ISIT 2016: Barcelona, Spain

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Mo-AM-1-1: Lossless Source Coding

Mo-AM-1-2: Change-Point Detection

Mo-AM-1-3: Polar Codes 1

Mo-AM-1-4: Distributed Storage 1

Mo-AM-1-5: Matrix Completion

Mo-AM-1-6: Sequences 1

Mo-AM-1-7: Index Coding 1

Mo-AM-1-8: Multi-Terminal Source Coding 1

Mo-AM-1-9: Broadcast Channels

Mo-AM-2-1: Approximate Message Passing

Mo-AM-2-2: Constrained Coding 1

Mo-AM-2-3: Polar Codes 2

Mo-AM-2-4: Distributed Storage 2

Mo-AM-2-5: Information Theory in Biology 1

Mo-AM-2-6: Wireless Communications 1

Mo-AM-2-7: Feedback 1

Mo-AM-2-8: Multiple Antennas 1

Mo-AM-2-9: Multiple Access Channels 1

Mo-PM-1-1: Point Process Channels

Mo-PM-1-2: Constrained Coding 2

Mo-PM-1-3: Coded Caching

Mo-PM-1-4: Distributed Storage 3

Mo-PM-1-5: Energy Harvesting 1

Mo-PM-1-6: Sequences 2

Mo-PM-1-7: Secrecy

Mo-PM-1-8: Lossy Compression 1

Mo-PM-1-9: JKW Award Finalists 1 / Interference

Mo-PM-2-1: Information Measures 1

Mo-PM-2-2: Communications

Mo-PM-2-3: Coding for Insertion and Deletion Channels

Mo-PM-2-4: Distributed Storage 4

Mo-PM-2-5: Compressed Sensing 1

Mo-PM-2-6: Entropy

Mo-PM-2-7: Interference in Wireless Networks 1

Mo-PM-2-8: Lossy Compression 2

Mo-PM-2-9: JKW Award Finalists 2

Tu-AM-1-1: Belief Propagation

Tu-AM-1-2: Cryptography and Security 1

Tu-AM-1-3: Polar Codes 3

Tu-AM-1-4: Distributed Storage 5

Tu-AM-1-5: Clustering

Tu-AM-1-6: Wireless Communications 2

Tu-AM-1-7: Channel Uncertainty and CSI

Tu-AM-1-8: Channel Capacity 1

Tu-AM-1-9: Reed-Solomon Codes

Tu-AM-2-1: Constrained Coding 3

Tu-AM-2-2: Statistical Inference 1

Tu-AM-2-3: Polar Codes 4

Tu-AM-2-4: Distributed Storage 6

Tu-AM-2-5: Information Theory in Biology 2

Tu-AM-2-6: Inequalities 1

Tu-AM-2-7: Multiple Antennas 2

Tu-AM-2-8: Multi-Terminal Source Coding 2

Tu-AM-2-9: BCH Codes / Quasi-Cyclic Codes

Tu-PM-1-1: Information Measures 2

Tu-PM-1-2: Learning 1

Tu-PM-1-3: Superposition Codes / Group Testing 1

Tu-PM-1-4: Distributed Storage 7

Tu-PM-1-5: Data Compression

Tu-PM-1-6: Heterogeneous Networks

Tu-PM-1-7: Feedback 2

Tu-PM-1-8: DoF in Wireless Networks

Tu-PM-1-9: Combinatorial Coding Theory

Tu-PM-2-1: Network Structures

Tu-PM-2-2: Cryptography and Security 2

Tu-PM-2-3: Group Testing 2

Tu-PM-2-4: Distributed Storage 8

Tu-PM-2-5: Compressed Sensing 2

Tu-PM-2-6: Scheduling

Tu-PM-2-7: Interference in Wireless Networks 2

Tu-PM-2-8: Multiple Access Channels 2

Tu-PM-2-9: Lattice Codes

We-AM-1-1: Error Exponents 1

We-AM-1-2: Statistical Inference 2

We-AM-1-3: LDPC Codes 1

We-AM-1-4: Distributed Storage 9 / Deletion Channel

We-AM-1-5: Wireless Communications 3

We-AM-1-6: Game Theory

We-AM-1-7: Information Measures 3

We-AM-1-8: Relay Channels

We-AM-1-9: Quantum Capacity and Quantum Channels

We-AM-2-1: Error Exponents 2

We-AM-2-2: Statistical Inference 3

We-AM-2-3: LDPC Codes 2 / RM Codes

We-AM-2-4: Network Coding 1

We-AM-2-5: Information Theory in Biology 3

We-AM-2-6: Caching and Computation

We-AM-2-8: Relay and Two Way Channels

We-AM-2-9: Channel Capacity 2

We-AM-2-8: Relay and Two Way Channels

We-AM-2-9: Channel Capacity 2

Th-AM-1-1: Community Detection

Th-AM-1-2: Code Construction and Analysis

Th-AM-1-3: LDPC Codes 3

Th-AM-1-4: Network Coding 2

Th-AM-1-5: Energy Harvesting 2

Th-AM-1-6: Estimation

Th-AM-1-7: Source-Channel Coding over MAC

Th-AM-1-8: Caching in Wireless Networks

Th-AM-1-9: Classical-Quantum Channels

Th-AM-2-1: Lossy Compression and Rate-Distortion

Th-AM-2-2: Learning 2

Th-AM-2-3: LDPC Codes 4

Th-AM-2-4: Network Coding 3

Th-AM-2-5: Applications of Random Matrix Theory

Th-AM-2-6: Wireless Communications 4

Th-AM-2-7: Interference Channels

Th-AM-2-8: Covert Communications

Th-AM-2-9: Quantum Information Theory

Th-PM-1-1: Quantum Codes 1

Th-PM-1-2: Inequalities 2

Th-PM-1-3: Data Exchange Problems

Th-PM-1-4: Network Coding 4

Th-PM-1-5: Compressed Sensing 3

Th-PM-1-6: Information Theory in Control

Th-PM-1-7: Finite Blocklength Topics

Th-PM-1-8: Physical Layer Security

Th-PM-1-9: Wireless Sensor Networks

Fr-AM-1-1: Quantum Codes 2

Fr-AM-1-2: Secret Keys and Secret Sharing

Fr-AM-1-3: LDPC Codes 5

Fr-AM-1-4: Gabidulin Codes

Fr-AM-1-5: Age of Information

Fr-AM-1-6: Wireless Communications 5

Yi Li, M. Cenk Gursoy, Senem V elipasalar Fr-AM-1-7: Special Topics in Shannon Theory 1

Fr-AM-1-8: Interference in Wireless Networks 3

Fr-AM-1-9: DNA-based Storage

Fr-AM-2-1: Random Coding Bounds

Fr-AM-2-2: Distributions and Hypothesis Testing

Fr-AM-2-3: LDPC Codes 6

Fr-AM-2-4: Network Coding 5

Fr-AM-2-5: Energy Harvesting 3

Fr-AM-2-6: Wireless Communications 6

Fr-AM-2-7: Special Topics in Shannon Theory 2

Fr-AM-2-8: Wiretap Channels 1

Fr-AM-2-9: Permutations in Coding Theory / Index Coding 2

Fr-PM-1-1: Quantum Information and Communication

Fr-PM-1-2: Group Testing 3

Fr-PM-1-3: LDPC Codes 7

Fr-PM-1-4: Delays in Networks

Fr-PM-1-5: Complexity and Cryptography 1

Fr-PM-1-6: Wireless Communications 7

Fr-PM-1-7: Lossy Compression 3

Fr-PM-1-8: Wiretap Channels 2

Fr-PM-1-9: MIMO and Space-Time Coding

Fr-PM-2-3: LDPC Codes 8

Fr-PM-2-4: Graphical Methods / Weight Distribution

Fr-PM-2-5: Complexity and Cryptography 2

Fr-PM-2-7: Source and Channel Coding

Fr-PM-2-8: Wiretap Channels 3