HPCC/CSS/ICESS 2014: Paris, France

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IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2014)

HPCC DAr 1: Distributed Architecture

HPCC DAr 2: Distributed Architecture

HPCC DAl 1: Distributed Algorithms

HPCC DAl 2: Distributed Algorithms

HPCC DAl 3: Distributed Algorithms

HPCC DAl 4: Distributed Algorithms

HPCC DAl 5: Distributed Algorithms

HPCC DAl 6: Distributed Algorithms

HPCC CCWS 1: Cloud Computing and Web Services

HPCC CCWS 2: Cloud Computing and Web Services

HPCC CCWS 3: Cloud Computing and Web Services

HPCC CCWS 4: Cloud Computing and Web Services

HPCC CCWS 5: Cloud Computing and Web Services

HPCC SEC 1: Scientific and Engineering Computing

HPCC SEC 2: Scientific and Engineering Computing

HPCC SEC 3: Scientific and Engineering Computing

HPCC SEC 4: Scientific and Engineering Computing

HPCC DAT 1: Distributed Applications and Technologies

HPCC DAT 2: Distributed Applications and Technologies

HPCC DAT 3: Distributed Applications and Technologies

HPCC MCN 1: Mobile Computing and Networking

HPCC MCN 2: Mobile Computing and Networking

HPCC MCN 3: Mobile Computing and Networking

HPCC MCN 4: Mobile Computing and Networking

HPCC SCUC 1: Security, Collaborative and Ubiquitous Computing

HPCC SCUC 2: Security, Collaborative and Ubiquitous Computing

IEEE International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems (ICESS 2014)

ICESS 1: Energy Measurement and Management

ICESS 2: Platforms and Systems

ICESS 3: Architecture and Systems

ICESS 4: Real-Time Scheduling

ICESS 5: Network Protocols

ICESS 6: Hardware/Software Co-Design

ICESS 7: Energy-Efficient Scheduling and Resource

ICESS 8: System on Chip (SoC) and Multicore Systems

ICESS 9: Embedded OS

ICESS 10: Hardware/Software Co-Design

ICESS 11: Embedded Security

The 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security (CSS 2014)

CSS 1: Full Paper Track



CSS 4: Short Paper Track



AHPCN: 6th International Symposium on Advances of High Performance Computing and Networking

Archi: First International Workshop on Computing System Architectures

ALG&MOD: First International Workshop on Algorithmic and Modeling

App: First International Workshop on HPC Applications

AMDA: First International Workshop on Advances in Memory and Data Access

O&S: First International Workshop on Optimization and Scheduling

M2M2: 6th International Workshop on Multicore and Multithreaded Architectures and Algorithms

WCT: First International Workshop on Cloud Technologies

GPU: First International Workshop on Graphical Processing Unit

WNet: Workshop on Wireless Network Technologies

PPCSS: 6th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security Workshop

EMCA: Workshop on Embedded Multi-core Computing and Applications

ETD: First International Workshop on HPC-CFD in Energy/Transport Domains