CVPR 2007: Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA

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Oral session 1A: Matching and Features

Oral session 1B: Motion Segmentation and Tracking

Posters: Learning and Pattern Recognition 1

Posters: Optical Flow and Tracking 1

Posters: Sensing, Photometrics, and Image Processing 1

Posters: Segmentation 1

Posters: Shape 1

Posters: Navigation and SLAM

Oral session 2A: Enhancement 1: Blur and Resolution

Oral session 2B: Medical

Posters: Learning and Pattern Recognition 2

Posters: Recognition and Detection 1

Posters: Faces and Biometrics 1

Posters: Geometry and Structure-From-Motion 1

Posters: Surveillance and Change Detection

Graphics and Computational Photography

Oral session 3A: Learning and Shape

Oral session 3B: 3D and Geometry

Oral session 1: Recognition, Learning, and Optimization

Posters: Learning and Pattern Recognition 3

Posters: Faces and Biometrics 2

Posters: Geometry and Structure-From-Motion 2

Posters: Features, Regions, and Boundaries

Posters: Body Tracking, Gait, and Gesture 1

Posters: Medical Imaging 1

Oral session 2: 3D/Graphics

Posters: Recognition and Detection 2

Posters: 3D Reconstruction and Processing 1

Posters: Retrieval and Search 1

Posters: Optical Flow and Tracking 2

Posters: Shape 2

Posters: Stereo 2

Oral session 3: Detection/Matching/Tracking

Oral session 1A: Search and Optimization

Oral session 1B: Physics

Posters: Sensing, Photometrics, and Image Processing 2

Posters: Retrieval and Search 2

Posters: Segmentation 2

Posters: Optical Flow and Tracking 3

Posters: Stereo 2

Posters: Document Processing

Posters: Miscellaneous Applications

Oral session 2A: Enhancement 2: Noise

Oral session 2B: Handwriting and Faces

Posters: Recognition and Detection 3

Posters: Faces and Biometrics 3

Posters: 3D Reconstruction and Processing 2

Posters: Body Tracking, Gait, and Gesture 2

Posters: Medical Imaging 2 and Biologically Motivated

Oral session 3A: Shape and Boundaries

Oral session 3B: Multimodal and Sign Language

BenCOS 2007: Towards Benchmarking Automated Calibration, Orientation, and Surface Reconstruction from Images


Orientation / Evaluation


Surface reconstruction

BMG 2007: Beyond Multiview Geometry: Robust Estimation and Organization of Shapes from Multiple Cues

Shape Estimation

Shape Matching


Optimization and Sampling

2nd Beyond Patches Workshop: "Patches Everywhere"

IEEE Computer Society Workshop on Biometrics

Face recognition in video

Iris recognition

Security & privacy enhancement in biometrics


Fingerprint + hand geometry + palm

Behavioral Biometrics

Advances in face recognition

1st Workshop on Component Analysis Methods for Classification, Clustering, Modeling and Estimation Problems in Computer Vision

Composition and Factorization of Shape and Motion Features for Unsupervsied Clustering of Video Sequences

The Role of multi-linear constrained Factorization in Image Coding, Clustering and Visual Recognition

Algorithms for Nonrigid Factorization

3rd Workshop on Embedded Computer Vision

CVPR Workshop on Image Registration and Fusion

Online Learning for Classification Workshop

OTCVVS 2007: 4th Joint IEEE International Workshop on Object Tracking and Classification in and Beyond the Visible Spectrum

IEEE International Workshop on Projector-Camera Systems

SLAM 2007: 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Learning Applications in Multimedia

VS 2007: The Seventh International Workshop on Visual Surveillance

WMSC 2007: IEEE Workshop on Multimodal Sentient Computing: Sensors, Algorithms, and Systems