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Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Volume 29
Volume 29, Number 1, January 2021
Special Issue Articles
- Vladimiras Dolgopolovas, Valentina Dagiene:
Computational thinking: Enhancing STEAM and engineering education, from theory to practice. 5-11 - Janne Fagerlund, Päivi Häkkinen, Mikko Vesisenaho, Jouni Viiri:
Computational thinking in programming with Scratch in primary schools: A systematic review. 12-28 - Celal Murat Kandemir, Filiz Kalelioglu, Yasemin Gülbahar:
Pedagogy of teaching introductory text-based programming in terms of computational thinking concepts and practices. 29-45 - Miguel Á. Conde, Francisco Jesús Rodríguez-Sedano, Camino Fernández Llamas, José Gonçalves, José Lima, Francisco J. García-Peñalvo:
Fostering STEAM through challenge-based learning, robotics, and physical devices: A systematic mapping literature review. 46-65 - Dongsim Kim, Hyo-Jeong So, DaHyeon Ryoo:
Unpacking teachers' concerns about CT-based pedagogy: The case of software education in Korea. 66-82 - Mikko Apiola, Erkki Sutinen:
Design science research for learning software engineering and computational thinking: Four cases. 83-101 - Zhuo Liu, Jianwen Xia:
Enhancing computational thinking in undergraduate engineering courses using model-eliciting activities. 102-113 - Weiping Chen, YouXi Lin, Zhiying Ren, Ding Shen:
Exploration and practical research on teaching reforms of engineering practice center based on 3I-CDIO-OBE talent-training mode. 114-129 - Yu-Tzu Lin, Martin K.-C. Yeh, Hsin-Ling Hsieh:
Teaching computer programming to science majors by modelling. 130-144 - Monika Mladenovic, Zana Zanko, Marin Aglic Cuvic:
The impact of using program visualization techniques on learning basic programming concepts at the K-12 level. 145-159 - Francisco Ruiz Vicente, Alberto Zapatera Llinares, Nicolás Montés Sánchez:
Curriculum analysis and design, implementation, and validation of a STEAM project through educational robotics in primary education. 160-174 - Anita Juskeviciene, Gabriele Stupuriene, Tatjana Jevsikova:
Computational thinking development through physical computing activities in STEAM education. 175-190 - Ebru Yilmaz Ince, Mustafa Koc:
The consequences of robotics programming education on computational thinking skills: An intervention of the Young Engineer's Workshop (YEW). 191-208 - Anita Juskeviciene, Valentina Dagiene, Vladimiras Dolgopolovas:
Integrated activities in STEM environment: Methodology and implementation practice. 209-228 - Gurjinder Singh, Archana Mantri, Ojaswa Sharma, Rashpinder Kaur:
Virtual reality learning environment for enhancing electronics engineering laboratory experience. 229-243 - Amit Kumar, Archana Mantri, Rubina Dutta:
Development of an augmented reality-based scaffold to improve the learning experience of engineering students in embedded system course. 244-257 - Harun Faridi, Neha Tuli, Archana Mantri, Gurjinder Singh, Shubham Gargrish:
A framework utilizing augmented reality to improve critical thinking ability and learning gain of the students in Physics. 258-273 - Gorka Urbikain, Luis Norberto López de Lacalle:
Bridging the gap between student instruction and advanced research: Educational software tool for manufacturing learning. 274-286 - Ioana Opris, Daniela E. Gogoase Nistoran, Sorina Costinas, Cristina S. Ionescu:
Rethinking power engineering education for Generation Z. 287-305
Volume 29, Number 2, March 2021
Guest Editorial
- Priyan Malarvizhi Kumar:
Special issue on Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Education. 311
- Suping Sun:
Construction of integrated cloud computing platform for Japanese autonomous learning and examination. 312-320 - Xingsu Li, Qiyun Liao:
Research on the computer-aided teaching model of the engineering management specialty based on BIM in China. 321-328 - Yang Shen, Peng Yu, Hang Lu, Xiangling Zhang, Haijun Zeng:
An AI-based virtual simulation experimental teaching system in space engineering education. 329-338 - Shakila Basheer, Ala Saleh D. Alluhaidan, Rincy Merlin Mathew:
A secured smart automation system for computer labs in engineering colleges using the internet of things. 339-349 - Meng Xiao, Haibo Yi:
Building an efficient artificial intelligence model for personalized training in colleges and universities. 350-358 - Wang Zheng, BalaAnand Muthu, Seifedine Nimer Kadry:
Research on the design of analytical communication and information model for teaching resources with cloud-sharing platform. 359-369 - Lin Xue, Yuh-Jen Cho, Wei He, LiuJing Yao, WenTong Zou:
Construction and application of the student satisfaction evaluation system for the extracurricular education services in colleges. 370-384 - Ping Guo:
Integrated practice effect analysis of teaching design pattern on TPACK. 385-393 - B. Balamurugan, M. Mullai, S. Soundararajan, S. Selvakanmani, D. Arun:
Brain-computer interface for assessment of mental efforts in e-learning using the nonmarkovian queueing model. 394-410 - Sahar Yassine, Seifedine Nimer Kadry, Miguel-Ángel Sicilia:
Application of community detection algorithms on learning networks. The case of Khan Academy repository. 411-424 - Shidong Zhang, Hongli Ji, Pengfei Sun, Shuang Peng:
Study on solutions to problems in the application of multimedia in translation teaching. 425-432 - Hongwei Su, Jinghui Yu, Yan Shi:
The economic effect of China's educational input, based on the research of dynamic spatial Dubin model. 433-444 - Yujun Miao, Hongyun Fan, Bo Yuan:
Optimization of supporting college students entrepreneurship environment. 445-452 - Na Li, Xuhua Chen, Selvakumar Subramani, Seifedine Nimer Kadry:
Improved fuzzy-assisted multimedia-assistive technology for engineering education. 453-464 - Shilaja Chandrasekaran:
Feasibility study on machine-learning-based hybrid renewable energy applications for engineering education. 465-473 - Yongqiang Ma, Shunli Wang, Wei Sun, Yandong Yu, Jing Bian:
Research on the construction and optimization of distributed Moodle course platform. 474-480 - Danwen Chen, Xiaodong Kong, Qiang Wei:
Design and development of psychological virtual simulation experiment teaching system. 481-490 - Jia Xiaolin:
Intelligent educational cyber-physical systems for college English course. 491-499
Volume 29, Number 3, May 2021
Guest Editorial
- Rajkumar Rajasekaran:
Special issue on the use of mobile devices in engineering education. 505
- Yailem Arencibia Rodríguez del Rey, Isabel Nissandra Cawanga Cambinda, Claudia Deco, Cristina Bender, Raidell Avello-Martínez, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori:
Developing computational thinking with a module of solved problems. 506-516 - Angela Minichiello, David Armijo, Sarbajit Mukherjee, Lori Caldwell, Vladimir A. Kulyukin, Tadd Truscott, Jack Elliott, Aditya Bhouraskar:
Developing a mobile application-based particle image velocimetry tool for enhanced teaching and learning in fluid mechanics: A design-based research approach. 517-537 - Ali Özdemir, Kadriye Filiz Balbal, Berat Can Senel:
Mobile devices use in analyzing the engineering students attitude towards programming by using a fuzzy logic technique. 538-549 - I Ketut Widana, Ni Wayan Sumetri, I Ketut Sutapa, I Wayan Suryasa:
Anthropometric measures for better cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health. 550-561 - Anandakumar Haldorai, Suriya Murugan, Arulmurugan Ramu:
Evolution, challenges, and application of intelligent ICT education: An overview. 562-571 - Aytug Onan:
Sentiment analysis on massive open online course evaluations: A text mining and deep learning approach. 572-589 - Mingqiu Xie:
Design of a physical education training system based on an intelligent vision. 590-602 - Hongjun Zhu:
Application of Rain classroom in formal classroom learning in the teaching of offshore engineering environment and loads. 603-612 - Gediminas Grazulevicius, Vaidotas Barzdenas, Aleksandr Vasjanov, John C. Liobe:
Applying smart devices for gathering real-time feedback from students. 613-623 - John Jung-Woon Yoo, Elif Elçin Günay, Kijung Park, Siavash Tahamtan, Gül E. Okudan Kremer:
An intelligent learning framework for Industry 4.0 through automated planning. 624-640
Volume 29, Number 4, July 2021
Guest Editorial
- Ayse Saliha Sunar, Manuel León Urrutia, Su White, James Uhomoibhi:
Guest editorial: Distance learning, MOOCs and globalisation of engineering education. 645-647
- Ahmed Mohamed Fahmy Yousef, Tamara Sumner:
Reflections on the last decade of MOOC research. 648-665 - Furkan E. Sahin:
Software tools for optics massive open online courses. 666-674 - Aytug Onan, Mansur Alp Toçoglu:
Weighted word embeddings and clustering-based identification of question topics in MOOC discussion forum posts. 675-689 - Tim O'Riordan, David E. Millard, John Schulz:
Is critical thinking happening? Testing content analysis schemes applied to MOOC discussion forums. 690-709 - Ahmed Ali Mubarak, Han Cao, Weizhen Zhang, Wenli Zhang:
Visual analytics of video-clickstream data and prediction of learners' performance using deep learning models in MOOCs' courses. 710-732 - Ruth Cobos, Juan-Carlos Ruiz-Garcia:
Improving learner engagement in MOOCs using a learning intervention system: A research study in engineering education. 733-749 - Mar Pérez-Sanagustín, Diego Sapunar-Opazo, Ronald Pérez-Álvarez, Isabel Hilliger, Anis Bey, Jorge Maldonado-Mahauad, Jorge A. Baier:
A MOOC-based flipped experience: Scaffolding SRL strategies improves learners' time management and engagement. 750-768 - Paraskevi Topali, Alejandro Ortega-Arranz, Alejandra Martínez-Monés, Sara L. Villagrá-Sobrino:
"Houston, we have a problem": Revealing MOOC practitioners' experiences regarding feedback provision to learners facing difficulties. 769-785 - Muhammad Safdar, Musarat Yasmin, Behzad Anwar:
English for specific purpose through facilitated and nonfacilitated MOOCs: An analysis of the learners' perspectives. 786-794 - Pedro Javier Gamez-Montero, Marta Peña, Noelia Olmedo-Torre:
Flipped learning and threshold concepts in the Turbomachinery section of Fluid Engineering course. 795-809 - Noelia Olmedo-Torre, Maria Martinez, Marta Peña:
Effectiveness of blended instructional design based on active learning in a graphic engineering course. 810-837 - Gülden Gürsoy, Derya Orhan Göksün:
Flipped learning: As a solution for course duration. 838-854 - Mehmet Ali Balci, Ömer Akgüller, Ergun Kaya, Nataliia Rzhevska, Irina Dobroskok, Liubov Basiuk, Tetiana Kosa:
Potential of game «PLANT TISSUE CULTURE» in bioengineering education as distance laboratory classes. 855-863 - Dijana Karuovic, Ivan Tasic, Violeta Vidacek-Hains, Dragana Glusac, Zolt Namestovski, Csaba Szabó, Mirjana Kocaleva, Dusanka Milanov:
Students' habits and competencies for creating virtual learning environments. 864-882 - Firat Sarsar, Özge A. Kale, Özge Andiç-Çakir, Tzvetelin Gueorguiev, Boris Evstatiev, Tsvetelina Georgieva, Seher Kadirova, Nikolay Mihailov, Przemyslaw Rózewski, Magdalena Kieruzel, Tomasz Lipczynski, Marcin Prys, Manon van Leeuwen:
Multicultural investigation of the students' acceptance of using digital learning materials in laboratory classes. 883-896 - Ayse Yayla, Hayriye Korkmaz, Ali Buldu, Ali Sarikas:
Development of a remote laboratory for an electronic circuit design and analysis course with increased accessibility by using speech recognition technology. 897-910 - Alejandro Macho, Manuel Garcia Teruel, Félix García Loro, Pablo Baizán, Manuel Blázquez, Elio San Cristóbal, Gabriel Díaz, Rosario Gil, Manuel Castro:
Dynamic reconfiguration in FPAA for technical and nontechnical education in a global environment. 911-930 - Serpil Kocdar, Aras Bozkurt, Tülay Görü Dogan:
Engineering through distance education in the time of the fourth industrial revolution: Reflections from three decades of peer reviewed studies. 931-949 - Sezan Sezgin, Nese Sevim-Cirak:
The role of MOOCs in engineering education: An exploratory systematic review of peer-reviewed literature. 950-968 - Halil Kayaduman:
Student interactions in a flipped classroom-based undergraduate engineering statistics course. 969-978
Volume 29, Number 5, September 2021
- Marco Wirtz, Peter Remmen, Dirk Müller:
EHDO: A free and open-source webtool for designing and optimizing multi-energy systems based on MILP. 983-993 - Nenad Jovanovic, Dragisa Miljkovic, Srecko Stamenkovic, Zoran Jovanovic, Pinaki Chakraborty:
Teaching concepts related to finite automata using ComVis. 994-1006 - Ravi Singhal, Adarsh Kumar, Harvinder Singh, Stephanie Fuller, Sukhpal Singh Gill:
Digital device-based active learning approach using virtual community classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic. 1007-1033 - David Insa, Sergio Pérez, Josep Silva, Salvador Tamarit:
Semiautomatic generation and assessment of Java exercises in engineering education. 1034-1050 - Majid Niazkar:
An Excel VBA-based educational module for bed roughness predictors. 1051-1060 - Zhazira Berkinova, Assiya Yermukhambetova, Boris Golman:
Simulation of flow properties of differently shaped particles using the discrete element method. 1061-1070 - Hüseyin Pehlivan, Celal Atalar, Sultan Zavrak:
Development and implementation of an analysis tool for direct current electrical circuits. 1071-1086 - Angel Martín Costa, Rebeca Bouzón, Diego Vergara, Manuel Pita:
Learning improvement of equipment operation by low-cost personalized simulators to particular industrial installations. 1087-1096 - Baichang Zhong, Siya Kang, Zehui Zhan:
Investigating the effect of reverse engineering pedagogy in K-12 robotics education. 1097-1111 - Ana M. R. Pasandín, Ignacio P. Pérez:
Developing theory from practice: A case study in civil engineering airport design problem-based learning. 1112-1131 - Maja Videnovik, Elena Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Vladimir Trajkovik:
To code or not to code: Introducing coding in primary schools. 1132-1145 - Hwang Yi:
Robotics application for the advanced integration of design and technology in architecture. 1146-1162 - Jianwei Yang, Fu Liu, Jinhai Wang, Ziming Kou, Aihua Zhu, Dechen Yao:
Effect of virtual reality technology on the teaching of urban railway vehicle engineering. 1163-1175 - Haosong Yue, Jinyu Miao, Jinqing Zhang, Changbo Fan, Dong Xu:
Simulation for senior undergraduate education of robot engineering based on Webots. 1176-1190 - Benjamin Knoke, Klaus-Dieter Thoben:
Training simulators for manufacturing processes: Literature review and systematisation of applicability factors. 1191-1207 - Alberto Sánchez, Angel de Castro, Jorge Benedicto, Maria Sofia Martinez-Garcia:
Universal fixed-point digital controller for control theory studies. 1208-1222 - Qi Huang, Xinhao Xu, Jian Li, Zhenyuan Zhang, Weihao Hu:
A simulation and experiment coassisted learning platform for understanding electromagnetic interaction in a smart grid. 1223-1233 - Haïdar A. M. Deenmahomed, Micheal M. Didier, Roopesh Kevin Sungkur:
The future of university education: Examination, transcript, and certificate system using blockchain. 1234-1256 - Andrés Suárez-García, Elena Arce-Fariña, María Álvarez Hernández, Milagros Fernández Gavilanes:
Teaching structural analysis theory with Jupyter Notebooks. 1257-1266 - Seyyedmeysam Seyyedbarzegar, Masume Khodsuz:
Surge arrester operation investigation in low- and high-current regions using MATLAB GUI: Implementing an educational goal for undergraduate students. 1267-1283 - Francisco de Assis Zampirolli, João Marcelo Borovina Josko, Mirtha L. F. Venero, Guiou Kobayashi, Francisco J. Fraga, Denise H. Goya, Heitor R. Savegnago:
An experience of automated assessment in a large-scale introduction programming course. 1284-1299 - Hao Liu, Shuhao Xu, Shenglan Liu:
An online course mode based on microlecture videos: Using CAD geometric modeling course as an example. 1300-1311 - Chen Yuxuan, Rogéria Cristiane Gratão de Souza, Allan G. Contessoto, Anderson R. Amorim:
Guidelines for the development of educational games to motivate the learning of theoretical concepts in Engineering and Computing courses. 1312-1323 - Keshav Singh Rawat, Sandeep K. Sood:
Knowledge mapping of computer applications in education using CiteSpace. 1324-1339 - Marta E. Zorrilla Pantaleón, Diego García-Saiz, Alfonso de la Vega:
Fostering study time outside class using gamification strategies: An experimental study at tertiary-level database courses. 1340-1357 - Jose. M. Cabrera-Peña, Eduardo Quevedo, Himar Fabelo, Samuel Ortega, Gustavo Marrero Callicó, Alberto Zapatera Llinares:
Influence of the change of methodology in the practical laboratories of the power electronics subject. 1358-1371 - Stijn François, Mattias Schevenels, David Dooms, Miche Jansen, Jef Wambacq, Geert Lombaert, Geert Degrande, Guido De Roeck:
Stabil: An educational Matlab toolbox for static and dynamic structural analysis. 1372-1389 - Stefan Tubic, Milos Cvetanovic, Zaharije Radivojevic, Sasa Stojanovic:
Annotated functional decomposition. 1390-1402 - Pin Lv, Xiaoxin Wang, Jia Xu, Junbin Wang:
Intelligent personalised exercise recommendation: A weighted knowledge graph-based approach. 1403-1419
- Wen Huang, Rod D. Roscoe:
Head-mounted display-based virtual reality systems in engineering education: A review of recent research. 1420-1435
Volume 29, Number 6, November 2021
- Mengying Hu, Junpeng Ji, Jiandong Duan, Qian Wang:
Distributed wind power virtual simulation experiment system for cultivating the ability to solve complex engineering problems. 1441-1452 - Pedro Rinaldo Chaves, Raphael M. Assumpção, Luiz Carlos Branquinho Caixeta Ferreira, Paulo Cardieri, Omar Carvalho Branquinho, Fabiano Fruett:
A remote emulation environment for the teaching of low-power wireless communications. 1453-1464 - Chandan Dasgupta, Alejandra J. Magana, Lisa Kirkham:
Investigating teachers' enactment of engineering design practices in a CAD simulation-enhanced learning environment. 1465-1479 - Faridoun A. M. Allawi:
Educational interactive LabVIEW simulations of field hydraulic conductivity tests below water table. 1480-1488 - Óscar Fresnedo, Francisco Laport, Paula Maria Castro, Adriana Dapena:
Educational graphic tool for teaching fundamentals of digital image representation. 1489-1504 - Pedro C. Lopes, Rafael Lopez Rangel, Luiz Fernando Martha:
An interactive user interface for a structural analysis software using computer graphics techniques in MATLAB. 1505-1525 - Kanika Kanika, Shampa Chakraverty, Pinaki Chakraborty, Manan Madan, Gaurav Gupta, Aditya Aggarwal:
VISTA: A teaching aid to enhance contextual teaching. 1526-1541 - Claudia Roman, Miguel A. Delgado, Moisés García-Morales:
Socrative, a powerful digital tool for enriching the teaching-learning process and promoting interactive learning in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering studies. 1542-1553 - Gaojia Zhu, Longnv Li, Ming Xue, Tao Liu:
An effective educational tool for straightforward learning of numerical modeling in engineering electromagnetics. 1554-1566 - Yoselyn Walsh, Alejandra J. Magana, Hector Will, Tugba Yuksel, Lynn Bryan, Edward J. Berger, Bedrich Benes:
A learner-centered approach for designing visuohaptic simulations for conceptual understanding of truss structures. 1567-1588 - Housam Binous, Khalifa Mejbri, Ahmed Bellagi:
Application of graduate-level numerical tools to teach phase equilibria of liquid ternary systems. 1589-1601 - Nilima Salankar, Deepika Koundal, Yu-Chen Hu:
Impact on the personality of engineering students based on project-based learning. 1602-1616 - Nikola Luburic, Jelena Slivka, Goran Sladic, Gordana Milosavljevic:
The challenges of migrating an active learning classroom online in a crisis. 1617-1641 - Lino Sousa, André Rocha, Mário Alves, Francisco Pereira:
Revisiting the nodal voltage method for both human comprehension and software implementation: Towards a teaching/self-learning simulation tool. 1642-1664 - Eduardo Corral, María J. Gómez García, Efrén Díez-Jiménez, Pedro Manuel Moreno-Marcos, Cristina Castejón Sisamon:
Improving the learning of engineering students with interactive teaching applications. 1665-1674 - Shirong Zhang, Yuling Tang:
A configurable evaluation system for PLC experiments deployed on cloud. 1675-1690 - Ana Vázquez, Laura Briones, Victoria Morales, José Iglesias, Gabriel Morales, Jose M. Escola:
Determination of the optimal distillation sequence of a ternary mixture incorporating heat integration by means of Microsoft Excel Solver. 1691-1701 - Xinrun Chen, Hengxin Chen, Songtao Guo, Jie Li, Jie Zhang, Zihao Li:
A virtual reality experiment system for an introductory computer hardware course. 1702-1717 - Saadeh Sweidan, Sarah S. Abu Laban, Njood A. Alnaimat, Khalid A. Darabkh:
SIAAA-C: A student interactive assistant android application with chatbot during COVID-19 pandemic. 1718-1742 - Andrés Honrubia-Escribano, Raquel Villena-Ruiz, Estefania Artigao, Emilio Gómez-Lázaro, Ana Morales:
Advanced teaching method for learning power system operation based on load flow simulations. 1743-1756 - Jinsong Tao, Wangwei Gan, Shuhan Fang, Yamin Liu, Xiaoxing Zhang, Xishan Wen:
A MATLAB GUI teaching application for ferroresonance simulation. 1757-1770 - Sokkeang Try, Kriengsak Panuwatwanich, Ganchai Tanapornraweekit, Manop Kaewmoracharoen:
Virtual reality application to aid civil engineering laboratory course: A multicriteria comparative study. 1771-1792 - J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide:
A unified framework to experiment with algorithm optimality and efficiency. 1793-1810 - Shubham Gargrish, Deepti Prit Kaur, Archana Mantri, Gurjinder Singh, Bhanu Sharma:
Measuring effectiveness of augmented reality-based geometry learning assistant on memory retention abilities of the students in 3D geometry. 1811-1824 - Xuefen Lin, Yanghui Ma, Weifeng Ma, Yang Liu, Wei Tang:
Using peer code review to improve computational thinking in a blended learning environment: A randomized control trial. 1825-1835 - Chinedu J. Okere, Guandong Su, Xun Gu, Beiyu Han, Chengwei Tan:
An integrated numerical visualization teaching approach for an undergraduate course, Flow in Porous Media: An attempt toward sustainable engineering education. 1836-1856 - Pedro Piqueras, Joaquín de la Morena, Pau Bares, Enrique J. Sanchis:
Case study-based learning using a computational tool to improve the understanding of the jet engine cycle for aerospace engineering degree students. 1857-1870 - Mamoona Tasadduq, Muhammad Salman Khan, Rao M. A. Nawab, M. Hassan Jamal, Muhammad Tayyab Chaudhry:
Exploring the effects of gamification on students with rote learning background while learning computer programming. 1871-1891 - Noemí Merayo, Juan Carlos Aguado, Ignacio de Miguel, Ramón J. Durán, Patricia Fernández, Rubén M. Lorenzo, Evaristo J. Abril:
A testbed and a simulation laboratory for training engineering students in optical access network technologies. 1892-1910 - Youngmin Kim, Minjeong Lee:
Development of an unfolding model of procedures for programming learning of novice programmers. 1911-1930
- Guillermo Rodríguez, Pablo C. González-Caino, Santiago Resett:
Serious games for teaching agile methods: A review of multivocal literature. 1931-1949
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