1st ICSC 2007: Irvine, CA, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

TUNLP (1): Text Understanding and Natural Language Processing

SSE (1): Services and Software Engineering

SS (1): Content-Based Retrieval and Semantic Annotation of Multimedia Contents

KEDM (1): Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining

MAVS (1): Multimedia, Audio, and Visual Semantics

SW (1): Semantic Web

TUNLP (2): Text Understanding and Natural Language Processing

SSE (2): Modeling, Services and Software Engineering

SS (2): Closing the Semantic Gap: Concept-Based Multimedia Mining and Retrieval

TUNLP (3): Text Understanding and Natural Language Processing

MAVS (2): Multimedia, Audio, and Visual Semantics

SS (3): Recognizing Entities and Concepts in Web Pages and the World of Semantics beyond the Semantic Web

TUNLP (4): Text Understanding and Natural Language Processing

KEDM (2): Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining

WS (1): Multimedia Semantics

TUNLP (5): Text Understanding and Natural Language Processing

MAVS (3): Multimedia, Audio, and Visual Semantics

WS (2): Multimedia Knowledge Management and Processing

TUNLP (6): Text Understanding and Natural Language Processing

MAVS (4): Multimedia, Audio, and Visual Semantics

SW (2): Semantic Web