IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, Volume 88-A

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Volume 88-A, Number 1, 2005

Special Section on Cryptography and Information Security Regular Section

Volume 88-A, Number 2, 2005

Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics Regular Section

Volume 88-A, Number 3, March 2005

Special Section on Adaptive Signal Processing and Its Applications Special Section on Adaptive Signal Processing and Its Applications - Papers Special Section on Adaptive Signal Processing and Its Applications - Letter Regular Section - Papers - Speech and Hearing Regular Section - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Nonlinear Problems Regular Section - Papers - Algorithms and Data Structures Regular Section - Papers - Graphs and Networks Regular Section - Papers - Information Security Regular Section - Papers - Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications Regular Section - Papers - Mobile Information Network and Personal Communications Regular Section - Papers - Intelligent Transport System Regular Section - Letters - Speech and Hearing Regular Section - Letters - Systems and Control Regular Section - Letters - Information Security Regular Section - Letters - Coding Theory Regular Section - Letters - Image

Volume 88-A, Number 4, April 2005

Special Section on Selected Papers from the 17th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa Special Section on Selected Papers from the 17th Workshop on Circuits and Systems in Karuizawa - Papers Regular Section - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Analog Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Systems and Control Regular Section - Papers - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Papers - Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis Regular Section - Papers - Information Security Regular Section - Papers - Information Theory Regular Section - Papers - General Fundamentals and Boundaries Regular Section - Letters - Algorithms and Data Structures Regular Section - Letters - Information Security

Volume 88-A, Number 5, May 2005

Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications - Papers Special Section on Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications - Letters Regular Section - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Analog Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Systems and Control Regular Section - Papers - Graphs and Networks Regular Section - Papers - Information Theory Regular Section - Papers - Coding Theory Regular Section - Letters - Engineering Acoustics Regular Section - Letters - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Letters - Circuit Theory Regular Section - Letters - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Letters - Coding Theory

Volume 88-A, Number 6, June 2005

Special Section on Papers Selected from 2004 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2004) Special Section on Papers Selected from 2004 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2004) - Papers Special Section on Papers Selected from 2004 International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC 2004) - Letters Regular Section - Papers - Engineering Acoustics Regular Section - Papers - Analog Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Systems and Control Regular Section - Papers - Circuit Theory Regular Section - Papers - Algorithms and Data Structures Regular Section - Papers - Graphs and Networks Regular Section - Papers - Information Security Regular Section - Papers - Coding Theory Regular Section - Papers - Communication Theory and Signals Regular Section - Letters - Speech and Hearing Regular Section - Letters - Analog Signal Processing Regular Section - Letters - Systems and Control Regular Section - Letters - Nonlinear Problems

Volume 88-A, Number 7, July 2005

Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing - Papers Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing - Papers - Blind Source Separation Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing - Papers - Microphone Array Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing - Papers - Speech Enhancement Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing - Papers - Sound Field Reproduction Special Section on Multi-channel Acoustic Signal Processing - Letters Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks - Papers Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks - Papers - Network Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks - Papers - Network Management/Operation Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks - Papers - Wireless Communication Technology Special Section on Multi-dimensional Mobile Information Networks - Letter Regular Section - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Papers - Numerical Analysis and Optimization Regular Section - Papers - Coding Theory Regular Section - Papers - Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications Regular Section - Papers - Image Regular Section - Papers - Computer Graphics Letters - Digital Signal Processing Letters - Systems and Control Letters - Information Security Letters - Coding Theory Letters - Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications

Volume 88-A, Number 8, August 2005

Special Section on Papers Selected from the 19th Symposium on Signal Processing Special Section on Papers Selected from the 19th Symposium on Signal Processing - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Special Section on Papers Selected from the 19th Symposium on Signal Processing - Papers - Image Special Section on Papers Selected from the 19th Symposium on Signal Processing - Papers - Communication Theory and Signals Special Section on Papers Selected from the 19th Symposium on Signal Processing - Papers - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Systems and Control Regular Section - Papers - Nonlinear Problems Regular Section - Papers - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Papers - Coding Theory Regular Section - Letters - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Letters - Information Theory Regular Section - Letters - Coding Theory Regular Section - Letters - Measurement Technology

Volume 88-A, Number 9, September 2005

Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - Propagation Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - Hardware Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - Pulse Shape Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - RAKE Receiver Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - Coding Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - MAC Protocol Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Papers - Co-existence Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Letters - Hardware Special Section on Ultra Wideband Systems - Letters - Antenna Regular Section - Papers - Engineering Acoustics Regular Section - Papers - Noise and Vibration Regular Section - Papers - Information Security Regular Section - Papers - Intelligent Transport System Regular Section - Papers - Image Regular Section - Papers - Vision Regular Section - Letters - Speech and Hearing Regular Section - Letters - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Letters - Nonlinear Problems Regular Section - Letters - Information Security Regular Section - Letters - Information Theory

Volume 88-A, Number 10, October 2005

Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications - Papers Special Section on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications - Letters Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Papers - Coding Theory Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Papers - Cryptography and Information Security Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Papers - Information Theory Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Papers - Image Coding Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Papers - Communication Theory Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Papers - MIMO System Special Section on Information Theory and Its Applications - Letters - Communication Theory

Volume 88-A, Number 11, November 2005

Special Section on Concurrent/Hybrid Systems: Theory and Applications Special Section on Concurrent/Hybrid Systems: Theory and Applications - Papers Special Section on Wide Band Systems Special Section on Wide Band Systems - Papers Special Section on Wide Band Systems - Letters Regular Section - Papers - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Papers - Nonlinear Problems Regular Section - Papers - Circuit Theory Regular Section - Papers - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Papers - Information Theory Regular Section - Papers - Communication Theory and Signals Regular Section - Letters - Engineering Acoustics Regular Section - Letters - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Letters - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Letters - Information Security Regular Section - Letters - Coding Theory Regular Section - Letters - Communication Theory and Signals Regular Section - Letters - Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications Regular Section - Letters - Measurement Technology Regular Section - Letters - General Fundamentals and Boundaries

Volume 88-A, Number 12, December 2005

Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Low Power Methodology Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Simulation and Verification Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Logic Synthesis Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Prediction and Analysis Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Floorplan and Placement Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Power/Ground Network Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Interconnect Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - Circuit Synthesis Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - VLSI Architecture Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Papers - VLSI Circuit Special Section on VLSI Design and CAD Algorithms - Letters Regular Section - Papers - Engineering Acoustics Regular Section - Papers - Systems and Control Regular Section - Papers - VLSI Design Technology and CAD Regular Section - Papers - Reliability, Maintainability and Safety Analysis Regular Section - Papers - Coding Theory Regular Section - Papers - Spread Spectrum Technologies and Applications Regular Section - Papers - Neural Networks and Bioengineering Regular Section - Letters - Digital Signal Processing Regular Section - Letters - Systems and Control Regular Section - Letters - Graphs and Networks Regular Section - Letters - Information Security Regular Section - Letters - Coding Theory Regular Section - Letters - General Fundamentals and Boundaries