
Bertelsmann is a media, services and education company with more than 80,000 employees that operates in about 50 countries around the world. It includes the entertainment group RTL Group, the trade book publisher Penguin Random House, the music company BMG, the service provider Arvato Group, Bertelsmann Marketing Services, the Bertelsmann Education Group and Bertelsmann Investments, an international network of funds. The company generated revenues of €20.2 billion in the 2023 financial year. Bertelsmann stands for creativity and entrepreneurship. This combination promotes first-class media content and innovative service solutions that inspire customers around the world. Bertelsmann aspires to achieve climate neutrality by 2030.

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Beschäftigte von Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA


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    Profil von Karin Schlautmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Vice President Corporate Communications bei Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA

    Gestern und heute steht bei Bertelsmann alles im Zeichen des Unternehmertums. Auf unserer zweitägigen „Leading Entrepreneurship Conference“ (LEC) in Amsterdam kamen mehr als 300 Führungskräfte zusammen, um die Grundlagen und Rahmenbedingungen erfolgreichen Unternehmertums zu erörtern. Die niederländische Hauptstadt bietet dafür den idealen Rahmen.   Unternehmertum ist ein zentrales Thema für Bertelsmann. Eine tolle Aufgabe für uns als Kommunikationsteam aus der ganzen Welt die beeindruckenden Entrepreneurship Storys zu erzählen Claire von Schilling, Ulrich Lünstroth, Markus Harbaum, Jan Hoelkemann, Eva Messerschmidt, Oliver Fahlbusch, Kristal M.   Thomas Rabe, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Bertelsmann, betont in seiner Rede: „Unternehmertum ist das Herzstück von Bertelsmann. Es ermöglicht uns, bestehende Geschäfte zu transformieren, neue Geschäftsfelder zu erschließen und ein attraktiver Partner für Gründer und Talente zu sein.“   Auf der Konferenz haben wir die zweite Säule unserer Bertelsmann-Essentials in den Fokus genommen, nachdem wir in London bereits das Thema Kreativität behandelt haben. Es war beeindruckend, die innovativen Ideen und den Austausch unserer internationalen Führungskräfte zu erleben.

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    This autumn, Bertelsmann hits the road (again)! 🛣️ We’ll be visiting several universities to connect, mingle and network with young talents. 🫵 Come meet us, gain some insights and discover exciting career opportunities! Save the dates 📅 and watch this space for more events to come in November!   Nova School of Business and Economics EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht Harvard Business School Esade Universität zu Köln

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    Time flies ⏰ – it’s already been two months since 55 talents from all of Europe gathered in Berlin for an extraordinary networking event: #TalentMeetsBertelsmann. There was a lot of fun to be had 🥳 and new friends 👯♂️ to be made. Now everyone is looking forward to seeing each other again 🤝 on the winning teams’ trips ✈️ to Barcelona, London or Berlin, or at the alumni hubs that will take place in the next months. It’s only ten months now 🗓️ until #TMB25 starts – watch this space and sign up for our reminder: #bertelsmann_careers  

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    David Larramendy and Andreas Barth, two top managers, have been appointed to Bertelsmann's Group Management Committee (GMC). David Larramendy is Chief Executive Officer of the French Groupe M6 since April of this year. Andreas Barth became Chief Executive Officer of the financial services provider Riverty on June 1, 2024. Both managers have served Bertelsmann in key leadership roles for many years. Their appointment to the GMC, which advises the Bertelsmann Executive Board, will take effect on September 1, 2024. The GMC will then consist of 19 top executives of the international media, services and education company, from six countries.   Bertelsmann Chairman & CEO Thomas Rabe said: “I look forward to working even more closely with Andreas Barth and David Larramendy in the future and bid them both a warm welcome to the GMC. Andreas Barth and David Larramendy are responsible for two of our Group's major businesses. I am confident that they will provide important input for the work of the Group Management Committee based on their entrepreneurial experience and operational activities.”   David Larramendy holds a Master of Sciences in electrical engineering from Supélec and an MBA from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He began his career at Ernst & Young before joining the founders of the e-commerce site in 2000. He then worked at Goldman Sachs' London office before joining Groupe M6 in 2008, where he started out working for Ventadis before becoming its CEO in 2010. Larramendy was appointed CEO of the advertising sales company M6 Publicité in 2014 and has sat on the M6 Group Management Board since 2015. Larramendy took over as CEO of Groupe M6 on April 23, 2024.   Andreas Barth began his career at Arvato in 2004 as a Management Associate after obtaining a degree in economics in Cologne. Following successive management positions at Arvato, he was appointed as Managing Director and President in 2015. Since 2020, he has managed the entire Tech business, which has more than 3,000 employees and business activities in Europe, the U.S., and Asia. In this role, he was responsible for Arvato's global business with technology companies. On June 1, 2024, Barth was appointed CEO of the financial services provider Riverty.

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    Bertelsmann grew dynamically in the first half of 2024, and expects to report an overall positive business performance for the full year. Our revenues were below the previous year’s record level due to portfolio-related factors. At €1.2 billion, the operating result (adjusted Operating EBITDA) remained at the previous year’s level despite the sale of Majorel; adjusted for the sale, it increased by 14 percent. Group profit rose to €416 million. Boost investments totaled €1 billion in the first half of 2024 alone.   Bertelsmann’s Group revenues decreased by 7.5 percent year-on-year to €9.0 billion (H1 2023: €9.7 billion). This was due to the sale of Majorel last November. For the first time in Bertelsmann’s history, the U.S. businesses contributed with 28.4 percent the highest share to total revenues. Overall organic revenue growth amounted to 3.7 percent (H1 2023: 2.3 percent), to which almost all divisions contributed.   Adjusted Operating EBITDA was €1,249 million (H1 2023: €1,275 million). Penguin Random House, BMG, Bertelsmann Marketing Services, Bertelsmann Education Group, and Bertelsmann Investments achieved double-digit earnings growth, thanks in part to the Group-wide Boost investments.   Group profit increased by 60 percent to €416 million (H1 2023: €260 million), and was therefore significantly higher than the previous year’s figure.

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    Heads up, aspiring entrepreneurs! RTL Deutschland in Berlin is on the lookout for a hands-on intern 🤓 who speaks German and English. You will be working directly with the SVP on building a new digital fitness 🏋🏽♂️ platform that helps people lead an active and fulfilling life as they get older 💪. Check out the job offer:

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    Starker Start für die UFA Filmnächte 2024.

    Profil von Karin Schlautmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Executive Vice President Corporate Communications bei Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA

    Gestern Abend durften wir die 14. UFA Filmnächte auf der Berliner Museumsinsel mit einem besonderen Highlight fortzusetzen. Die Vorführung der digital restaurierten Fassung von Carl Lamačs Komödie „Saxophon Susi“ aus dem Jahr 1928 begeisterte über 1.000 Zuschauerinnen und Zuschauer. Dass der Auftakt des dreitägigen Stummfilmfestivals komplett ausverkauft war, zeigt deutlich, dass das Kulturgut Stummfilm weiterhin fasziniert und begeistert. Ein besonders bewegender Moment des Abends war, als die 102-jährige Holocaust-Überlebend Margot Friedländer zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben einen Stummfilm sah. Ihre Anwesenheit und Freude haben uns tief berührt und dem Abend eine besondere Bedeutung verliehen. Der Schutz und Erhalt kulturellen Erbes ist tief in der Geschichte von Bertelsmann verwurzelt. Seit 1964 gehört die UFA zu Bertelsmann, und wir fühlen uns verpflichtet, ihre wertvollen Filmarchive zu bewahren und für kommende Generationen zugänglich zu machen. Die Restaurierung und Digitalisierung von Stummfilmen ist dabei ein zentraler Bestandteil unseres Engagements. Wie Thomas Rabe, Vorstandsvorsitzender von Bertelsmann, gestern betonte: „Der Erhalt und der Schutz kreativer Werke ist Teil unserer Unternehmensgeschichte und unserer kulturellen Verantwortung.“ Die UFA Filmnächte sind für uns mehr als nur ein Festival – sie sind eine Plattform, um das Kulturerbe des Stummfilms wieder einem breiten Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Wir sind dankbar für die zahlreichen Gäste aus Kultur, Gesellschaft und Politik, die diesen Abend mit uns geteilt haben. Mit Veranstaltungen wie diesen tragen wir dazu bei, dass die Geschichte des Films lebendig bleibt und immer wieder neu entdeckt werden kann. Heute geht es weiter mit der Vorführung des Dokumentarfilms „Die Stadt der Millionen“ aus dem Jahr 1925. Herzlichen Dank an alle Beteiligten und Partner, die dieses kulturelle Highlight ermöglicht haben. Auf viele weitere unvergessliche Momente bei den UFA Filmnächten!

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    Roman Sprute is a dual student at Bertelsmann, currently pursuing his bachelor’s degree 👨🏻💻 in business informatics. He was one of the 55 participants in this year’s Talent Meets Bertelsmann networking event in Berlin. As a member of the “Digital Fitness” 🏋🏻♀️ workshop group, he dedicated himself to designing a personalized digital fitness experience 💪 for healthy aging. Watch his first-hand account 🤳 of what it was like to be part of #TMB24. Interested? Check out!

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    Unternehmensseite von RTL Deutschland anzeigen, Grafik

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    👀📰 𝙇𝙚𝙨𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙥𝙥 𝙙𝙚𝙨 𝙏𝙖𝙜𝙚𝙨: In einem ausführlichen #Porträt über unseren CEO Stephan Schmitter beleuchtet das Fachmagazin HORIZONT unter anderem seine berufliche Laufbahn, die "unbremsbare Begeisterung für seinen Job" und wie er versucht, die Regler zwischen klassischem TV und Streaming „am großen Mischpult sitzend“ richtig einzustellen. 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗸𝗲 HORIZONT 𝗳ü𝗿 𝗱𝗶𝗲𝘀𝗲𝗻 𝘀𝗰𝗵ö𝗻𝗲𝗻 𝗕𝗲𝗶𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗴! 🤗 Nachlesen könnt ihr das Ganze in der aktuellen Print-Ausgabe und auf Horizont+. Den Link findet ihr in den Kommentaren. Viel Spaß! 

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    We have published our interim results for the first half of 2024, reporting continued dynamic growth in our #streaming business and creative successes at Fremantle as we continue to invest, partner and co-operate. Here are the highlights: 📈  At the end of June 2024, our streaming services RTL+ in Germany and Hungary and M6+ in France recorded 6.3 million subscribers, up 24.8% year on year. Streaming revenue grew by 41.9% 👀  RTL+ in Germany increased its viewing hours by almost 50 per cent across all age groups, and M6+ launched successfully in France 🏆  Fremantle had major creative successes in the first half of 2024 – winning 114 awards – alongside announcing two significant acquisitions and several first-look deals 📺  RTL Deutschland gained TV advertising market share and extended its audience lead over main commercial competitor ProSiebenSat1 to 7.6 percentage points Find out all about #RTLresults GROUPE M6 RTL Magyarország RTL Lëtzebuerg UFA We Are Era RTL AdAlliance

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