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Graphs and Combinatorics, Volume 38
Volume 38, Number 1, February 2022
- Ali Dehghan, Arash Ahadi:
On the Proper Arc Labeling of Directed Graphs. 1 - Sabrina X. M. Pang, Lun Lv, Xiaoming Deng:
Decomposition and Merging Algorithms for Noncrossing Forests. 2 - Mengya He, Shengjin Ji:
Note on Forcing Problem of Trees. 3 - Július Czap, Stanislav Jendrol', Tomás Madaras:
Facial Visibility in Edge Colored Plane Graphs. 4 - Maryam Shahsiah:
Ramsey Numbers of 5-Uniform Loose Cycles. 5 - Huijuan Yu, Baoyindureng Wu:
Admissible Property of Graphs in Terms of Radius. 6 - Ji-Hwan Jung:
Diameter of Io-Decomposable Riordan Graphs of the Bell Type. 7 - Jian-Bo Lv:
Planar Graphs Without Cycles of Length from 4 to 7 and Intersecting Triangles are DP-3-Colorable. 8 - Mansour J. Algefari:
Degree Condition for a Digraph to be Supereulerian. 9 - Beáta Bényi:
A Bijection for the Boolean Numbers of Ferrers Graphs. 10 - Martin Balko, Dániel Gerbner, Dong Yeap Kang, Younjin Kim, Cory Palmer:
Hypergraph Based Berge Hypergraphs. 11 - Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros, Eduardo Rivera-Campo, Ricardo Strausz:
On the Number of Heterochromatic Trees in Nice and Beautiful Colorings of Complete Graphs. 12 - Ruixia Wang:
A Note on Dominating Pair Degree Condition for Hamiltonian Cycles in Balanced Bipartite Digraphs. 13 - Shude Long, Han Ren:
Mean Color Numbers of Some Graphs. 14 - Zhengyu Guo, Dongdong Jia, Gengsheng Zhang:
Some Constructions of Quasi-strongly Regular Digraphs. 15 - Yoshihiro Asayama, Naoki Matsumoto:
Balanced Polychromatic 2-Coloring of Triangulations. 16 - Dean Crnkovic, Andrea Svob:
New Constructions of Divisible Design Cayley Graphs. 17 - Adrián Vázquez-Ávila:
On (1, C4) One-Factorization and Two Orthogonal (2, C4) One-Factorizations of Complete Graphs. 18 - Shu-Guang Guo, Rong Zhang:
The Sharp Upper Bounds on the Aα -Spectral Radius of C4-Free Graphs and Halin Graphs. 19 - Fangfang Zhang, Yaojun Chen:
The Ramsey Number of 3-Uniform Loose Path Versus Star. 20 - Wei Zhuang:
Super Domination in Trees. 21 - Tasuku Kubo, Ryuya Namba:
Monotonic Normalized Heat Diffusion for Regular Bipartite Graphs with Four Eigenvalues. 22 - Jeffrey A. Mudrock, Robert Piechota, Paul Shin, Tim Wagstrom:
Proportional 2-Choosability with a Bounded Palette. 23 - Vaidy Sivaraman, Daniel C. Slilaty:
The Family of Bicircular Matroids Closed Under Duality. 24 - Eshita Mazumdar, Rameez Raja:
Group-Annihilator Graphs Realised by Finite Abelian Groups and Its Properties. 25 - Mengya He, Shengjin Ji:
Correction to: Note on Forcing Problem of Trees. 26
Volume 38, Number 2, April 2022
- Flora C. Bowditch, Peter J. Dukes:
Local Balance in Graph Decompositions. 27 - Ammar Babikir, Michael A. Henning:
Triangles and (Total) Domination in Subcubic Graphs. 28 - David Gabai, Robert Meyerhoff, Andrew Yarmola:
The Two-Eyes Lemma: A Linking Problem for Table-Top Necklaces. 29 - Sebastian M. Cioaba, Himanshu Gupta:
On the Eigenvalues of Grassmann Graphs, Bilinear Forms Graphs and Hermitian Forms Graphs. 30 - Justus von Postel, Thomas Schweser, Michael Stiebitz:
Point Partition Numbers: Perfect Graphs. 31 - Min Feng, Xuanlong Ma, Huiling Xu:
Completeness-Resolvable Graphs. 32 - Zhenhua Lyu:
A Note on Extremal Digraphs Containing at Most t Walks of Length k with the Same Endpoints. 33 - Thanthony Kavaskar:
Beck's Coloring of Finite Product of Commutative Ring with Unity. 34 - Marián Klesc, Michal Stas, Jana Petrillová:
The Crossing Numbers of Join of Special Disconnected Graph on Five Vertices with Discrete Graphs. 35 - Adam S. Jobson, André E. Kézdy, Kevin G. Milans, Douglas B. West, D. Jacob Wildstrom:
Systems of Overlap Representation for Families of Intervals. 36 - Yuefeng Yang, Kaishun Wang:
Thick Weakly Distance-Regular Digraphs. 37 - A. Dileep, Jai Moondra, Amitabha Tripathi:
New Proofs for the Disjunctive Rado Number of the Equations x1-x2=a and x1-x2=b. 38 - Saeed Kosari, Zehui Shao, Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami, Mustapha Chellali, Rana Khoeilar, Hossein Karami:
Double Roman Domination in Graphs with Minimum Degree at Least Two and No C5-cycle. 39 - Lin-Peng Zhang, Ligong Wang, Jiale Zhou:
The Generalized Turán Number of Spanning Linear Forests. 40 - Anwita Bhowmik, Rupam Barman:
On a Paley-Type Graph on ℤn. 41 - Yaping Mao, Zhao Wang, Colton Magnant, Ingo Schiermeyer:
Ramsey and Gallai-Ramsey Number for Wheels. 42 - Lan Xiao:
Arc-Antipancyclic Hypertournament. 43 - Zill-e Hussnain, Muhammad Salman, Usman Ali:
On Maximal Det-Independent (Res-Independent) Sets in Graphs. 44 - Max Lind, Eugene Fiorini, Andrew Woldar:
On Properties of Pebble Assignment Graphs. 45 - Christopher Purcell, Joe Ryan, Zdenek Ryjácek, Mária Skyvová:
On Exclusive Sum Labellings of Hypergraphs. 46 - Guangzhou Chen, Wen Li, Ming Zhong, Bangying Xin:
On the Existence of Regular Sparse Anti-magic Squares of Odd Order. 47 - Yidong Sun, Qianqian Liu, Yanxin Liu:
Weighted Dyck Paths with Special Restrictions on the Levels of Valleys. 48 - Lele Liu, Haiying Shan, Changxiang He:
A Proof of a Conjecture on the Distance Spectral Radius and Maximum Transmission of Graphs. 49 - Gholamreza Abrishami, Michael A. Henning:
An Improved Upper Bound on the Independent Domination Number in Cubic Graphs of Girth at Least Six. 50 - Suresh Dara, Suchismita Mishra, Narayanan Narayanan, Zsolt Tuza:
Strong Edge Coloring of Cayley Graphs and Some Product Graphs. 51
Volume 38, Number 3, June 2022
- Arash Ahadi, Mohsen Mollahajiaghaei, Ali Dehghan:
On the Maximum Number of Non-attacking Rooks on a High-Dimensional Simplicial Chessboard. 52 - Chengyang Qian, Yaokun Wu, Yanzhen Xiong:
Cyclic arrangements with minimum modulo m winding numbers. 53 - Pierre Guillot:
Homogeneous Coherent Configurations from Spherical Buildings and Other Edge-Coloured Graphs. 54 - Jing Li, Yan Wang, Bo Hou, Weidong Gao, Suogang Gao:
Non-Bipartite Distance-Regular Graphs with Diameters 5, 6 and a Smallest Eigenvalue. 55 - Minjia Shi, Michael Kiermaier, Sascha Kurz, Patrick Solé:
Three-Weight Codes over Rings and Strongly Walk Regular Graphs. 56 - Emelie Curl, John L. Goldwasser, Joe Sampson, Michael Young:
The Polychromatic Number of Small Subsets of the Integers Modulo n. 57 - Reza Naserasr, Lan Anh Pham:
Complex and Homomorphic Chromatic Number of Signed Planar Simple Graphs. 58 - Zixuan Wang, Guangfeng Jiang:
Free Subarrangements of Shi Arrangements. 59 - Shi-Cai Gong, Li-Ping Zhang, Shao-Wei Sun:
On Bipartite Graphs Having Minimum Fourth Adjacency Coefficient. 60 - Fatemeh Hasiri, Igor Shinkar:
Meyniel Extremal Families of Abelian Cayley Graphs. 61 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Rocío Rojas-Monroy, Rocío Sánchez-López, Juana Imelda Villarreal-Valdés:
H-Cycles in H-Colored Multigraphs. 62 - Jian-Bo Lv, Jianxi Li, Xiaoxia Zhang:
On Strong Edge-Coloring of Claw-Free Subcubic Graphs. 63 - John Gimbel, André Kündgen, Michael Molloy:
Fractional Cocoloring of Graphs. 64 - Jonathan Cutler, J. D. Nir, A. J. Radcliffe:
Supersaturation for Subgraph Counts. 65 - Wuyang Sun, Fan Wang:
A Class of Cubic Graphs Satisfying Berge Conjecture. 66 - Wanfang Chen, Changhong Lu, Long-Tu Yuan:
Extremal Graphs for Two Vertex-Disjoint Copies of a Clique. 67 - Hangdi Chen, Changhong Lu, Qingjie Ye:
Generalized Power Domination in Claw-Free Regular Graphs. 68 - Xiaozheng Chen, Xueliang Li, Bo Ning:
Note on Rainbow Triangles in Edge-Colored Graphs. 69 - Fan Yang:
On Sufficient Conditions for Planar Graphs to be 5-Flexible. 70 - Zehui Shao, Seyed Mahmoud Sheikholeslami, Mustapha Chellali, Rana Khoeilar, Hossein Karami:
A proof of a conjecture on the paired-domination subdivision number. 71 - Liqiong Xu, Hong-Jian Lai, Yingzhi Tian, Murong Xu:
The Extremal Sizes of Arc-Maximal (k, l)-Digraphs. 72 - Saieed Akbari, Hossein Baktash, Amin Behjati, Afshin Behmaram, Mohammad Roghani:
Some Results on Dominating Induced Matchings. 73 - Zhihong He, Panpan Cheng, Yunshu Gao:
Disjoint Cycles of Different Lengths in 3-Regular Digraphs. 74 - Noor A'lawiah Abd Aziz, Michael A. Henning, Nader Jafari Rad, Hailiza Kamarulhaili:
Improved Bounds on the k-tuple (Roman) Domination Number of a Graph. 75 - Gunnar Brinkmann, Sara Chiers, Carol T. Zamfirescu:
On 2-Factors Splitting an Embedded Graph into Two Plane Graphs. 76 - Csilla Bujtás, Vesna Irsic, Sandi Klavzar:
Predominating a Vertex in the Connected Domination Game. 77 - Gábor N. Sárközy:
Improved Monochromatic Double Stars in Edge Colorings. 78 - Carl Johan Casselgren, Per Johansson, Klas Markström:
Avoiding and Extending Partial Edge Colorings of Hypercubes. 79 - Hongliang Lu, Xingxing Yu:
A Note on Exact Minimum Degree Threshold for Fractional Perfect Matchings. 80 - Mingyang Guo, Hongliang Lu:
Stability on Matchings in 3-Uniform Hypergraphs. 81 - Xiaotong Li, Xian'an Jin, Qi Yan:
The Ihara-Zeta Function and the Spectrum of the Join of Two Semi-Regular Bipartite Graphs. 82 - Derek Kitson, Stephen C. Power:
The Rigidity of Infinite Graphs II. 83 - Lin-Peng Zhang, Ligong Wang:
The Turán Numbers of Special Forests. 84 - Diego González-Moreno, Rangel Hernández-Ortiz, Bernardo Llano, Mika Olsen:
The Dichromatic Polynomial of a Digraph. 85 - Hebert Pérez-Rosés, Maria Bras-Amorós, José Miguel Serradilla-Merinero:
Greedy Routing in Circulant Networks. 86 - Christian Millichap, Fabian Salinas:
Embedding Grid Graphs on Surfaces. 87 - Julien Bensmail, Hervé Hocquard, Dimitri Lajou, Éric Sopena:
On a List Variant of the Multiplicative 1-2-3 Conjecture. 88 - Yushuang Fan, Zhiqi Wang, Yuefeng Yang:
Weakly Distance-Regular Digraphs of One Type of Arcs. 89 - Iain Beaton, Jason I. Brown:
On the Unimodality of Domination Polynomials. 90 - Jesper M. Møller:
Equivariant Euler Characteristics of Symplectic Buildings. 91 - Chenli Shen, Wensong Lin:
Fashion Game on Planar Graphs. 92 - Samir Shukla:
Neighborhood Complexes, Homotopy Test Graphs and an Application to Coloring of Product Graphs. 93 - Hortensia Galeana-Sánchez, Hugo Rincon Galeana, Ricardo Strausz:
H-Kernels by Walks. 94 - Atílio G. Luiz, C. N. Campos:
Neighbour-Distinguishing Labellings of Families of Graphs. 95 - Andrei Pavelescu, Elena Pavelescu:
An Infinite Family of Linklessly Embeddable Tutte-4-Connected Graphs. 96 - Mao-cheng Cai, Liying Kang:
Solution to a Forcible Version of a Graphic Sequence Problem. 97 - Bing Wang, Jian-Hua Yin:
A Note on the Turán Number of an Arbitrary Star Forest. 98 - Nazli Yazici Gözütok, Bahadir Özgür Güler:
Quadrilateral and Hexagonal Maps Corresponding to the Subgroups Γ 0(N) of the Modular Group. 99 - G. Arunkumar, Peter J. Cameron, Rajat Kanti Nath, Lavanya Selvaganesh:
Super Graphs on Groups, I. 100 - Jason O'Neill, Jacques Verstraëte:
A Note on k-Wise Oddtown Problems. 101 - Lilian Markenzon, Christina Fraga Esteves Maciel Waga:
The Scattering Number of Strictly Chordal Graphs: Linear Time Determination. 102 - Xuemei Zhang, Yaojun Chen, T. C. Edwin Cheng:
On the 3-Color Ramsey Numbers R(C4, C4, Wn). 103 - Eckhard Steffen, Isaak H. Wolf:
Even Factors in Edge-Chromatic-Critical Graphs with a Small Number of Divalent Vertices. 104
Volume 38, Number 4, August 2022
- Mengjiao Rao, Jianfeng Hou, Qinghou Zeng:
Odd Induced Subgraphs in Planar Graphs with Large Girth. 105 - Sarah E. Anderson, Kirsti Kuenzel, Douglas F. Rall:
On Well-Edge-Dominated Graphs. 106 - Lucas Ismaily Bezerra Freitas, Orlando Lee:
Some Results on Berge's Conjecture and Begin-End Conjecture. 107 - Yuzhen Qi, Zhilan Wang, Yunshu Gao, Jin Yan:
Cycle Extendability in Extended Tournaments. 108 - Peter J. Dukes, Joanna Niezen:
Constructions of Sarvate-Beam Group Divisible Designs. 109 - Gabriela Araujo, Nacho López:
On New Record Graphs Close to Bipartite Moore Graphs. 110 - Guillermo Durán, Nina Pardal, Martín D. Safe:
2-Nested Matrices: Towards Understanding the Structure of Circle Graphs. 111 - Heather M. Guarnera, Feodor F. Dragan, Arne Leitert:
Injective Hulls of Various Graph Classes. 112 - Haiyan Chen, Bojan Mohar:
The Sandpile Group of Polygon Rings and Twisted Polygon Rings. 113 - Peter J. Cameron, R. Raveendra Prathap, T. Tamizh Chelvam:
Subgroup Sum Graphs of Finite Abelian Groups. 114 - Jeffrey A. Mudrock:
A Deletion-Contraction Relation for the DP Color Function. 115 - Xiaoli Yuan, Weihua Yang:
On Generalized Turán Number of Two Disjoint Cliques. 116 - Seungsang Oh:
Dimer Coverings of 1-Slab Cubic Lattices. 117 - Kiyoshi Ando:
A Constructive Characterization of 4-Connected Graphs. 118 - Blas Fernández, Sanja Rukavina:
On the 2-Y-Homogeneous Condition of the Incidence Graphs of 2-Designs. 119 - Young Soo Kwon, Jaeun Lee, Moo Young Sohn:
Classification of Efficient Dominating Sets of Circulant Graphs of Degree 5. 120 - Mohamed Omar, Vibha Rohilla:
Burning Graph Classes. 121 - Guanwu Liu, Xiaonan Liu:
Hamiltonian Paths and Cycles in Some 4-Uniform Hypergraphs. 122 - Tala Abuadas, Chính T. Hoàng:
On the Structure of Graphs Without Claw, 4K1 and co-R. 123 - Zhanar Berikkyzy, Alex Schulte, Elizabeth Sprangel, Shanise Walker, Nathan Warnberg, Michael Young:
Anti-van der Waerden Numbers on Graphs. 124 - Diego González-Moreno, Mucuy-kak Guevara, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros:
An Anti-Ramsey Theorem of k-Restricted Edge-Cuts. 125 - Yanhua Zhao, Jongyook Park:
A Spectral Condition for the Existence of the Square of a Path. 126 - Raffaele Mosca:
New Results on Independent Sets in Extensions of 2K2-free Graphs. 127 - Hakan Guler, Bill Jackson:
Coincident Rigidity of 2-Dimensional Frameworks. 128 - Aleksandra Gorzkowska, Michael A. Henning, Elzbieta Kleszcz, Monika Pilsniak:
Paired Domination in Trees. 129 - Yan Li, Yusheng Li, Ye Wang:
Star-Critical Ramsey Numbers Involving Large Generalized Fans. 130 - Kengo Enami, Shun-ichi Maezawa:
Characterization of (m, n)-Linked Planar Graphs. 131
Volume 38, Number 5, October 2022
- Elena Mohr, Johannes Pardey, Dieter Rautenbach:
Zero-Sum Copies of Spanning Forests in Zero-Sum Complete Graphs. 132 - Öznur Yasar Diner, Archontia C. Giannopoulou, Giannos Stamoulis, Dimitrios M. Thilikos:
Block Elimination Distance. 133 - Bernardo M. Ábrego, Silvia Fernández-Merchant, Ana Paulina Figueroa, Juan José Montellano-Ballesteros, Eduardo Rivera-Campo:
The Crossing Number of Twisted Graphs. 134 - Helmut Prodinger:
Partial Skew Dyck Paths: A Kernel Method Approach. 135 - Gang Chen, Zhengke Miao, Zi-Xia Song, Jingmei Zhang:
On the Size of (Kt, Pk)-Co-Critical Graphs. 136 - Mitchel T. Keller, Ann N. Trenk, Stephen J. Young:
Dimension of Restricted Classes of Interval Orders. 137 - Wenling Zhou:
Large Rainbow Matchings in Edge-Colored Graphs with Given Average Color Degree. 138 - Mengmeng Xie, Chuixiang Zhou:
Decomposing 2k-Regular Graphs into Paths of Length k. 139 - Ting Li, Han Ren:
The Number of Copies of K2, t+1 in a Graph. 140 - Vadim E. Levit, Eugen Mandrescu:
Some More Updates on an Annihilation Number Conjecture: Pros and Cons. 141 - J. John, V. Sujin Flower:
On the Forcing Domination and the Forcing Total Domination Numbers of a Graph. 142 - James Tuite, Grahame Erskine:
On Networks with Order Close to the Moore Bound. 143 - Ronggui Xu, Jiaao Li, Xinmin Hou:
A Note on Shortest Sign-Circuit Cover of Signed 3-Edge-Colorable Cubic Graphs. 144 - Xiaoqin Zhan, Xuan Pang, Yajie Wang:
Block-Transitive 3-Designs with Block Size At Most 6. 145 - Jhon B. Caicedo, István Mezö, José Luis Ramírez:
Partition Lattice with Limited Block Sizes. 146 - Janusz Dybizbanski:
Coloring Graphs in Oriented Coloring of Cubic Graphs. 147 - Justin Z. Schroeder:
Correction to: Every Cubic Bipartite Graph has a Prime Labeling Except K3, 3. 148 - Martin Koutecký:
A Note on Coloring (4K1, C4, C6)-Free Graphs with a C7. 149 - Allen Herman, Neha Joshi, Karen Meagher:
Fusions of the generalized Hamming scheme on a strongly-regular graph. 150 - Philip DeOrsey, Stephen G. Hartke, Jason Williford:
A Classification of Hyperfocused 12-Arcs. 151 - A. Arévalo, R. Chávez-Jiménez, A. Hernández-Mora, R. López-López, Nestaly Marín, Adriana Ramírez-Vigueras, Oriol Andreu Solé-Pi, Jorge Urrutia:
On Rainbow Quadrilaterals in Colored Point Sets. 152 - Longqin Wang:
The Ramsey Numbers of Trees Versus Generalized 6-Wheels or Generalized 7-Wheels. 153 - Eugene Fiorini, Griffin Johnston, Max Lind, Andrew Woldar, Tony W. H. Wong:
Cycles and Girth in Pebble Assignment Graphs. 154 - Hugo A. Akitaya, Maarten Löffler, Irene Parada:
How to Fit a Tree in a Box. 155 - David Neiman, John Mackey, Marijn Heule:
Tighter Bounds on Directed Ramsey Number R(7). 156 - Trung Duy Doan, Pham Hoang Ha, Ingo Schiermeyer:
The Conflict-Free Vertex-Connection Number and Degree Conditions of Graphs. 157 - Xueli Su, Yan Liu:
Star-Critical Gallai-Ramsey Numbers of Graphs. 158 - Jiuying Dong:
An Upper Bound for the 3-Tone Chromatic Number of Graphs with Maximum Degree 3. 159 - Jian Lu, Huiqing Liu, Xiaolan Hu:
Injective Edge Coloring for Graphs with Small Edge Weight. 160 - Zhenzhen Lou, Nobuaki Obata, Qiongxiang Huang:
Quadratic Embedding Constants of Graph Joins. 161 - Nikita Chernega, Alexandr Polyanskii, Rinat Sadykov:
Disjoint Edges in Geometric Graphs. 162 - Hemanshu Kaul, Jeffrey A. Mudrock, Tim Wagstrom:
On the Equitable Choosability of the Disjoint Union of Stars. 163 - Dániel Gerbner, Balázs Patkós:
Generalized Turán Problems for Complete Bipartite Graphs. 164 - Sarah E. Anderson, Kirsti Kuenzel, Douglas F. Rall:
Correction to: On Well-Edge-Dominated Graphs. 165 - Neal Bushaw, Daniel Johnston, Puck Rombach:
Rainbow Saturation. 166 - Hoang La:
2-Distance List (Δ+3)$-Coloring of Sparse Graphs. 167
Volume 38, Number 6, December 2022
- Yuping Gao, Songling Shan:
Erdős-Gyárfás conjecture for P8-free graphs. 168 - James Cruickshank, Derek Kitson, Stephen C. Power, Qays Shakir:
Topological Inductive Constructions for Tight Surface Graphs. 169 - Huan Zhou, Xuding Zhu:
Multiple DP-Coloring of Planar Graphs Without 3-Cycles and Normally Adjacent 4-Cycles. 170 - Claude Tardif:
Counterexamples to Hedetniemi's Conjecture with Large Fractional Chromatic Numbers. 171 - Ammar Babikir, Michael A. Henning:
Upper Total Domination in Claw-Free Cubic Graphs. 172 - Sumin Huang, Jianguo Qian:
The Maximum Number of Stars in a Graph Without Linear Forest. 173 - Kira V. Adaricheva, Heather C. Smith Blake, Chassidy Bozeman, Nancy E. Clarke, Ruth Haas, Margaret-Ellen Messinger, Karen Seyffarth:
Hamilton Paths in Dominating Graphs of Trees and Cycles. 174 - Ying-Ying Tan, Jack H. Koolen, Mengyue Cao, Jongyook Park:
Thin Q-Polynomial Distance-Regular Graphs Have Bounded c2. 175 - Wenqian Zhang:
The Spectral Radius and ${\mathcal {P}}_{\ge \ell }$-Factors of Graphs Involving Minimum Degree. 176 - Ajit A. Diwan:
Chords of 2-Factors in Planar Cubic Bridgeless Graphs. 177 - Wei Yang, Baoyindureng Wu:
Injective Edge-Coloring of Graphs with Small Weight. 178 - Jun Yuan, Ru Zhang, Aixia Liu:
Degree Conditions for Completely Independent Spanning Trees of Bipartite Graphs. 179 - Bernard Lidický, Tomás Masarík, Kyle Murphy, Shira Zerbib:
On Weak Flexibility in Planar Graphs. 180 - Wei Yang, Baoyindureng Wu:
Broadcast Domination in Subcubic Graphs. 181 - Meng Liu, Yusheng Li:
Ramsey Numbers Involving an Odd Cycle and Large Complete Graphs in Three Colors. 182 - Hiroshi Maehara, Horst Martini:
Kissing Numbers for Balls with Varying Radii. 183 - Douglas Bauer, Linda M. Lesniak, Edward F. Schmeichel:
A generalization of a theorem of Nash-Williams. 184 - Yi-Ping Liang, Jianxi Li, Shou-Jun Xu:
On Extremal Graphs for Zero Forcing Number. 185 - Maoqun Wang, Jianguo Qian:
Ramsey Numbers for Complete Graphs Versus Generalized Fans. 186 - Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Stéphane Bessy, Anders Yeo:
Non-separating Spanning Trees and Out-Branchings in Digraphs of Independence Number 2. 187 - Peter Bradshaw, Kevin Halasz, Ladislav Stacho:
From One to Many Rainbow Hamiltonian Cycles. 188 - Ronald J. Gould:
Results and Problems on Chorded Cycles: A Survey. 189 - Dinesh Pandey, Kamal Lochan Patra:
A Conjecture on Different Central Parts of Binary Trees. 190 - Xiaodong Chen, Xiyao Guo, Xiwu Yang:
2-Proper Partition of a Graph. 191 - Yidong Sun, Di Zhao, Weichen Wang, Wenle Shi:
Some Statistics on Generalized Motzkin Paths with Vertical Steps. 192 - Jordan Awan, Claire Frechette, Yumi Li, Elizabeth W. McMahon:
Demicaps in AG(4, 3) and Maximal Cap Partitions. 193
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