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31st ICMC 2005: Barcelona, Spain
- Proceedings of the 2005 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2005, Barcelona, Spain, September 4-10, 2005. Michigan Publishing 2005
- Jorge Solis, Keisuke Chida, Kei Suefuji, Chiaki Arino, Atsuo Takanishi:
Towards an Automated Music Teaching System: Automatic Recognition of Musical Melodies using the WF-4R. - Robert J. Gluck:
Free Sound Within Culturally Specific Practice. - Dan Overholt:
The Overtone Violin: a New Computer Music Instrument. - Franck Jedrzejewski:
Permutation Groups and Chord Tesselations. - Leigh Landy:
The Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre (MTI) at de Montfort University - Studio Report. - Thomas A. Hummel:
Simulation of Human voice Timbre by Orchestration of acoustic Music Instruments. - Jeremy Castro Baguyos:
Synapse>Valentine: Reuniting acoustic and Electronic. - Franziska Schroeder:
The Deleuze-Ian/Guattarian Performance: Performancing at n-1 Dimensions. - Jason Freeman:
Large Audience Participation, Technology, and Orchestral Performance. - Felipe Otondo, Thomas Petersen:
The Combination of Visual and Sonic Generative Processes in a Digital Landscape. - Nick Collins:
An Automated Event Analysis System with Compositional Applications. - Mark A. Bokowiec, Julie Bokowiec:
The Suicided voice - the Mediated voice. - Daniel R. Tuohy, Walter D. Potter:
A Genetic Algorithm for the Automatic Generation of Playable Guitar Tablature. - Simon Lui, Andrew Horner, Lydia Ayers:
Midi to SP-MIDI transcoding using Phrase Stealing. - Henkjan Honing:
Timing is Tempo-Specific. - Stéphane Letz, Dominique Fober, Yann Orlarey:
Jack audio Server for Multi-Processor Machines. - Eduardo Reck Miranda, Andrew Brouse, Bram Boskamp, Hilary Mullaney:
Plymouth brain-Computer Music Interface Project: Intelligent assistive Technology for Music-Making. - David Kim-Boyle:
Musical Score Generation in Valses and Etudes. - David Kim-Boyle:
Integration of sound and Image in two Works for Piano and Computer. - Yungpeng Xu, Changshui Zang, Jing Yang:
Semi-Supervised Classification of Musical Genre using Multi-View Features. - Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz, Yann Orlarey:
Imutus Score Processing Components. - Stefan Petrausch, Rudolf Rabenstein:
Block-Based Physical Modeling for Digital sound synthesis of Membranes and plates. - Eduardo Reck Miranda, Qijun Zhang:
Composition as Game Strategy: Making Music by Playing Board Games against Evolved Artificial Neural Networks. - António de Sousa Dias, Paulo Ferreira-Lopes:
Kitty: a package for External patches Communication Management in Max/MSP - a Progress Report. - Jason Freeman, Sekhar Ramakrishnan, Kristjan Varnik:
The Architecture of Auracle: a voice-Controlled, Networked sound Instrument. - Shahrokh Yadegari:
Inner Room Extension of a General Model for Spatial Processing of sounds. - Robert Hamilton:
The jChing: a Java-Based Algorithmic Composition Tool. - Barry Moon, Sacha Atkinson:
Jack-on: a low-Cost Wireless Sensor Interface. - José Escolano, Basilio Pueo, Stefan Petrausch, Rudolf Rabenstein:
A Novel Approach to mixed Model discrete-Time Domain Simulation of the sound Field Generated by a String. - Simon Wun, Andrew Horner, Lydia Ayers:
Extended Principal Components Analysis Matching with spectral Weighting for Wavetable synthesis. - Eduardo Reck Miranda, Adolfo Maia:
Granular synthesis of sounds through Markov Chains with fuzzy control. - Stephen Benzel:
Lie Poisson synthesis. - Sinan Bökesoy:
The 'COSMOS' model; an Event Generation System for Synthesizing Emergent Sonic Structures. - Dante Tanzi:
Musical Thought Networked. - Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, Satoshi Tojo:
Automatic Generation of Metrical Structure Based on GTTM. - Woon Seung Yeo, Jonathan Berger:
Application of Image Sonification Methods to Music. - Xavier Amatriain, Pau Arumí:
Developing Cross-Platform audio and Music Applications with the CLAM Framework. - Jonathan Terroir, Philippe Guillemain:
A Simple Dynamic Tonehole Model for Real-Time synthesis of Clarinet-like Instruments. - Michael Clarke:
An Interactive Aural Approach to the Analysis of Computer Music. - J. Enrique Muñoz Expósito, Sebastián García Galán, Nicolás Ruiz-Reyes, Pedro Vera-Candeas, F. Rivas-Peña:
New warped LPC-Based Feature for Fast and robust speech/Music Discrimination. - Jamie Bullock, Lamberto Coccioli:
Modernising Live Electronics Technology in the Works of Jonathan Harvey. - Antti Huovilainen, Vesa Välimäki:
New Approaches to Digital subtractive synthesis. - Jukka Rauhala, Vesa Välimäki, Heidi-Maria Lehtonen:
Multi-Ripple Loss filter for Waveguide Piano synthesis. - Michael Spicer:
Spaa- an Agent Based Interactive Composition. - Diemo Schwarz:
Current Research in concatenative sound synthesis. - Catherine Upton, Barry Eaglestone, Nigel Ford:
The Compositional Processes of Electroacoustic Composers: Contrasting Perspectives. - Peter Beyls:
Evolving Adaptive sensors in a Synthetic listener. - Simon Dixon, Werner Goebl, Gerhard Widmer:
The "Air Worm": an Interface for Real-Time manipulation of Expressive Music Performance. - Tony Myatt:
Studio Report: Music Research Centre, Department of Music, University of York. - Kamil Adiloglu, Klaus Obermayer:
Finding Subsequences of Melodies in Musical Pieces. - Alan Marsden:
Towards Schenkerian Analysis by Computer: a reductional Matrix. - Sébastien Macé, Éric Anquetil, Elodie Garrivier, Bruno Bossis:
A Pen-Based Musical Score Editor. - Myriam Desainte-Catherine, Pierre Hanna, Christophe Havel, Gyorgy Kurtag, Mathieu Lagrange, Sylvain Marchand, Edgar Nicouleau, Martin Raspaud, Matthias Robine, Robert Strandh:
Scrime Studio Report. - Yann Orlarey, Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz:
Demonstration of FAUST signal Processing Language. - Vincent Goudard, Christophe Havel, Sylvain Marchand, Myriam Desainte-Catherine:
Data Anticipation for Gesture Recognition in the Air Percussion. - Sergio Bleda, José J. López, José Escolano, Basilio Pueo:
A Flexible Authoring Tool for wave Field synthesis. - Thor Magnusson:
Ixi Software: Open controllers for Open Source audio Software. - Spyros Raptis, Aimilios Chalamandaris, Alexandros Baxevanis, Anders Askenfelt, Erwin Schoonderwaldt, Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen, Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz, Yann Orlarey:
Imutus - an Effective Practicing Environment for Music Tuition. - Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght, Lorcan MacManus, Victor Lazzarini:
An Evaluation of Warping Techniques Applied to Partial envelope Analysis. - Anja Volk:
Modeling a processive Perspective on Meter in Music. - Dionysios Politis, Konstantinos Vandikas, Dimitrios Margounakis:
Notation-Based Ancient Greek Music synthesis with ?Rion. - Diemo Schwarz, Arshia Cont, Norbert Schnell:
From Boulez to ballads: Training IRCAM's Score follower. - Nicholas Ellis, Joël Bensoam, René Caussé:
Modalys demonstration. - Emmanuel Amiot, Moreno Andreatta, Carlos Agón:
Tiling the (Musical) Line with polynomials: some Theoretical and implementational Aspects. - Rui Pedro Paiva, Teresa Mendes, Amílcar Cardoso:
Exploiting Melodic smoothness for Melody Detection in Polyphonic audio. - Pei Xiang, Shlomo Dubnov:
Karaoke System with Spatial Acoustics estimation for vocal or instrumental removal. - Thomas Lysaght, Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney:
A Streaming Object Oriented Implementation of the Modal Distribution. - Mitsuko Aramaki, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Thierry Voinier, Sølvi Ystad:
Synthesis and perceptual manipulation of percussive sounds. - Gil Weinberg, Scott Driscoll, R. Mitchell Parry:
Haile - an Interactive robotic percussionist. - Nick Collins:
Drumtrack: beat Induction from an acoustic Drum Kit with synchronised Scheduling. - Jean Bresson, Marco Stroppa, Carlos Agón:
Symbolic control of sound synthesis in Computer Assisted Composition. - Agueda Simó, Gregorio G. Karman:
Mimesis, a Visual and Musical Instrument. - Lydia Ayers, Andrew Horner:
Synthesizing a Javanese Gong Ageng. - Christopher Burns:
Lattice: Strategies for and against control in an Improvisation Instrument. - Ian Whalley:
Software Agents and Creating Music/sound Art: Frames, Directions, and where to from here? - William Hsu:
Using Timbre in a Computer-Based Improvisation System. - Michael Klingbeil:
Software for spectral Analysis, Editing, and synthesis. - Andrew R. Brown:
Extending Dynamic stochastic synthesis. - Tuukka Ilomäki:
Group Structure and Equivalence Classes in Extended twelve-tone Operations. - Stuart Favilla, Joanne Cannon, Garry Greenwood:
Evolution And Embodiment: Playable Instruments for Free Music. - Tae Hong Park, Perry R. Cook:
Nearest Centroid error Clustering for radial/elliptical Basis Function Neural Networks in Timbre Classification. - Christopher Ariza:
Navigating the Landscape of Computer Aided Algorithmic Composition Systems: a Definition, seven Descriptors, and a Lexicon of Systems and Research. - Daniel Pressnitzer, Dan Gnansia:
Real-Time auditory Models. - Naotoshi Osaka:
Concatenation and Stretch/squeeze of Musical instrumental sound using sound Morphing. - Walter Cianciusi:
Michelangelo Lupone: "Corda di Metallo" (1997). - Russell J. Bradford, Richard W. Dobson, John ffitch:
Sliding is smoother than jumping. - Miguel Álvarez-Fernández:
Dissonance, sex and noise: (Re)Building (Hi)Stories of Electroacoustic Music. - Mika Kuuskankare, Mikael Laurson:
Enp expression Designer: a Visual Tool for Creating ENP-Expressions. - Kenneth Brown, Michael Alcorn, Pedro Rebelo:
Sound diffusion using hand-held light-emitting Pen controllers. - Andres Melo, John Drever, Geraint A. Wiggins:
Electroacoustic Performance Interfaces that Learn from their Users. - Tom Davis, Pedro Rebelo:
Hearing Emergence: towards sound-Based Self-Organisation. - Domenico Vicinanza:
Paths on Stern-Brocot Tree and Winding numbers of modes. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
A Virtual Patchbay for robust Distributed Interactive Music Systems. - Cory McKay, Daniel McEnnis, Rebecca Fiebrink, Ichiro Fujinaga:
Ace: a General-Purpose Classification Ensemble Optimization Framework. - Hiroko Terasawa, Jonathan Berger, Julius O. Smith III:
Using a perceptually Based Timbre Metric for parameter control estimation in Physical Modeling synthesis. - Abbas Pirnia, Ramak Ghavamizadeh:
Extracting the Melody of an Image using Mate-Similarity Genetic Algorithm. - Cornelius Poepel, Roger B. Dannenberg:
Audio signal Driven sound synthesis. - Kimmo Kuitunen, Mika Kuuskankare, Mikael Laurson:
Large-Scale Duration Organization in 'Hodoi tô Ergô'. - Mathieu Barthet, Philippe Guillemain, Richard Kronland-Martinet, Sølvi Ystad:
On the Relative Influence of even and odd harmonics in Clarinet Timbre. - Thomas Ciufo:
Beginner's Mind: an Environment for Sonic Improvisation. - Erwin Schoonderwaldt, Anders Askenfelt, Kjetil Falkenberg Hansen:
Design and Implementation of Automatic Evaluation of recorder Performance in Imutus. - Dan Livingstone, Chris O'Shea:
Tactile Composition Systems for Collaborative Free sound. - Xavier Rodet, Jean-Philippe Lambert, Roland Cahen, Florian Gosselin, Pascal Mobuchon:
The phase Project : Haptic and Visual Interaction for Music Exploration. - Michael O. Jewell, Mark S. Nixon, Adam Prügel-Bennett:
State-Based sequencing: Directing the Evolution of Music. - Mathieu Lagrange:
A New Dissimilarity Metric for the Clustering of partials using the Common variation Cue. - Philip McLeod, Geoff Wyvill:
A Smarter Way to Find pitch. - Hamid Satar-Boroujeni, Bahram Shafai:
Peak Extraction and Partial tracking of Music signals using Kalman filtering. - Mikael Laurson, Mika Kuuskankare:
Micro Textures with Macro-Notes. - Marije A. J. Baalman:
Elevation Problems in the Auralisation of sound Sources with Arbitrary Shape with wave Field synthesis. - Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
Surviving on Planet CCRMA, two Years Later and Still alive. - Stefan Werner:
An Algorithm for audio skew compensation in low Latency Environments. - William 'Pete' Moss, Bryan Cunitz:
Haptic Theremin: Developing a Haptic Musical controller using the Sensable Phantom Omni. - David Birchfield, Nahla Mattar, Hari Sundaram:
Design of a Generative Model for Soundscape Creation. - Michael Kraskin:
Responsive Environments: New Technology and Theatre sound. - Roberto Morales, Eduardo F. Morales, David Wessel:
Combining audio and gestures for a Real-Time Improviser. - Heinrich Taube:
λGTK: a Portable Graphics Layer for Common Music. - Stefania Serafin, Amalia de Götzen:
The Croaker: a Physical Model and a LEGO controller. - Evandro Manara Miletto, Marcelo Soares Pimenta, Rosa Maria Vicari:
Using codes: Cooperative Music Prototyping and Educational Perspectives. - Matthias Rath:
The Ballancer - Gesturally Controlled Physics-Based sound. - Clarence Barlow:
Isis, an Alternative Approach to sound waves. - Chantal Buteau:
Automatic Motivic Analysis including Melodic Similarity for Different Contour cardinalities: Application to Schumann's of Foreign Lands and People. - Miller S. Puckette:
Phase Bashing for sample-Based formant synthesis. - Alberto de Campo, Christopher Frauenberger, Robert Höldrich:
Sonenvir - a Progress Report. - Dan Livingstone, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Orb3 - Musical robots within an Adaptive Social Composition System. - Xavier Serra:
Towards a Roadmap for the Research in Music Technology. - John Ashley Burgoyne, Lawrence K. Saul:
Visualization of low Dimensional Structure in tonal pitch Space. - Norman Casagrande, Douglas Eck, Balázs Kégl:
Geometry in sound: a speech/Music audio Classifier Inspired by an Image Classifier. - Norbert Schnell, Riccardo Borghesi, Diemo Schwarz, Frédéric Bevilacqua, Rémy Müller:
Ftm - Complex Data Structures for Max. - Ananya Misra, Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook:
Sndtools: Real-Time audio DSP and 3D Visualization. - Peter Kassakian, David Wessel:
Optimal Positioning in low-Dimensional control Spaces using Convex Optimization. - Georg Essl:
Towards the synthesis of Wavefront Evolution in 2-d. - Günther Schatter, Emanuel Züger, Christian Nitschke:
A Synaesthetic Approach for a synthesizer Interface Based on Genetic Algorithms and fuzzy Sets. - Kristoffer Jensen:
Perceptual Atomic noise. - Julian Rohrhuber, Alberto de Campo, Renate Wieser:
Algorithms Today: Notes on Language Design for Just in Time Programming. - Yuta Uozumi:
Gismo: an Application for Agent-Based Composition. - Ge Wang, Perry R. Cook, Ananya Misra:
Designing and Implementing the Chuck Programming Language. - G. McAllister, Philip S. Taylor, M. Rodgers:
Ilearn: an iTunes audio Indexing Plug-in for Education. - Michael Zbyszynski, Adrian Freed:
Control of VST Plug-INS using OSC. - Robert Esler:
Performing Algorithmic Computer Music: Real-Time Score Interpretation of David Birchfield's Community Art: Resonant Energy. - Gary S. Kendall:
Qosqo: Spirituality, Process and Structure. - Jonathan Mohr, Xiaobo Li:
Wavetable interpolation of Multiple Instrument tones. - Pedro Rebelo, Michael Alcorn, Paul Wilson:
A stethoscope for imaginary sound Interactive sound in a Health Care Environment. - Maarten van Walstijn, Michael Alcorn, Stefan Bilbao:
Spatialisation using Sounding Objects. - Maarten van Walstijn, Pedro Rebelo:
The prosthetic Conga: towards an Actively Controlled Hybrid Musical Instrument. - Charles Bascou, Laurent Pottier:
New sound Decomposition Method Applied to Granular synthesis. - Vegard Sandvold, Perfecto Herrera:
Towards a Semantic descriptor of subjective Intensity in Music. - Michael Alcorn, Chris Corrigan, Pedro Rebelo:
Sarc: Studio Report. - Richard Polfreman, David Sheppard, Ian Dearden:
Re-Wired: Reworking 20th Century Live Electronics for Today. - Adolfo Núñez:
Liem-Cdmc, Studio Report. - Gerhard Widmer, Simon Dixon, Arthur Flexer, Werner Goebl, Peter Knees, Søren Tjagvad Madsen, Elias Pampalk, Tim Pohle, Markus Schedl, Asmir Tobudic:
The Machine Learning and Intelligent Music Processing Group at the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (öFAI), Vienna. - Luca Spanu:
Michelangelo Lupone: "Forma del Respiro". - Vincenzo Lombardo, Andrea Arghinenti, Fabrizio Nunnari, Andrea Valle, Heinrich H. Vogel, John P. Fitch, Richard W. Dobson, Julian A. Padget, Kees Tazelaar, Stefan Weinzierl, Sebastian Benser, Stefan Kersten, Roman Starosolski, Wojciech Borczyk, Wojciech Pytlik, Slawomir Niedbala:
The Virtual Electronic POEM (VEP) Project. - Gary P. Scavone, Perry R. Cook:
Rtmidi, Rtaudio, and a synthesis Toolkit (STK) Update. - Stefan Bilbao, Maarten van Walstijn:
A Finite difference plate Model. - Rodrigo Segnini, Bruno Ruviaro:
Analysis of Electroacoustic Works with Music and Language Intersections. - Sook Young Won, Jonathan Berger:
Estimating Transfer Function from Air to bone conduction using singing voice. - Matthew Duignan, James Noble, Robert Biddle:
A Taxonomy of Sequencer User-Interfaces. - Peter F. Driessen, W. Andrew Schloss, George Tzanetakis, Kirk McNally, Ajay Kapur:
Studio Report: University of Victoria Music Intelligence and sound Technology Interdisciplinary Centre (MiSTIC). - Tim Bell, Annabel Church, John R. McPherson, David Bainbridge:
Page turning and Image Size in a Digital Music Stand. - Ian Simon, Sumit Basu, David Salesin, Maneesh Agrawala:
Audio Analogies: Creating New Music from an Existing Performance by concatenative synthesis. - Ajay Kapur:
A History of robotic Musical Instruments. - Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght:
Time-stretching using the instantaneous frequency Distribution and Partial tracking. - Richard W. Dobson, John ffitch, Kees Tazelaar, Andrea Valle, Vincenzo Lombardo:
VarèSE's POème éLectronique Regained: Evidence from the VEP Project. - Hanna Järveläinen, Matti Karjalainen:
Importance of inharmonicity in the acoustic Guitar. - Daniele Paolo Radicioni, Vincenzo Lombardo:
Guitar Fingering for Music Performance. - Anders Friberg:
Home conducting - control the Overall Musical expression with gestures. - Alfonso Garcia de la Torre Ray:
Electroacoustic Music Laboratory Jesús Guridi Conservatoire of Music Studio Report. - Roberto Bresin:
What is the Color of that Music Performance? - Thomas Musil, Johannes Zmölnig, Vit Zouhar, Robert Höldrich:
Virtual audio Reproduction Engine for Spatial Environments. - Hugues Vinet:
The Semantic HiFi Project. - Sergi Jordà, Martin Kaltenbrunner, Günter Geiger, Ross Bencina:
The reacTable. - Rafael Ramírez, Amaury Hazan, Esteban Maestre:
Intra-note Features Prediction Model for Jazz Saxophone Performance. - Emilia Gómez, Jordi Bonada:
Tonality Visualization of Polyphonic audio. - Kevin Dahan:
An Associative Approach to Computer-Assisted Music Composition. - Nicolas Castagné, Claude Cadoz:
A Goals-Based Review of Physical Modelling. - Sander van Maas:
The Thing like US: a Topology of ultra-low frequencies. - Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Rolf Inge Godøy, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
Developing Tools for Studying Musical gestures within the Max/MSP/jitter Environment. - Bee Suan Ong, Perfecto Herrera:
Semantic Segmentation of Music audio Contents. - Stephen David Beck:
The Laboratory for Creative arts & Technologies - Studio Report. - Özgür Izmirli:
Template Based Key Finding from audio. - Carlos Guedes:
The M-Objects: a Small Library for Musical rhythm Generation and Musical Tempo control from Dance movement in Real Time. - Robert England:
Freedom within Structural Constraints in the darkride Composition Harrican Day. - David Gerhard, Daryl H. Hepting:
A Framework for Personalization of Interactive sound synthesis. - Thomas Lidy, Georg Pölzlbauer, Andreas Rauber:
Sound Re-synthesis from rhythm Pattern Features - audible insight into a Music Feature Extraction Process. - Geoffroy Peeters:
Time variable Tempo Detection and beat Marking. - Bertrand Tornil, Nadine Baptiste-Jessel:
Music Haptic : Musical Harmony Notions for All with a force feedback mouse and a Spatial Representation. - Panayiotis Kokoras:
Towards a Holophonic Musical Texture. - Stuart Bray, George Tzanetakis:
Implicit Patching for Dataflow-Based audio Analysis and synthesis. - Tamara Smyth, Jonathan S. Abel, Julius O. Smith III:
A generalized parametric Reed Model for Virtual Musical Instruments. - Alex Loscos, Òscar Celma:
Larynxophone: using voice as a wind controller. - Enric Guaus, Perfecto Herrera:
The rhythm transform: towards a Generic rhythm Description. - Amar Chaudhary:
Automated Testing of Open-Source Music Software with Open sound World and Opensound control. - Juraj Kojs:
Piano Case, Keyboard, And Strings: Separation-Derived Musical Instruments In An Interactive Composition. - Renzo Vitale, Raffaele Pisani, Paolo Onali, Arianna Astolfi:
Why Does the acoustic Space of churches EXALT Gregorian chant? A First Step towards acoustic characterization by means of the modulation Transfer Function. - R. Benjamin Knapp, Perry R. Cook:
The integral Music controller: Introducing a Direct Emotional Interface to gestural control of sound synthesis. - Ge Wang, Ananya Misra, Philip Davidson, Perry R. Cook:
Co-Audicle: a Collaborative audio Programming Space. - Rolf Nordahl, Stefania Serafin, Amalia de Götzen, Juraj Kojs:
Medialogy at Aalborg University Copenhagen. - Greg Schiemer, Mark Havryliv:
Pocket Gamelan: a Blueprint for Performance using Wireless Devices. - Axel Röbel, Xavier Rodet:
Real Time signal Transposition with envelope Preservation in the phase vocoder. - Rosemary Mountain:
MMT Travel Kit. - Douglas Geers:
Studios for sound, Technology & Research, University of Minnesota. - Matthew Wright, Julius O. Smith III:
Open-Source MATLAB Tools for interpolation of SDIF sinusoidal synthesis parameters. - John MacCallum, Jeremy Hunt, Aaron Einbond:
Timbre as a psychoacoustic parameter for harmonic Analysis and Composition. - Hans G. Kaper, Sever Tipei:
DISSCO: A Unified Approach to Sound Synthesis and Composition. - Gunnar Holmberg, Marc Torrens:
Musicstrands™: a Platform for Discovering and Exploring Music. - Tatiana Kiseliova, Harro Kiendl, Yves Rambinintsoa:
Fuzzy Rules in Computer-Assisted Music Interpretation. - Vincent Puig, Fabrice Guédy, Michel Fingerhut, Fabienne Serrière, Jean Bresson, Olivier Zeller:
Musique Lab 2: a three Level Approach for Music Education at School. - Edgar Berdahl, Steven Backer, Julius O. Smith III:
If I had a Hammer: Design and Theory of an Electromagnetically-prepared Piano.
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