33rd COMPSAC 2009: Seattle, Washington, USA - Volume 1

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Location Based Services I (Privacy Protection in Location Based Services)

Location Based Services II (Privacy Protection in Location Based Services)

Software Evolution I (Software Architecture Development and Evaluation)

Testing I (Context-aware Software Analysis)

Testing II (Modularization, Composition and Reuse)

Testing III (Testing Economics, Models and Analysis)

Testing IV (Testing Theory, Methodology and Application)

Software Quality I (Software Quality Measurement, Modelling and Analysis)

Software Quality II (Software and Services Reliability Models)

Software Quality III (Software Quality Improvement Technique)

Social Networks I (Collaborative Networks)

Social Networks II (Trust and Contracting in Social Networks)

Embedded Systems I (Design and Verification of Embedded Systems)

Requirements Engineering I (Requirements Structure, Analysis, and Traceability)

Requirements Engineering II (Process Analysis and Service Management)

Security I (Security Analysis and Protection Techniques)

Security II (Intelligent Applications)

Software Architecture I (Software Architecture Development and Scheduling)

Software Architecture II (Software Architecture Specification and Analysis)

Software Architecture III (Analysis of Software Updates)

Mobile and Pervasive Computing I (RFID, Wireless Network and Services)

Mobile and Pervasive Computing II (Software Testing and Re-engineering)

Formal Methods (Formal Specification and Model Checking)

Best Practice

Education and Learning (Domain Specific Software Architecture Design)

Fast Abstracts I (Formal Methods, Software Tools, Robotics)

Fast Abstracts II (Software Engineering, MDA)

Doctoral Symposium