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8th FG 2008: Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-19 September 2008. IEEE Computer Society 2008, ISBN 978-1-4244-2153-4
- Timothy C. Faltemier, Kevin W. Bowyer, Patrick J. Flynn:
Rotated Profile Signatures for robust 3D feature detection. 1-7
Facial expression recognition
- Lijun Yin, Xiaochen Chen, Yi Sun, Tony Worm, Michael Reale:
A high-resolution 3D dynamic facial expression database. 1-6 - Sungsoo Park, Daijin Kim:
Spontaneous facial expression classification with facial motion vectors. 1-6 - Sander Koelstra, Maja Pantic:
Non-rigid registration using free-form deformations for recognition of facial actions and their temporal dynamics. 1-8
Facial feature localization
- Minh Hoai Nguyen, Joan Perez, Fernando De la Torre:
Facial feature detection with optimal pixel reduction SVM. 1-6 - Tatsuo Kozakaya, Tomoyuki Shibata, Mayumi Yuasa, Osamu Yamaguchi:
Facial feature localization usingweighted vector concentration approach. 1-6 - Matthias Wimmer, Christoph Mayer, Bernd Radig:
Robustly classifying facial components using a set of adjusted pixel features. 1-6
Face Recognition
- Manuel Marques, João Paulo Costeira:
3D face recognition from multiple images: A shape-from-motion approach. 1-6 - Kwontaeg Choi, Hyeran Byun, Kar-Ann Toh:
A collaborative face recognition framework on a social network platform. 1-6 - Ajmal S. Mian:
Unsupervised learning from local features for video-based face recognition. 1-6 - Hyung-Soo Lee, Daijin Kim:
Illumination-robust face recognition using tensor-based active appearance model. 1-7 - M. Saquib Sarfraz, Olaf Hellwich:
Statistical appearance models for automatic pose invariant face recognition. 1-6
Demo Session 1 - Gaze and Facial Expression Analysis
- Stylianos Asteriadis, Paraskevi K. Tzouveli, Kostas Karpouzis, Stefanos D. Kollias:
A non-intrusive method for user focus of attention estimation in front of a computer monitor. 1-2 - Koichi Kinoshita, Shihong Lao:
A fast and robust 3D head pose and gaze estimation system. 1-2 - Christoph Mayer, Matthias Wimmer, Freek Stulp, Zahid Riaz, Anton Roth, Martin Eggers, Bernd Radig:
A real time system for model-based interpretation of the dynamics of facial expressions. 1-2 - Dragos Datcu, Léon J. M. Rothkrantz:
Automatic bi-modal emotion recognition system based on fusion of facial expressions and emotion extraction from speech. 1-2 - Marian Stewart Bartlett, Gwen Littlewort, Tingfan Wu, Javier R. Movellan:
Computer Expression Recognition Toolbox. 1-2 - Michel François Valstar, Simon Colton, Maja Pantic:
Emotionally aware automated portrait painting demonstration. 1-2 - Marten den Uyl, Hans van Kuilenburg, Paul Ivan, Menno Israël:
The looking back screens. 1-2 - Mayumi Yuasa, Osamu Yamaguchi:
Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection. 1-2
- Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Zerrin Kasap, Maher Ben Moussa:
Communicating with a virtual human or a skin-based robot head. 1-6
Active Appearance Models
- Minh Hoai Nguyen, Fernando De la Torre:
Learning image alignment without local minima for face detection and tracking. 1-7 - Jason M. Saragih, Simon Lucey, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Deformable Face Fitting with Soft Correspondence Constraints. 1-8 - Louis-Philippe Morency, Jacob Whitehill, Javier R. Movellan:
Generalized adaptive view-based appearance model: Integrated framework for monocular head pose estimation. 1-8
- Amit Pal:
Robust face tracking with occlusion detection and varying intensity. 1-6 - Yaser Sheikh, Ankur Datta, Takeo Kanade:
On the sustained tracking of human motion. 1-7
The Human Face and Aging: Classifying, Modeling, Synthesizing, and Building Robust Recognition Technologies
- Narayanan Ramanathan, Rama Chellappa:
Modeling shape and textural variations in aging faces. 1-8 - Unsang Park, Yiying Tong, Anil K. Jain:
Face recognition with temporal invariance: A 3D aging model. 1-7 - Andreas Lanitis:
Evaluating the performance of face-aging algorithms. 1-6 - John W. Carls, Richard A. Raines, Michael R. Grimaila, Steven K. Rogers:
Biometric enhancements: Template aging error score analysis. 1-8
Demo Session 2 - Face Recognition and Body Gesture Analysis
- John Wright, Arvind Ganesh, Zihan Zhou, Andrew Wagner, Yi Ma:
Demo: Robust face recognition via sparse representation. 1-2 - Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Mika Fischer, Hua Gao, Lorant Toth, Rainer Stiefelhagen:
Face recognition for smart interactions. 1-2 - Jochen Penne, Stefan Soutschek, Lukas Fedorowicz, Joachim Hornegger:
Robust real-time 3D time-of-flight based gesture navigation. 1-2 - Jeroen Lichtenauer, Gineke A. ten Holt, Emile A. Hendriks, Marcel J. T. Reinders, Abbie Vanhoutte, Irene Kamp, Jeroen Arendsen, Ans J. van Doorn, Huib de Ridder, Elmar Wenners, Mariëlle Elzenaar, Gerard Spaai, Connie Fortgens, Marjan Bruins:
A learning environment for sign language. 1-2 - Daniel Kelly, John McDonald, Charles Markham:
A system for teaching sign language using live gesture feedback. 1-2 - Stjepan Rajko, Gang Qian:
HMM parameter reduction for practical gesture recognition. 1-6
- Roddy Cowie:
Building the databases needed to understand rich, spontaneous human behaviour. 1-6
Human Action
- Mohiuddin Ahmad, Seong-Whan Lee:
Recognizing human actions based on silhouette energy image and global motion description. 1-6 - Lei Han, Wei Liang, Xinxiao Wu, Yunde Jia:
Human action recognition using discriminative models in the learned hierarchical manifold space. 1-6 - Chang Liu, Pong Chi Yuen:
Boosting EigenActions: A new algorithm for human action categorization. 1-6
Performance Evaluation
- Ralph Gross, Iain A. Matthews, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Takeo Kanade, Simon Baker:
Multi-PIE. 1-8 - J. Ross Beveridge, Geof H. Givens, P. Jonathon Phillips, Bruce A. Draper, Yui Man Lui:
Focus on quality, predicting FRVT 2006 performance. 1-8 - Brian Christopher Becker, Enrique G. Ortiz:
Evaluation of face recognition techniques for application to facebook. 1-6
Multi-Sensor HCI for Smart Environments
- Mannes Poel, Ronald Poppe, Anton Nijholt:
Meeting behavior detection in smart environments: Nonverbal cues that help to obtain natural interaction. 1-6 - Rainer Stiefelhagen, Keni Bernardin, Hazim Kemal Ekenel, Michael Voit:
Tracking identities and attention in smart environments - contributions and progress in the CHIL project. 1-8 - Hayley Hung, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
Identifying dominant people in meetings from audio-visual sensors. 1-6 - Christopher Richard Wren, Yuri A. Ivanov:
Ambient intelligence as the bridge to the future of pervasive computing. 1-6
Brains and Muscles: Learning about Facial Expressions and Gestures using EMG and EEG Measurements
- Marco Tamietto, Béatrice de Gelder:
Emotional contagion for unseen bodily expressions: Evidence from facial EMG. 1-5 - Philippe G. Schyns, Lucy S. Petro, Marie L. Smith:
Inverse mapping the neuronal correlates of facial expression processing. 1-5 - Sebastian Korb, Didier Grandjean, Klaus R. Scherer:
Investigating the production of emotional facial expressions: a combined electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) approach. 1-6 - Ashish Kapoor, Desney S. Tan, Pradeep Shenoy, Eric Horvitz:
Complementary computing for visual tasks: Meshing computer vision with human visual processing. 1-7
- Pia Breuer, Kwang In Kim, Wolf Kienzle, Bernhard Schölkopf, Volker Blanz:
Automatic 3D face reconstruction from single images or video. 1-8 - Fadi Dornaika, Franck Davoine:
Simultaneous tracking and facial expression recognition using multiperson and multiclass autoregressive models. 1-6 - Nick E. Pears:
RBF shape histograms and their application to 3D face processing. 1-8 - Bhaskar Chakraborty, Ognjen Rudovic, Jordi Gonzàlez:
View-invariant human-body detection with extension to human action recognition using component-wise HMM of body parts. 1-6 - Hao Tang, Thomas S. Huang:
3D facial expression recognition based on properties of line segments connecting facial feature points. 1-6 - Ognjen Arandjelovic, Roberto Cipolla:
Colour invariants for machine face recognition. 1-8 - Tomoyuki Mukasa, Arata Miyamoto, Shohei Nobuhara, Atsuto Maki, Takashi Matsuyama:
Complex human motion estimation using visibility. 1-6 - X. M. Tang, Jiansheng Chen, Yiu Sang Moon:
Towards more accurate 3D face registration under the guidance of prior anatomical knowledge on human faces. 1-6 - Vinod Pathangay, Sukhendu Das, Thomas Greiner:
Symmetry-based face pose estimation from a single uncalibrated view. 1-8 - César Fernández, Maria Asunción Vicente:
Face recognition using multiple interest point detectors and SIFT descriptors. 1-7 - Jin-Li Suo, Tianfu Wu, Song Chun Zhu, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Design sparse features for age estimation using hierarchical face model. 1-6 - Thuy Thi Nguyen, Nguyen Dang Binh, Horst Bischof:
An active boosting-based learning framework for real-time hand detection. 1-6 - Alice J. O'Toole, P. Jonathon Phillips, Abhijit Narvekar:
Humans versus algorithms: Comparisons from the Face Recognition Vendor Test 2006. 1-6 - Antonio Rama, Francesc Tarres, Lutz Goldmann, Thomas Sikora:
More robust face recognition by considering occlusion information. 1-6 - Jiali Zhao, Yaping Huang, Siwei Luo, Mei Tian, Qi Zou:
Face recognition with Neighboring Discriminant Analysis. 1-6 - Anton Nijholt, Ronald Poppe:
Facial and bodily expressions for control and adaptation of games (ECAG'08). 1-2 - Akihiro Kobayashi, Junji Satake, Takatsugu Hirayama, Hiroaki Kawashima, Takashi Matsuyama:
Person-independent face tracking based on dynamic AAM selection. 1-8 - Gina Shroff, Peter Gerhardstein, Lijun Yin:
Children's sensitivity to configural cues in faces undergoing rotational motion. 1-6 - He Li, José Miguel Buenaposada, Luis Baumela:
Real-time facial expression recognition with illumination-corrected image sequences. 1-6 - Bin Fan, Zhen Lei, Stan Z. Li:
Normalized LDA for semi-supervised learning. 1-6 - Jacob Whitehill, Javier R. Movellan:
Personalized facial attractiveness prediction. 1-7 - Iordanis Mpiperis, Sotiris Malassiotis, Michael G. Strintzis:
Bilinear elastically deformable models with application to 3D face and facial expression recognition. 1-8 - Junyeong Yang, Hyeran Byun:
Multi Subspaces Active Appearance Models. 1-6 - Yi Sun, Michael Reale, Lijun Yin:
Recognizing partial facial action units based on 3D dynamic range data for facial expression recognition. 1-8 - Ziheng Zhou, Samuel Chindaro, Farzin Deravi:
Non-linear fusion of local matching scores for face verification. 1-6 - Nathan Faggian, Andrew P. Paplinski, Jamie Sherrah:
3D Morphable Model fitting from multiple views. 1-6 - Jonghwa Kim, Johannes Wagner, Matthias Rehm, Elisabeth André:
Bi-channel sensor fusion for automatic sign language recognition. 1-6 - Heung-Il Suk, Bong-Kee Sin, Seong-Whan Lee:
Recognizing hand gestures using dynamic Bayesian network. 1-6 - Sascha Schreiber, Gerhard Rigoll:
Omni-directional multiperson tracking in meeting scenarios combining simulated annealing and particle filtering. 1-6 - Luigi Cinque, Marco Cupelli, Enver Sangineto:
Fast viewpoint-invariant articulated hand detection combining curve and graph matching. 1-6 - Victor Erukhimov, Kuang-chih Lee:
A bottom-up framework for robust facial feature detection. 1-6 - Junxia Gu, Xiaoqing Ding, Shengjin Wang, Youshou Wu:
Adaptive particle filter with body part segmentation for full body tracking. 1-6 - Jeroen Arendsen, Jeroen Lichtenauer, Gineke A. ten Holt, Andrea J. van Doorn, Emile A. Hendriks:
Acceptability ratings by humans and automatic gesture recognition for variations in sign productions. 1-6 - John Darby, Baihua Li, Nicholas Costen:
Tracking a walking person using activity-guided annealed particle filtering. 1-6 - Jane Reilly Delannoy, John McDonald:
Automatic estimation of the dynamics of facial expression using a three-level model of intensity. 1-6 - Bangpeng Yao, Haizhou Ai, Shihong Lao:
Person-specific face recognition in unconstrained environments: a combination of offline and online learning. 1-8 - Zhen Lei, Shengcai Liao, Ran He, Matti Pietikäinen, Stan Z. Li:
Gabor volume based local binary pattern for face representation and recognition. 1-6 - En-Wei Huang, Li-Chen Fu:
Gesture stroke recognition using computer vision and linear accelerometer. 1-6 - Hui Fang, Nicholas Costen, David Cristinacce, John Darby:
3D facial geometry recovery via group-wise optical flow. 1-6 - Abdul Sattar, Renaud Séguier:
MVAAM (multi-view active appearance model) optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm. 1-8 - Nese Alyüz, Berk Gökberk, Hamdi Dibeklioglu, Lale Akarun:
Component-based registration with curvature descriptors for expression insensitive 3d face recognition. 1-6 - Neva Cherniavsky, Richard E. Ladner, Eve A. Riskin:
Activity detection in conversational sign language video for mobile telecommunication. 1-6 - B. J. Boom, Luuk J. Spreeuwers, Raymond N. J. Veldhuis:
Model-based reconstruction for illumination variation in face images. 1-6 - Yui Man Lui, J. Ross Beveridge, Bruce A. Draper, Michael Kirby:
Image-set matching using a geodesic distance and cohort normalization. 1-6 - Michela Goffredo, Richard D. Seely, John N. Carter, Mark S. Nixon:
Markerless view independent gait analysis with self-camera calibration. 1-6 - Pedro Martins, Jorge P. Batista:
Accurate single view model-based head pose estimation. 1-6 - Ioannis A. Kakadiaris, H. Abdelmunim, W. Yang, Theoharis Theoharis:
Profile-based face recognition. 1-8 - Chunghoon Kim, Matthew A. Turk, Chong-Ho Choi:
Biased discriminant analysis using composite vectors for eye detection. 1-6 - Bong-Nam Kang, Daijin Kim, Hyeran Byun:
An efficient and accurate hierarchical ICIA fitting method for 3D Morphable Models. 1-6 - Brian Amberg, Reinhard Knothe, Thomas Vetter:
Expression invariant 3D face recognition with a Morphable Model. 1-6 - Hyoung-Soo Lee, Sungsoo Park, Bong-Nam Kang, Jongju Shin, Juyoung Lee, Hong-Mo Je, Bongjin Jun, Daijin Kim:
The POSTECH face database (PF07) and performance evaluation. 1-6 - Tommaso Gritti, Caifeng Shan, Vincent Jeanne, Ralph Braspenning:
Local features based facial expression recognition with face registration errors. 1-8 - Hu Han, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Illumination transfer using homomorphic wavelet filtering and its application to light-insensitive face recognition. 1-6 - Ming Zhao, Jay Yagnik, Hartwig Adam, David Bau:
Large scale learning and recognition of faces in web videos. 1-7 - Bart Kroon, Sabri Boughorbel, Alan Hanjalic:
Accurate eye localization in low and standard definition content. 1-6 - Davrondzhon Gafurov, Einar Snekkenes:
Towards understanding the uniqueness of gait biometric. 1-8 - Sang-Il Choi, Chong-Ho Choi, Gu-Min Jeong:
Pixel selection in a face image based on discriminant features for face recognition. 1-6 - William A. P. Smith, Edwin R. Hancock:
Recovering face shape and reflectance properties from single images. 1-8 - Claudia Cruz, Luis Enrique Sucar, Eduardo F. Morales:
Real-time face recognition for human-robot interaction. 1-6 - Zhipeng Zhao, Ahmed M. Elgammal:
Spatiotemporal pyramid representation for recognition of facial expressions and hand gestures. 1-6 - Markus Storer, Martin Urschler, Horst Bischof, Josef A. Birchbauer:
Classifier fusion for robust ICAO compliant face analysis. 1-8 - Wallace E. Lawson, Zoran Duric, Harry Wechsler:
Gait Analysis using Independent Components of image motion. 1-6 - Fang Fang, Zhiguo Ma, Laiyun Qing, Jun Miao, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Face reconstruction using fixation positions and foveated imaging. 1-6 - Xuesong Zhang, Silong Peng, Jing Jiang:
An adaptive learning method for face hallucination using Locality Preserving Projections. 1-8 - Imed Bouchrika, Mark S. Nixon:
Exploratory factor analysis of gait recognition. 1-6 - Jacob Whitehill, Javier R. Movellan:
A discriminative approach to frame-by-frame head pose tracking. 1-7 - I. Castelli, Marco Maggini, Stefano Melacci, Lorenzo Sarti:
Auto Associative Neural Network based Active Shape Models. 1-6 - Jobany Rodriguez, Heather Bortfeld, Ricardo Gutierrez-Osuna:
Reducing the other-race effect through caricatures. 1-5 - G. Eliezer Quintana, Luis Enrique Sucar, Gildardo Azcárate, Ron S. Leder:
Qualification of arm gestures using hidden Markov models. 1-6 - Bangpeng Yao, Haizhou Ai, Shihong Lao:
Logit-RankBoost with pruning for face recognition. 1-8 - Annan Li, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Xiujuan Chai, Wen Gao:
Recovering 3D facial shape via coupled 2D/3D space learning. 1-6 - Rogério Schmidt Feris, Ying-li Tian, Yun Zhai, Arun Hampapur:
Facial image analysis using local feature adaptation prior to learning. 1-6 - Weilong Yang, Dong Yi, Zhen Lei, Jitao Sang, Stan Z. Li:
2D-3D face matching using CCA. 1-6 - Hongjun Jia, Aleix M. Martínez:
Face recognition with occlusions in the training and testing sets. 1-6 - Qian Chen, Kazuyuki Masada, Haiyuan Wu, Toshikazu Wada:
Training high dimension ternary features with GA in boosting cascade detector for object detection. 1-6 - Christian Martin, Uwe Werner, Horst-Michael Gross:
A real-time facial expression recognition system based on Active Appearance Models using gray images and edge images. 1-6 - Desmond Chik, Jochen Trumpf, Nicol N. Schraudolph:
Using an adaptive VAR Model for motion prediction in 3D hand tracking. 1-8 - Jae Young Choi, Yong Man Ro, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis:
Feature subspace determination in video-based mismatched face recognition. 1-6 - Antony Lam, Christian R. Shelton:
Face recognition and alignment using support vector machines. 1-6 - Bingpeng Ma, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen, Wen Gao:
Discriminant analysis for perceptionally comparable classes. 1-6 - Ran He, Zhen Lei, Xiaotong Yuan, Stan Z. Li:
Regularized active shape model for shape alignment. 1-6 - Frank E. Pollick, Aina Puce:
Workshop on psychology of face and gesture recognition. 1 - Robert Niese, Ayoub Al-Hamadi, Faisal Aziz, Bernd Michaelis:
Robust facial expression recognition based on 3-d supported feature extraction and SVM classification. 1-7 - Matteo Sorci, Jean-Philippe Thiran, Javier Cruz, Thomas Robin, Michel Bierlaire:
Modelling human perception of static facial expressions. 1-8 - Md. Atiqur Rahman Ahad, Takehito Ogata, Joo Kooi Tan, Hyoungseop Kim, Seiji Ishikawa:
Motion recognition approach to solve overwriting in complex actions. 1-6 - Kuang-chih Lee, Dragomir Anguelov, Baris Sumengen, Salih Burak Göktürk:
Markov random field models for hair and face segmentation. 1-6 - Giovanna Varni, Antonio Camurri, Paolo Coletta, Gualtiero Volpe:
Emotional entrainment in music performance. 1-5 - Takafumi Ito, Takeo Kanade:
Predicting driver operations inside vehicles. 1-6 - Masaki Ishii, Kazuhito Sato, Hirokazu Madokoro, Makoto Nishida:
Generation of emotional feature space based on topological characteristics of facial expression images. 1-6 - Takumi Kobayashi, Fumito Yoshikawa, Nobuyuki Otsu:
Motion image segmentation using global criteria and DP. 1-6 - Ying Wang, Chunhong Pan, Haitao Wang:
Multimodal preserving embedding for face recognition. 1-6 - Philippe Dreuw, Jens Forster, Thomas Deselaers, Hermann Ney:
Efficient approximations to model-based joint tracking and recognition of continuous sign language. 1-6 - Mayumi Yuasa, Osamu Yamaguchi:
Real-time face blending by automatic facial feature point detection. 1-6 - Ming Zhao, Tat-Seng Chua:
Markovian mixture face recognition with discriminative face alignment. 1-6 - Oya Çeliktutan, Hatice Çinar Akakin, Bülent Sankur:
Multi-attribute robust facial feature localization. 1-6 - Yuxiao Hu, Zhihong Zeng, Lijun Yin, Xiaozhou Wei, Xi Zhou, Thomas S. Huang:
Multi-view facial expression recognition. 1-6 - Ronald Poppe, Mannes Poel:
Discriminative human action recognition using pairwise CSP classifiers. 1-6 - Chang-Beom Park, Myung-Cheol Roh, Seong-Whan Lee:
Real-time 3D pointing gesture recognition in mobile space. 1-6 - Dan Yu, Terence Sim:
Using targeted statistics for face regeneration. 1-8 - Jeroen Lichtenauer, Emile A. Hendriks, Marcel J. T. Reinders:
Learning to recognize a sign from a single example. 1-6 - Zihan Zhou, Arvind Ganesh, John Wright, Shen-Fu Tsai, Yi Ma:
Nearest-Subspace Patch Matching for face recognition under varying pose and illumination. 1-8 - Chiraz BenAbdelkader, Yaser Yacoob:
Statistical body height estimation from a single image. 1-7 - Javier Orozco, Ognjen Rudovic, F. Xavier Roca, Jordi Gonzàlez:
Confidence assessment on eyelid and eyebrow expression recognition. 1-8 - John A. Ruiz-Hernandez, Augustin Lux, James L. Crowley:
Face detection by cascade of Gaussian derivates classifiers calculated with a half-octave pyramid. 1-6 - Masahide Naemura, Masaki Takahashi, Mahito Fujii, Nobuyuki Yagi:
A method of multi-factorization for recognizing emotions from gestures. 1-8 - Corey Manders, Farzam Farbiz, Jyh Herng Chong, Ka Yin Tang, Gim Guan Chua, Mei Hwan Loke, Miaolong Yuan:
Robust hand tracking using a skin tone and depth joint probability model. 1-6 - Xiao Fan, Yanfeng Sun, Baocai Yin:
Multi-scale dynamic human fatigue detection with feature level fusion. 1-6 - W. W. Kong, Surendra Ranganath:
Automatic hand trajectory segmentation and phoneme transcription for sign language. 1-6 - Alex Holub, Pierre Moreels, Pietro Perona:
Unsupervised clustering for google searches of celebrity images. 1-8 - Tan Dat Nguyen, Surendra Ranganath:
Tracking facial features under occlusions and recognizing facial expressions in sign language. 1-7 - Matthias Wimmer, Shinya Fujie, Freek Stulp, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Bernd Radig:
An ASM fitting method based on machine learning that provides a robust parameter initialization for AAM fitting. 1-6 - Feng Zhou, Fernando De la Torre, Jessica K. Hodgins:
Aligned Cluster Analysis for temporal segmentation of human motion. 1-7 - Junchen Shang, Ye Liu, Xiaolan Fu:
Dominance modulates the effects of eye gaze on the perception of threatening facial expressions. 1-6 - Kaustubh Kalgaonkar, Bhiksha Raj:
Recognizing talking faces from acoustic Doppler reflections. 1-6 - Ulrich von Agris, Moritz Knorr, Karl-Friedrich Kraiss:
The significance of facial features for automatic sign language recognition. 1-6 - Josef Kittler, David Windridge, Debaditya Goswami:
Subsurface scattering deconvolution for improved NIR-visible facial image correlation. 1-6
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