil der Communities und Branchen, die sich auf unseren Eigenveranstaltungen treffen und perfekte Gastgeber für Gastveranstaltungen.

501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Hannover, Niedersachsen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Trade Fairs, Conferences, Special Events und International Matchmaking


Beschäftigte von Deutsche Messe AG


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    "There is no typical day in a life of a trade fair organizer!" 🤩 With that quote Hartwig hits the nail on the head... but that's only one out of uncountable reasons we are #InLoveWithTradeFairs. 💙 Thanks to our colleagues Hannah and Miriam you'll find more reasons to join our #TeamDMAG within this video, but we don’t want to give anything away in advance. 🍿 Why did you fall in love with Trade Fairs? 😏

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    Yesterday we introduced a new format to our employees: the Ice-Break(er)! 🍦 As the temperatures in Hannover are very high and many new colleagues joined our #TeamDMAG in the recent past, we tried to combine work and fun. 🤝 So we ordered a lot of ice cream and created a relaxed setting on our park-like exhibition grounds (aka #MessegelaendeHannover). The main goal of this event was not only to cool down during the work break while enjoying the sun, but also to break the ice between the new employees and our long-time employees. 🔥 We placed this event right on the way to our canteen, so everyone had to walk past the temptation and maybe leave some room for dessert on their way back to the offices! 😁 Our colleagues gave us great feedback and we are already thinking about the next surprising employee event. Do you have any inspiring ideas for us? #InLoveWithIceCream

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    "You really meet him everywhere," the German Construction Minister Klara Geywitz says with a smile, as she runs into trade fair manager Hartwig von Saß on the sidelines of an event for the real estate industry. 🤝 Hartwig and his team are the driving force behind the trade fair REAL ESTATE ARENA, which, after only three years, has already become a fixed date in the calendar of the German real estate industry. "If the Minister of Construction says something like that, then we've done something right," Hartwig says happily. But how do you establish a new event so successfully in the highly competitive trade fair market? 🤔 "Anyone who wants to create a trade fair truly in the interests of exhibitors and visitors must deeply immerse themselves in the industry and understand it in detail," says Hartwig. He recalls the first meeting with industry decision-makers, where the rough concept of the fair was presented together with the eventpartner REE. The unanimous opinion of the participants: A new real estate fair in Hanover – the market doesn't need it. ❌ "After this initial assessment, we continued to ask under what conditions a new platform might still provide added value to those involved – and then the discussion evolved into a kind of co-creation process where the customers helped shape the product," Hartwig explains. It became clear that established events often focus on the megacities and the big players in the industry. What was missing was an event that concentrated on the so-called B- and C-cities and the medium-sized real estate sector – and thus, the cornerstones of the Real Estate Arena's positioning were set. ✅ "Our goal was to become part of the community, rather than building a classic customer-service provider relationship. That meant we wanted to excite thought leaders and industry experts for our idea and then create the fair together with them," Hartwig explains. What may sound simple at first glance actually requires a lot of effort. "We are present at every relevant real estate event in Germany and partly in Europe as well. Every day we talk to industry experts or scour all the publications that are important to the real estate industry," reports Hartwig. The goal: to continuously expand visibility, proximity, network, and industry knowledge. "Our primary concern is not selling exhibition space, but creating an event that genuinely offers our customers added value.” 🎯 And last but not least: "A trade fair has to be fun, it has to offer an experience and be an event," Hartwig emphasizes. "We also do crazy things, we want to bring joy to people." For example, small adhesive tattoos with the Real Estate Arena logo were distributed to exhibitors and visitors. The response? "When the CEO of a large real estate company walks around the Real Estate Arena for two days with our logo on his forearm, it's not just about business, but also about emotion, community, and fun. And that's exactly what brings people back." 🫶

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Welcome to #TeamDMAG! 💙 Last Thursday, over 100 trainees started their careers at German trade fair centres. We are also delighted to welcome three new faces to our exhibition grounds in Hanover! 🙌 Jette and Fiene are joining our team as prospective event management specialists and Lotta will start her dual studies in business administration / trade fair, congress and event management a little later on 1 October. 🎓 During the first two days, the three of them explored the exhibition grounds together with their mentor Steffen as well as our other trainees and received important initial information about the apprenticeship. After the first days of school and internal IT training, they will be welcomed by our colleagues from their first departments on 13 August! 🤝 We wish you all a good start and a successful apprenticeship! 🚀 #InLoveWithTradeFairs #MesseNewcomer

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Yesterday we opened our events location doors for the European motorsport and tuning hotspot - #PSDays! 🏎 The combination of trade fair with exhibitors from the tuning and performance scene, Community Garage and Elite Circle, open-air events and show track is a must for every car fan. 🤩 From 05 - 07 July 2024 our #TeamDMAG is bringing the PS Days into the third round. The shows focus is on high-gloss polished noble cars from the tuning and motorsport scene. Rare bodywork conversions can be admired as well as powerful humming engines. Everything about refinement, individualization and performance enhancement of vehicles can be seen as well... Be there!👨🔧 👩🔧 #InLoveWithTradeFairs

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Welcome back to Hanover! 🤩   We are honored that after several years in Berlin, the #Koop will be back in Hanover from 2026 on. The joint cooperation event of Germany's two largest electrical retail groups expert SE and EURONICS Deutschland eG will continue to further develop its successfully established format here. 🙏   Dr. Stefan Müller, CEO of expert SE, and Benedict Kober, speaker of the Chairman of the Management Board of EURONICS Deutschland eG, agree:   "The Exhibition grounds in hannover fits the needs of both cooperation partners perfectly. Whether hall concept, connection to local and long-distance transportation or economic efficiency - all the prerequisites are in place to expand the format and take it into the future, resulting in the best overall package for us." 🤗   Thank you for your trust in our #TeamDMAG and all the best for #Koop25 - see you latest in 2026! 💙   #InLoveWithTradeFairs

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    New faces in #TeamDMAG 👋 On Tuesday, we once again held our traditional trainee barbecue, where our future trainees get to know the trainees from the other years as well as our training manager Steffen before the official start of training. 🤝 As the summer in Germany is a long time coming, we had to move the meeting to one of our halls due to the rain. ⛈️ That wasn't a problem, as we have plenty of space! Then the first insights into our company were given in a relaxed atmosphere. 🤓 Fine and Jette will officially start their training as event managers on 1st August and Lotta will begin her dual study programme for a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration with a focus on trade fair, congress and event management on 1st October. 🎓 We look forward to working with you! 💙

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are proud of our team! 💙 At the weekend, around 60 Hermes footballers from #TeamDMAG travelled to Nuremberg for #MissionTriple. 🏆 There we wanted to defend our title from previous years at the 42nd International Trade Fair Soccer Cup, which unfortunately wasn't as successful as we had hoped. 😔 Despite a high level of motivation on the pitch and on the sidelines, we were beaten 3:1 by Cologne in the final, making us runners-up. Congratulations to this year's winners from Koelnmesse GmbH! 👏 Even though the disappointment was great at the beginning, our Hermeskickers had a really great weekend. The team spirit is unbelievable and stands out among the other teams! 🔥 Many thanks to all our colleagues who put their hearts and souls into it! 🫶 We are already looking forward to next year in Milan! ⚽

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  • Unternehmensseite von Deutsche Messe AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Germany's biggest #STEM party is currently taking place at our exhibition grounds! 🤓 Under the motto "Just do it", children and young people can get a taste of scientific and technical careers at IdeenExpo GmbH until June 16. 👩🔬👨🔬 In addition to 310 exhibitors, there will be various live experiments and workshops as well as hands-on activities and stage shows. Various social media stars such as Nadine Breaty, Jonas Ems or laserluca will also be on site! 🌟 The whole thing will be rounded off by free live concerts on Saturday with Cro, Passepartout and Paula Engels. 🎶 We as #TeamDMAG will also be exhibiting in hall 7 stand LR-01 and will show you what it takes to put on an event like this! 😏 So come by and become #InLoveWithTradeFairs - it's worth it! 💙

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